well, I am conflicted between
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Take either the i7 2700K or get your hands on some newer Ivy Bridge CPU.
8GB RAM should be enough for gaming, all the time I spend in BF3 I never used more than 6GB or so. As long as you don't do any Photo / Video editing it should be enough but then again, it's super cheap at the moment.
You might want to pay attention to XMP-Profile RAM, just in case you ever need to boost it a little ... Intel® Extreme Memory Profile - Intel® XMP
Your Mainboard should be a Z68 one as it makes overclocking your CPU much more easy!
OCZ is not my favourite SSD by the way, you might want to check out some recent Crucial or Samsung!
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Good luck finding an available 680 that isn't jacked up in price due to their lack of availability elsewhere. I recommend the 670, it should be easier to find, and is ~$400, and performs damn near close to the 680 for $100 less, while beating the 7970 at times. Also, there's no need for you to get the 3960x, you'll see barely, if any performance increase in gaming between a 2700k and 3960x, and even for things like video encoding/rendering, while the 3960x is no doubt better for it, it doesn't mean the 2700k can't hold its own. So yea, 670, and your choice #2.
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GTX680 is what i would go with, Nvidia offer more such as CUDA, Physx. But if you want to spend less go with AMD. Before people say Eye-finity, You can do the same with nvidia.. Also whos likly to own 3 moniters, And use all for gaming, (at the same size aswell else it doesnt work).
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AMD is that not much cheaper... the 7970 I am looking at is priced at 520 USD and the 680 at 540 USD...
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Nvidia cards are usually extremely power hungry compared to AMD, so AMD is a lot cheaper in the long run.
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The money saved from parts taking a bit less power is marginal to nonexistent at best. Kepler's power consump is perfectly in check. According to Techpowerup, on average the 680 uses 3w more than the 7970...so yea.
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...no. These cards stay well within safe range temps and have a high threshold to temperatures to the point where there'd be no worry of degradation. Unless you have your whole PC wrapped in blankets and have piss poor ventilation as a result.
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I have 3 monitors for gaming. Check Steam's hardware survey if you really want to know how many do. Triple monitor will probably end up more popular than dual due to the bezel in the centre of your vision.
Support for different monitor resolutions is supposed to be added (eventually?) in the 7xxx cards. Multi-monitor support in Windows itself is piss-poor but when it works its fun.
Both cards are very good and are very similar in terms of performance and efficiency, enough so that you really should just go with whichever card has the best deal.
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I doubt triple monitor would come so popular that companies will always have to support it. Most people don't have the space or money for it. (Steam hardware survey only shows the res of people with Multi-monitors, Not how many people have.)
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I like of liked AMD but the newest GPUs aren't that good, so go with the GTX 680
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Get the ASUS GeForce GTX 670 Direct CU II TOP. I mean look at the reviews, the ASUS Direct CU II is faster than the 680 while being quieter under load than most cards in idle, that's nuts. Plus the power consumption is less than that of the 680.
It got the first perfect 10 for a GPU from TechPowerUp.
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Yeah, go ahead and pay more for the likelihood (y) and for a card that is louder, consumes more power and is slower.
Also, not all 670s are faster than the 680s, that card just seems tremendous bang for buck. It would be the card I'd be shopping for were I in the market for a new one.
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I yet have to experience an issue with AMD's drivers. I can't say the same for Nvidia, though. My brother and I have had 5 different Nvidia graphic cards (5200, 5500, 6200, 7600GT, GTX275) over the last few years and despite having tried about 5 different versions of Nvidia's drivers with each one and multiple setups, we still ran into plenty of BSODs caused by their cursed drivers. After experiencing the same with the GTX275, we lost all faith in Nvidia's products and switched over to AMD, which is a decision we don't regret at all.
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While the first three were low-end and one generation behind the then new graphic cards, they shouldn't have had so many issues with games that ran perfectly fine until we got a BSOD (we didn't push them hard at all, but they crashed anyway). At first I thought the same as you just said, that the low-end cards might have been the problem, so I got a 7600GT (which was mid-end at the time, Series 8 was about to be launched) and had exactly the same issue. Then, a couple of years later, my brother decided to get a GTX275 (one of the latest cards in the market at the time) to avoid issues that we thought were specific to somewhat old low-end and mid-end cards. However, it was just as unstable as any other Nvidia card we had tried, so the low-end theory was discarded; the problem was Nvidia. And to answer your question, low-end cards are supposed to work as stably as any other product, so why wouldn't I expect them to get the job done with lower quality settings? I guess that's the case with Nvidia, though, since even an old 5200 crashed as often as a then new GTX275.
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Ok I am saving up for a good g card on my new build... cannot decide between these two cards... Asus GTX 680 or Asus HD7970... The 7970 page on newegg has a 15% rma rate so far... not sure about the GTX680... I need something reliable and with good warranty coverage (brand doesn't matter may be other than Asus)...
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