Seeing as Command & Conquer Kane's Wrath and Tiberium Wars were added to the bundle list today, to be fair, Skyrim, Metro Last Light, Borderlands 2 and countless other games must also be added to the list.

Skyrim was sold in a pack of 10 Steam games for approximately $27, which divided equally, comes out to be $2.70, a savings of 95.5% off from the list price of $60. For proof that it was exploited, refer to this graph. There is a large spike on December 19, 2012, precisely when it was sold in this bundle.

Metro Last Light was sold for 1 penny at Best Buy, which is quite obviously an exploit and must be added to the bundle list. I would estimate that a good fraction of the Metro giveaways were from this exploit. Please add it to the bundle list. Based on new information, Metro Last Light is not a good example. Instead, I offer you Spore Creepy & Cute Parts Pack, which has the exact same discount in the Russian Steam store as Kane's Wrath.

Similarly, Borderlands 2 was sold for $2 or so during the holidays on Gamersgate, a discount of 96.7%. Do you see the huge spike in December and January of last year? Yeah, those are from this price mistake.

What about Civilization V? It has a similar discount as the two Command and Conquer games in terms of Russian pricing. It's not a coincidence that the giveaway spikes for this game occur exactly when the game was on sale.

All three of these games fulfill the main criteria to be on the list:
1) 95% off sale or higher
2) Exploitable/Exploited
Please add these games to the bundle list.

11 years ago*

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thanks for Skyrim..

11 years ago

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Think it's wrong to bundle games by basing it on one region. Sure there is some exploiting but I think if we look on the overall user base the majority doesn't acquire games like that. But as usual the majority gets punished by a small group.

I still think having a game permanent as bundle discourages a lot of giveaways, make them lose bundle status after a year would make more sense. Sure some will hog it, but I'm willing to bet that will be the minority.

But in the end it doesn't matter what I think, it's what the ones behind the site think.

11 years ago

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^ +1

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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If there's any list, it should be exploit list. An exploit list with a timeframe. And CV value is not done by Dollar AMount ($$) but by amount of games given. It can be peoples own personal counter. For those that care about WHAT the person has given away, they have to actually click on their list of giveaways and skim through (as opposed to now just looking at cv $ and saying X minus (-) 30.01 equals (=) Close to Number (#) of legit games given)

Bundle List stay but used like This to just keep track of whats been in a bundle.
CV is no longer $$, just Number (#) of Giveaways given.
Exploit List should be made to prevent copies being given away that were exploited - Example METRO 2033 Facebook Key-Gen (With perhaps a three (3) or Six (6) month cooldown (ex: after 6 mos have them removed)

11 years ago

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Heh, TL;DR part longer than main part :P

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Here we go again.

Bundle system will never be perfect people. Just deal with it.

11 years ago

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Please remove giveaways :/

11 years ago

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+1 too many giveaways, everyone is exploiting the "create" button

11 years ago

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Remove kebab

11 years ago

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I'm a kebab and I find this comment offensive. Please remove it.

11 years ago

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Lets see GAR if we can make this one even higher then the Fortix One :D Already over 700 comments.

11 years ago

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No need to make every thread into a competition :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I am not a native English speaker, but I do understand what "BUNDLE" means... A bundled game is a game which was offered ALONGSIDE WITH OTHER GAMES in a ridiculous price. Otherwise, should SG put Age of Empires 3 on the bundle list because it was 66% less? After all, they NEVER got exploited. Go and see how many Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Crysis, etc... were givenaway! More than 100 games each in less than a week. THAT'S what exploit means. Skryim wasn't exploited at all, some great guys just gave it away because of it's huge. As for the Russian store... Many games are WAY cheaper in the Russian. Games that cost 30 Euros cost 10 Euros for the Russian steam, so what?

11 years ago

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I think you agree with me then? Kane's Wrath and Tiberium Wars were never in a bundle and never offered alongside with other games.

11 years ago

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I just realized something (dumb am I) .. I bought C&C TW (with Canadian Steam Store) during that Sale with intention of future giveaway for a certain group ..
That means because of this, I just pissed my money away. Before you go say .. "This site is all about giving games etc.. goodwill etc" .. Its not.. In all cases anyways. Particular groups have certain requirements.. like NO BUNDLE GAMES.

