
i was curious and filled a spreadsheet manually with all my GA from past 11 years, checking the winner steam profile one by one.
Did he redeem the game ? Did he try it ? Well i've some personal stats to share if you're curious. But you may have totally different stats.
Because i gifted games from very various quality (some good some really bad). If you just gifted good or bad games, if you just gifted to specific groups, it could vary.

Some precisions first :

  • usually i don't care that the winner plays the game, except some rare ones bought on purpose (that means if winner didn't play asset flip i couldn't care less, but if he didn't try astrologaster that's quite sad but it's life, and if he didn't try balatro i'll be quite pissed off)
  • i consider that a game has been played if the winner tried it for 2h unlocking the first achievements (the ones unlocked by 80-90% players - i'm not playing appreciated exigeant)
  • that means a game has not been played if it was never started on 11 years or if it was just idled

And now the winner stats !

  • on all my winners, 32 profiles are now banned or self-deleted
  • didn't matter public or private, the GA winner didn't play more when the GA was private
  • on public/private GA, 20/500 games have been tried (not played - tried) on 11 years
  • but among my blue, 50% of the games won have been played (i mean trieDD for 2h)

And now the reverse stats :

  • with my criterias i tried or played 20/54 games, i consider it low and will try to fix that progressively
  • why i don't apply to a group for people who wanna play ? i don't have the consistency but i just browsed one and added some animals from the group (some funny avatars, i found 4 penguins and 1 duck it's so cool)

What i have done with these stats ?

  • i removed from blue the rare people who won +2 games from me and never tried them on 11 years
  • i added the rare people from public and private who tried their win (2h played / very first achievements unlocked)
  • i blacklist nobody, and these stats change nothing ; anyway whitelist is much more powerful than blacklist

$ is walking somewhere in this text

3 months ago*

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Do you hope that the (good) games you gifted have been tried (not played, tried) ?

View Results
Yes at least 30 minutes
Yes at least 2h
Yes at least 5h
Yes at least 10h
Nah i couldn't care less
i just love potatoes

There is a script which can check people's played wins, if you wanna look those stats up easier in the future. ^_^
(I have not installed it because even when I just manually check a few random people, it's already too depressing...)

3 months ago

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Thanks i knew the script but don't use it because usually i don't check except really specific games.
It's the first time on 11 years that i checked this way.

3 months ago

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I did the same... wish I didn't... the number of people who didn't play the wins I specifically bought off the store because they are great games(portal 1+2 bundle, fallout NV ultimate, terraria)... untouched after a decade. Then there is the one Terraria(I gave it away twice!) winner who put in a large number of hours and that made me happy.

I opted to not check anymore and is definitely part of why I don't distribute the better games outside of playing grous(PA/Tale Play/etc...)

3 months ago

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I'm so sorry for you, and it motivates me more to try the games i won.
I know that with the stats above i look like a judgemental a****. But i promise you that i try to do more than what i hope for.

Still in the future, it reinforces me in the behavior to rather gift good ones to blue, except on specific occasions (christmas, cakeday, etc.) to public or private. So i can understand you.

edit : i forgot to add !
one of my winner played the game he won a decade ago, he was (and he is still) level 0 and it was a public GA

3 months ago*

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I hope you didn't buy "Golf Gang" or "My Friend Peppa Pig" off the store 😬 (my two wins from you that I didn't play).

I did however play Paganitzu (my other win from you) because I like Sokoban-like games (games where you push blocks around). However, unlike most Sokoban-like games, Paganitzu is real-time instead of turn-based, which makes it pretty difficult (together with the fact that losing your starting lives restarts you to level one). So I dropped it after 24 minutes :/

3 months ago*

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nah, bundles, mystery and whatever bundle those kid games were in on top of other stuff.
main thing would be the games I specifically pick to buy for giveaways, not the stuff from bundles that I want to always see tried.

I get that all these things from bundles may take time to get to, and I don't really pay attention if they are played(I hope they are eventually... for most of them at least).

3 months ago

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Yeah, it was an attempt at a joke. I've seen these games around SG a lot so I figured that they were bundle leftovers. :D

3 months ago

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You're probably the best to understand my love for spreadsheet.

