Hi, I speak spanish and my english is bad, so sorry if you don't understand.
Today, in a facebook group, someone post an account, and give it as a ''gift''.
He give the name and the password, so I enter in the account but it has some function blocked(trade, play games, etc)
There is a message that is says that the true owner has reclaimed it.
So here are my first cuestion:
Can I get IP banned? so my accounts can get banned because I use an account that is reclaimed by the true owner?

In the next days I will try to contact the true owner. And also I'll contact the steam support.

Thanks in advance for your tips and answers

10 years ago*

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Yes. Steam will ban users related to hijackin of other accounts.

10 years ago

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What can I do? I didn't do anything. I just enter in the account. Now I change the password so anyone except me can enter. But I want to give back to the true owner. How can I say this to the steam support? They are going to believe me?
In addition, I heard that the spanish steam support is not so good than the english steam support.

10 years ago

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The owner should reclaim it without the password, so just leave it and move on

10 years ago

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Why would you even try to log into another persons account, and then proceed to change the password?

I have no idea if steam support will believe your story, but they will find the account one way or another and they will probably associate it with your IP address.

edit: find the forum post or wherever you got the account details before you entered them, bookmark that page and take a screenshot, that might be good enough proof to clear things up with steam support.

10 years ago

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Because the account was suposed to be a ''gift'', like a giveaway. When I realize that the true owner was another person, I decide to give it back to him. But I didn't consider the consequences

10 years ago

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you can't "gift" an account to someone else. are you idiot?

10 years ago

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Thanks! I wanted this type of tips. I send a message to the steam support, and now I'm waiting for answers and solutions.
I already took the screenshot, but I forgot to include it in the message.

10 years ago

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hm, okay

10 years ago

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Next time think twice before doing something stupid. If you already got your own accound why in hell would you want to login onto other's??

10 years ago

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Did you actually use the account other than log in to it? E.g. try to play games? If so you'll have some explaining to do to support because you will look plainly like a thief. Sounds like you didn't even know who owned the account, which doesn't work in your favour either.

Imagine you're walking along the street and you see someone pick up a phone they found on the ground. They see you walking past and offer to you, "Here, you can have this". Taking that phone and making it yours doesn't really sound like the right thing to do does it?

10 years ago

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Como hablas español y me da flojera escribir en inglés xD, parece que lo "regaló" y luego reclamo su cuenta esperando que otra persona pusiera juegos ahí, de qué grupo lo tomaste? porque parece que este tipo intento hacer alguna estafa de algún tipo con su dizque sorteo

10 years ago

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You can't sell or gift steam accounts, it's forbbiden by stream TOS.

Si lees los Acuerdos de Suscriptor que aceptaste al crear tu cuenta, pone "No puede vender ni transferir a terceros el derecho a utilizar su cuenta ni cobrar nada por utilizarla". No vendas o regales tu cuenta ni aceptes la de otro, ya que solo te puede traer problemas. Haces muy bien en devolverla, pero (como te aconsejan más arriba) haz una captura y reúne todas las pruebas que puedas por si te acusasen de ser tú el que robó la cuenta. Suerte. :-)

10 years ago

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Si, me di cuenta. En el momento de utilizar los datos para entrar, ni lo tuve en cuenta. Ahora es tarde, pero tengo que ver que pasa. Solo entre a la cuenta no hice nada mas. Gracias por la informacion

10 years ago

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Wow, such trap, very tricky.

10 years ago

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and that's why i dont use facebook

10 years ago

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I'll give you the gun that I used to kill my parents last week. It's a giveaway so I don't see any reason why you wouldn't want to accept it...

Are you that dumb? After 5 years of being on Steam, one would expect that you already know that gifting \ reselling a Steam account is forbidden. And we're still wondering why there are more and more scams on Steam, the reason is there are still stupid enough people who fall for these 'offers'...

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Allbran.