Yay, when I registered in SG I never thougt I would giveaway something, and here I am, so here is a puzzle for you guys and once the giveaway ends my contributor value will be over $100.


Since the puzzle has many questions, ONE USER can share JUST ONE answer by replying to the first reply to this thread, but you can share only names, you can't share to which question it belongs. If you brake this rule, I can add your name to the black list.

By entering to the giaway you agree with that I can post your nick in this thread and if your nick is in the black list below I will ask for a re-roll.

Q: How many points do I need to enter to the giveaway? A: You need 50 points.

Q: Do I need to have contributor value to enter? A: Nope.avi

Q: How much time do we have to solve the puzzle? A: The giveaway ends on Oct, 26th..

Q: Your inventory is public and there isn't any 50 points game, you liar. A: I can buy it right before give it to the winner, can't I?

The Wall Of Shame

AKA entries so far (Thanks to Marmots for wall of shame thing): jatan11t Nekto89 RyoKawakita Max422 Soturak PingWIN7 moemustaine Fet pwnflakes Ufoleet Gh0st233 Freitas ZeCC93 ViTALiTY Ashlom Wachileirinpei X3NOS Araita sardanapal ariadourden deathbunny32 Mystix426 m4ttz SimplyAaron Kryzoid ElMatadorYTyrannos iamblack FeO Ronik paulomorbeck Rorrim Kelvan VivisectorITA Manoli cn47 demyztikx Marmots ffrreeaakk1 kid38 nightwolf Marranitow kiltromon bobofatt VulcanoChile Celdiruen Malvoisin Malvoisin TheDarkSoldierCL foulcoon DetectiveThompson Crazze47 xzoltan84 LobkoviyVolos Moode piw1 halnco eric1894 InfiniteEvil Funsize cams02 dannielCZ sergicz lPwnD Teiwaz demien DeadLink Puddingteilchen Nick1337 PE99 coolfox Rikitiki PoherFace kukumberz AviDx try2k wirefly7 bugsbony suawek Vacry Yasiek HolyDiver ViciousCrow L0KI darksquallleon Nickyiv Aleh29 slimcheg MindbendeR MtiC sirger Psymon cham0d PKeeper Cry4Heal Snow groland chaos176 RelaxTea Fragy wienna

Users in the black list: Whoever made a thread on a chinese forum

12 years ago*

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I wonder how can handle with the task the female part of the s.gifts community.
1/40 solved.


I think that this puzzle moved S.gifts on a whole new level...

12 years ago

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A whole bunch of uglies? I think that is the answer myself

12 years ago

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I don't know anyone !
Dammit! >.<

12 years ago

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use google pic. search :D

12 years ago

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Got help on Q20, now only Q14 left. Not mentioned anywhere :(

12 years ago

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Need 1 and 20Q

12 years ago

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Any hint on finding Q14 (2nd part)?

12 years ago

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Any hinst on Q14 so far?

12 years ago

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me jungle pls

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Hanneman213.