no way to treat a cusstomer, even for 2euro
No company that uses paypal cannot ask u for ID or passport because its against paypal's policy to ask a customer to send copy of their ID or passport and could lead to closing of company's paypal account. If there are alot of disputes regarding this issue their account can and will be closed.
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Exactly. Some people not getting their game after being charged is still a big issue. Not even big sellers like Steam, GamersGate or GreenManGaming do that: charging first and asking questions later for confirmation. That's the opposite for a system that "wants" to protect some buyers from a fraud: keeping their money, instead of freezing the purchase before charging and wait for the confirmation info.
(By the way, I haven't bought from there, and never will.)
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Steam has continued to sells games in the past after it has run out of keys from the publisher (although they always deliver them eventually, as far as I know)
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And GamersGate too, but read again, here a company charges, keeps the money and request personal information to the buyer, and depending of the info they may send the Steam key. Steam and GamersGate may run out of keys, but the next working day/s you get your game without any issue or extra requests.
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I should make also a own thread: "Why you even bought there, if youre not from Italy and now complaining."
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Very simple: When you register it asked for the country youre from..i tested it and when you chose another country than Italy, the site says that you cant purchase.
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Haha okay..yeah really i clicked "Germany" and than the site told me i cant purchase.
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Just look at this:,4nyz8fz
here You can see i choose Poland, and it cant be changed (u can check it by yourself)
and here is my payment (order),4nyz8fz#1
so how obout now?
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Even if the offer was not available outside of Italy -- and remember, there was nothing indicating this at any point, and they have happily given it to people who indicated at every step that they were in another country -- but even with all of that, it is still against the law for them to take your money and then not give you anything.
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Yeah true, looks like they discovered the price error.
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I should also write a comment: "I should make a stupid reply to a thread without any actual facts and just irritate other people because I have not understood what the OP is trying to say"
Isn't that what you were trying to do? Credits to Aquillion, but you've already read this: "Even if the offer was not available outside of Italy -- and remember, there was nothing indicating this at any point, and they have happily given it to people who indicated at every step that they were in another country -- but even with all of that, it is still against the law for them to take your money and then not give you anything."
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As is posted in another thread:
Gamesrocket is a Germany-based Shop.
Since the game is banned in Germany (at least the uncut-version) they are by law in Germany requiered to check the identity of the customer. Since they are not giving codes for the cut version they have to checkt that they are not selling to german customers.
So it was maybe a pricing error but not a scam. I guess they will give the refund but it will probably take some time, since they might have not been prepared for this huge amount of customers who, not only want to take advantage of every pricing-error, glitch, screwup but also want their hard earned 2€ back in the matter of seconds. Be patient, they will not screw you like you did when you went to an italien site to grab a cheap key. ;)
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how should i know. maybe because their IP could not indicate their location. or they only allowed paypal with credit card. or paypal without credit card. or prepaid-paypal. How should I know?
Point still is: Give them time to give you the money back and don't be such crybabys since you tried to scam in the first place. (YES I know it is nowwhere writen you have to be italian but in all honesty: How often is a 95% Discount legit and not a pricing error? Really makes me sick to see how people feel entitled to something that obviosly was a screwup.)
Paying for pricing-error like back in the crazy Gamersgate-Days you know their is a risk to not get the product and spent some time and energy to get your money back. Thats the price of bargain-hunting, guys.
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When honorable person/company makes a mistake it remains on their account. Only male/company whrs back up and then expect others to "pay" for their mistakes/screw ups. When you make a mistake and your software allows ppl that are not supposed to buy the game, then you honor the deal - hands shaken are hands shaken, no mater what. Ofc that is if you have a at least a tiny bit of honor and self respect. Otherwise a ton of ppl like me see that any moment you can "transfer" your screw ups on the customer and your "word" means nothing, i.e. a ton of ppl that will never buy from you.
sorry for my English but i think you got what i mean.
P.s. No a haven't bought the game, not even tried to.
