you're all robots anyway!
Boy or girl, until I was about 23/24yo it didn't matter to me. I used to offend people who said they were 'girls' by treating them the same as any other 'person' on the internet back then. As I didn't have proof of who anyone was, I just treated everyone the same, as a robot. lol. Ahh Internet was much easier back then.
Looking back, it probably wasn't so much seeing people as robots, but as a none-sexed person, for me it was easier to just call them 'robots'.
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That's how you are supposed to treat people. As equals. Not as men or women, but as people.
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Whatever else people may be, they are definitely not "equal." Each person is an individual, with his or her own talents, abilities, and character. Appropriate behavior stems from treating others with the respect and consideration they are due, and that doesn't just apply to human beings. The misguided attempt of "modern" society to treat people "equally" instead of treating them "well" has actually lowered the quality of life for everyone.
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Wait let me get this correct, did you seriously just pass on the best sex of your life?
Also I must say Bra shopping with a gay guy I have heard is a pretty amazing experience.
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Or just good. Or mediocre. Probably wouldn't pass on bad sex either. He's my hero.
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Reminds me of the good old days of seeing that crap from 10 year olds on Runescape many years ago
Just ignorant children with the means to say what they want without consequences, best to ignore it.
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It was a great way to pass the time for sure. As soon as they asked the first question you knew exactly where it was going, the other persons reaction was always different which made it fun
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Just gotta learn to take it with a grain of salt. If they even hint at anything like that my first speaking with them, I automatically remove them.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
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What, and miss out on all the fun? Oh well, I guess I'm even worse, since I rarely accept random friend invites from strangers - and only if we have non-public groups in common.
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i'm also 17 if you're looking for a good time :P
now in all seriousness i find that a little sad and disturbing that someone my age is even talking that way.... if that has ever worked for anyone i'll prob have to go rethink my life as humanity has obviously become that retarded that it's no longer possible to get a tangible point across in an intellectual conversation...
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Well, I applaud whomever made that. That's exactly the course its going.
They forgot 2040 though, Where the coffee machines take over the world when all 100 or so of the "Smart" humans left leave earth, and the rest start praying to the coffee machines to start working because they don't understand why there is no coffee in them.
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I doubt she sat around for 20 minutes eagerly awaiting his reply.
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This was going to be a flaming statement. But I'm tired.
Hullo Jonex! :3
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exactly.. at least he didn't go offensive when refused :)
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It's the internet, the place where people pretend to be anything except what they really are. I doubt you're female, but even if you are it hardly matters. Let it go.
People who claim to be female on a network like steam are after attention or free stuff, probably both. Doesn't matter if they ARE female or not. You should know what to expect so you've got to enjoy it or else you'd avoid it.
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"People who claim to be female on a network like steam are after attention or free stuff, probably both." This user claims to be a female and doesn't appear to be after attention or free stuff. Are you saying that one cannot be a female and use steam without wanting attention or free stuff?
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Females on a network like steam play video games. Males on a network like steam play video games. Gender has nothing to do with someone wanting free stuff. There are plenty of examples of guys wanting free stuff. You don't have to look very far to figure that out.
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So, you're saying that women on Steam should hide the fact they are female? And the only ones who don't must be:
A) Only wanting free stuff.
B) Enjoy being harassed?
Grow up kid.
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What's really upsetting to me about people like you is knowing that nothing anybody can say can make you realize how stupid what you just said was, and you're going to go through the rest of your life being a massive misogynist. I wish I could find comfort in knowing that because of your perspective on gender roles you'll be incapable of finding love or companionship, but it's all too easy to find some poor submissive woman who grew up being taught she doesn't get the same privileges as men, and will gladly cook your meals and raise your kids while you work because providing for the family is a "man's" job.
Oh, but it's not misogyny if it's true, right, ACorpse?
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I could agree that guys who claims to be females are probably seeking the wrong kind of attention.
However, a gal claiming to be herself is simply showing assurance and there's nothig wrong with that. Doesn't mean they should be harrassed. You need to grow up and get into this decade.
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Changing profile pic should do the trick. And I still didn't get whether you are single or not from that chat log.
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She shouldn't have to change her profile pic to not get harassed. That's like blaming the victim for being raped. "Welp, if only you were wearing something less revealing."
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If it bothers you enough you do something about it. And rape is a criminal offence unlike bothering someone on the internet.
PS. Just look at deltablade's avatar. I'm sure noone picks on him :)
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Uh... Just because your aunt is smart, doesn't mean all 30-40 year old women are smart. For instance, my mom is 38 and in my opinion is an absolute hypocritical dumbass.
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The "xD" made it seem like he was making a joke. And since he's talking about women, I figured that joke was based on the generalisation that all women are stupid.
After re-reading the comment he replied to, I saw that he (the dude he was replying to) was pretty much saying all women aged 30-40 are smart.
If I wasn't so tired, I probably would've noticed that the first time, lol.
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This. While I could still stand people online, the coolest people I knew to game with were 30-50 year old women. They were like awesome aunts; would baby you if you really needed it, had wicked dark senses of humor and encouraged you when you were being awesome.
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But but but, he can give you the best sex ever!
Maybe you could just block someone as soon as they ask the pointless questions about your gender & being single.
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What is it with children and idiots in general that think a girl on Steam wants to hear this kind of shit?
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