What do you think about the situation when you buy the game, and after a while the game gets free, Is it a fair to the customers or not?



8 years ago

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life itself is not fair, word fair does not exist, its irrational.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What do you think about the situation when you buy the game, and after a while the game gets free, Is it a fair to the customers or not?

8 years ago

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lets take evolve for example, i bought that game, loved it and played the hell out of it
it started dying, but i still had my fun with it, game went free, we had players for a couples months again, i was having fun with new people and they compensated buyers with stuff that non-buyers didnt get

great move making the game free

now im waiting for battleborn to go free2play so i can try it out, i dont plan on paying money for that

8 years ago

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"Can you repeat the question?" from malcom theme song :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Smart :D Made me chuckle :D

8 years ago

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There's no "fair" or "unfair" in this kind of situation. When you buy a game, there is no agreement of any kind regarding whether the game will be free eventually. You pay for the license to play the game today, that does not entitle you to always having something that is "exclusive" and that won't be free tomorrow.

It's aggravating, sure, but it's rarely about the fairness of things.

8 years ago

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Caught you, dragon!

8 years ago

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Depends on the scenario. If you paid for a game that is pointless without other players populating the servers, you benefit from the game becoming free to play, for example.
Generally you pay what you consider to be a fair price. If the price changes later, shouldn't be relevant for your personal experience and enjoyment of the product.

8 years ago

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Let's say that is not for profit, but a multiplayer game or single player game that you paid something like (Evolve or Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves), and after a while it becomes free.

8 years ago*

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As I already wrote: Just pay the price for a product, that you consider to be fair. The word "fair" implies that you are satisfied with the transaction. You receive the value that you expect, for the value that you are willed to offer.
Anything else that happens simply shouldn't relevant. You got what you want.
In the rare scenario that some developer really managed to fool their customers, karma will bite back anyway. Customers will remember what happened and react accordingly, when they release their next product.

8 years ago*

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I think it helps support the game industry and get the game into the hands of people with less money as well.

People who want to support the game and can afford to do so contribute more money and receive the benefit of playing first while people who have less money or don't like the game as much can play less but have to wait until later.

I do appreciate games that give in game items to earlier buyers, especially if the game later goes Free2Play.

8 years ago

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to add to Golwar's comment: if you think price changes are unfair, then what about discounts? Should it matter that what you bought for £10 is now discounted to £7? Will you be mad for the 30% discount? If you think the price is fair and you buy the game then you shouldnt be affected by discounts later on or if the game becomes free. You paid a price for a product that you, at the time, thought was fair and worth it, so what's the problem?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You can choose to never buy a game and grab them when they are for free. That may result on you playing a game several years after its release ad not playing some others never in your life.

8 years ago

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I don't have any more problem with it than I have with games being marked for 75% off during sales while I got them for full price at release. If I want a game I buy it (or pirate it, although I haven't done it in ages), if people can get it for cheaper later then good for them I guess.

8 years ago

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I think life is more fair than you think. It wouldn't be fair for developers not to have freedom of the price of their game.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

8 years ago

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Consumers as a rule have an awareness that pricing isn't static. Whether a game drops to $10, $1, $0.01, or $0.00 is just a technicality, as is the duration to which that pricing lasts.
Consumers understand the price is going to change, and almost certainly by going lower and lower over time. As such there is an unspoken understanding as to how that mechanism works, and the developer is thus acting in accordance to that understanding by lowering pricing, and thus is not acting unfairly.

Of course, if the developer changes the dynamic by making guarantees on pricing, and then doesn't stand by those or offer compensation for changes in the terms, then they're a liar and a scammer, regardless of their intentions.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The question is what do you think not how you feel: P

8 years ago

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hmmm thinking

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it's bad for your pillow

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Solution: don't buy vidya

8 years ago

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Yes, why not?

8 years ago

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I feel like at one point in my life, this would have been something that upset me a bit. I wound have found it unfair. Though right now, if it were to happen, I probably wouldn't notice, or it wouldn't be very high on the priority list of the things to be upset about.

8 years ago

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I'm trying to think of a way this is unfair, but I can't.
So ... I guess that means I think it's fair. :X

8 years ago

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If they give some kind of compensation sure.
Be it a discount on a sequel, or in-game items unobtainable by players who didn't buy in originally, something.