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First of all I don't give a rats ass about german law about banning violent video games which is probably one of the most retarded laws I've ever had a chance to hear about. Second they can check where I'm from by checking my IP. And third if this was a price glitch which I doubt because the price wouldn't stay the same 12 hours later, you can't seriously blame customers for trying to get a good deal when they see one.
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But you can blame the store for checking the ID and/or taking more than 24 hours to refund your money?
Hey. I am German and i can say that nobody here likes the banning-laws. But every german and german shop sort of HAS to cope with the law day in and day out.
Pricing was already changed. And maybe it was not an error. But i read enough people who got the keys (some after they send the requested ID) so they certainly did not try to scam anybody.
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Simply put, you tried to take advantage of their failure. It didn't work for you. Now you're crying cause some other people got it?
Just so you guys know. If they don't want to give you the game, they don't have to. Then they'd have to refund your money and I'm sure they will do so. Wait a couple of days, since they had thousands of orders for sure. Your demand is just unrealistic.
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That doesn't matter. I got it as a gift from a friend who bought more than one copy.
€1.49 for something that was clearly a pricing error... Just calm down, wait for a week. If you make PayPal investigate it can take up to 10 days. So if I was you, I'd just wait for 3, maybe 4 days and then contact them again.
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see? uve got the game, thats why ure saying "everything is ok! just wait!" i wanted to check this game, and it was so cheap so why not to buy it.. then i was disappointed.
thats why im angry, i dont care about that 1,49 euro cuz its not big ammount. I just wanted the game like others
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Yeah but my friend placed the order like I'd have done it. "Oh look a pricing error. Maybe I can get a game almost for free. If not, I'll get the money back in a week and there will be hundreds of em on SG."
But if those 1.49 are the biggest problem in your life, you are probably the most lucky guy I know :)
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To be fair, your demand for people to stop whining (about anything) is also pretty unrealistic.
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Unless OP edited the thread, it doesn't look like whining to me. It looks like he just wants to know how to get a refund and the time frame.
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Even if the offer was not available outside of Italy -- and remember, there was nothing indicating this at any point, and they have happily given it to people who indicated at every step that they were in another country -- but even with all of that, it is still against the law for them to take your money and then not give you anything.
{Credits to Aquilion if you've not already read it]
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I dont get why people that recieved their key(s) are complaining about others not being patient. They already paid for it and they dont have the game, WTF are you talking about?! This is not like they are waiting to pay for it, they already did. Also, the bullshit about "you shouldnt complain if you are buying outside Italy" or "Dont be suprised if you dont get your key outside Italy". Again, they already paid for it and lot of people outside Italy bought the game and got the keys in max. 30 minutes. So stop being a dick and try to help them or something.
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Everybody who is telling them to be patient is actually helping them.
Your Point about already paing only works if we are talking supermarket here:
If there is a pricing error in your local supermarket you are about to pay, when the man at the check-out says: "Wait a minute. That is not right" I check with my supervisor" You wait. Than they say: "We are sorry. This was a pricing error. The game actually costs X€" So you either pay the right price or leave the store.
Problem wiht paypal and internet-shops is the degree in which everything is automated. So bascially you throw your money at them (remeber the meme?) before anyone could check. So yeah. The only f** advice is: Be patient and wait till you get your money back. Sheees.
Oh. And I didn't get any key. I honestly didn't really try to get one either. Just try to bring common sense to an internet-forum. Just realized how pointless this is.
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Well first off their price wasn't a pricing error.
Other than that it probably not applies everywhere but here if a store makes a pricing error and tags a product with a wrong price they are responsible for it and have to sell you the item at that price. Their error, their responsibility.
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Maybe it was not an error. But when the ID-thing is in their store-rules and he didn't want to send that information it is his fault. Maybe they would have given him the key if he send his id. Since OP is from Poland maybe he used a proxy or his IP-Range overlaps with some german IP. I don't know.
The thing with: They tag a wrong price they have to sell at that price is an urban myth. At least in german law they don't have to if it was a mistake. (Again. It might not be a mistake in this case. But they don't have to sell you for a price if the price was an error)
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I dunno if you can read but I said .. "it probably not applies everywhere but here" .. there's no urban myth there.
