For 2 years, that I'm on this site, I've entered more than 3.3k giveaways, from which I won only 8. That means, my win rate is 0.0024 According to my stats, that's considered lucky, because I've won 4 games higher, than expected. My average winning % is 0. This site expects me to loose every giveaway I've entered. Honestly, WTF? I've saw people, with less time and less entries winning 3 times more games, than me.
So I feel pretty f*cked over. Anyone else has same situation, or are devs of this site are mad only at me (for some mysterious reason)?

8 years ago

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How f*cked over are You, according to Your stats?

View Results
Pretty much f*cked over
Somewhat f*cked over
Somewhat good
Pretty much good

You should consider joining level 4+ giveaway for better chance rather than level 0 GA's. More luck there :)

8 years ago

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Try entering GAs with lower entries. Be active in the forums and you will find a lot of invite only GAs. Region restricted GAs are also great.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Only eight wins? Sheesh, that's a nice attitude to have about eight free games you've got.

8 years ago

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I always knew this site was a scam.

EDIT: First of all, you're entering giveaways with ~2 000 entries, your chances aren't very high. Second of all, try saying thank you to the giveaway creators when you win. I believe you're chances of winning go through the roof.

8 years ago

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At level 4 you should be able to join some private groups with fewer then 50 entry's increasing your odds of winning drastically,my wins exploded after getting into a few good groups at one point i had won over 99 games in a two week period from these groups i had to back off my entry's to maintain my ratio lol.also like others said dont touch any GAs under level 4....

8 years ago

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You've got a win rate of 2.4 in 1000.

Where most giveaways you entered have 1000 or more entries, with the lowest still being over 500.
If there's that many folks with the same odds of winning, do you really think your chances are very high ?

The stats run the basic probability math for you - if they say you're lucky, you bloody well are.
I suggest you be more happy about the fact that you're getting free stuff, instead of being a greedy self-entitlted dick.

8 years ago

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Is there a way to see what GAs other users have been entering? Just wondering...

8 years ago

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You can look up users here.
Including number of GA's entered. Actual GAs can be found on their profile, which is one click further down from there.

8 years ago

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That is the same I would have tried. But that way, I can only see the GAs won and given, right? Not the ones entered.

8 years ago

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Voted "somewhat bleeped over" because 3 less wins than estimated, but to be honest, I don't feel unlucky at all. Wins are just a little bonus to all the other good stuff going on in here, and they happen pretty regularly anyway.

8 years ago

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I'm not saying that I'm not happy with what I've won, no. I'm very grateful for people, who give away games for free. What I'm saying, is that it seems like this site distributes wins not uniformly - some have greater chance of winning than others.

8 years ago

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... No. Every person who enters certain GA has the same chances.

8 years ago

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Well, even if logic is written correctly, still, I feel like it isn't working as intended.

8 years ago

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... How?
If you enter GA with 3000 other people, each of you have the same chance.
You want to win more? Enter GAs with less number of entries (groups, whitelist, level restrictions). Each person who participate in those GA still has the same chances as you, but you are more likely to win because of statistics (it's easier to get one lucky number out of 30 than 3000).

8 years ago

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You just need to believe :P

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8 years ago

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I think you forgot to consider few more parameters that are in this system (like "people entered"/"no. of copies given", etc.), statistic results (since you can be really not in average, but you said yourself that you are above avg.) or psychological issue (half glass empty type)

8 years ago

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Statistics say that 74.8% of all people obsessed with statistics go insane. :X
and 95% of all statistics are made up 80% of the time, and an additional 44% on Fridays.

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8 years ago

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What...? I mean even if you feel unlucky why you would be "f*cked over"? Or believe that someone is mad at you? Do you think that since you're consider lucky by, let me add, statistics (so no one "mad" at you anywhere) you will not win another GA? It's random chance.

8 years ago

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You're level 4, higher than me, with your lucky, i invite you join my GA:
Good luck again!! :)

8 years ago

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People, I know this golden rule "Go to giveaways with less people". BUT - almost all giveaways, that I want to get in are not "with less people". And I don't want to enter small giveaways with games, that I don't need.

8 years ago

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And that's a good attitude. But don't be surprised that NUMBERS shows you are lucky if you are entering GAs with huge number of entries and win. Once again, how are you "f*cked over"? Care to explain?

