I didn't make that I just stole it from a T-shirt that was sold by https://www.forhumanpeoples.com :D
Sadly they only carry each of their shirt / hoodies for a few weeks so I'm afraid it's not for sale anymore.
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Didn't notice yet. I am trying to catch up to SG after a long day at work.
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I don't know what you might call this, but I don't see peaceful young people.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite.
Edit: I was reading about Eddie Izzard (who is a transvestite) and it caused me to put Transvestite instead of Transgender. I'll leave the original comment in place for context of the comments below.
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T for Transgender. It's not the same as Transvestism.
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Which is super weird. Lesbian, Gay, and Bi are sexual orientations. Trans isn't. I've never been able to wrap my head around why it was added to LGB.
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Mm. I do have to admit that as a lesbian, I do feel marginalized at times, and this is supposedly in my own "community."
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Oh, it seems that in the media it is just not as chic or hip anymore to be a simple homosexual. You have to be some kind of strange extreme to get heard. The Will and Grace show nowadays probably would not even get past the pilot for not having an interesting enough premise.
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Intersex people are born with characteristics of both sexes. They're not an 'other' category.
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+1. Poor intersex people getting pulled into something they never wanted to be.
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"...intersex bodies are pathologized and erased in a way that is similar to how homosexuality has historically been treated within psychiatry. Even though homosexuality has been officially depathologized for three decades, transgender people are still labeled as having "gender identity disorder" and thus treated as something abnormal rather than a natural human variety. From this point of view, intersex is just another sexual minority that is pathologized and treated as "abnormal."
Another reason is that the surgical treatment for intersex conditions is heavily motivated by homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny."
"...Similarly, although intersex is about bodies, intersex people are fighting to be accepted, respected, and protected for being perceived as outside the norm. Since issues of bodily diversity are also often tied up in misunderstandings about how sex, gender, and sexual orientation fit together...including intersex people in LGBT issues makes a lot of sense.
Many intersex people support adding the βIβ and the LGBTQIA acronym, but some have been hesitant to support this inclusion because they donβt feel an affinity with the queer community. This stems (at least in part) from the perception that intersex people have to be L, G, B, or T in addition to being intersex for inclusion to make sense...being queer isnβt required for intersex inclusion to benefit us. Intersex folks, queer or not, can benefit from inclusion in the fight for equality and acceptance that the LGBT movement is working to achieve. "
"Poor intersex people getting pulled into something they never wanted to be"? π€
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And an A on the end. Whichever genius decided to finish that off with a + deserves some sort of prize.
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Aren't we all minorities? Banded together against the cis-hetero normative world?
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Minorities, Cis-hetero or normative?
(i bet i can take a good guess)
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i guessed that word because i don't know what it means
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Cis-hetero isn't really a word, what they mean to say is a cisgender person (Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.) who is hetero (attracted to the opposite sex). It's a politically correct way of saying what the largest amount of people are, to not offend anyone that feels differently.
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Straying to close to TERF for my liking.
For every word there is an antonym. The antonym to Transgender is Cisgender.
Use it or don't, I personally don't care.
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How would you like it if someone said that about the word "tranny?"
Even I can tell you that's considered offensive, and out of respect, I do not use it. Why can't that be the same for "cis?"
Oh. Because you don't want to and you've convinced yourself it's ok. I see.
And, FYI, I am not a TERF. I fully support transmen as a community. Just because they live as men does not magically mean they're no longer female. Women have been crapped on enough in society.
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How would you like it if someone said that about the word "tranny?"
It's a slur against transgender people. Just like dyke is to lesbians or faggot to gays. (Both of which are trying to be reclaimed by the respective communities)
Why can't that be the same for "cis?"
Because 'cis' is a technical term. 'Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth.' End of story. You can choose not to identify with it if you so choose. But it's just a technical term. And, no I don't see how it's offensive. Is being 'female' offensive? Is being 'lesbian' offensive? It's what you are.
