Mainly this is a question aimed for those who played all of the games, or at least up to revelations. I want to know if I should be bothered with playing the first one for the sake of the story. I've played through half of the game and lost the save so I'd have to start all over again and I want to know if playing it is crucial to understanding the others. I got bored with the first one and I wouldn't mind skipping it, but I don't want to play the second one and not knowing who X or Y guy is because of that.

tl;dr: Is the first assassin's creed skippable or will I not understand the story in the second one if I do?

12 years ago*

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You should play all,first,to understand Desmond story,and second,in revelation you will play again as Altair,so is kinda important not to miss the chronological event.

12 years ago

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I bought 1+2 and instantly regretted it, the only thing you need to know from 2 is where Ezio came from

12 years ago

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Some will argue the 1st is the best(me) and some will say it's terrible.

The 1st one also gives the most back story on Desmond really...

P.S. The AC series sucks. I've played them all. All missed potential.

12 years ago

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No! AC series are good. Only bad game is AC3.

12 years ago

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I think AC 1 in particular is way too repetitive. I honestly got sick of doing the same thing over and over. AC 2 at least created some interesting characters and showed a story from start to finish. Brotherhood added some terrible features like that ridiculous "recruit and train your own assassins". It was poorly executed. Revelations at least moved the story forward significantly and changed the scenery. Then again it did add that god awful wave based siege and defend mini game. The series was hit and miss throughout it's life. Good, but never great.

12 years ago

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ending ac3 spoil all game serie

12 years ago

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Play AC1 and AC2. ACB/ACR/AC3 is worse than AC2. Still - AC3 Coop-Multiplayer mode is more than awesome(why people always can't make a synchro-kill w/o me)

12 years ago

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Brotherhood was amazing... Revelations was everything good from Brotherhood maximized waaaaaaaay too much.

However, AC1+2 are very very boring/difficult.

12 years ago

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Everything until AC3 was awesome. AC3 is... it's really bullshit. It's not old AC anymore.

12 years ago

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AC3 was beautifully done. I don't know what people complain about.

12 years ago

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I´ve played all of them (except for AC3) and I still think the 1st one is the has the best story, setting and atmosphere.

12 years ago

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AC1 did get repetitive, but AC2, boring? It's been looked at one of the best in the series and the measuring stick for all of the games after it.

12 years ago

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No. You must play all the games in their order. Although AC3 is complete bullshit!

12 years ago

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Dunno about the last bit, but I whole-heartily agree with the first bit!

Play them in order, starting at the beginning. The first game was rather good.

12 years ago

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Having played up till Revelations, I'd say you should play the first one if you really want to be involved in the whole story (which is half of the point of the entire series anyway).

12 years ago

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Play all
Totally worth it

12 years ago

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It all depends on how much you want to understand the series. If you want to know every detail and understand every reference you have to play all the games including the first one. Knowing every detail helps with understanding the story better or noticing hidden things. The story in the series is multi-layered, some of its layers are not obvious and missed by many. It rewards those who dig deeper while leaving others satisfied still.
I must add that the first game becomes really interesting only closer to the very end, and it is then when you will surely not regret playing it. Also Assassin's Creed II starts exactly where Assassin's Creed I ends. I wouldn't miss it if I were you.

12 years ago

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Play them all . My fave game series of all time .

12 years ago

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It is skippable, but you need to "fill the gaps". Watch the end from Youtube or ask a friend.

12 years ago

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As previously said, it can be skipped. But as a AC Veteran :) I would highly recommend playing through it BEFORE any of the other entries, because if you play, say AC2, then go back to AC1, there are a lot of features that weren't in AC1, so it will suck, and of course storywise that would be completely stupid to do.

12 years ago

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To understand the story you need to play the first 3( AC1,AC:BROTHERHOOD,AC:REVELATIONS) AC3 has nothing to do with the others,just like a stand alone in the series.

12 years ago

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Except for the fact that it starts right where AC: Revelations ends. It amazes me how people fail to see what the series is even about.

12 years ago

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+1. There is no standalone game in the series. All games released up to this point are one story.

12 years ago

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Show me how AC3 has something to do with the story (not talking about the real life story i'm talking about connors story and not desmonds)

12 years ago

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In case you forgot:

"My name is Desmond Miles. And this is my story."
Assassin's Creed II

12 years ago

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Well, Desmond's story IS the story of the series.

12 years ago

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Of course you would feel that way, since you have had Ezio for the past three games. But you have to remember a few things.

  1. All AC games are connected and important to each other.

  2. The main story is the real one, the Sequences played are episodes.

  3. The series will continue with games similar to AC:B and AC:R, continuing Connor's story while still being in the 3rd game's range. A trilogy within a trilogy, just like Ezio had with AC 2 then AC:B and AC:R.

You're looking at it the wrong way. Looking at the games as separate and connected to each other. Take a step back and look at the whole story, which is about Desmond going from place to place and experiencing Altair, Ezio and Connor, all in a very short period of time, one after the other. In his timeline, it's all connected, and the stories are inter-weaved properly if you pay enough attention.

12 years ago

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And the ending to AC Revelations builds on AC1.

Still, AC2 and Revelations tell you all you really need to know from AC1, so that one can technically be skipped.

12 years ago

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you can skip AC1 if you want but there will be references on AC1 in the other games.

12 years ago

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I recently decided to go thru the entire AC series. Started playing AC1 and enjoyed it for some time, but it got too repetetive. So I decided to simply watch the Endgame-video on youtube before jumping into the other games. AC2, Broterhood, Revelations and AC3 I played from start to finish in a few weeks and thoroughly enjoyed the entire series, with every game having some part that is "my favourite of the series".

12 years ago

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Didnt played the first or the third, but Brotherhood its the best imo.

12 years ago

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Blasphemy! u cant miss any game of the AC series, the story is epic.

12 years ago

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In terms of game mechanichs,the game is fucked up by being simplified from original 1st part till now.
The story is the main,and i stess,MAIN,reason why the AC serial is succesfull right now.
They are in it just for money now with those yearly releases.

12 years ago

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