Always make sure to use when you're trading.
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problem is that this little shit added me and was impersonating another steam user which had a lot of rep, by the time i realized i got f****d it was already to late....
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yeah...i just checked the pic and the name, well i guess my stupid ass learned a lesson
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look at the account also if it has a low steam level or under 10 games always question it. don't be to hard on yourself its just a learning lesson.
funny once i had a guy add me with 2 game so i was a little shitty with him.the trade went fine and it turned out he only played tf2 and had a very nice tf2 inventory.
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Google can lead you to the wrong page - or rather, it will take you to the page they're impersonating. If you use Enhanced Steam, it lets you go from A) Steam Chat to B) their Steam profile page (which will look like the one they are impersonating, and they can even boost their Steam level cheaply through a leveling bot) to C) their profile, which they can't fake. They may have a similar-looking name and avatar image, but they won't have the real traders SteamTrades rep.
Following these three links leaves no room for error, the way a Google search does - you are working with one consistent identity.
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i never google the named profile link and always get the # one. i do it to look for reports as most scammers are "clean" but have reports on various trade websites. this helps with none impersonators. i do research before any big trade. bundle trades i'm not to concerned about.
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or destroy everything you can get your hands on <--- i like this one better
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I remember a time when i was so enraged i twisted my phone with both hands like a screw and stopped when i started to bleed out of my palm . i think a piece of plastic or glass pierced my skin
I have a little scar to remind me to chill when im about to erupt .
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Hah, sounds like my mom! She loved to drunk dial me at 2am and it was never nice! ^^
Nice cat!
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"or you get locked out of trading for a week" that also works lol
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It depends on how you got scammed. But the usual steps are:
1) Report on steamrep.
2) -rep on steamtrades or any other site he/she is using.
3) Report on steam.
4) Open a steam support ticket.
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i did all except #2 because i don't have his steamtrades
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I can help you find him on steamtrades. Go to, put his steam profile there, and -rep him. Please be careful to -rep the impersonator, not the guy that he impersonated. And please put a detailed -rep comment, so that people will know what happened.
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Great. You're welcome. I hope you left a detailed comment though, in order to show the reason why you left a -rep comment, especially if he answers saying that you're lying.
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having 4k games helps me though a few years back i did know of a guy with a lot like me scamming people for game keys and no one believed the reports.
long time ago i was part of a trade site for physical goods and it was common that high end traders would "cash out" on years of good rep on 1 really big trade and just burn the other party then just get banned from the site.
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some did some didn't but since they were banned and accounts removed/locked i only heard the stories later when i would trade with people. ofc the site didn't want that info to be common knowledge. i know one guy did it right before he moved.
i mainly used it to trade 3-5 crap items for 1 nice one to sell on ebay so i wasn't a target.
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Make sure to let the person who they impersonated know so they can warn others.
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i got scammed too on steamtrades and they have so many +rep but i understand him how to scam everybody. he trades low price games very well but when he trades AAA games he said this key did not work i searched him and i find many people like me. i reported him on steam with proof not happened anything to him. So guys be carefull.
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Sorry to hear it... for future, install enhanced steam, and then click go to the profile of the person chatting to you and you'll have quick links to steamrep and steam trades, to confirm who it is.
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i have just installed enhanced steam, useful extension :)
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Extremely! I sometimes have to use the steam browser and I'm wondering what happened to all my extra links... then I remember... right it's in the browser only.
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I mean, you're saying that because you ARE from the 90s. It's easy to say when you're 22 and already have the life experiences to be more prepared for those potential events, but younger people still in their mid teens might not yet fully respect just how many people out there are trying to be scumbags, regardless of how much easier it is with the internet these days, until they've learned from their mistakes such as this example. Don't forget that most of the people who still get scammed out there are literally 12-15 years old and don't know any better.
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As for me i was in steam for almost 8 years and never got scamed lol
i am 22 now and (by the magic of calculation) i was in steam since 14 y.o.
The ability to think some steps ahead is not based on ur ages imho
People can be smart when they are 12 y.o. and can be really dumb when they are 35
Think on that next time when u will decide to "defend" them ;)
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What.... you seriously think that's a sound logic? You really shouldn't sound so arrogant and talk down to people for no reason when you run the risk of sounding like an idiot. Of course younger people can have more common sense than their counterparts, but you seem to have completely disregarded the concept of learning from your mistakes, something everyone witnesses regardless of their intelligence. Just because you didn't get scammed doesn't make you a genius, or something you can brag about. The smartest people have fallen for the dumbest tricks in the book at some point in their life. For your own sake please take something from that and consider getting over yourself, it doesn't make you look cool. Someone as intelligent as yourself should have the common sense to know that by now.
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It's easy to say when you're 22 and already have the life experiences to be more prepared for those potential events, but younger people still in their mid teens
When did 22 suddenly become "not young"? -_-
A 22 year old is still a kid to me LOL.
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Well, I said younger people, not that 22 isn't young. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm only 25 and I already feel old and decrepit wondering where the years went just because loads of friends I used to know have seemingly been replaced with work and bills. I just wanna go back to playing on the swings again man T_T
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checking you're 'trading' with the right user is the only thing you had to do. going first or going last or going in the middle makes 0 difference in most cases.
also, you'll still have to go first in trades sometimes unless you want to be one of "those"
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That's it!! i'm never going first again when trading
May as well just quit trading now then as you really don't have the rep to be insisting others go first, and if you do you'll just look like the scammer to them.
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let me add to this my stupid lesson too.
to everyone writing about steamrep - since credit card chargeback is virtually handed to scammers on a silver platter by this no more inventory gift system, be aware steamrep refuses to investigate any of those cases, and you won't be able to get them flagged especially since the gift purchase will come from a mule account. I submitted and was invalidated with them saying take it to steam. To this day scammer account still clear and steam did nothing. all that exists is my added -rep to their profile on steamtrades and if anyone actually searches to find the invalidated reports i submitted ... sad
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Steam Rep is absolute shit now, to be honest. The people there are unhelpful idiots that dismiss anything without a second thought. It didn't use to be that bad.
That said it can still help detect some of the repeat impersonators going around.
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I always ask if someone ninja adds me, then verify if they are what they claim to be. Doing so and i dodged alot of impersonators from steamtrades. Also i avoid trade with private accounts, account flagged via steamrep, shady activity in steamtrade etc. Also if you find an offer that is too good to be true, it actually is and its better to avoid em as well.
Good luck.
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Believe in Karma. People can't die unless they get what they deserve. So you have nothing to worry about :)
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there are addons or whatever they are probably called for TamperMonkey which add links and such for checking these sort of things
what youll want to take from this experience is ALWAYS check that the user you are talking to can be traced back through links found on their SteamGifts profiles, Barter profile, SteamTrades profile, etc etc. Also, anyone who comes out of nowhere and adds you directly without first commenting on your thread is a POS trader/scammer. As a requirement anyone wanting to deal with me must always comment on my thread. If there is no agreement made then there is no reason to be adding me. Most seasoned traders will follow these steps, some wont because they trade for profit and thell want to make sure them and only them steal that mega deal or whatever from a new trader who has no clue of the value of what he has, etc etc (screw those guys, their keys will be coming from g2a anyway, good luck with your game revoke in some months)
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If you don't do trading, it's impossible to get scammed.
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That's it!! i'm never going first again when trading :@ i have reported that little shit anything else i can do?
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