On the other hand, I've bought a few bundles over the last few years that included a game that did cost money, and then became free..
Leaving a key to a free game in my inventory >.>

8 years ago

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Fair/Unfair it's just a man-made concepts which renders them irrelevant on the grand scheme of the universe.

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8 years ago

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If it gets free soon after release, then yes, it pisses me off. With soon I mean less than a year.
If it gets free after, say, several sales with 80% off, price drops and so on, then I guess it's fair.

I have been pissed off with Planetary Annihilation. I was so excited because I played a lot of Total Annihilation in the past, so I paid 29$ on their site before release, but my pc was crappy and ran it very poorly. Then, soon after I changed my pc, the game went free! What the...?
Never played it again.

Will never buy games at full price again.

8 years ago

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If it gets free soon after release, then yes, it pisses me off. With soon I mean less than a year.
If it gets free after, say, several sales with 80% off, price drops and so on, then I guess it's fair.

This, pretty much. Also, I get pissed off if a game is marketed as exclusive, pre-order or similar and gets given away free quickly after. For example, Minion Masters on HB Monthly (so basically $2 game) got given away like a week after. Yeah, so very exclusive, thanks HB, thanks devs. On a regular bundle and bundle games, don't really care.

ETA: but of course I don't mind EA games that cost money while the full release will be f2p. With a clear disclaimer to the paid version being a support thing, nothing wrong.

In the case of games that go free like King's Quest Chapter 1 or Life Is Strange Episode 1... Yeah, I did get a little ticked off, but mainly at myself because I bought them way back when but they are still sitting in my backlog. Both of these happened X months amount of time after my purchase so in general I don't mind that much. I remember hearing that people who got the free LIS1 keys didn't have card drops while the paid LIS1 does drop cards. That I think is a fair and nice way to handle the change. While probably the customers will 'lose' money, it's still a great way to recognise the earlier support.

tl;dr: yes, generally, very fair.

8 years ago*

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Minion Masters on HB Monthly (so basically $2 game) got given away like a week after

The premium pack for Minion Masters that was included in HB Monthly has never been given away for free.
The base game has been given out like candy, and was given away as such even before the Monthly bundle hit, and seems to just be a way of giving the devs/consumers profits off card sales before the game properly goes F2P (as the devs already gave strong indication it would).

Episodic games and DLCs

Those are most certainly the main source of frustration in Steam purchasing, at least from my perspective. :/

I remember hearing that people who got the free LIS1 keys didn't have card drops while the paid LIS1 does drop cards.

Activating from a key gives you +1 in library and card drops. Activating a free game through Steam offers neither.
But adding any DLCs whatsoever to a free game changes it into a paid game, adding both traits, so there's nothing special after that.

8 years ago

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The premium pack for Minion Masters that was included in HB Monthly has never been given away for free.

Oh, I thought the... BetaDwarf? giveaway included the premium. At least that's they listed and it was when I noticed you couldn't make a GA for MM any more. :(

8 years ago

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Gives beta access and post-launch access (without having to pay $20 for what is currently the premium upgrade), but doesn't give access to the premium upgrade content.

I haven't heard of any giveaways for the upgrade, though it is strange that it isn't available on the giveaway list. :X

8 years ago

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Bad luck...yeah...

8 years ago

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Well, it's neither fair nor unfair because there wasn't any promise to break or fulfill, but I know the feeling. Last summer I bought Dirt 3, Dirt Showdown, and GRID. One by one they all went free during the next several months :)

8 years ago

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It is not unfair.

It might be worth action if there were a contract stating that price would not change but those are rare. Generally, I think they have the right to sell or giveaway their product as they wish within the scope of the law.

8 years ago

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That's why I always wait for large discounts or bundles to buy. At least this way when the game is given away I didn't miss by much

You forgot to put up a poll with a potato option, though 🙃

8 years ago

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Not fairy.

8 years ago

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Whether you purchase the game at full price, wait for it to go on sale, or pick it up for free; fair has nothing to do with it, it's timing. Some people gotta have it RIGHT NOW, some are patient enough to wait for it...You decide if it is worth it. Sure it sucks when you paid, then the game goes freebie but you could have waited. I do think it's a tad uncool that you pay for bundled games that go freebie that you can no longer giveaway on SG, and of course no one wants to trade for a 'free' game, right? Fair? Maybe not, but such is life. As long as you enjoy the games...

8 years ago

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