I honestly think the people who enter the giveaways when they clearly state that it is an alpha key (therefore HERESY) are far more pathetic.
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it's fine, it's a win win scenario.
we can replenish our points, and as for them, right now on steam these appear as the full game with no mention of being an alpha key, but tomorrow...
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I took a nap, at that time I had about 50 points. I wake up and... bang!!!... 300 points.
EZ point EZ life
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That still doesn't make it right. Also, a nap could be any amount of time... lol
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And this is the reason I approve of this giveaways!
When people see there are tons of giveaways of the same game they should always check on why is that first. If they're too dumb or lazy to do that they deserve to waste their points on a stupid alpha key lol.
And those of us who use their brain get free points, good stuff.
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So you approve because some people can't read? When most of these giveaways aren't even saying they are alpha codes?
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No they will not be getting 60 dollars worth of credit.
While it is slow due to lack of people, support will eventually catch up to all these people posting alpha keys and suspend/ban them. Everyone who has entered into these giveaways will have their points refunded if they giveaways are not already over.
There are always idiots/trolls who will make bad giveaways. There will never be "alpha/beta" key giveaways because those would only be on the account for a short time and the site is not meant for stuff like that. So instead these idiots/trolls make it for the full game and even if there was short term ones there would still be idiots and trolls who do that.
Just look at all the idiots that say stuff like "I couldn't find X in the giveaway list so I made the giveaway for Y but you are actually getting X"
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i always have points as i only enter games i really want and not just any game i would like
so usually i always have 200 or more points
but yeah when i first saw it i thought is it a fake alpha GA then when i looked and see several others i was like damn they are giving the betas away
so i guess the lesson here is do not spend all your points and you would not need worthless GA to boost them back
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LoL, I didn't complain "oh god why I don't have enough point to enter ALL giveaway"....
I know how this site works, and how to spend my points....
don't need your lesson....
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Giving away an Alpha Key via giveaways is HERESY!
Report them to your nearest Commissar for BLAM'ING!
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Limited alpha keys? The alpha ends tomorrow, and it is against the rules. Not to mention, that it costs 60 points, but they got the code free.
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I don't think it matters how much they paid for the key. There are lots of games being given away here that were in a $1 bundle, but the giver is getting $5-20 credit each for. But those games are actually worth that much, if purchased from the Steam store. This Evolve alpha key just isn't worth that much (it's worth $0). I think it's important to note that there is a difference between how much the key is worth and how much the giver paid.
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Man, if you read the FAQ then you'd no there is no way to mass-boost CV with bundle games above 30.00. Don't make an example from a thing that's not even true. Although I completely agree with you that it's stupid that they can make mass giveaways for a 2-day-long alpha...
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BLAM this heretic too for daring to defend an alpha key giveaway, mon commissar!
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So much HERESY! May have to resort to EXTERMINATUS!
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All of who? I'm not doing an actual giveaway in the home section, I'm giving three alpha keys to random people who comment on the post.
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What I think is happening is that people are seeing other people make these alpha key giveaways so they think it is all right to make their own causing a never ending chain of stupidity
Plus most people don't even read the forums
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Ban them all for a year, that will get the message through :P
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Well, the Alpha Code for the game installs the full alpha version, and instead of having it's own thing, when friends see you play the alpha all it says is "Evolve". This is because of how they decided to make the Alpha. Basically, there is no way to know if it is a Beta or not, since the alpha doesn't have it's own Steam page. Because of this, the alpha is counted as the full game, fooling people on websites like this. I'm sure that wasn't there intention (2k's), but it is happening anyways.
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Well, like I said, the game isn't technically an "alpha" as far as Steam cares.
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No its not gonna stay and what would that solve anyway? There are always going to be people who don't read the rules even if they are plastered up everywhere for you to see.
All they need is a reminder every time you create a giveaway, that alpha/beta keys and stuff like that are not allowed.
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It's alright, if they install it and it disappears tomorrow it will raise a whole bag of worms and the person who made the giveaway I believe will get permabanned? Don't quote me on that will have to revise rules sometime.
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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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Not received or not, it is still against the rules and should be enforced properly. I don't see what is so hard about reading the FAQ.
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Also, you won the first Alpha Key :) If you already own the Alpha, please tell me.
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I take exception to your libel. Not only are the SG Staff far from lazy, they are active and currently dealing with the glut of Evolve giveaways. Apparently, you managed to do your exhaustive investigation into the matter at a time when this was not noticeable.
Get a clue.
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someone please....
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Please tell me bans go out for people who make these?
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Nope. Multiple of them have ended already, with no sign of bans.
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I feel bad for the staff that will have to deal with this and the winners of a GA that dose not state it was an Alpha. the forum is going to explode in a few days when they keys run out of time.
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I don't think anything has been done thus far, because (as unlikely as it might seem) some of those giveaways may actually be legit pre-order purchases. The only way they can find out is after the end of the trial period.
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Probably best to keep this thread constantly bumped at the top of the page. May have a chance to eliminate some HERESY for us!
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35 minutes ago LeXuZ37 received...
35 minutes ago nick82713 received...
1 hour ago Vintus received...
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free point for us, blaming for the creator (after they get some addition CV), lesson learn for the winner.... everybody win.... Unless you are a mod that have to clean up the mess
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And, like I said, the game sent out a key to most people who wanted a key. Plus, if you can't find a place to get a key, you really aren't looking hard enough.
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there are people who use browser addon for entering giveaways automatically; in other words, those addon join giveaways, not the people themselves, of course addons don't know what "alpha" is.
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Why not? It's against the rules, and some giveaways for the codes end after the alpha ends.
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31 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by AxJ
43 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by krol7
2,410 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by ColdOut
67 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Nixxi
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by m0r1arty
119 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by possom2009
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29,567 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by JMM72
161 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TheMuzo
11 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by LordSpyMaybe
So, a lot of people are giving out the alpha key for the giveaway. Some people didn't state it was the alpha key, either! There are multiple reasons you shouldn't post giveaways for alpha keys like Evolve:
If you really feel the need to post an alpha key giveaway for any game, then do it here on the forums, and NOT in the actual giveaway sections. It is extra work, I know. But, if you truly want to give someone something that you think they will like, the extra work is worth it.
And, for all of you special people who read this... three people will be selected (who comment) for an alpha key!
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