We are currently hosting Holiday Giveaways at our Indie Bundle Tracker Steam Group
Each admin can do giveaways in any way he wants, and i want to do something special like the special person i am.
So i was wondering what ways there are to do giveaways, seeing as people here are always very creative.
Options i have now (the GA's will probably be a combination of multiple things);
SteamGift Private GA
ItsTooHard Puzzle
Hide bold characters in a piece of text which together would make the code of a link
text adventure

Would appreciate some input, maybe there are people with more interesting ideas

11 years ago*

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f5 giveaways

11 years ago

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I have no idea what that is
And this thread isn't much help either

11 years ago

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then maybe this one? ^^

11 years ago

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Ah yes, that one helped. Thank you, that should be a fun one to include.

11 years ago

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Just make sure the site can handle that many refreshes.

11 years ago

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It's on Steam so it's fine.

11 years ago

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Happy Halloween!

EDIT: Just for the sake of Nhoise's reply, it was a timed hidden link giveaway.

11 years ago

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Would it be a dickmove of me if i lock this topic now?

edit: well now that you edited your post mine makes no sense anymore

11 years ago

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I guess it would have been hehe. I'm certain you can kind of guess what my input on your question might be. :-P

11 years ago

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I can indeed, thank you

11 years ago

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Something like this?

Now I'm not saying to get a cast of people and some filming equipment together, but hows about an interactive you-tube adventure?

It could be a text based adventure for simplicity, or if you have the skills maybe put some animation in there? Alternatively, capture yourself playing a game, pause the action and ask the audience to call your next move - if they call "correctly" you show something successful happening, if they get it "wrong" they get to see where you died (on purpose). Have a number of these choices to get to the end and receive the link (either to the giveaway itself or itstoohard etc.)

I'm still quite new here, don't know if it's been done before but it could be fun. Would require a fair bit of work on your part.

11 years ago

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While that is a really fun idea it would require way too much work on my part.
The text based adventure is interesting though, maybe i can do something with that.. not on youtube but maybe via another site.
All i need then is a place where i can add a little bit of story + 2 lines of text (which would be the choices obviously) etc etc. of which only 1 combination would give the good output with a link to a giveaway.

11 years ago

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Sounds good, I think I'd enjoy that sort of thing if you were to put it together. Maybe you include some Steamgifts references and/or humor in there as an extra touch if you did it?

Edit: Or references to your group of course!

11 years ago

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I think i just found a great site for doing it > http://textadventures.co.uk
Definitly looking into creating one, thank you for pointing me in the right direction

11 years ago

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Something I've seen before is the typical random number or word guess. I don't know how cumbersome it would be to do it though.

11 years ago

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That's a little bit too simple for my taste.

11 years ago

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I've done nested giveaways where you have to gain access to one GA in order to gain access to the next and so on. My last one consisted of 10 or 11 games and I had some themed questions (on ItsTooHard) based on the game(s) being given away; these were also interspersed with hidden links, codes embedded in the HTML, and other things.

11 years ago

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I have no idea how the hidden html stuff works, and i don't know if this is doable in the Steam client but the 'finding one thing to gain acces to another thing etc.' is exactly what i had in mind.
I still have to work a few things out but that is definitly a thing i'm doing.

11 years ago

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Glad to hear it - I like to gradually increase the difficulty on mine, but it is more what I would call "tricky" versus requiring any real brain power. Look forward to seeing what you come up with...

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by LeLobster.