3 months ago

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Haha, I totally do! Definitely something I would have done too!

3 months ago

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"50% of the games won have been played"
I think big percent just farmed cards

3 months ago

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No, i checked manually and they unlocked at least the first achievements.
But if they unlocked the 2/50 achievements unlocked by 85% of players on 2h playtime, i count it "played".

Aaah i forgot to say that on all the winners, there were just 5 cheaters. That's extremely low. And i hope i don't accuse wrongly because i know sometimes if anyone plays offline and then log in, all can be unlocked at once.

3 months ago*

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i've played most of the asset flip games I've won (i like checking out bad games for "fun"). i want to play the good too though.

3 months ago

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i dont check if my winners play the games i gave though, just to avoid getting depressed

3 months ago

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Sometimes i compare games to food. There are the great ones (gastronomic food), the good ones (fries and rosted chicken), and the other ones, we will call them : green beans, because many children don't like them much.

And here you're eating all the green beans !! :p

3 months ago

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Apologize to green beans, noooooooow!

3 months ago

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Nooo never !! 😬🍴

3 months ago

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exactly. i may not like them, but i still eat them for "research" reasons

3 months ago

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I personnaly do not force my winners to play their games.

But I clearly prefer those who play them to those who hoard them. So I installed the script Zlia talked about, and I used it to check that on my winners, out of curiosity.

It was mostly disappointing, but some people contacted me to talk about the game they won, and THAT was really nice

3 months ago

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You've the best attitude because you can just be pleasantly surprised.

What motivated me to do the loooong spreadsheet was that i wanted to be sure that i didn't forget some people (the ones who played their public/private win, don't care about ratio) because it would have been unfair to them.

3 months ago

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I think it's you who's got the right attitude

You would still like a guy playing a game 10 years later ;)

While I would have lost faith in that and would not care anymore.

3 months ago

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Nah it's just that i checked for the first time 10 years later. But in the future, i'll check the new winners after 2-3 years.

3 months ago

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with my criterias i tried or played 20/54 games, i consider it low and will try to fix that progressively

Yeah, same. I postpone playing bad games I entered for (!) and won. It's the consequence of my actions, but fuck, did I made some bad decisions :D

And I have a bad habit of "keeping the best bite for the last", so I postpone playing the best thing as well. Plus I buy / get gifted games every now and then... and I can be very moody/impulsive about what I play
so despite my climbing played-wins-statistics my wins is just horrible, so many great games haven't been played, so I have a lot to improve, still.

(And I rather don't check my giveaways, very ... inconsistent inherent value, and I don't really want to see the results. Better for everyone...)

3 months ago

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Yeah, same. I postpone playing bad games I entered for (!) and won. It's the consequence of my actions, but fuck, did I made some bad decisions :D

Ah yeah, at some point, usually when we just join the website, we're like "hey i just wanna win something, ANYthing". And then after some years it's a big lol. But we wanted these games at some point, so i agree with you that we should keep them and try them !

That's sad for the best bites, imagine that we're x_x tomorrow, you couldn't tell me about this great game !

(And I rather don't check my giveaways, very ... inconsistent inherent value, and I don't really want to see the results. Better for everyone...)

I should browse that ! joke

3 months ago

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I've been trying to make an effort to only entering games that I think I'd want to play, and have started to try out some I've won (now that I've won some). That said, it'll take a while to get to all of them as I also have a large backlog on both my own Steam account plus console, a kid to raise, books to read, boardgames that need making and playing (print and play is a dangerous hobby), laundry to fold, and work to...work.

I'm trying out the Play the Games You Win monthly whatever, and thought the random monthly themes might encourage me to try out something I might not otherwise decide to pull up on a whim. Seems fun.

Having a small library of unread books gives you choices for when you're in the mood. And why not treat video games the same? It is, after all, intended to be fun.

3 months ago

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On a side note, I'm playing ForeTales right now. Fun, if you like sort of a board gamey choose your own adventure. Not for everyone, but I love the little touches they put in.

3 months ago

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I can only agree with you because you just tell a truth, there is the real life outside, and things vital and infinitely much more important.