But go ahead. Let it be 'Trans' and 'Everyone else'. It's the same in the end.
Just because they live as men does not magically mean they're no longer female.
Welp. That there is wrong. Transmen aren't women. They're Transmen. You'll also be saying that Transwomen aren't 'magically' no longer male?
Women have been crapped on enough in society.
This I agree with. Doesn't mean you then get to crap on the next tier below women cause women have had it so difficult and are obliged to pass the crap on.
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I didn't say transmen were women. I said they were FEMALE. Just as transwomen are MALE. Until science progresses, there's no amount of changing biology. Nature is based on needing one male and one female to reproduce to perpetuation the species, and that is why humans are divided into two SEXES.
Gender is irrelevant and is simply social oppression.
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That's where you're wrong.
A transman may be biologically female, that which he cannot help. But he still identifies as a man. He says he is a man and that should be good enough for you. And you would offend him by telling him he is female.
A transwoman may be biologically male, that which she cannot help. But she still identifies as a woman. She says she is a woman and that should be good enough for you. And you would offend her by telling her she is male.
A non-binary may be biologically female or male, that which they cannot help. But they still identifies as non-binary. They say they are non-binary and that should be good enough for you. And you would offend them by telling them they're female or male.
Gender is not irrelevant and is simply a social construct.
Nature is based on needing one male and one female to reproduce to perpetuation the species, and that is why humans are divided into two SEXES.
Interesting coming from a homosexual. You'll be finding yourself a man to perpetuate the species then?
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Saying someone is wrong doesn't make it so.
Saying someone is a woman when they are a biological male doesn't make them female. This isn't opinion. It's fact. Being female is not "a feeling."
The rest of your comment is ridiculous and irrelevant.
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Oh. So you're just transphobic then. Have some educational reading.
Not the sort of sources my prof would accept but I tire of trying to wrap your head around the issue and have better, more profitable things to use my time on.
Maybe you could try extending some of the tolerance and understanding you yourself are given as a lesbian to the trans community. Because after all - they are still a part of your community.
The LGBT community.
Despite our differences, I wish you a happy Pride month.
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I was wondering when you'd get fed up with science and start dragging out that "transphobic" trope.
To your credit, it took longer than I originally thought it would.
EverydayFeminism and Autostraddle are known misogynist web sites, and no feminist that isn't brainwashed by the SJW left gives them any attention.
I don't know where you got the idea that I had something against transgender community as a whole. I simply stated that trans wasn't a sexual orientation, and those that believe they can change the basic building blocks of biology are not only mislead, but also misogynistic and enforcing gender norms. People should be how they want to be without having to "change labels" and try to fit into some "other norm."
Gender bias hurts transgender people, too. It hurts everyone.
Happy Pride month to you, too.
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Let's not turn this thread into a flame war, folks.
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Let's not turn this thread into a flame war, folks.
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Hmmmm, do you have any idea why I have a note for you that's just '2'?
Also, hey Raven, longtime no see o/
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why would you band together against cis people? As much as I fully support LGBT movement this kind of mentality is what I ahte about some of lgbt extremists (as well as all other extremists, no matter what kind of extremism). You should band together against people who opress you, who dopes not tolerate you, who denies you your right, not just against all cis people in general, meaning basically all people who are njot like you. Ganging up agains all cis (aka all non-lgbt) people is no different that hetero people ganging up against lgbt. Acting like that you are no different than people who opress you.
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Don't get me wrong - there's plenty of intolerance and oppression within the LGBT community itself. It's not something we ourselves are freed from by virtue of out sexual or gender identity:
"Lesbian, Gay, and Bi are sexual orientations. Trans isn't. I've never been able to wrap my head around why it was added to LGB."
The point is that the LGBT community are all minorities struggling against hate and intolerance. Most non-LGBT people aren't contributing to that problem. Only some. But so long as people cannot live and let live then we need to stick together. Both safety, security and political weight are gain through this.
