I love the monster capture/training genre (cough cough Pokemon games), but its quite difficult to find such games on PC and even more so on Steam, please mention/link more games with this type of setup (hell it just needs monster capturing and using in battle to qualify really).

The following games I am aware of that share this "mechanic" PS TemTem looks bloody amazing


Monster Crown

Monster Sanctuary

Robot Farm

World of Final Fantasy

Nights of Azure


Digimon Masters Online



The Capture Worlds


Siralim 2

Siralim 3


Creatures Inc

ARK Survival Evolved

Conan Exiles



Soul Locus






Disc Creatures

Xander the Monster Morpher Universe Breaker

Honorable Mentions (for games that have monster capture or/and training mechanics but it isn't what the game is built around)


Octopath Traveler

5 years ago*

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I guess you looking for graphics-heavy games based on your list but I played some I enjoyed:

Siralim 1
Siralim 2
Siralim 3

Ok, well, I did not play 3 yet but I have about 600-700 hours on Siralim 1 and 2 and I enjoyed it. It could become repetitive earlier than that but each game could give easily a good 100h entertainment so the price of these games worth it.

I played 2 only with controller tho, steam controller if it counts for decision.

5 years ago

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Damn that's a lot of time, something that put me off regarding that franchise is the fact that they are tagged as Rogue-like ... so is the whole world and everything randomly generated and no main quest ???

5 years ago

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there are base quests in 1 until you fully unlock your base.

But yes, levels randomly generated, no real main quest other than the willingness to unlock all ~600 creature, get stronger, challenge the Gods in battles, etc.

I wouldn't start with 1 anymore, 2 is better or 3 probably the best, but I can't say exact opinion about it, I don't want to spend that many time again on it, which is the only reason I did not buy the third game yet:-)

5 years ago

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I enjoyed Siralim 2 a lot, there is also a 1 and 3 of it.

5 years ago

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Siralim 2 and Siralim 3 - I have only played the first two (I'd just skip the first as it wasn't that great, but the second one is a HUGE improvement) and I'd say Siralim is one of the best games in this genre.

You capture monsters, breed them if you want and use them to fight other monsters. There are several hundred different creatures with different skills and passives and you can have up to 6 of them in your team at once. Your best approach to making team and combat would be to make a team that synergize well together.

Most of the things in Siralim are procedurally generated and you can pick between several different mage classes at the beginning, each has specific type of monsters they're good with and different starting monsters as well as different passive abilities/bonuses and do well with different types of spells.

Highly recommended. I don't have S3 yet, but I've heard it's even better than the second one.

Tangledeep - Okay, so this is really really stretching it but Tangledeep is a roguelike where you're able to tame just about any monster in the game and once you take care of it enough to get its happiness high enough you can bring him over with you on your journey and it'll fight along your side. You can also breed monsters and the child gets skills from their parents (probably not all of them at once) so you can make ultimate pet if you spend enough time and resources on that system. You can only take one pet with you at a time though.

5 years ago

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/582010/MONSTER_HUNTER_WORLD/ Duh.

Well capturing, dunno about training, never played it.

5 years ago*

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Haha same here, its just from what I saw that I think it will be nice

5 years ago

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There is no training in MHW, you just kill monsters and slaughter them on the spot for materials, or capture them for easier disassembling back at home. Either way, you get no live monsters, just materials.

5 years ago

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Aaaaaah haha yeah , I read something else thought Lugum mentioned "World of Final Fantasy", must be the fact that World is in the title, Monster Hunter Stories is the only Pokemonish one with monster "capture" and training, but that's a 3Ds and mobile exclusive game.

5 years ago

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Yeah, World of Final Fantasy is definitely a "pokemone-y" game (you capture and use characters and monsters from other Final Fantasy titles) :D

5 years ago

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Must be the avatar.

Now just reading this comment, and i must say i like my Final Fantasy games and pokemonish games but as with FF15 i just can't get much into World of Final Fantasy either, although it does look cute.

5 years ago

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I completely forgot about Yonder, thank you for reminding me :)
And The Capture Worlds look real nice as well :)

5 years ago

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How does Yonder qualify? It doesn't even have battles or monsters ....