But i tried to think about it, and what you say works perfectly for the games we bought for ourselves. This part :

Having a small library of unread books gives you choices for when you're in the mood. And why not treat video games the same? It is, after all, intended to be fun.

But the games we won from raffles, it means that other people wanted to win them or maybe to try or play them.
And if we don't do it, in the end, it means that we deprived someone.
I won victory at sea pacific on 779 users. I didn't play it yet, if i never do it, then i deprived 778 users. It's not fair.
i.e. I actually agree with you, but it was just to present a (powerful ?) counter-argument

3 months ago*

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I totally agree. I see these GA games kind of like those Little Library borrowing book boxes: they are free, but others might want them. You can take them, but you should make a best effort to play/read it. Like those Little libraries, it's polite to pass along something in return.

You are depriving someone of a game, but as a polite person, you are probably gifting something as well.

And like those Little Libraries, people are always filling it up with random junk from time to time. :D

3 months ago

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i dont tell my winners to play their wins but it would be nice (unless taleplay group since thats a rule) personally idk how many of the games ive played that i won but im sure its a small number, and basically it comes down to the same thing as with when i buy games, i win them and play them later might takes 1 day or a weeks or months sometimes even a year+ (unless its a rule to play within certain time and i try to follow that) so basically for me its like itll come in time when im done with other games (rn doing sotf, bought cuz in sale and forgot about all my other games lol) i do also have to say i did play some to 100% tho like hellpie

3 months ago*

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The games we won here are more important than the ones we buy ourselves, it took me a while (years) to realize.
But i totally agree that except when it's specified "il n'y a pas le feu au lac" there's no hurry.

3 months ago

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Interesting. I figured it would be more around 20% but its more like 4% from those stats.

3 months ago

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Yes i expected it to be low but 4% surprised me too, better to expect nothing when you gift to public/private.

3 months ago

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I did a similar survey last year and my results were pretty similar to yours (i.e. equally depressing :P)

  • Out of 568 winners, only 33 (6%) tried their wins. Of those, only 22 (4%) made enough progress for me to consider the games played.
  • Whitelist only GAs had the highest rate of getting played at 33%. Group only GAs performed the worst at roughly 1%

As you said, the results are influenced by the quality of games given away and by the nature of the groups gifted to. Many of the groups that I gifted to in my first year are dominated by "game collectors".
I've changed my gifting habits significantly since then. I do fewer GAs now and save the higher quality ones for my WL and for groups whose members are predisposed or required to play.

As for me, I've beaten around 60% of my wins. I'd like to up that percentage more, but I'm equally concerned with whittling away at my general backlog. So many great games that I simply haven't gotten around to.

I started keeping a list of all the games that I added on Steam this year and I try to prioritize those. It keeps me honest and is a great way of curbing the impulse to win/buy more stuff.

3 months ago

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Oh you've really similar results !
Yes it's not a crime to be a game collector. Also they helped a lot when i've some extra bundled... green beans. :D
Just for some very specific games, i don't want them to be collected.

Also i re-learnt to play a bit french tarot since you indicated me a cool website, and played some games with random people !
Thank you again for this website, i wouldn't have found it by myself ! ^_^

3 months ago

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Those stats only work for the average steam user, though. Personally, I take privacy very seriously and consider achievements spyware (Valve definitely tracks them for marketing purposes, developers/publishers probably track them as well). I mostly play in offline mode to prevent achievements being recorded and I also tend to delete them with SAM, so they don't get recorded when I go online. I have a few friends on Steam who also know me from outside the internet (like friends from high school etc.), so I don't really want to explain why I played Counter Strike at 3 am at night (which is just an example - I don't even own or play Counter Strilke).

Summary: if I ever won anything from you, you wouldn't know if I tried or played it. With a few exceptions, I've played or at least tried what I've won here, though.

3 months ago*

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While I also know some security conscious people, that amount would probably be a statistical insignificance, maybe only throwing it off by less than 1%.

