You could always get a retail Fallout 3, not sure if you can get GOTY edition though.
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There are some exceptions, like Dying Light which is marked "(NA)" on GMG and has activation restrictions for the NA sub.
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This has been shown to be innaccurate on numerous occassions. There are several regions that they sell locked/restricted keys in. This can be awkward if buying for others but generally buying for yourself from another region should be safe. If however there are issues with keys either bought from your own region to give to others or from other regions for yourself the general result has been that support will do diddlysquat other than yo tell you to buy from your own region and/or send people money so they can buy from theirs
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Yeah, I did think that. And I still hope that is typically the case as I have a GMG key up in a giveaway. But I just bought a key for Brink in the Bethesda sale that activated on Steam as 'Brink (UK only)' which has made me rethink that. There were no warnings about regional restrictions on the store page.
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I had done some googling and I believe the Brink issue is down to the game being available in different regions at different times. There maybe isn't a restriction on where the key could be activated - more likely just when the different keys became playable, which this long after release wouldn't matter. I'd suspect a similar thing with your Dow 2 key and I hope similar restrictions were never applied to older games. .
But after this experience and researching it appears GMG is selling regional keys for certain publishers with whatever restrictions/limitations they request. And those are not always advertised on the store page and Bethesda are one of the problem publishers. I really think it is a bit more complicated than 'GMG sells only RoW keys.'
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I certainly don't blame you for paying in $ rather than euros. And I have bought a lot of stuff from GMG and not had an issue yet and I hope that will continue.
I'm just saying that from my experience at least one publisher has regional restrictions on GMG that aren't made clear before purchase - and that is Bethesda.
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Unfortunately no. From what I can tell Bethesda issued regional keys for Brink to control it's release as a major title (if anyone knows better they are welcome to correct me). I assume older fallout games, etc were dumped on GMG without regional restrictions. I'm uncertain about Skyrim - I have a bunch of playfire credit and was thinking about getting a copy for a giveaway but now I don't think I'd risk it. If anyone knows for sure I'd want to know also!
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Yeah, I found a bunch of Skyrim issues while I was googling GMG and region locked games - including links here. I still couldn't easily get to the bottom of exactly what worked where which is why I decided to give it a miss.
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Openly encouraging piracy isn't exactly the best response to the members question. But whatever.
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They can charge whatever they want for said product they are the publishers.How would you like someone to tell you how much to charge something your selling it is your right to ask what you want,and the right of the buyer not to buy it at said price.
Do not use high prices as an excuse to pirate and steal a product,do not like the price or product do not buy it,that simple,they lose your money,you save a few bucks.I do think games can be priced a bit higher then they should at times but then i just do not buy them until it is at said price i feel i should pay.
Still even know 59.99 is a bit more then i would like to see GTA V the price alone is not my only factor in purchase of a game.
Also i wish people would stop calling it a 2 year old game ,it is 2 years old on out dated console platform,it has not been out on the PC and with the updated visual and added stuff i think it will be worth it.
You do not go to a dealership and say i will not pay 45,000 for this brand new car because it is the same as it was 2 years ago,you still pay full price regardless if it is the same down to every nook and cranny as it might be the same thing it still not brand new.
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I know you pay more but that does not mean everyone that is paying less then you can afford them just the same.
If games where not 59.99 i would have a lot more,but i do not because i do not have the money,so i know how it feels to be charged to much,but i also understand that they have the right to charge what they want and i have the right not to pay.
And you ought to exercise your right not to pay those high prices by not buying the games.I think it is obvious that they are selling enough to keep them happy other wise they would lower the price.
I had to save for several months to just get GTA V and i had to get a social club key so i could get it at 45 other wise i would have not been able to get it.
Anyhow i do feel you on the price thing,i just can not agree on it as a a reason to suggest illegal stuff just because of price.I wish Nuuvem prices then i could get GTA V for 30 bucks but i still not sure it would be region free or locked after purchase or other wise interfere with future DLC
The way i feel if you can not afford to pay you should not pay
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$74.99 USD, that is the current steam price for gta 5 in oz. and that is usd, so you have to pay a fee on top of that to convert the aud to usd when you buy. i dont know if you fully appreciate the feeling of being overcharged.
bethesda are still charging $79.95, again in usd, for the evil within.
you are viewing this in terms of products and services. but a game isnt a product like a toilet seat, or a service like a plumber, where there is an open marketplace, the game company has a monopoly over their game and are price gouging. in most other contexts it would be illegal, so a consumer protest like piracy is actually a worthwhile response to corporate shittyness.
it has actually had demonstrable positive effects on behaviour too for legit australian consumers. HBO for ages, felt that game of thrones fans in australia should have to wait either 6 months or a year (cant remember which and cant be bothered to google) after the usa had seen it before it came on tv here. as a result everyone pirated the show, and hbo realised it was a fucking stupid thing to do and now we get it at the same time.
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the reason they claim they charge us more, is that the bricks and mortar stores sell their games at those prices, and they are contractually obliged not to undercut them. but the games companies are the ones deciding to charge the stores as much as they do, and they claim they set the price because of shipping, which is bullshit, and its especially galling when they are games that are exclusive to pc, because bricks and mortar stores dont even have pc sections any more in most circumstances, digital download is the only way you can get the fucking things, and to make us pay a foreign currency transaction fee on fucking top because you wont sell us the games in our currency. fuck you (publishers and steam et al, not you)
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US is a RoW region so I do not see why you wouldn't be able to.
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Might want to read that
How will GmG customers be affected by the new steam region locking?
First and foremost GMG is an authorized digital distributor. This means that they have direct contracts with the publishers and get their Steam keys straight from them for each region they are offering the game in. This is why You're always guaranteed that the Steam key from GMG will work with the Steam account from the same region You're purchasing the game from. Due to this Steam's decisions regarding region-locking will not affect purchases made from GMG in this regard as GMG always provides the keys that are correct for the region You're purchasing the game from.
Just in case however, please note that as stated in the Regional Availability FAQ the keys offered by GMG are not guaranteed to work with Steam accounts from regions others than the one the game has been purchased from, but it has always been this way and Steam's region-locking decisions does not change this in any way.
This is my opinion
As far as i know Steam has no way to control region lock on retail keys that is up to the publisher as steam can only control products/services they offer.Steam is authorized to resell the games so they can control who they want to sell it to and who can use it just the same as the publisher can do the same.
As long as the keys are ROW they can sell to whoever they want,that is why Nuuvem sold to anyone because they could,that why i am not sure why publishers ask them to just region lock purchases to SA only.why not lock the key itself?
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I want to buy Fallout 3 GOTY edition, but it's $10 in my region (AUS) and it is also tagged as ANZ edition (meaning Australia and New Zealand).
Im wondering, if i get an american friend to buy it for me, will i be able to redeem it to my steam account?
it will save me a couple of dollars
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