Have you been diagnosed by a professional with a mental illness? (Sorry if that's not the PC term, I interchange disorder and illness frequently)
PS if I don't respond tonight I'm sorry I have to be up early and my insomnia has kicked the bucket due to meds at the moment. I will respond tomorrow!
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Anxiety and Depression Are Symptoms, Not Diseases
Edit reason: italics
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The National Institute of Mental Health would disagree with you...
I do however appreciate you coming here with links to back up your claim. And I'm sorry to use this argument because it pisses me off when my girlfriend uses it against me. "My links are more reputable". Yours seems like its initially about one person stating his opinion then a follow-up open forum/discussion. To where as mine this is what the government defines each.
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I've covered most of it already, seems like they've covered most points that I was going to make. Like me for example my depression at least is caused by my Schizoaffective - Bipolar Type. However I've met people with Major Depressive Disorder that are fine one day and in the dumps the next with nothing in between. (My mom is a severe MDD with nothing else) Anti depressants don't help she just has to ride out the phase. So I've actually bared witness to both major arguments and I have to lean on the less absolute. They can be symptoms but they can also be "Diseases" (I hate that word to describe Illnesses, a Disease is the plague, an illness is some kind of stomach virus that'll pass in a few days.
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That's obviously okay too! I'm not here to pressure anyone, I expect this thread to be a lot less successful than my other thread yet I expect the votes to still be about 0.5:1, Yes:No at the end of it assuming people respond and keep it alive for a few days.
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You mean many gamers play videogames as a way of distancing themselves from reality?
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This is definitely true for me; I didn't even really play video games (other than ocasionally during holidays or so) until after a certain event that completely changed my life. Since then, I've been diagnosed with PTSD, chronic insomnia and chronic depression and gaming has progressively become a means of escaping and keeping my mind from delving too much into things and thoughts it really shouldn't.
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Why wouldn't you choose not to go to a professional whose only mission is to try and make you feel better about the illnesses you might have? I can't fathom a reason sorry.
Moreover, thinking or reading in the internet some symptoms and saying you suffer from an illness, is kinda disrespectful to the people that are actually going through it at the moment, innit?
May I ask why the people you know have not gone to a healthcare professional?
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Well, in these cases I believe self diagnosis is useful because otherwise you may not even doubt that something is wrong!
(Although, I don't think it's right to flaunt it)
People do approach one for the more obvious (obvious to others) ones, but for things like depression, anxiety, OCD (Sorry if these are not considered as mental illness/disorder.. In which case I apologize for everything I have said and you can forget about whatever I said as it was off-topic) even though one might suspect that there is something wrong, these things are kinda looked down on, they don't want people to know that they might have some issue. Sorry, I am not that good at explaining... it's called social stigma I think, I am not sure. Sorry :|
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I undrestand what you mean, and while self diagnosis might be a useful tool as you say, to suspect that you are suffering from some illness, I strongly think that you need confirmation by a properly trained specialist.
The thing is, and this is where I disagree with you, by refusing to look for help in order to prevent others to know, those persons are themselves perpetuating the social stigma, they are interiorizing it. They are assuming that just because they suffer from some kind of dolency, there's something wrong, and that couldn't be further from the truth.
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Actually, mine started off as self diagnosis. I was just googling around and came to a schizophrenia page and was like whoa... I called my mom, asked her if any of the symptoms sounded familiar she said yeah why? When I told her it was schizophrenia she was like go to a doctor now. I didn't want to go where I had no support group so I packed up my life, quit my job and moved 900 miles that next morning. Got an apartment, got a test. Came back, "Inconclusive" and I was told, "Next time make sure that you're honest with your therapist" one of the like 10 times I've wanted to chew out a doctor. So it just went dark until I made an attempt on my life, then they hospitalized me and I saw a real psychiatrist. That's when I realized there was good doctors out there. I consider myself a real life chess player always 7 to 8 moves ahead and this guy was 2 to 3 moves ahead of me, always leading me into traps. He was very clever and kept me thinking. I did a lot of soul searching. But it all started from self diagnosis from a mayo clinic website.
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About 10 years back, I don't know what exactly I was typing in search, but I ended up in some depression page and I felt I could relate to it and told my parents that I found this(whatever that page was) on the internet and I think I have it too. My parents took me to a well known psychiatrist, he did say that I was depressed. My memory from 10 years back is not too good but few sessions (and medicine) later, I hated going to him, it felt troublesome, I don't think I felt it was helping. So I told my parents that I am completely fine and they don't have to worry about me anymore. Why did I do that? I don't know myself but I certainly don't want them to be sad that I am not well.
I originally wrote this (the matter above this line, not below) in my previous post but editted it out because I changed my decision after posting! (Hurray for edit)
There was something else that I self diagnosed, but I don't really want to confirm, nor do I say "Hey, I am suffering from this". So, if am not really saying I have it. No confirmation needed, right? :P
I don't know the exact reason why people wouldn't want to get help though. I don't even know why I stopped myself :/
Edit: I don't believe doctors for some reason... Maybe because I saw more doctors who seem to be only in it for the money... Like, "Get your leg operated because your company would pay for it anyway!" (Not to me, of course).
Or "Oh, I will give you international medicines" without going through the report.
"Chance of success is 30%, let's do the operation right now!"
Then there was the psychiatrist I went to... "It's all in your head, just think that you are good, I will still give you these medicines though"
I voted no :P
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Post I replied below to MrCastiglia is to you as well.
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So is mine :D
To you I mean, not to myself XD
Sorry, I usually refrain from posting/talking about someone's illness (be it physical or mental) because I am afraid I'd say something which would make the person feel worse about it because I don't really know what it's like and even if I did, I can't really come up with something good (or bad, for that matter) to say about it.
Good luck though, I hope you live happy!
(Um... yeah... sorry if that was bad =.=)
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Well, IF you have questions or anything about mine don't be afraid to ask. I have relatively thick skin. It's pretty hard to upset me.