8 years ago

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I told You already. I feel f*cked over. I wanted to know, am I alone with that feeling, or is it a common thing. Why? If it's common - I won't feel THAT bad. Else, I'd be ve-e-ery pissed off.

8 years ago

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But what is the reason you feel this way? I explained you it's not like someone from this site is going: "NOPE! THIS GUY WON TOO MUCH! NO MORE WINS!". Numbers. Statistic. Math. It doesn't prevent you from winning. It does not provide anything except information. It doesn't serve any other purpose. If you wouldn't looked at your statistics you wouldn't even know it, but they would still be the same. So what's the point of feeling bad about something you could just calculate yourself (if you would use the same method and probably much more time) and get the same results?

8 years ago

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I have 7000 entries in 3 years, 19 won games only with contributed 100+ games to lvl 5.
Yesterday i saw guy who has 2 years reg. 79 won games and contribute totally nothing. Its luck he? :)
u have 3,3 and got 8 games i have almost 7 and got 19 games :D we are on same boat

8 years ago

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I have 7600 entries in 3 months...

8 years ago

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If u enter on everything u can.. i enter ONLY on games that i want. U have won games like 2/5/7P, indie, pixel, 2D and other somethings. I do not enter on things like this :) so i have low number of entries.
From your winning iam interested only in Deadpool so u put lot of entires and i put only 1 instead :D

8 years ago

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But... butt... but I like to play in cheap indie pixel gaems =_=

8 years ago

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Yes, its not prob. I only mean iam not interested in those games like u have, so this is why u have same entries in 3 months like me in 3y :D (i have 66xx games blacklisted so...)

8 years ago

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404 entries in 3 years, 3 won games. lvl 7 :D

8 years ago

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If you want to increase the chances for good GAs, join a group, do puzzles etc.

8 years ago

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Oh, and almost forgot...

Good luck!

8 years ago

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you are registered for 2 years, but you are using your account for 1 year, not 2

You don't join too many private/group giveaways which have a lot less entries, that is how people win games mostly. Public giveaways don't give too many wins, since they have a lot of entries. Well, there are good public giveaways, but for higher lvls, lvl 4 and lesser still have a lot of entries.

8 years ago

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The stats are calculated by the number of entries there are in each giveaway you join. The more people that are enter into a giveaway the lower your chances are of winning (of course). Steamgifts calculates your percentage of winning in every giveaway you enter and adds them up to give an idea of how many games you should have won.

Expected Win Formula: (total number of giveaways entered) / (total average entry of all the giveaways you entered) = (the expected number of games you should win)

For example, If I entered 2000 giveaways and the total average entry per giveaway is 1000, then I'm expected to win 2 games.
(2000) / (1000) = 2

So if I were to win 3 games then I'd be considered lucky since I won 1 MORE game than expected

However if the total average entry per giveaway is 500, then I'm expected to win 4 games.
(2000) / (500) = 4

In this case, winning 3 games would mean I'm unlucky since I won 1 LESS game than expected

Your Case

You entered 3300 giveaways, and you were expected to win 4 (but won 8).
(3300) / (total average of entries in the giveaways you've participated in) = 4

This means you entered giveaways that averaged around 825 entries. (3300) / (825) = 4

With this in mind, you won 8 making you actually a very lucky person. In fact you are 200% lucky when it comes to winning games.

8 years ago

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If you feel unlucky still, hopefully my stats will cheer you up

Giveaways entered: 1603
Average number of entries in the giveaways I enter: 471
Expected Number of wins: 3.4 games
Actual Number of wins: 1 game

This makes me 30% unlucky. If I had your luck (200%) I would have won 7 games by now

8 years ago*

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So I feel pretty f_cked over.

Ah, yes, because when you paid your $100 a month subscription, you were guaranteed that you'll win at least once a month, and now that it isn't so, you feel pretty f*cked over.

Oh, wait, there's no fee and no guarantees, it's a community driven service where people like you and me give away their gifts/keys to others who are RANDOMLY selected by the cronjob script from a pool of entries that can be up to 10.000 or more people.

Try entering the giveaways with less total entries (by solving puzzles for example) if you're so much into winning. TBH I think it's overrated and I like giving more, but whatever, if that's your thing, get into puzzles and private groups and stuff like that where there's 20-50 entries max.

But be warned, you can "not win" (I'm trying to avoid using the word lose, as you don't have anything so you're not losing anything, you just don't win) even if there's only 2 entries. It's random.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Ein6tein.