I have a problem with people wishing to remove one of those communities simply because they aren't a sexual orientation 'like us'. We all the same goals. Why can't we simply work together to achieve those goals of tolerance, human rights and acceptance without destroying ourselves from within?
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I totally get the point of sticking together, I don't get the point of opossing everyone who are not like you. That's why I picked on your statement of opposing cis/normals. Even if in some less socially developed countries majority of society is against lgbt ppl, let's say 70% are against, it still means there are 30% of people who either have nothing against you, or even support you despite not being part of lgbt themselves, simply because of humanistic and ethical reasons. and if you put these people to the same bag as all other intollerant ones - it only makes you look bad in the eyes of people who may as well be supporters of your fight. acting like that makes part lgbt themselves intollerant, while they fight for tollerance - kind of paradox.
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I only oppose those who would throw those 'not like them' in the gutter, for being 'not like them'.
I used the phrasing "Aren't we all minorities? Banded together against the cis-hetero normative world?" precisely because many lesbians and gays want the transgender community to be removed because they're 'not like us'. Which I find to be uncalled for. The entire LGBT community have the same damn goals. But 'they're not like us' - so they're excluded.
We should try to be united for our own sake.
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I do get your point, I just find the Banded together against the cis-hetero normative world? as poor choice of words, not related to the topic you talk about, but because it itself indicates you should fight against all non-lgbt people which in itself is intollerant in the same way lbb and t people are facing intollerance. So long story short - I am not against what you are saying, especially not against what you said in last two comments, I fully support that, I only oppose the exact choice of words you used in your first comment as like I described it can easilly be interpret (like I did interpret it) in a way that stands against of what you fight for ;)
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Fair enough.
Not much point editing it now though. ^^
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' The entire LGBT community have the same damn goals'
Do we? i don't think we do.
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Then why not add every non-white race, people who are differently-abled... just any non white, non male, non perfect person? That would fit your definition. You could add all the other letters of the alphabet then.
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Hmm. Well, yes I guess you could.
But if you feel marginalized now, imagine how much more diluted the lesbians would be in that kind of community?
It'd be a cumbersome organisation - it'd have to be subdivided down to district level. The amount of meeting that'd need to be held would be overwhelming. Nothing would ever get done.
Instead we have smaller self contained communities. The LGBT community. The Civil Rights campaigns. There are also communities for differently-abled people and so on. Often they'll intersect - e.g. a disabled black lesbian. Doesn't mean she cannot draw on differing resources for different focuses from the different communities.Because they have different focuses.
There's no point is putting absolutely ever conceivable egg in that same basket.
Also 'non-perfect person''?
Nobody is perfect.
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LGB was never about gender. It's about homosexuality.
And, transgender just ENFORCES social gender norms, so your reason makes no sense to me.
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Yeah. I was reading about Eddie Izzard and it obviously was left over in my mind.
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Yeah. I was reading about Eddie Izzard and it obviously was left over in my mind.
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LGBT person here! Thought I'd give you some specifics
LGBT is the short version for LGBTQIA, here's a rundown of the basics, there are also sub areas but you'll be fine just knowing these
LG- Lesbian, Gay. Most well known, female and male terms for liking the same gender
B- Bisexual, liking both men and women
T- Transexual, people who aren't comfortable as their assigned gender, typically Male->Female or Female->Male. However there are people who don't consider themselves either, or are in the inbetween
Q- Queer, a blanket term really, people in the minority groups or with specifics tend to use this because it's easier than reading out the script, and explaining stuff to strangers. Should only be used by people who are in the LGBT community because of the history behind it, like with fag and dyke. This is the 'other' category
I- Intersex, people born neither male or female
A- Asexual/Aromantic. People who don't experience sexual urges or romantic feelings
And MatrixRaven, trans people have been a part of the community from the beginning, they've always been a part of the group and they always will be
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And MatrixRaven, trans people have been a part of the community from the beginning, they've always been a part of the group and they always will be
Believe what you want.