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You apathetic son of a very nice person I imagine!
Either way I appreciate your comments and your bumps, if you change your mind let me know!
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I don't know why liking videogames should go toe to toe with being a social outcast, and, sincerely assuming that everyone who's here might have problems to adapt to society is kind of a big jump.
Moreover, the shooting up stuff, kinda distasteful, right?
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Okay, so this isn't a feeding the troll experience here. That's not what I'm doing.
I just have to ask, do you honestly believe the stuff you're selling? This isn't a diss against you as a person as I don't know you. I am just curious if you are really this negative about it. There are people that act negative for attention, there are trolls, then there are people that really need help. If you believe what you're selling then you're none of the three so what are you?
You could've just left this thread at my first response, there was no need to stir the pot so to speak.
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I'm sure many of us have been "the kid who's likely to shoot up the school" in their class. - Negative Generalization.
Everyone knows gamers are only doing it to escape. - Negative Generalization
Just because we're not the "general population" doesn't mean you're not generalizing the population here. Wow that was crazy fun to say. Sure are there people that qualify? I'd absolutely say yes. "The kid who's likely to shoot up the school" probably encases like 10 people and about 50 trolls, so don't project. "Everyone knows gamers are only doing it to escape" is very broad. Are we escaping from a mental illness? Are we escaping because we have an allotted time to enjoy games after we've done family/dinner/work all day? Are we escaping from boredom? Are we escaping from this asinine conversation? At what point do you argue that you're not escaping and just enjoying the moment and enjoying your life?
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for example I make a heartfelt "BWA-HA-HA-HA!" when I hear about a school shooting.
I don't know where you're from, but in my country (the same as Dianatrix) everyone laughs, because you only hear about it in American news ^_^
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I'm currently shaky and naseous from the new anti-depressive/anti-anxiety medication I started taking today. I haven't been on anything in a few years because I either experience extreme side effects or get no results at all. I guess I'll give this one a couple of days to see if my body learns to tolerate it.
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Thankfully I've been blessed/cursed with a really high tolerance for medication. I am constantly taking the maximum dosage of pretty much all of my medications. What is this new medication that you are taking? I take two separate for depression and anxiety. Pristiq for depression, for anxiety I take copious amounts of ativans throughout the day up to 6 1mg pills. Usually I try to keep it under 2. 6 is like an emergency day can't cope.
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The good thing about SNRIs is that they are supposed to be better tolerated than older generations of antidepressants.
also I assume all of this is under medical supervision, but consult with your doctor if you're taking benzodiazepines daily for long periods of time, and also if you were to stop the treatment.
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Yeah my psych is very upset about it at times and recommends extreme caution. He once told me, "I'm not going to say that your heart will stop, but your heart might stop." So I didn't take them for like a month. I have since started taking them but at a much more cautious state.
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I do not know what triggers you anxiety, or your personal situation as a whole (apart from what you wrote @OP) but maybe you could discuss with your psych the addition of behavioural or exposure therapies.
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Right now we're in a time progressing step by step basis. My Psychologist is a really really good one, (so good in fact that I have no idea how medicare/medicaid pays for him). The only problem is he wants to take things at my own pace, that way I don't get overwhelmed. Right now we're trying to break ground where the PTSD is concerned and turn the self-harming and anger. Basically he wants me to feel sad and actually show emotion for both current events and events in my past which I just neglect. Not bottle up, just neglect.
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Sounds like a good course of action, so I'll stop being nosy and I just want to encourage you to keep it up, I know it can be a tough process but tackling the issues step by step could help you a lot.
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Cymbalta, and I think they started me on a pretty low dose.
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Mind sharing what are you currently on? Not that I would accept advice from myself over the internet, but I'm profesionally curious.
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One of the few medications I've never been on, do you have some kind of chronic pain? Arthritis, Nerve Pain, etc? Just asking because looking it up it seems like that's a common thing they prescribe it for (obviously meds can be prescribed for many different reasons). Just curious how it all plays together for you, if you're uncomfortable answering you don't have to.
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That's interesting! I've had persistent back pain for a few years that no doctor has been willing or able to diagnose or treat. (The best I've gotten is "It might be muscular.") I brought it up briefly during my consultation when the doctor asked if I had any physical health concerns, but she didn't mention that it was used for pain. It's probably a coincidence, but maybe she's just sympathetic enough to try to sneak me onto pain meds.
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Well what do you know! Hopefully this works and you don't have to be put on a running script of pain meds, I have to tell you it's no fun and it gets to be a hassle at around the year mark. People end up thinking you're a junkie and if you ever get off of them it makes it hard to get back on them.
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as I wrote to Doeetright, SNRIs are way safer than other families, however (and this does nos construe medical advice, please check any information with your doctor, this is only for educational purposes) antidepressants usually show secondary effects more prominently the first weeks of the treatment. Moreover, it is said that a period of 15 days is at least needed for them to show proper antidepressive effects.
anywho, it is often normal for many patients to try several types until you find the one that best suits you, and I would forward any doubts/concerns about the treatment towards your M.D/Psychiatrist/Pharmacist.
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^ As he said, I've been through probably 15 anti depressants before I found one that worked and had the proper side effects. But again just wait it out, if it's unbearable chat with your doctor. That's what they're there for :)
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I've been on Effexor (another drug in the same family) before and had really terrible side effects followed by a really terrible withdrawal period, so I'm a little concerned. But right now I'm tolerating it, so I'm willing to give it a little time. Thank you for your thoughts.
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No problems, I try to leave my cinism and dickness aside when I can try help someone.
