It's to remind you to limit your gifting and to buy things for yourself too :P
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Yeah, i made the same suggestion a while ago. I filter out games I don't want to own, so a lot of the bundle games i give away have no bearing in that, but it's particularly cruel to give away my own wishlist game and see in tin my feed.
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I gave away wishlisted games twice. The fact is I bought two keys from GMG and waited to activate mine until the giveaway was over in case something went wrong.
It is weird to see your own giveaways on the wishlist page. Perhaps there should be an option to hide your giveaways from the page just as you can hide games you already own.
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How is owning a game yourself a criteria for giving it away?
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On a site dedicated to giving it should be no surprise that someone would give away a game that someone wants before purchasing it for themselves. I am still driven by a want, in this case a desire to share what looks to be an interesting game. Your analogy uses a need rather than a want and is flawed. I have limited funds and decided to buy a copy for someone else rather than myself. Let's use a more appropriate analogy and ask if you think it would be strange to buy a birthday or Christmas present for someone else rather than yourself.
You still failed to answer how it is in any way a criteria.
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Why do I need to tell how it's a criteria when I only said that it would be more sensible? If sensible thinking would be a criteria, the thickness of German law books would drop by 90%. :)
But, if you use wishlist for games that may look interesting, it may make sense from your point. In my point, a wishlist stands for games you wish for. Hence the name. But I'm slowly learning that people tend to use Steam wishlists for anything that may once caught their interest for any reason and not just for games they actually wish to have.
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Doesn't really make sense
You need to explain how it is a criteria if you want to suggest that it doesn't make sense.
I do wish for the game because it looks interesting. I've watched a bit of it on Youtube so I have a reasonable idea of what it's like and whether I would enjoy it. However I haven't played it so lacking firsthand experience I can only say that it looks interesting. But in the end is that really so different from using it in the way you say you use it yourself?
Also you again failed to address something, this time my birthday/Christmas present analogy.
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Again, I don't understand why is sensibility a criteria for you. o.O
But to use your analogy: yes, it would be strange to buy something I would like to have and give it as a birthday present to someone who I don't know if they would even like it in the first place. Let's stay in geek territory and say I want a 3 TB external hard drive so I can have all my stuff everywhere if I travel. Instead of using it myself, I wrap it up and gift it to a random person. To keep in somewhat of an analogy of the site, let's say that person is among the fellow co-worker of an IT company. Will they even use it? Possible, with also could sit there and collect dust until they get rid of it eventually.
Will doing this make me look like an odd person? Yes, because everybody who'd hear this story would ask me why the hell didn't I keep it for myself when I wanted it in the first place?
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It is a criteria for you as you claim it doesn't make sense and therefor we shouldn't do it. If you want to suggest we should own the games first then justify your statement.
In this particular case I'm willing to accept the risk that they'll let it gather dust since it's a whitelist giveaway. Regardless of my specific instance it is still something we accept every single time we give away a game. By your logic why would anyone give away anything but bundle leftovers? Better to buy something for yourself than risk it on someone else.
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It is a criteria for you as you claim it doesn't make sense and therefor we shouldn't do it.
That is something only you see into it. If I'd told someone to only do sensible things, that would be the most prime case of a conversation between a pot and a kettle. I just said it doesn't really makes sense. And I will continue saying it. :)
Better to buy something for yourself than risk it on someone else.
And with wishlisted games, this is what I do, yes. After I got my own copy, I started handling out keys here as well. Not only I avoid the problem that started the thread, but after I played most of them, I could tell others why I recommend them, if they ever started a conversation about the game in the GA page itself (it happens… rarely).
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If there's no point except to say it's more sensible, and you aren't actually trying to change anyone's mind, then why say it? If you're fine with someone doing something that is less sensible then why are you even bringing it up if not to change our minds?
And with wishlisted games, this is what I do, yes.
You're quite welcome to gift as you please, as am I. Thing is the idea of gifting to strangers before ourselves doesn't just apply to wishlisted games. Why gift anything to anyone? Any game could go to waste.