3 months ago

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I understand your point of view, but agree with yamaraus that on the +500 users i checked manually, less than 5% had a private profile or a private list of games / timer (i was surprised, i thought it would be higher).
Also don't worry, i didn't dwell on their profile.

3 months ago

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Actually this isn't so much about having a private profile, it's about preventing those pesky achievements from being recorded in the first place. And yes, I'm aware that the number of people who care about tracking through achievements is statistically insignificant. Still, it had to be said: not everything is as it seems - and that is true for one profile, at least.

3 months ago

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As someone who only enters game giveaways that I'd like to play, I haven't accumulated that many giveaway entries the past few months. As Dead Estate as the only win under my belt on SG officially so far, I've played about 10 hours of it. Great game, I finished the main roguelike part of the game a couple of times and I also finished the rather traumatizing puzzle mode Assignment Anya as well.

I've checked on my giveaway winners so far and it is heartwarming to see that some people actually play my games as well. As far as thanking goes, I think only 2 haven't said thank you.

3 months ago

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You, you're super conscientious and i love your funny name.

3 months ago

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Thank you, I appreciate the compliment very much.

3 months ago

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This person is the best winner I ever had. You can't see the GA itself, but I will cherish the reaction to this win for the rest of my life.

Everyone should whitelist UnbakedBacon ( but note that this bacon won't probably enter your giveaways anyway)

3 months ago

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I'm really picky about games, but luckily Dead Estate was one of those games I had wanted for a while and I was really hoping to win. To my surprise, I did. I still want to thank you for this amazing act of kindness, it made my day. (I was also sick as hell that day, that might just have made it 10 times better)

P.S, I plan to play Dead Estate more, the achievements are just a bit overwhelming and the game is quite difficult sometimes, but I do want to unlock some more characters and costumes.

3 months ago

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Bump, thanks!

3 months ago

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i mean i'd be a hypocrite if i want every winner to play all the games i gifted them, i write this for games i paid outside of bundles because it just sucks if these games will be left untouched when i specially paid to gift this. man my first game on steamgifts was actually someone friendly enough to gift me a spare copy of world of goo because he saw that i commented like 1300 times on giveaways without winning anything for like one or two months (tbh thats probably one of the reasons i might have gotten some blacklists for replying like a bot lol)

3 months ago*

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Yes of course i agree with you that when it's bundle leftovers it's not the same.
Your story is both touching and funny, that's super nice from this gifter !
I got my first blacklists the same way, commenting thank you variations maybe 2000x on every public giveaway.
From that i'm sure some people doing this actually are real people in fact.

3 months ago

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Right, this has inspired me to update my SG Wins collection in Steam. At some point I set it up and then a dynamic collection for unplayed wins, but as with everything it fell by the wayside.
If I feel I have to do something I won't enjoy it as much, so I don't enter giveaways with such requirements unless the game is a sure thing. As for my giveaways, it's nice to hope that everyone will at least try them, but I have no further expectation*.

*except where it's a new release or almost full price game, in which case fie on anyone wasting my money.

3 months ago*

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I love the idea to make steam collections. Not the first time you suggest it and it's a damn good idea, i'll try to do it too !

If I feel I have to do something I won't enjoy it as much, so I don't enter giveaways with such requirements unless the gmae is a sure thing.

Understandable, the same now, and i hide most of the GA anyway.

As for my giveaways, it's nice to hope that everyone will at least try them, but I have no further expectation.
except where it's a new release or almost full price game, in which case fie on anyone wasting my money.

Most of us seems to think that way, that we don't really care for the bundle leftovers, but the games we bought on purpose are another story.

3 months ago

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99% of the time I enter giveaways are through https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?type=wishlist , so I have 100%ed most of my wins
Interestingly the few games I did give away here, I never cared if they were played or not .. that maybe because those are games I have no interest in playing them myself

3 months ago

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Drastic solution, all credit to you.
But i've like 6 games in wishlist, i can't bear to keep a long list on steam.