Not to be pedantic, but it's not a whitdrawal period per se, but it's called antidepressant discontinuation syndrome and occurs when stoppin a treatment with SRIs or SRNIs , it's mostly as if you had the flu and also paresthesia (weird tingling on the skin, weird sensations on the skin in general) and you might feel dizzy or even feel some kind of small "electric discharge"-like sensations on the head. Paraphrasing from: Farmacología Humana, Florez et al. 6ª Edición
It is not supposed to be dangerous, so you shouldn't worry too much (again, everything pass it through your doctor, my word is far from gospel) and the "fun" part is that often it serves as a reminder of when you forgot to take a dose.
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True story, I'd even argue that once someone gets lost it takes even longer to get found again just like in real life. If your GPS isn't working you pull out the map, if you don't know where you are on the map you have to ask for directions, if there's no where nearby you just have to keep driving and hope that you get your bearing.
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The main reason of our decadence is our ability to go back to the past and retrieve memories. The same ability that we use to go to "the future", and think what could go wrong. We get stuck there, in the past, in the future, and this makes us get lost in the present. The sad part is, all this time we have lost, the time we are losing right now, and all the time you'll lose tomorrow. And then comes regret. It's all a perfect circle.
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Medication help your insomnia as well? I recently added an antipsychotic that threw my whole world into chaos. I posted in the other thread about it but I ended up going a full week on 2 hours of sleep. Not very thrilling :(
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That's good, sounds like you're one of the like 5 or 6 people here that has symptoms that are making positive progress. I myself am kind of at a stalemate, not by choice. The antipsychotic I mentioned earlier has been removed for about a week but nothing to feel the void as of YET... And when we do fill it it's probably not going to help like the 50 other medications I've taken.
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I can talk in person, but I put on this mask. I'm fake in person and I cannot fucking stand it. I don't even mean to be it's just like I'm conditioned to be it. Here if you don't like me there's 100 million other people I can talk to that may or may not like me. But it doesn't even matter if they like me, I'm not here to be liked. If that makes sense? I'm just here to enjoy myself, I can do that all by my lonesome.
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I totally understand that. I have a fear of talking to anyone socially outside of my trusted group, but when I do have to confront people, I usually put on a front at first. A lot of people do though. Its human condition to want to be loved or accepted :)
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Yeah I agree that people put up a front, mine goes beyond that and just walls put up to keep people from seeing the real me. I will literately change who I am for example I love meat, if I'm with a bunch of vegetarians or vegans I will eat like they do. If I am depressed or down or really upset, I'll be as happy as I've ever been. It's not even because I want to, it's a natural reaction. And it pisses me off lol
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Yeah I get what you're saying now. Well this is a really nice thread because it shows that a lot of people have problems. It's interesting to see the different problems that people have. Not in a negative way, but the brain is a crazy thing and its interesting to see how it functions differently with different people :p
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Yeah if you're interested in reading about some other people's struggles check out the insomnia thread it was really active. I hope this one is pretty active too but this is a lot more taboo of a topic, so I appreciate your contribution.
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When I finally get cancer, I'm just going to stop going myself.... May as well just find a corner some where and rot away
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If you suspect to suffer from any kind of illness I would hearthly encourage you to visit a professional. Even a quick consultation with the nearest pharmacist or your family doctor could do.
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Wow. I don't have anything to personally contribute, but I read every word, and I sympathize with you because that's a lot to deal with. At first, I was going to suggest looking into binaural beats for your insomnia (as some friends with sleeping disorders have achieved success with them), but with everything else that you have going on, I don't know if that could somehow cause more harm than good (as they "work" by influencing your brainwave activity). :-/
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Either way I'll look them up! My psychiatrist is really good, when I wasn't sleeping he even emailed me at 11pm one night just to try to help get me some rest. So I have no qualms about my current situation other than the fact that I wish I was better of course. I guess (hope this doesn't come across mean) that I don't really need pity, if anything I need encouragement!
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^ This.
And i had the exact same though about binaural beats, although i admit i didn't think as far ahead.
Stay strong, mate!
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Major depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Unmedicated because mental health care in the United States is a joke.
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It is, most people give up on finding the right psychiatrist after many attempts (I got lucky and got a good recommendation for my second one). Then you have to play cat and mouse with your insurance company, this is approved this isn't, this is what you need, not approved needs a pre-authorization. Really pisses me off, but I have a good team and for the time being willing to keep up the fight.
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I think mental health in general is still in its infancy and insurance companies are more of a business than helping out people. I live in the UK and the public mental health care sector here is still in its infancy (i suppose i can be corrected here as i may have had just general bad luck) but the private part is available and expensive as usual. In my case i had to end up going to a private one which my insurance doesn't cover but that was a conscious decision to either be depressed and repress my emotions or go to someone more qualified at dealing with this (a weird thing since all of us should know ourselves best , rather one of life's little ironies i imagine).
Have faith in yourself, and look around at people who would miss you if you have suicidal thoughts, that helped me stave off a lot of negative emotions and kept me from crossing a line. As for the mind i don't ever think that thoughts will disappear , over riding the negative ones with positive ones is the hard work which i do everyday, in time i believe the mind will master it but for now its an accomplishment that im grateful for.
Best of luck to you mate.
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Don't say I didn't warn you... Looking to people who would miss me is what actually saved my life, after I cut my wrist in a t I started bleeding out and had this huge urge to call my mom and tell her goodbye. I owed her that... As I get on the phone with my mom I tell her I love her and that I need to call an ambulance I didn't have much time. Called 911, and as luck would have it where I was at was literately right next door to a police station. I was told to come out unarmed and did so, rushed me to the hospital and I lived. I'll never forget what the cop asked me in the car, "Tell the truth, were you going to come out with the knife and make me shoot you?"
Sorry about all that, I haven't actually told anyone except behind closed doors.
I actually am a huge fan of youtuber Totalbiscuit who recently was diagnosed with some form of cancer. Moved to the states so he could afford to live and have the insurance so a medication that would've cost him 90k in the UK cost him 6$ here in America.