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Ahem. Is Stonewall early enough for you?
"For much of history, trans people and people of color have been excluded from both the gay rights and womenβs rights movements, in spite of the fact that they are often the most negatively impacted by gender and sexuality-based discrimination. Two trans women of color, however, refused to be left out of the fight for equality from the very beginning. Activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera were on the front lines of the fight for trans rights from as early as the 1960s when the movement was just beginning to gain traction...
...Marsha P. Johnson was celebrating her 25th birthday at Stonewall during the early morning hours of June 28th, 1969 when the police began a raid of Stonewall under the guise of busting the establishment for selling liquor without a license. When the police began arresting and harassing gay patrons at the club that night, however, the gay community had had enough. Too many times, establishments across the city where gay patrons congregated had been raided and too many times, gay patrons had suffered persecution by the police.
At the time it was standard procedure for police officers to lead women in the club to the bathroom to verify their sex, and promptly arrest any crossdressers among the crowd. According to eyewitness reports, the police also began sexually harassing lesbian patrons at the bar that night while they frisked them. At this point a crowd of sympathizers had begun to gather outside the inn, and they watched in horror as employees and drag queens alike were dragged outside and violently handled by the police before being shoved into police cars. Finally, when a police officer clubbed a drag queen over the head for saying that her handcuffs were too tight, a violent riot broke out and the crowd exploded. They could no longer stand silently and watch members of their community be assaulted and unjustly imprisoned for their sexuality.
Marsha P. Johnson was among the first of the patrons to resist the police that night, and Sylvia Rivera among the first in the crowd of onlookers to take action by throwing a bottle at her police oppressors. The riots they helped catalyze spread to surrounding neighborhoods until all of New York was in an uproar, and continued on to last several nights. Their bravery, along with the others at the bar that night, led to the gay liberation movement: one year after the riots the first gay pride parades were held, and two years after there were gay rights groups in every major American city.
After Stonewall, Marsha and Sylvia co-founded the organization STAR, or Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, a group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens and trans women of color. They dedicated their lives to the fight for equality...."
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matrix, you are sourcing from a random site you found online while cross is using peer reviewed, legitimate sites. Pretty sure people who study the history for a living are going to know more then a transphobic journalist who just wrote up an opinion and posted it
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JC. Okay, first off it doesn't matter how transphobic you are, you can't deny that trans people were present in the Stonewall riots and through the gay civil rights movements. They were there and they were getting beaten and murdered along with everyone else in LGBT community, if not at a higher rate, not to mention that it hasn't even gone down in numbers
Any member of the lgbt community who isn't white or strictly gay is still struggling to be considering a part of it, of which you are clearly proof that there is a long way to go still
Trans people were as much a part of the fight as any gay or lesbian was, and they have as much a right to their place in the community as anyone
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Read carefully. The accounts are from people that were THERE.
And just because something is posted on an .edu site doesn't mean it was written by a scholar. That's more of an opinion piece than anything I linked. That edu site is a layperson BLOG.
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I like my bread like i like my women, Soft, buttered and bad for your health.
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you do realize you can butter charred/grilled/baked bread as well? ;p Then you have both - awesome crispyness, grilled flavour and buttery goodness :> Plus it can be even worse for your health - like double grilled cheese fried on heavilly buttered toast bread! ;p
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Sorry, sometimes I forget everybody else hasn't played what I've played :D
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If it's really a spoiler, (I'm about to get this on this Steam sale), I have two things to tell you. First, WTH dude and second, please delete your post to at least not spoil it for more people (too late for me). BTW having a Warning note over the gif does not magically hide the spoiler!
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It's a minor spoiler, it's not related to the plot. I didn't feel like I needed to delete the gif but I'll do so anyways since you seem so upset about it. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "having a warning note over the gif does not magically hide the spoiler?" The warning is clearly visible above "View attached image" and if you click to view the attached image while disregarding the warning, how would I be to blame?
