Sandbox yes, free roam no.
Maybe some Gmod RP server could approach what OP is looking for, but I'm not familiar with one that meets his description.
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There are mods that let you construct structures???Awesome :D
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Na, they wouldn't be able to make it bonkers enougb.
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Wait until Just Cause 2 Official Multiplayer :) It's just like how you describe, you meet tons of people(who try to kill you xD) while walking down the street, airplanes flying everywhere, cars, etc. Most co-op free roam games like SR3 are like invite 3 people to a group and start a mission stuff. Not like MMO style where everyone is on the same map.
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Damn, dude, I'd just be happy to get more than two players.
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I would say TES but there's no drivable vehicles, unless you count horses.
Garry's Mod is shit, I would say no to that anyday.
EDIT: You won't find any free-roam large scale MP games. Simple as that.
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Boring without mods, not much to do except stick stuff together or spawn stuff and shoot at it. (SP)
Boring without friends, gamemodes are laggy and lacking in any substance. (MP)
Bugs, crashes, and errors EVERYWHERE. The game is practically unplayable sometimes.
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The entire point of Gmod IS to mod. Obviously the game would be crap without mods. I have loads of fun playing Gmod with friends on gamesmodes like TTT or just in straight sandbox. I also hardly have any problems with lag in Gmod as long as I stick to low ping servers which there tend to be a lot of.
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I had 1 mod and got on Sandbox with my friend. Loaded that mod, and it instacrashed after lagging like hell.
It was the Harpoon mod.
TTT is boring and uninteresting. If I wanted a gun game I could've played TF2.
The zombie mod-servers are shitty. If I wanted a zombie game I could've played L4D2.
Also- I get lag on singleplayer and local MP.
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Lol! The Harpoon mod! That thing is a joke - it crashes everything. Its your fault for downloading it - its not like its in the base game. If someone made a mod for Skyrim that crashed it, would that mean it was a bad game? I find TTT fun and nothing like TF2. I also prefer the GMod zombies to L4D2. Its really a matter of preference. If you get lag in singleplayer, that means your computer isn't good enough to run the game.
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"Its your fault for downloading it -its not like its in the base game"
Mods aren't in the base game. "The entire point of Gmod IS to mod"
My computer can handle Just Cause 2, Borderlands 2, and Oblivion/Morrowind with excellent graphics mods without any lag.
Also- what's the deal with mods? You pay $15 (or whatever the hell you pay) for a game, and then you download free stuff to make the game better? Shouldn't a game be good standalone? Skyrim is a shitty game, but good with mods. Mods don't make a game better (BAR GRAPHICS/FIX MODS), they make the game different.
And if it's really a matter of preference then why do you keep on critisizing me for me "preference"?
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"Shouldn't a game be good standalone? Skyrim is a shitty game, but good with mods. Mods don't make a game better (BAR GRAPHICS/FIX MODS), they make the game different."
I'm really confused what you're trying to say here. Also, I'm not criticizing you for your preference, the information you posted was just plain misleading.
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Mods shouldn't be necessary for a game to be good. Like, for example, Skyrim does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to non-modded gameplay. That makes it a bad game.
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I disagree, Skyrim was great without mods. I think you just have way too high expectations for games.
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Can I say "preference" here?
Skyrim wasn't actually all that bad, but by comparison to the other TES games it was TERRIBLE.
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Sleeping Dogs(highly recommended), Saints Row 2+3, Just Cause 2, any of the Grand Theft Autos, and a lesser known one (the open world stuff isn't all that great - but it is there, though it's more about the story) The Saboteur.
I have all of these games, and when I want to screw around in an open world game and randomly start killing people with weapons or cars or what-not, I play Sleeping Dogs. It also has the best story of any of the above, in my opinion.
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I would have loved so much a second one, but Pandemic closed... :(
Also, I was playing again the game, but this time I couldn't finnish because of a bug.When I went to that castle/base the Aurora wasn't ther, there was just an empty platform.Do you know about this bug?