And only people in this forum are talking about a pricing error.. even their support people never mentioned anything about a pricing error. The situation is pretty simple.. they're out of keys right now so people can either give out their ID and wait or ask for a refund.
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They don't have to in Germany.
But that isn't even the problem. They just want ID. Anyone who sent the money can choose between giving them their ID or having a refund (which takes a while with so many orders).
gamesrocket did nothing wrong so far :D
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I'm in the USA and I recieved the following email after sending my verification info:
unfortunately your purchased product isn't available at the moment.
We expect it to be back in stock during the upcoming week.
If you want to withdraw from your purchase considering this circumstance, please let us know.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards
Gamesrocket Support Team
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Nothing wrong here. Do you really think the company can give out as many keys as they like? They pay to get keys which they then sell to you. You really should take your anger about this thing and use the energy to read a book or learn how the world works in the time you wait for the refund.
I tried to explain this more than once nice and helpfull. But this is getting dumber by the minute. I'm out.
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Even if the offer was not available outside of Italy -- and remember, there was nothing indicating this at any point, and they have happily given it to people who indicated at every step that they were in another country -- but even with all of that, it is still against the law for them to take your money and then not give you anything.
[I copied this for the third time, and all credits to Aquillion, but seems more of you people don't read]
Also, your assumption could be false, about steamgifts part. It is not right for you to call them "silly" without concrete proof that they were gonna give it away.
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Good luck with this, buddies.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused by my thread, just wanted to make gamers happy with this deal.
Have a nice day and don't worry too much, you all will get back what it yours, i'm pretty sure. :)
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Thank you for your comprehension.
What it confuses me here, is the ID stuff they were requesting was totally random or what?
Have a nice day :)
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I only just woke up to this crud and so couldn't have even tried.
Still, if they took the money then they certainly should provide the refund in as fast a system and way as they managed to take the money. If no they deserve all the bad mouthing they are getting. Pricing error or not. The fact they made sales and randomly requested ID makes them look bad.
The instant they accepted the money they agreed to the sale. It wasn't a matter of just a simple pricing error as then they should've just automatically started refunding as we've all seen on pricing errors before. It was the outrageous requests for ID that goes beyond what any sane reasonable person would expect for making a purchase.
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If they are willingly breaking Paypal's ToS, I wouldn't bank on the integrity of their own.
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Both, as you should always do in cases like this. Always open a dispute ASAP
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Disputed on paypal and got my money back quickly. I advise other to do the same. Shady sites are just...shady. Thankfully paypal got us covered here :)
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E: Yeah, so I did little research myself, and I can confirm, that the information provided below is correct. You can confirm for yourself here. Too bad for you guys, that you have missed such an awesome deal, I myself am completely content and might be coming back to gamesrocket for more games.
Something I wrote in another topic and dunno if that many people read that:
In the topic about the sale someone sent a part of their site rules and it said, that they require ID and stuff to confirm your maturity for certain games if you are buying them between 6am and 11pm. It may be timezone dependant so thats why some people got their codes and others needed to fill the form.
Not sure how true that is though, just a guess.
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Its a bad guess, and i tell you why... Many ppl after me got the keys, and myself and other didnt, we were selected either randomly or by origin of card payment; Long story short im still missing either 2 keys or the money...
ps. the mature check games are 18+ and that check only apply for germans... I ordered on the spanish version of the site
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Well, sorry for wrong info then. According to their FB: Unfortunately we need to do the payment check in some cases, due the fact we are facing a lot of fraud activities. Of course we can refund everyone who is not willed to do the check. Just send our support your order ID with a small sentence like “refund please”. Sorry, for the inconvenience!!
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Hi there, as You know some people had problems with Sleeping dogs from
This thread is exeactly for those people who didn't recieved their keys.
So What You want to ask is:
Hope Your answers will help other people to get their money back.
P.s: im waiting for response from PP and gamesrocket about my refund, i will edid if ill recieve something.
Hope all of us will get our money back!
Edit: just recieved my refund
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