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I treat gays just like normal people. HA, it's a joke guys, don't worry. Happy pride month to everyone who finds themselves part of the lgbt community.
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Yes, the month that brings more drama and shitty people out than normal.
I saw an argument that trans people shouldn't call out shitty/transphobic allies because we're such a minority that we need them.
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There's a fair amount supporting LGBQIA blah blah blah but being completely Transphobic at the same time. Or Gays that completely dish the lesbians. Or manly gays being complete bullies to femme gays. And the list goes on and on. Just because someone supports a part of the spectrum, possibly even belonging to one, doesn't mean he/she can't be a total ass to another one.
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like in basically any group - be it race group (rich white high-class people disrespecting poor white manual workers), religious group (for example catholics hating on other kinds of christians), subculture ("true metal" fans hating other mewtalheads, because "shit they're listenbing to is not 'true' enough") and so on and on. As much as it sucks that even really opressed minorities cannot really band together most of the time, it is not something unusual and unexpected - it's something that keeps happening in all of society through ages, no matter the group.
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Yes, but just because someone says they're an ally doesn't mean they are.
Like this woman said Women historiacally means only ciswomen and not trans women, and we shouldn't call out allies because we need them. We don't need allies like that, since they don't actually support us. She cares more about appearinglike she cares than our rights.
And Wolfedood gave some good examples of other shittiness beyond trans issues, like bi erasure, hating on effeminate gays,
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Wasn't referring to you, was referring to Pride Month. I don't know what got over everyone this year but everywhere you look this month it's Pride this, Pride that. For a month. I'm exhausted. And I'm gayer than the Tooth Fairy! x_X
But you do you, I'll just be in my corner bitching
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You mean IRL or online? Because for me the internet had a severe case of the E3 flu for the past few weeks and the constant opinionated sneezing drowned every other discussion wherever I looked, it's getting better now thankfully.
I feel like I stretched that joke a bit too much.
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IRL we had a wonderful Pride long weekend(from the 9th to 11th) and a couple nice Color Runs after that and that was it.
Online on the other hand I don't know what happened this year but it's literally there every single day for the better part of this month. From around the 5th-6th to just a couple days ago there wasn't a day I didn't run into an argument or an article or something related at least twice on my social media feeds. Even on E3 week I was seeing more of Pride than gaming! And half my facebook friends are gamers, weaboos and computer science majors!
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I guess the bubble phenomenon is becoming a real issue, you know that laser-guided pile of algorithms that try to curate the internet to our personal interests but ends up causing a bubble effect were is like every person was living in a different world when it comes to news and articles. Let's hope the internet doesn't turn into an echo chamber during the next decade.
I sound a bit paranoid don't I?
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But how could she afford the sex change operation...she spent all of her money under kid's pillows for her tooth fettish
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The only place in my area that will let me sing karaoke is a gay bar. Bump for tolerance even if we don't understand one another.
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I really want to make a joke about deaf-gay bars being two for one and all inclusive...
\I worked in a gay bar in the 90s and we especially had a night for the disabled (not neccesarily gay only though - the pub had good disabled access), but now a joke about your singing cannot be made because all I can think about is an episode of the IT crowd where they go to see "GAY - THE MUSICAL!".
Still... at least nobody heard you singing "somewhere over the rainbow!
okay... Im gonna pack my humour shovel and leave! O___o7
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Okay, just to be clear - tried to make joke, got led on nostalgia tangent...
Remembered this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MML38CuJ28
Joke broken (im not IT crowd funny!)
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I've got all of the IT crowd on DVD so the link was unnecessary. Although to be truthful the circumstances surrounding the local gay bar and our own works outing were even more awkward. I'm unsure whether to try and tell the story or not...
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I haven't watched those Police Academy movies in the longest time...
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Remember to spread tolerance and treat lgbt individuals like humans, they deserve to be happy and feel safe no matter their sex/gender!
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