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Just cause 2. I've sunk HOURS into that game, both on PC and xbox. I can guarantee it'll be one of the most fun sandbox experiences (if not the best) you'll ever have :D
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There is also a multiplayer mod for it in development.
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There is also a multiplayer mod for it in development.
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There is also a multiplayer mod for it in development.
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Oh wow, I remember that game. I caould easily deal with the crappy AI but those graphics glitches like falling thru the world really took the fun away.
As for the OP, I would recommend GTA 4 or GTA: San Andreas MP and Mafia 2. Maybe even Dead Island.
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Sandbox? Universe Sandbox. :P
Free Roam? Just Cause 2, any of the Fallout or TES games, Saints Row, Driver San Fran. for driving free-roam. I've heard that Red Faction Guerrilla was/is free roam with destruction on potentially awesome scales, but I haven't got so can't verify
(My ranking of the Free Roams that I've played: Driver (best) - JC2 - TES Oblivion - Fallout 3 - Skyrim - Saints Row 3 (worst))
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Huh, out of those I'd go JC2 - Saints Row - Skyrim - Oblivion. I've only played Fallout: NV but that would go last.
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I only put DSF as best because I enjoy driving everywhere & pulling stupid stunts / slides unnecessarily around every corner (+ OP said he wanted driving :P)
Oblivion is way better than Skyrim in my opinion - put about the same, if not more time into Oblivion in total (nor got it on steam though) as I have put into Skyrim and I've finished Skyrim twice, Oblivion: 0 times. I jsut didn't bother, it was fun enough cave-diving and doing Shivering Isles / Knights of the Nine.
Saints Row just seems a bit shit from the time I've put into it really.
But that is all opinions.
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GTA 4, Saints row 3 and Sleeping dogs is what you're looking for.
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As Anti Lion showed.
I'd recommend either X3 TC or Albio Prelude as they are the most recent with more possibilities, and still get update with new content from time to time.
Also check Egosoft's page if you want to know more, X : Rebirth, hich is a reboot of the sries, is in prod since a while and is supposed to come otu this year.
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It's a great game, if you like that sort of thing you can spend ridiculous amounts of time in it. But if you take a break, all the things you had to learn fall out of your head. Then you come back and see your ships, can't remember how to fly them. Giant factory complex, can't remember how it works or what it does. Good luck... :)
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I seem to recall the first Driver came on Playstation 1 had busy street traffic. Before Driver 3 came out, the devs mentioned that they would have the driver leave the car and walk about the city. I haven't followed up on that, not even after the game came out, so I don't know anything past stale rumor.
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You were able to get out of your car in Driver 2 but you really couldn't do much besides get a new car... Then came GTA 3, which took it a step further and allowed you to get out of your car to beat hookers and such. I've never played Driver 3 though. I wonder if its any good.
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My favourite is probably Mercenaries 2. Man i loved that game. However it's not as bustling as you want.
Your only real hope with lots of people is GTA4 or Saints Row 3.
Fallout games are amazing too, but sparsity is a major part of it.
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No? It's got heaps of sand. Literally, heaps, but yeah, it's mostly just set pieces when you interact with the sand. And the multiplayer's pretty dead, so if you want to play with other people I'd probably recommend CoD:MW3 as there are a few maps with sand on them. Again, though, actual sand physics is not great.
I haven't played it, and it's not on PC (as far as I know) but Journey has pretty good sand physics.
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X3: Terran Conflict is an excellent open universe game. There's a persistent and ever-shifting in-universe economy, erratic pirates, battling factions, and endless opportunities for trouble-making and heroism.
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What's a great sandbox/free roam game. What I'm really looking for is a game that is alive. Like when you are walking down the street there are lots of people who talk to you etc. And when you drive there are a lot of cars. I don't like free roam games that are dead, where there are barely any people driving and walking.
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