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NO need to be sorry, and im glad you called your mum and it seems that you had the realisation of the effect it would have on her. From my perspective we all tend to think about ourselves but at times like that point you had, you realise the other people in your life that have meaning and you owe it to them to make yourself better . Also thanks for sharing your story with me.
The thinking about yourself part can be misconstrued as being selfish possibly but for people who have gone through this like you and me , we are aware that its the truth. I read somewhere above that the mind is a mystery (or something similar to that) and i couldn't agree more but its also the most powerful tool, our subconcious could be our soul if i remember some things that i read.
These days like i mentioned i try to disconnect with some negative ones and forcibly put a positive spin (not always successful at making the effort or even post the try), its an ongoing battle maybe i will lose or win at the end (if there is ever an end) but i have started to notice thinking positive leads to positive outcomes (i know how corny it sounds) and though im thinking you still haven't reached that stage i do hope one day you will and enjoy life a lot more. Again mate best of luck to you.
P.S. I am still undergoing therapy, reading some self help stuff even though a lot of is gibberish bits and pieces do help. :)
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i hope you can someday overcome all the stuff you're facing right now. tough stuff, man.
i have bipolar disorder, currently on Wellbutrin and Depakote ER for some time already.. got off Pristiq just two days ago because I was getting way too shaky. i miss my LSD, can't mix those things up.
thanks for the gibs.
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I'm actually allergic to Depakote lol, only thing I know of that I'm allergic to!
Yeah, there's 2 ways to fix problems and both are honestly pretty destructive. Street Drugs vs Pharmaceutical Drugs. How often are you hearing about Pharmaceutical Drug abuse and you see those ad campaigns on tv about massive recalls and lots of people have died. Thankfully/sadly we're getting to the point where we're just refining the current drugs we have to just minimize side effects.
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Well I hate to say that every individual of my family in my mother side (including my mom) have been diagnosed with some kind of mental illness and everyday my family have to cope up with it. Extreme violence, schizophrenia, personality disorders are common among them.
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Yeah, I'm a firm believer that mental illness is gene first then there are other contributing factors. So I think there are people that are susceptible (just like recent discoveries on alcohol dependencies) but may never show signs. And then there may be people that have no susceptibility and become full blow schizophrenic. Of course there's every where in between.
I hope your family is able to stay pretty strong.
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Thanks. We try to keep up with it, try to make sure that my mom don't get any issue that may trigger those symptoms.
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It's hard work I'm sure, at least you guys are making an effort. My family is too worried about themselves to worry about each other with the exception of my grandparents who I love so very dearly.
Wish you the best of luck and thanks for the bumps!
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Thanks my friend, wish you all the best and hope that you stay strong no matter how hard the path to future may be.
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Just copy and pasting because it's my favorite quote, and I don't want to keep reposting the image all over the place
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i dont have anything that big... i have ADHD (to the hiperactivy part has died since i am lazy as fuck) and impulsity, to the point wich i fuck up everything i do. I also been having depression for 2 years now and well its tought... al those things combined make it hard, mostly because i am awfully scared of sharing stuff with anyone but hey there are multiple ways around problems, and i think this is a way
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Yeah, I mean the worst that can happen here is someone flames you and you blacklist them, possibly report them depending on content.
Yeah usually when people become adults it turns to ADD instead of ADHD, at least that's what I've heard.
Have you been to a psych?
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yeah ive been going to difrent ones since i was a kid, i've been on medication since i was 5 yo, tho my psych is 600km away so i only got a time every year or every two years
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Man that's rough, I wish you all the best of luck in everything you do. And thanks for the bump ofc!
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You could elaborate on the proper terminology/classification from your high horse tho, couldn't you?
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From a quick google: Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior.
Which it goes on to state Schizophrenia, and since Schizoaffective is a cousin to Schizophrenia I would say that qualifies. From the Mayo Clinic so I'd say that's pretty reputable so I'd say they're both pretty interchangeable, so if you're going to correct someone at least back it up please. Not trying to be that guy, but if I'm going to get schooled I'd at least like to learn from it.
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I usually wouldn't talk about these subject cause I don't wanna hurt anybodies sensibility but it looks like I may have done it already...
Well this subject is more common in other countries outside the US and is also really technical but I'll try. Mental health and mental illness are terms that come from psychiatry wich comes from psychoanalysis, both turned out to be really outdated and even dangerous.
Psychoanalysis is totally un-cientific and therefore unreliable, besides being absurd. Just like you are not likely to take experimental drugs or homemade receipts when having a specific pain, you shouldn't trust your psychological development and well being to a guy that is giving you a "prescription" based on his insight and personal experience. This last paragraph is only about psychoanalysis
Psychiatry is based on biology's understanding of human nervous system wich is VERY limited, their treatments are based on drugs (thankfully they don't do lobotomies and all that old stuff anymore) and they are fighting am "illness" they really don't know what it is or what is causing it. What they use to diagnose a person is the DCMV wich contains terms that refer to wide range and really often vague conditions and behaviors, to the point it may say things like "the person appears distracted" and those are the kinds of things I call absurd. This may be subjected to personal opinion but would you trust a diagnose based on what someone kinda thinks you may be doing or thinking? basically I wouldn't trust my life to an unreliable and subjective opinion.
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Oh no, you didn't hurt anybodies sensibility :) I was just curious to know more about this one. So if we're not doing Psychiatry or Psychoanalysis, what are we doing now? That's the real question...
I am 100% most definitely in Psychiatry, though I'd argue that they don't know what it is or what is causing it. The problem lies that there can be multiple issues causing let's say depression because it's easy. It's easy to diagnose and even treat depression, but to find out the cause takes a while seeing the same doctor assuming he cares. I literately had a Psychiatrist that would just have me walk in he'd say, "Hello, how're you doing, you are fat, goodbye." Appointments lasted less than 5min. Sadly I needed more than that. Now my sessions are monthly 30min to and hour even.
