And yet some still want the points to be lowered because somehow they will win more games in their mind. Most people have no clue how probabilities work.
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They want there to be a real decision when entering giveaways.
If points are lowered, it increases the likelihood that the person who wins actually likes their gift because points are more valuable.
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Except a large number of people will get a lot more points before that give away ends. For example, for the past week I've been sitting at 300 points even though I enter 3-4 entries a day.
If big giveaways had shorter time frames, say 12 hours, and more giveaways happened more often per hour people would has less points and would have to think about what to use their points for.
Personally anything greater than 24 hours is a waste to the community as a whole. Granted it gives more people the chance to enter, but if you aren't checking this site everyday then you are not a part of this community. Aka don't check the site everyday, you're not active.
I have over a dozen different tech news sites I visit daily with several forums I post multiple times on everyday. That is what being active is. People who just check the site every 2-3 days aren't really a part of this website. They don't really care.
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no. it means that you have too much free time on your hands and probably should get a job, go swimming, jogging, move your butt from the computer.
a waste to the community. HAH!
i like long ones. so i can put points in well in advance and simply forget about it. if i wasted my time on powerplaying just to get more games i would better use that time to work and get paid and buy those games for myself.
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It is offered as an option when you create your giveaway. You get to choose when the giveaway starts, and when it ends (I think the limit is 1 month).
I normally do 1-2 hour giveaways when I make mine. Sure, a bunch of people are going to miss out on it because they weren't on the site, but those who were have better odds. I also like it because I can handle everything somewhat quickly. 8 or 9 times out of 10, the person who wins the contest is still online when the giveaway ends, so I can gift it to them immediately, and git'r'dun
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Bah. I wish I would have read this thread a few minutes ago. I was debating how long I should do it, and just went with a longer time. Next time I'll be WAY shorter.
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It's no surprise that most people will want short giveaways: fewer entries, greater odds. But many gifters who give away larger gifts will want as many people to be able to have a chance to win as possible. No point giving away Skyrim if only a few people enter, right?
That said, I prefer to make my giveaways relatively short. All but one have been 24 hours.
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Doesn't matter how many people enter it, really the only person I care to see made happy is the winner.
If there are only 2 entries to a Skyrim giveaway, it's the fault of the other members of SG for not checking this website at least daily. If that was my Skyrim giveaway and it only had 2 entries, one of those two people is going to be VERY happy.
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I think I prefer very short giveaways - one hour or so - with a long lead time, so those that really want the game will sign on at the time (I put the exact hour in the description) and enter.. that way it maximises the chances that someone that wants the game will win it
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I prefer short timed ones when I enter though; one hour to seven days is fine with me. I usually only enter giveaways where I truly want the game to play and not just look fancy in my list. Though my thought's when I make one is I want everyone to have a chance to enter being from the person online every single day to someone that maybe only can play or do things on the weekend or when they get a chance.
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30P and under = 24 hours, 30+ = anywhere from 3-7 days.
^ Personally, that is the format I plan to follow when I do giveaways. Wanna give more people time for the top dollar games, and since the site is primarly 1P-30P all the time, 24 hours seems more than fitting.
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Hey I am somewhat new to the site and I have won 1 game so far (Section 8 woop woop!). I have a simple question: What is the reasoning behind having very short contest lengths vs. very long contest lengths? Maybe there is no real reason and its just offered as an option, but I keep thinking I am missing out on something simple.
Myself, I prefer as short as possible to increase my chances. Although the obvious downside is missing a short contest altogether.
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