So every week or so I run SteamDBs free package script and have just noted an oddity. I ran it on November 7th and one of the items added to my licenses page was "Nobunaga's Ambition: Souzou Free Weekend - Nov 2015". I didn't notice it in my library at the time so thought nothing of it.

On the 13th I installed Grav and Invisible Inc to try whilst they had a free weekend and then ran the script again. After unistalling those two games I then noticed Nobunaga's Ambition: Souzou was in my library. I keep all my unsorted games in one category so I can see any new additions to my library in the default Games category. Checking my licenses I saw the six free DLC packs had been added when running the script (added on the 13th not on the free weekend when the game first appeared in my licenses).

Downloaded the game and it's running fine. I know no Chinese and have no idea what's happening but it's running fine.

Anyone else noticed anything like this?

9 years ago

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There are some free DLC for that game, but it otherwise costs money.

9 years ago

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That sounds like a pretty.. interesting glitch.
I checked all the relevant points, I'm not seeing anything that should legitimately cause that :X
Near as I can figure, similar to how free games+paid DLCs keep a game license permanently active in your library, a weird quirk does the same for paid+free. Then again, you'd think something that major woudl have been noted before.

Well, either way, that's a pretty great game to have, other'n the lack of translation =O

9 years ago

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