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That's a good question. Psychology is relatively young compared to biology or chemistry for example, that's why we should support people that are pushing this science to the next level instead of using methods and concepts from the last century. So I would recommend going with people trained in behavior and cognitive therapy.
About your experience, I've known people in similar situations with psychiatrist and it's sad because they trate your problem like a regular "illness" wich is where this argument started. Like you said, you need more than that, it's not like a pill or telling you something like "you shouldn't do that" will magically solve your problem.
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Well, also from my experience in MANY years of therapy, I wouldn't be where I'm at today without medication... In fact, I'd go as far as to say I probably wouldn't be alive. But I have both a Psychologist (see him every 2 weeks for an hour) and a Psychiatrist (see him every 30min to an hour every month)
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As far as Psychology here in America is concerned, Schizoaffective patients need to see Psychiatrists. As far as Psychiatrists are concerned, Schizoaffective Disorder is uncurable and I'll need to be medicated the rest of my life. I mean, I have hope it wont be this way but that's basically the route it goes.
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Every single day. I try to make the same times as recommended but that's a little rough some days. I take 21 pills at night 7 pills in the morning and at least 2 pills midday
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Started with just 3 pills a night :(
I have meds for side effects of the side effects my meds are creating lol... It's not quite that extreme but you get the picture. I've kind of gotten used to it though I have to choke them down.
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My medications are literately being changed on the fly right now so I couldn't even give you a full list of what I'm taking. Old antipsychotic was causing sleep issues (hence the last insomnia thread I started) so we just cancelled that altogether, we're working on finding something that I haven't taken without going back to Clozapine (actually worked for me but it's considered a last resort medication because of all the side effects and how serious they are, for example I have to have blood work every week for 6 months when starting the medication.) We stopped Clozapine because of EXTREME sedation, 18-20 hours a day every day I was asleep, so we've been talking (all outside of an appointment mind you) about possibly adding something like Provigil/Nuvigil to help counteract that side effect, After some research he's found something else he wants me to try first, then we're going back to that.
That is just for one freaking thing... My antipsychotic medication... I'm on multiple mood stabilizers, I'm on an antidepressant, multiple sleep medications, a medication for PTSD/Nightmares, a Medication because some combination of things gets me constipated... My Mood Stabalizer is killing my thyroid so I can't forget the thyroid medication... This list just goes on and on...
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There are days I wake up and I feel like there's a difference, and there are days I wake up and I ask myself do I really need to do this? Thankfully, if you've read anything about my girlfriend through here she's a very positive influence, my girlfriend will flat out tell me that it's changed me, that I am unrecognizable.
When I go to my grandma's and I don't put on that mask I've worn for so many years and they still say they love me. Today was a rough day, but it's one I will keep moving forward and overcome.
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Haven't been diagnosed professionally, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I suspect some stuff like anxiety or ADHD, but my parents haven't actually booked an appointment for anything of the sort nor do they seem like they want to when I bring it up every once in a while , so I'll let it manifest inside me for now.
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Probably the worst thing you could do, but if it's anxiety there's the fear of being medicated, telling someone else your problems, and meeting a new doctor. But, could be one of the best decisions you've ever made. Just remember if you get a terrible doctor you can ALWAYS ask for a new one!
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That sucks, I actually figure that, depression, and insomnia are probably the most common around here. I could be wrong, but as expected not as many people are commenting in this thread. Thank you for your comment though!
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This isn't meant in an offensive way, so please don't take it that way.
But I feel like this is the type of comment that is wrote by someone that has never experienced true depression, being unable to get out of bed for days at a time doing nothing but crying and using the restroom. No food because you'll just throw it up, you drink just enough water so you don't die. Finally someone yells at you enough for you to get up and shower and the process continues for a week, maybe a meal here because you feel hungry just to throw it up. Another week goes by the process just repeats.
Anxiety... You go to work, you've had to quit/lost all of your other jobs so this is really the deciding factor about whether or not you can be in the workforce. It's your second day, day one you were supervised and had your hand held so it wasn't bad and you greatly excelled. So they decide to put you on your own. Suddenly the workload starts piling up, you look for help and no ones around. People start to get angry, you start to go into a panic attack you duck into your desk crying. When you stand up it's your break time still in panic attack you can't even explain about the work load so you just go to break. At this point you're starting to black out because you can't get your breathing under control. You sit down it doesn't go away... You can't finish the day.
I'll save you from PTSD, just know you are haunted every single day, every single hour by something troubling... That you cannot get rid of.
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I'm sorry Doeetright, (and no I am not offended), but also don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to sound like I was trivializing what you are going through at all,
maybe I might not know so much, but I do know one thing for sure is that if you FEEL something, it IS as real as anything else, who am I to judge others' pains, since how could I ever tap into their stream of senses?. impossible. even nightmares: just because they didn't happen, doesn't mean you weren't physically and emotionally effected by them. so if a mere dream can do it, how much more so can real life be a living nightmare for some, one that (seemingly) doesn't end.
but what I meant is, regardless of what labels (and the accompanying stigma that goes with that which is typical in society) I wouldn't want anyone to feel marginalized as JUST some mentally ill person, and in turn, not given the same respect or dignity that every human being deserves.
I'd say it would be abnormal to find someone who hasn't experienced at least one of these conditions (and that they should not be ashamed in the least.)
so you probably can imagine how companies exploit this fear of being emotional in society, perpetuating the notion that we're just meant to be non-feeling, professional, straight faced, worker robots, needing the continual supply of magic pills to maintain the facade of fitting in. (but yeah, some do really NEED it and I hope nobody gets the idea to try and just "think positive" and go off the meds suddenly. please never do that)
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This seems like a totally different response from your first one!!!
Either way, thank you for the response and I agree especially about the stigma which is why I created this thread. I also talk on a website called Crazymeds from time to time just to tell about my ongoings and read about others.