Now Im more irritated then before.

11 years ago

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I honestly have no idea why TW is on the bundle list. It wasn't exploited, nor was the discount high enough.

11 years ago

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Im hoping in my case, that the giveaway will still be acceptable as it really wasn't exploited. I don't care about the cv, but Im not really interested in buying something else to giveaway (when I already paid for this one)

11 years ago

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Oh too bad. I got a whole bunch of games on the bundle list given away BEFORE they were added, but you don't see me complaining.

11 years ago

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He's complaining that TW is falsely added to the list. It isn't highly discounted enough.

11 years ago

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Remove Sparta and Madness, i'll make a petition for it.

11 years ago

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Every copy of Metro Last Light that was sold for 1 penny was removed from people's accounts though, they didn't get to keep those

11 years ago

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That's not true.

11 years ago

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Well okay then, that's just what I heard -_-

11 years ago

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yup still in library.

11 years ago

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We should suspend all users who buy dirty cheap stuff to give away to people who want it for raising virtual value on their profile. That is clearly abuse and it should not be tolerated!

11 years ago

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LOL comparing easily available boosters with things that lasted minutes...

11 years ago

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Which one lasted minutes? Bethesda Bundle was around 12 hours (more than Just Cause, for example), Borderlands 2 lasted around the same amount of time. Metro was about 30 minutes to an hour.

11 years ago

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And once again, in that timeframe it is not probable for any of those BB codes to have been used in ANY giveaway

You aren't going to help your case if you keep repeating false information.

11 years ago

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No you don't get it. Its all about consistancy. The big agruement about Fortix was .. it was in a bundle, so it should be on the list.. even though it was MORE EXPENSIVE in the bundle then to buy it separate .. so it couldn't be exploited. All Jantan11t is saying is, Metro LL was more then 95% off.. so to STAY CONSISTENT, you need to put it on the list.

11 years ago

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Metro LL was never exploited though, even with the sale. Not enough people got a copy and even the ones who managed to get one didn't give it away. Y'all need to pick better examples and stop using attention-getters. You can't expect people to agree with you if you keep using bad examples.

11 years ago

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Didn't I agree with you partially on page 1 already about Metro? No need to keep beating a dead horse.

11 years ago

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Metro was about 30 minutes to an hour is not a false statement.

11 years ago

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You have made a very good point.

11 years ago

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You would agree, lmao.

11 years ago

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Personally, I don't care that much even if high sales like these would get added to bundle list.

However, I must point out that as result of actions like these, we'd only see 1$ bundle games in this site afterwards.
I don't think anyone wants that.

Instead of appraising us by value given, there should be separate stats for separate types. Bundle Games given, Indie Games Given, Big Studio Games given for example.

11 years ago

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It seems pretty clear that creating further categories in addition the current two (exploited+bundle/non-exploited+non-bundle) would only compound the problem and increase the amount of rancour and upset at perceived inconsistencies when deciding in which category a game belongs.

I like the option of setting a CV requirement for giveaways, and I have no problems with the way CV is calculated, but the amount of bad blood and ill will it seems to stir up in the community is saddening.

If only a solution could be found which encouraged people to contribute to the community (not necessarily simply by making giveaways, I hasten to add, although this is obviously a good thing when it's the very basis of the site's continuing existence), while remaining non-divisive, free from controversy and viewed as even-handed and thoroughly fair by all.

Answers on a postcard please...

11 years ago

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The most stupid thing is that bundles from 6 months ago or even longer are still in the "bundle" list.

11 years ago

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People would hoard bundles if they knew there would be an expiration on bundle status.

11 years ago

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Not everyone is willing to wait.

11 years ago

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wth.. why did I never know about Metro LL sold at 1 penny, BL2 sold at $2 (though I'd only have gone for dlcs if they were really cheap since I got the game), or that $27 pack.. I must be reallly out of the loop or something Dx

11 years ago

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contributor value ruined this site

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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lol this is just silly. There is an obvious difference between the C&C games and the others you speak of.

11 years ago

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Oh really? Take a look at the Tiberium Wars graphs and tell me what the difference is.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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Did not even know about those mistakes and the people who actually got it probably just kept it

There are a few but those are price mistake seeking hawks

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by jatan11t.