Interestingly the few games I did give away here, I never cared if they were played or not .. that maybe because those are games I have no interest in playing them myself

You've at least 3 situations here on SG :

  • games gifted by people because they don't wanna play them : some want these games to be played while some don't care
  • games gifted by people because they already have them : some drop their extra-games here, but some wanna share with you a game they liked
  • game bought on purpose to gift : here people probably want/hope these games to be played
3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Thank you

3 months ago

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I used to care.
Don't care too much if people don't play anymore.
But I still don't like leechers
My main concern is that everyone has a fair share of wins, not just a bunch of group-entering scumbags who do the minimum amount to stay in said groups, and "appear" to be generous. Screw 'em.

3 months ago*

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Tbh you're beyond judgment here with your impeccable behavior. I think if i never blued you it was because you looked like the cold and fair justice to my eyes (you can be angry or laugh - not that you would care as you don't really wanna win anything), but hey i'm sure i also look very cold and unapproachable to many people here.

About groups, i was also part of a group but not on steamgifts. It was a french group with many nice people and almost all games bought on purpose for the group, i won many great games there but my wallet couldn't keep up with the pace (now the group is quite dead). Some advocate here to remove cv count for whitelist and group GA. I don't advocate it, but wouldn't mind it either.

3 months ago

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It's ok, I don't expect people to whitelist me :)

But yes, I can be pretty blunt. Cold. One person has even said I "have no empathy."

3 months ago

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I don't care at all - they are games I gave away as I didn't want them. It was a gift for someone else to do with as they wish.

For my games won, I've stopped entering giveaways for games i wouldn't want to play roughly 4 years ago. I just have a lot of great games to play that I haven't gotten to them all, and I don't like to force myself to play a certain game at a certain time just to hit a quota. I much prefer playing the games in my library as I'm in the mood for them. Sometimes this means I play nothing, sometimes it means a large story rpg, and sometimes I decide to play 10+ Hidden object games in a row 😅

3 months ago

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There's nothing wrong with your way of seeing things, thank you for sharing your good mood.

3 months ago

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I have tried some of the games I won (tried Yoku's Island Express for like 30 minutes recently as an example before I had to sleep and beat Shotgun King a while back once), but I'm just too busy with game development to play all of the games I want to play for long. Even games I bought directly off Steam end up unplayed because my friend who I like to play coop games with is also busy most weeks.

I try not to enter giveaways where people want the winner to play a lot of the game unless I think I would actually beat the game eventually. Maybe I should just giveaway games now instead of entering, but I get bored while my projects build so I end up entering. I will try harder to play more games instead of entering giveaways this year. May not always be a steamgifts win, but I have a short list of games I've been meaning to play like Inscryption and others people gifted for Christmas. I would have tried Baldur's Gate 3 if my pc was not a crushed potato chip best suited for small games.

3 months ago

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I try not to enter giveaways where people want the winner to play a lot of the game unless I think I would actually beat the game eventually.

That's the best solution.

Maybe I should just giveaway games now instead of entering, but I get bored while my projects build so I end up entering.

It made me laugh because i can understand, i'm sure some other people enter compulsively, because it's like scratching off gambling tickets : it's fun ! XD

I would have tried Baldur's Gate 3 if my pc was not a crushed potato chip best suited for small games.

You're the 2nd to talk about PC too old, and that's a really good (and unfortunate) reason to not play (not have realized before that your PC is a toaster - mine is 7 years old but can still run i would say hmm maybe 85-90% of the games, i try to check system requirements before entering some GA).

3 months ago

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Sadly, that is what you get on sg. I encountered only two people who actually played random small game without need by some rules.
Easiest to avoid is not to do givaways for big games you would like to see played. I moved all my bigger games to whitelist only giveaways and always type in request for people to only enter if they will play game in three months. Even with that game like Hogwarts legacy was unplayed. Made me kinda disapointed.

3 months ago

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I still wanna gift something nice to public GA on rare occasions (not AAA because i'm not that rich or generous, but at least some game i liked a lot). There is a guy who won Skyrim from me 10 years ago, he was level 0 with less than 50 steam games at that time and played it since.
But i can understand your disappointment for your huge gift, i'm just sorry that it happened to you.

Also congratz for your diploma ! I'm super happy that you're back from suspension !

3 months ago

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My crimes against humanity have been noticed.