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You're welcome, thank you for responding to my thread. It was very meaningful I hope others read it!
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Mental Illness and Mental Disorder aren't PC/Non-PC variations of one another, they're different things altogether.
A Mental Disorder is something intrinsically atypical in cognitive functioning, such as ADHD, Neurodevelopmental Disorders (like Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ie, low-functioning Autists)), or even sexual fetishes.
Mental Illness is a cognitive ailment caused by an illness or affliction. Depression, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, and addiction are examples of mental illnesses.
The key difference is that disorders are expressed from the start and intrinsic components of the individual's cognitive functioning. [A key exception: Traumatic Brain Injury]
Illnesses occur over time, usually in response to a stimulus [such as emotional trauma or physical illness].
The key difference is in the phrasing:
Illness > Sickness > An external affliction, to recover from.
Disorder > Out of Order > Something intrinsically not working it ought to/being broken.
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Ah ha, thank you sir. and for the gibs I won from you earlier! Happen to have a reputable link for reference so I can link it to other people when the topic arises?
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Oops, I mislabeled Schizophrenia: it's a Personality Disorder, because it's considered genetic and non-treatable. Apologies. :X
Edit: (Though apparently that's not my fault- reading up on it, apparently people aren't certain if it's genetic or not, so some individuals consider it an illness, since it does onset later on, rather than being a verifiable consistent cognitive variation. =O)
But otherwise, yes, I found a source:
Personality disorders are described in the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD-10) as ‘deeply ingrained and enduring behaviour patterns, manifesting themselves as inflexible responses to a broad range of personal and social situations’; they represent ‘either extreme or significant deviations from the way the average individual in a given culture perceives, thinks, feels, and particularly relates to others’ and are ‘developmental conditions, which appear in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood’ (World Health Organization, 1992a). They are distinguished from mental illness by their enduring, potentially lifelong nature and by the assumption that they represent extremes of normal variation rather than a morbid process of some kind.
While that doesn't directly address the entire category of Mental Disorders (Personality Disorders are a subset of Mental Disorders), it does define mental illness in relation to disorders.
Also, from what I found elsewhere, apparently the difference in terminology was emphasized back in the 50s and had strong supporters till about 2012, but the two terms [while distinct in meaning] have come to be typically interchanged in usage.
In fact, the same article I linked above notes:
The World Health Organization has always avoided defining ‘ disease’, ‘illness’ or ‘disorder’, and in its current (ICD-10) classification of mental and behavioural disorders (which includes personality disorders) it simply states that ‘the term disorder is used throughout the classification,so as to avoid even greater problems inherent in the use of terms such as disease and illness. Disorder is not an exact term, but it is used here to imply the existence of a clinically recognisable set of symptoms or behaviour associated in most cases with distress and with interference with personal functions’
So while the meaning is distinct [and can still be rather crucial for psychiatric admission, as the article I linked details (since you can't be admitted for a disorder, only an illness)], it's no longer a very well supported distinction.
Rather, the current accepted format is to use "disorder" and avoid "illness" altogether, when speaking in general terms (since the current assumption is that the nuance
There still doesn't seem to be any negative connotation to either term, that I could find.
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Poses more questions but I think I get the just of it. I'll read the whole article and get back to you tomorrow sometime! Props again!
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tl;dr version: I, and a few other legal/medical services/legislation are using outdated (but more precise and still entirely valid) terminology.
For anything less precise, use "Disorder", or don't worry about the distinction, since they're both considered synonymous by most considerations, now.
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I wonder if the transition is completely made if they will change the documentation and allow people with disorders to be admitted... Assuming they make it further than just a general term. Which is the way the excerpts you posted seems to lean. But I wont know any of that for sure until I read the whole thing so right now I have no idea what I'm talking about.
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Well, the article's point appears to be that even with the lingering distinction remaining there of disorders being separate from illnesses [despite WHO's terminology], mental disorders are still risk factors for further mental illnesses. (For example, it's shown that people with mental disorders are more prone to suffer from depression and addiction.)
As I understood it, the article further argues that that ought be basis enough for admission, as a preventive measure [perhaps in much the same way people at risk of further suicide attempts are put under temporary observation].
Basically, it seems the article is saying that "yes, these distinctions are still in place, even though the distinctions aren't commonly used anymore, but even with holding to that outdated distinction, there's still justification to change the current admission rules to allow individuals with mental disorders in".
It also clarifies this, as part of its premise for the need for the justification:
Certainly, it is commonplace for a diagnosis of personality disorder to be used to justify a decision not to admit someone to a psychiatric ward, or even to accept them for treatment — a practice that understandably puzzles and irritates the staff of accident and emergency departments, general practitioners and probation officers, who find themselves left to cope as best they can with extremely difficult, frustrating people without any psychiatric assistance.
It's a lengthy article, but a good read. Give it the time when you have it. :)
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I definitely will, I've been admitted 3 times with disorder wrote on my walking papers so it's a very curious issue... It's piqued my interested, I can't do it now because I'm thread managing and getting ready to shower. But when I get home from physical therapy I'm totally down to read it.
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Not being smug. Some people it helps to talk, some people it does not. I have no problem talking about my stuff but generally I have to be asked first, but since I was starting a thread presenting an open forum about a taboo topic I decided to explain a bit. Cheers for the bump.
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Well clearly it's literal for you no?
But the post count of this thread would say otherwise considering it's only been up a few hours and it'll be up a few weeks.
So can I take it as both? Does it HAVE to be one or the other? Answer me Samuel!
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True there's been a few I'm not going to talk about that you're crazy... Wait I'm crazy... We're all crazy here goodbye!
lol, just typing that out made me bust a gut...
Either way it gets me a bump :)
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Ouch, "Luckily I haven't seen her in years." I'm a guy with Schizoid behavior damnit!