Are you actually posting for anyone's sake other than your own? Are you trying to improve anything here?
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Because the original problem you brought up made me question how it became a problem in the first place. If all conversations would serve a purpose, the term "chatting" wouldn't exist and the world would be a Buddhist parable, and this line of conversation wouldn't start to remind me a Goodfeathers sketch from Animaniacs where I'm Squit and you are Pesto.
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If you're only arguing for yourself then I'm done with this chat.
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1: a reason to give wishlisted game: as a challenge
2: I use my WL for the mix of the two. I'd be happy to get any game from my WL as a gift (because being gifted always feel good) but when it comes for buying those are the games I would buy for a certain price, depending on the games. To be honest sometimes I have to check the game because I don't remember what's it, but recently started removing quite a lot of games, about 40, but it's getting harder and harder to remove more games as I fear I will forget about them then :|
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Thanks for making a stupid suggestion as if it actually contributes something worthwhile.
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It stops you seeing it. Then you go back and unhide it when your giveaway is over.
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I was already aware of this workaround and it is a workaround not an actual solution. Hence I don't consider it a worthwhile contribution to the discussion.
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It also prevents you from seeing other people's giveaways for that particular wishlisted game.
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Oh, that. That's just google images being google images.
As an example from a recent search, I did a christmas related search and got some bondage pictures thrown in randomly.
Google images is a strange, oft-times twisted place, especially with safe-search off. :P
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While I have had opportunity to do some some searches on peculiar topics [ie, anything Japan-related] in the past, bondage was, as far as I'm aware, not even offhandedly touched upon :P
Apparently it's a weird, surprisingly popular 'Christmas unwrapping' fetish, from what I could gather o.O;
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Oh snap. Exposed to the world as a bony, pervy slam dunker thanks to Google.
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I often make giveaways for games from my wishlist and I wouldn't mind seeing them as long as I was able to enter rather than just be taunted by them...
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Getting that myself when entering some SimGives stuff :P
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Despite my avatar, I instead have been playing Cube Creator 3D, a 3DS Minecraft clone with very small areas (192 192 95 per world, can warp between 4 different worlds in Survival).
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Heroin on the go? Why yes, that's precisely what I need!
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I thought I'd done enough of that already but if Jesusberg tells me to then I must!
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I have one running right now that doesn't show up on my wishlist games. Due to that the one way I know works is to make them private, bet making them whitelist only works too.
edit: If what gonsi says is true then you have three options, private, group or whitelist! And yet you want more... ;)
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edit: If what gonsi says is true then you have three options, private, group or whitelist! And yet you want more... ;)
I don't understand this statement in relation to this thread's topic.
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My private giveaway for a wishlisted game for Dsc's event doesn't show when I search wishlist games, betting whitelist won't either as I don't think you can whitelist yourself and the edit.... gonsi said group giveaways that are also wishlist only show searching group not wishlist.
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I can guarantee you that group giveaways do show up on the wishlist tab.
I couldn't tell about whitelist though...
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Ah, I couldn't say either way about group (why I worded my edit the way I did). Only know about private from my currently running giveaway. The end part was a bad attempt at poor humor. Very late/early here and I really need a bit of sleep soon. No offense intended, just super late American British themed failed humor.
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Whitelist does show up under wishlist. This Jotun gib is what caused me to start the thread.
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My Jotun giveaway is whitelist only. I certainly don't have myself whitelisted.
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So only option is private. Sounds like something cg will need to dig into, good to know you can see all you shouldn't of your own in search besides private though. For the longest time I couldn't see group GAs I made for a group I'm no longer in, now I can but I still can't see the ones I won anywhere but the won page and the link won't work.
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I know the feeling. I've been trying to enter for my own giveaways as well. Pretty annoying.
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That's just a special kind of confusing.
Seriously why should our own giveaways show up while we're browsing? Please add a filter for this to the Account > Giveaway section.
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