3 months ago

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I don't know why you were suspended. You killed the whole humanity ? Nah don't feel forced to answer, i know anyway that humanity has been wiped out.

3 months ago

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Nah. They can punish you for such crime only if you don't succeed.

3 months ago

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That's why I will never give away expensive games in public. Chances are high some bot and/or collector who doesn't really care about the game will win it. But the real reason is I can't afford expensive AAA games. ;-)
But I often buy affordable keys on official keyshops (or gift games directly on Steam) to give them away. It would be nice to see them get played... but I can't force anyone of course. I don't really care about bundle leftovers though.
One thing made me happy "recently": on the christmas calender I gave away some games, including 'Outpath' and 'Children of Silentown', both got played with 100% achievements completion. One game was played for 20 hours, the other for 60 (!) hours. Money well invested! 🙃

3 months ago*

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But the real reason is I can't afford expensive AAA games. ;-)

And you're certainly not the only one.
There is a relative who gifts me a big game once/twice a year, otherwise would be in the same situation, i understand.

(or gift games directly on Steam)

That's a real nightmare now that we can no more stock these games in inventory, do you just gift steam games not on sale or how do you proceed with the limited sale time ?

One thing made me happy "recently": on the christmas calender I gave away some games, including 'Outpath' and 'Children of Silentown', both got played with 100% achievements completion. One game was played for 20 hours, the other for 60 (!) hours. Money well invested!

Woo 20 and 60h ! That's some hard dedication !

3 months ago

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Mostly games on sale (sometimes games with no sale, but already cheap base price). I always look that games are longer than 7 days on sale, so winner and me got enough time. And after 7 days (and attempt(s) to contact winner) I can ask for deletion I think, if sale ends very soonish (and base price is too much). But to be honest I'm not really sure now if you can ask for deletion after 7 days. Does it have to be a reroll?

3 months ago*

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I asked a similar question short time ago, but it's not that optimist, cf. MarvashMagalli answer


3 months ago

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I'm probably guilty here, I won Rogue State Revolution from you, and I was happy to give it a shot, but damn it didn't turn out at all how I expected. First that lady never stops talking, she non stop for 2 hours gave me tutorials about the interface going through like 10 000 systems I was going to forget on game start. I've never experienced that kind of confusion level not even in poe crafting. Then finally I started playing the game and like no matter what I did every turn the stats were a bit worse. Not sure what I didn't get, but I didn't get it. I gotta start a new run now cause I can't build anything cause they refuse to talk to me lmao, and I'm hostile with whatever nation, and there's a revolution and all I did was try to keep the budget spending to a minimum and build what I was told to build. Reviews say it's too simple, I found it overcomplicated. Feel like I'm playing on ultra nightmare difficulty.

3 months ago

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And here is my most embarrassed answer, i was waiting for you here.

1st embarrassment :
Hello reigifts, i just started (after 3 years) to play rec center that i won from you, i promise to tell you after that how was the game !

2nd embarrassment :
Oh you started to play rogue state revolution. You're really nice, i got it for like 2€. What you tell shows that you already tried. If it's unbearable don't force yourself. I bought the game at release long time ago, and while i liked it, i remember it wasn't easy to get to grips with and wouldn't be able to help you play it.

The same for games like Nioh or Super Hexagon, i wouldn't force anyone to reach for the impossible.

3 months ago

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I think with my previous SG account, my play ratios were probably very poor. Conversely, with this account, I've played every game I've won except one, and I'll be diving into that one next week.

My perspective on giving games away has changed a lot over the years. If I go out of my way to buy a game to giveaway, I do expect the winner to try it out. If it's a bundle leftover, I hope they'll try it out, but I'm not going to be too upset if they don't. That said, I never really follow up to see if they're played, so what I think about it is simply conceptual.

3 months ago

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My perspective on giving games away has changed a lot over the years. If I go out of my way to buy a game to giveaway, I do expect the winner to try it out. If it's a bundle leftover, I hope they'll try it out, but I'm not going to be too upset if they don't. That said, I never really follow up to see if they're played, so what I think about it is simply conceptual.

You summed up the general point of view.

3 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by coleypollockfilet.