I've taken Lexapro as an anti-depressant, made the colors oh so bright. I was told years ago when I was taking the medication that I was a .0001% case that had that effect.
One of my best friends had aspergers though he could never explain his symptoms properly. Just that he was really shy, severely limiting him from picking up girls, making friends, etc.
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I don't know that I enjoyed the effect, I'd of tolerated it had it helped my depression. Sadly it did not.
Yeah, my friend once mentioned housework also being quite impossible to do unless he really strained himself and that laundry was impossible.
Actually most people think I'm normal, until I have a freak out or a hallucination or a panic attack and then I'm looked at like I'm crazy. So I have to explain what's going on, probably one of the most difficult things in my life. Me apologizing to them because of my issues... Then I'm never looked at the same way again. Currently have this issue with my physical therapist.
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I solved that problem in a very very sly way. I planned ahead and was able to pay my rent a month ahead, so even now I am a month ahead on rent :)
My girlfriend does all the housework right now, but it's only because I'm still recovering from hip surgery. It takes me FOREVER to do certain things, dishes, scrubbing toilet/tub/anything. I am such a perfectionist, so I feel your pain there. My last time doing dishes WITH a dishwasher was an hour and a half. It's just me and my girlfriend...
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Yeah when I am healthy I vacuum sweep and mop. Trash. Cook dinner on easy nights. Clean litter boxes etc.
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Yeah that sucks, I have a problem with anger because I have no filter. I go from calm to raging hulk smash in a matter of seconds. I've been in many street fights because of this, another reason why I stay secluded or wont go out in public often without someone. But generally unless it's due to one of my issues I am kind of hard to piss off. Don't talk about my grandparents or gf. Don't put your hands on my gf or family. And don't put your hands/arms around my throat. Other than that you can pretty much say or do anything within reason.
Thankfully (I say thankfully lightly here) when you snap/snapped it was instantly forgotten. Mine will fester and boil until I hit something.
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I'd elaborate on some of mine, but they don't really matter now. Anyway, I'm glad you have never been put in that position. Thanks for posting and thanks for the bump!
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Clinically Depressed.
My "happy" face is very convincing and I have learned to take the good with the bad, something you HAVE to learn if you plan to live.
Take life a day at a time, is probably the most important words of advice I could give to a fellow depressive.
Vidya helps too ofc. :)
My mind often wanders to me dying alone still though and I sometimes find myself doing tasks/holding conversations with eyes full of tears, it sucks but I can live with it.
At least I don't want to die anymore.
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I'm working to get where you're at. Not quite there but I'm working at it. Currently my therapist has me on the, "Make sure you accomplish at least one thing a day, showering, cooking dinner, etc" Anything that isn't a normal bodily function or hygiene. (Showering is hard when you're severely depressed)
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Call yourself stupid whenever you start thinking "It's not going to get better".
A little trick I used to do that helped alot surprisingly. Mind you I may have a smidgen of self-loathing in me. ^^
Wish you luck on your journey.
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I actually have a wonderful girlfriend... Just in case you're not American there's a phrase that says "don't kick a dog when it's down" which basically means when you're having a bad day someone shouldn't come and punch you in the face to make it worse. Anyway I jump to the absolute worst instantly and if you read above I have a chess like mind so I start planning moves and self-prophesying and I really get under the weather, start freaking out. And she will come punch me right in the face. Lol, not literately of course. but she says things like, "You always jump to the worst". "You know it's probably nothing" "Get over it" "You're making a big deal out of nothing you haven't even seen a doctor yet, give it a few days if it hasn't gotten better call a doctor." She just breaks it down to simple steps and breaks my complicated Oh shit I'm going to have surgery or electroshock therapy while at the same time borderline putting me down enough to not put me down. Then I start to feel better lol..
I couldn't call myself stupid because once I do I spiral, it goes very fast and very dark. Sadly I haven't beaten suicide idealization though I have beaten the intent to kill myself.
Good luck to you as well.
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I have depression and anxiety (it started mostly as anxiety but now it is mostly just depression, I didnt have panic attack for 3 years), but I dont like talking about it, at least not too much, when I don't think about it I feel good but when I start talking I go deeper and deeper and then I start feeling sad, so I try to avoid talking about depression and life problems caused by depression, and I just try to find some other things to focus (like playing games, watching games on twitch, trading items, reading reddit and this forum, and eating better, doing keto eating style helped me a lot with depression in past 6 months, I gained weight because of depression but now I'm back on my normal weight that I had before depression so that's good.)
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I suffer from general anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD and depression, had them as long as I can remember but I manage them better than I used to. nowdays I do a good bit of volunteer work (as much as I can without losing my disability benefits, hoping to make a career of it once fit to do full time work) helping others with similar issues
self deprecating humour has been a surprisingly good help for me. I think it helped me transition from genuine self deprecation and you definitely need a sense of humour to get by
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Self depreciating humor is about the only kind of self depreciation I approve of. I make a joke, makes me laugh, makes me feel better. Girlfriend hates it though because she thinks it does long term damage to me, and I can kind of see it. So I'm on a test run at trying to not make any jokes just to see how I feel. But I do pretty well at keeping myself from self depreciating. My problem is when I go negative I go fast and hard...
I'd like to get off of disability and get to the point where I can get back to the workforce too... Right now I'm just doing constant medication adjustments trying to find what works for me.
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Hmm, just want to verify I got it right. Had to google just to figure one out.
BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder
DPD = Depressive Personality Disorder?
AvPD = Avoidant Personality Disorder
PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Pretty obviously knew this one lol)
If I'm correct, you have 3 "Personality" in 3 different clusters? Is that even possible? I imagine you're a pretty rare case, do you care to elaborate a little bit?