5 years ago

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Hmmmmm looked through it all again and seems you have creature interactions but no creature capture or battling ... hmmmmm, I guess your right then XD will remove it from the list

5 years ago

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/984560/HEARTBEAT/ makes you all nostalgic for Pokemon

5 years ago

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Wow this game looks amazing as well :) thank you

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

5 years ago

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Oooooh that's nice , had no idea there was something like that in the game, granted you can't seem to train them but still it's nice to get monsters and use them to help you fight.

5 years ago

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Added it to the list but as an honorable mention, because if I were to add everything like this to the list where do we draw the line?
In FarCry Primal you can "tame" animals and use them as rides/weapons and in Minecraft you can make a wolf guard your property or something like that. I do think that Starbound is higher up the more right path than the other games I mentioned here as you can capture and use them to fight not as weapons but as a monster (not just a go attack that).

5 years ago

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Thanks, was curious of this same thing myself not too long ago.

5 years ago

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I was about to post this too. Just be aware that out of the box it runs like crap, so some tinkering is required for good experience: https://steamcommunity.com/app/384570/discussions/0/152390648088618058/

5 years ago

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Haven't seen anyone mention it, so I will. Extravaganza Rising

5 years ago

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Slime Rancher maybe kind of

5 years ago

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Warframe has something like that.
Conservation : capture wild animals in open world zones to save the species.
Also Eidolon hunt / capture. Capture big-ass giant sentients, but kind of mid/endgame activity.

5 years ago

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Here's a little-known game called Deity Quest. I didn't play super far into it, but it was pretty fun if I recall correctly.

5 years ago

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About capturing... cough cough... monsters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 years ago

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Another monster capture game I found : https://store.steampowered.com/app/967410/Creatures_Inc/

5 years ago

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Ah and obviously also Ark since its a big part of the game : https://store.steampowered.com/app/346110/ARK_Survival_Evolved/

And Conan Exiles if I'm not wrong : https://store.steampowered.com/app/440900/

5 years ago

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Zanzarah is basically a 3D Pokemon game but with fairies.

5 years ago

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Hey hey adeyke, I checked the game out before as someone else mentioned it but I don't see any taming , there are fairies but then the gameplay looks like it's a first person shooter ?

Where does the fairy collecting and battling come into play ?

5 years ago

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The game borrows very heavily from Pokemon. There are many different fairies in the world, categorized into different types, such that, for example, a water attack is especially strong against a fire fairy. You're given a choice of three starter fairies at the beginning, and you can get more by fighting fairies in the wild, weakening them, and then capturing them in a sphere. There's also a leveling system for the the fairies, as well as a chance to evolve some of them. And you can use your fairies to fight other fairy trainers. Also, you're given a book that you can fill out by catching them all.

The main gameplay is third-person platforming and exploration. During the fairy fights, you do control them directly in a small FPS-style arena.

Just to be clear, I'm bringing up the game because it's one that very much fits the criteria for your list. I'm neither encouraging nor discouraging anyone from playing it. I should warn, though, that the release date on the store page is just when it came to Steam; the game itself is from 2002.

5 years ago*

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Cool it actually sounds interesting and it definitely fits in with the sub-genre then :) thank you for the detailed explanation.

5 years ago

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Slime rancher. Never tried it but it's high on my wishlist

5 years ago

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A few people have mentioned Slime Rancher as well, but from my understanding you just capture slimes with your gun and then make them breed? Or what is the game really about?

5 years ago

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It's a farming game. U collect different slimes, breed different types to get a mix, feed them and sell their 'poop' aka plorts to upgrade your equipments/famr and repeat.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Hmm, maybe it's not about using monsters to fight for you, but still monster capturing :P

Riders of Icarus

5 years ago

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Blegh can't even view the game in my area :( it's region locked

5 years ago

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Region locks sucks sometimes :(

5 years ago

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It's up there already but it's awesome!
World Of Final Fantasy

5 years ago

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Guild Wars 1 & 2 both have the ranger class which can collect and use pets for attacks and exploring. GW1 is on steam 2 is not.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Self bump :P

5 years ago

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Hi everyone, does anyone here know how we can implement a new Steam tag? I have talked to a few developers of these games and they are all agreeing that "Monster Taming" would be the best tag to apply to these games as it encompasses a lot of different genres compared to making it more specific like "Monster Capture and Training".

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by CBlade.