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Okay so just 2 clusters class b and class c which I think is much more understandable. You actually sound like a fun person to hang out with. I would always leave the decision up to you watch you freak out then we could both watch the world burn joker style. PS. Not a pickup line, was meant to be taken as a joke and I hope it was. Thank you for explaining, +1 for knowledge
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We would make quite the team I'm telling you robbing the rich and blind, just to give it back to them to avoid jail time and blame it on our stupid illnesses.... Lol
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Hey, guys!
Same as many, I have a standard case of social anxiety. I rarely enjoy interacting with strangers since few know how to approach me without making me feel awkward. I have a small group of friends who I hang out with around once a week and great colleagues at work who understood and are trying their best to make me feel comfortable and talkative. But apart from that, I avoid interaction.
Don't like going in crowded places, rarely talk in multiplayer games, I'm sweating even when I have to make a phone call. Hell, I even prepare my entire dialogue when anticipating interaction (when going to the bank for example).
With social anxiety, the primary problems are your own thoughts. Be it awkwardness during conversations or late-night self-loathing over past mistakes, I always seem to be my own worst enemy. Kind of hard to fight something you can't see.
In the end, it's manageable without any medication. I know most of you have more severe mental issues but just wanted to add my 2 cents here and thank OP for opening this thread, it's nice to talk about it sometimes.
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Awesome that you're able to manage it without meds and that your colleagues are understanding and trying to make you comfortable. Most people are not so lucky. I pretty much agree with everything else though my main problem is high stress situations and crowded places. Almost passed out in the last elevator I was on lol.
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I avoid elevators as much as possible, heh. I live in an apartment on the 6th floor and I take the stairs if there is someone at the elevator. I just say "Hello" and go up those stairs like something was chasing me. If they ask, I say I'm just staying in shape xD
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As mentioned in a previous post of this growing page, I just had surgery on the hip so stairs are a no go for me but generally I take the stairs or wait until I have a single elevator and just tell people I'm waiting for someone. Sadly that's not the case when I go to the doctor at this major hospital (about my hip) the elevators are super slow, there's a huge line. And we have to pack in there like sardines.
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So my last discussion/poll turned out really well.
I got a lot of support, and a lot of information about people. That's sort of the thing I'm hoping for here, if you're comfortable with your situation leave feedback. I'll start with my own issues which I've sparingly shared across the web here and there. Mainly at a community website where other people suffer from similar illnesses. I'm suffering from physical stuff, hip surgery, obese, bad cholesterol (so hard to maintain on antipsychotics) though overall my cholesterol is good. Let's just try to keep this focused on mental health. Some people it helps to talk about it, sometimes you make friends in the most unlikely of places. Anyway, here goes nothing.
Schizoaffective Disorder: Relating to, characterized by, or exhibiting symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Insomnia: Prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep. (Note inability)
Anxiety: An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it. (Probably one of my most crippling issues.)
Personality Disorder (Not otherwise specified): A psychopathological condition or group of conditions in which an individual's entire life pattern is considered deviant or nonadaptive although the individual shows neither neurotic symptoms nor psychotic disorganization. (This is just the most basic sense of everything, my doctor once told me the not otherwise specified isn't because he can't fit me into a category, it's because he can fit me into many categories.)
PTSD: A psychological reaction that occurs after experiencing a highly stressing event (as wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) outside the range of normal human experience and that is usually characterized by depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, and avoidance of reminders of the event.
Hypothyroidism: deficient activity of the thyroid gland; also : a resultant bodily condition characterized by lowered metabolic rate and general loss of vigor. (Weird that I put this in a mental health thing right? I'll explain below if you stick around and read the whole thing lol)
So, prior to being diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. The difference being, that I had to have hallucinations when I was experiencing neither a manic nor depressive episode. As soon as I got my depression under control with lithium and a slew of other anti-depressants and stimulants I was still having the hallucinations so I was “upgraded”. Either way, I had all the symptoms of both the entire time, paranoia, reclusiveness, suicidal idealization (thankfully only 1 attempt on my life). The works and if you don't know about bipolar 1 it's the worst type the one where people actually off themselves frequently. So thankfully I got medicated and met a good Psychiatrist and Psychologist that actually cares about me. Covered enough about Insomnia in the other post, though again I'd like to highlight “inability” being tired and not wanting to sleep or choosing to stay up doesn't count. Laying in bed tossing and turning for 8 hours. That's where the issues arise. Anxiety, pretty self explanatory and anyone that has it severely knows what I mean about how crippling it is. It's kept me from getting jobs and other jobs it made me quit because I couldn't take it. Personality Disorder, not sure what to comment here. PTSD, this is a tough one... I think we all have memories from the past that haunt us because unless you have lived the perfect life. You've had a pet die or a friend move away, and growing up you didn't know how to handle it and no one really taunt you this is the proper way. My life was probably more traumatic than most, I'd go into it but this isn't a sob story or a torch and pitchfork mob to lynch my parents. Point is PTSD comes from not knowing how to handle those situations, my sadness turned to anger, from anger to depression, from there it was taken out on myself. I have no idea how to reverse the damage.. Thyroid problems, see this is a catch 22. I need lithium to keep my mood and suicide idealization stabilized. Lithium is literately destroying my thyroid. I'm taking Thyroid hormones but we have to guess how far it's going to shut down in a 3 to 6 month window. Problems with an under-active thyroid include depression, fatigue (severely so when your numbers drop like mine do) Cholesterol freakin problems, weight gain (can't work out because of hip surgery as mentioned above, so right now my ONLY way to lose weight is diet with no exercise... Extremely tough)
Anyway, that's enough about me, we can talk about me IF YOU want to, but I've said a lot about me. I want to hear about you. What's your story...
PS. Gibs
NEW GAs, Let's keep the conversation alive until the GAs end (bundle leftovers sorry they're not amazing...)
EDIT: GAs were added before all the sgtools drama, to be honest I still support sgtools but next time I'll just do one sgtools link and train them together like most people. I apologize for any inconvenience, and there are no serious requirements like having an insane ratio or anything.
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