I'm on PC - and see all colors. it must be your pc ;p
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Got a new laptop a few days ago that's running Windows 10. Is this what I've been missing!?
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I'm a pretty boring homo, i don't like rainbows or celebrate pride event's, and i don't get along with many lgbt people.
My rainbow is just shades of grey :P
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How could you not get along with them? You're a nice guy! It says so right beside your Avatar!;)
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I tend to get bad responses from my gay friends for being conserative, also i don't like the feminine aspect that seems to be assoicated with it, and sometimes i'm a bit too vocal about it.
it's probably how i've managed to get away with pretending to be straight in my real life.
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as a homo, in your opinion do you think that having adult men dressed as strip club dancers screaming religious swearings while waving dildos and miming sexual acts across the streets (sometimes with children around) does more harm or good to the whole category you are part of?
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I've never been to a pride parade (and i doubt i ever will) but i don't think i'm imagining the same thing that you are.
(unless you've been to one in particular thats does this and that isn't good)
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went to one a couple of years ago, and that was the first and surely the last time i went to one. totally disgusting and degrading. don't know how it is around the world but here are pretty savage, something one would imagine to see only in an underdeveloped third world country.
(aye, fair enough)
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Hmm, i've never been to any sort of italian celebration (despite being 1/4 italian) but i'm told italians tend to 'party hard' possibly this is doubly true for their pride events.
Hopefully these pride events will become calmer as time goes on, but all of the bright colours and parading isn't really for me.
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I think attitudes on sex need to change in general, people are weird about the human body and bodily functions. Until those attitudes change I don't think sex should feature in any pride parade. I don't actually care what people do or how they dress, and I really dislike saying 'but the children' in general. Because every parent raises their kids differently, and I don't comment on how other parents raise their kid unless it's obviously abusive. Now does it do more harm than good? People always focus on the scandalous sex stuff, reason why the attitudes on sex need to change. I don't think it makes a difference, or it harms anything, because people have really stopped caring about these stuff. Now if you want to reach the rural person, or the religious person, or the person who is more conservative, then keep the rainbows, lose the sex. They need to see you as a person not see what some people do in the bedroom and then make the assumption that every gay person is having kinky sex. Gay people can have boring shitty sex too.
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... if by any chance its not clear... i am that "rural person" (not conservative as they are mostly as liberals as democrats) :v don't agree with that. it's hard to not see the sexual connotation because that's the only thing there is to see. the persons beyind that facade cannot be seen because they are the first ones to take what they do in their bedrooms out of it. it's hard to see beyond the facade of the typical cliched homo -hypersexualized to the bones, effeminate, dress like an attention whore degenerate, never miss a chance to point out it's sexual taste, childish sexual innuendo, mid-school jokes about sex, communism(!?) - when the cliche proves to be true 8/10 times. it cease to be a cliche and become a axiom. if i were homo i would feel much more offended by those rater than by all the homophobe or alleged so out there who manage those 2/10 to be thrown in the same pot togheter with the others. the solution is freedom in private and obligation in public. useless to be surprised by the arrows being thrown at you when you go around with an archery target upon you. (pretty sure we have a different perception about what abusive parenting is. not sure if i get what you mean with kinky sex. if i got it right, well... for ethero is a choice. for homo isn't)
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I think you need to actually talk and get to know some gay people. Lesbians, gay men, because I promise you they're as varied as the people in rural areas. What the media likes to show is one type of person, the person from the rural area is a country bumpkin for example. The only thing that's relatively accurate is that you don't meet as many people as someone in the city. What you see on television isn't what I see when I go out with my gay friends. Are there effeminate men? Of course. Are there super masculine women? Of course there are, but everybody is different. Are they bad people? No. Let everyone be whoever they are so long as they aren't being an asshole.
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but i did... my opinion comes from real life experiences and they didn't end up well. even while being, or at least trying to be the most calm and preconception-free person around without showing my personal beliefes. one in particular, ended up screaming in the streets like an hysterical psycho. the description in my post above suits perfectly the majority of those i met, always ready to use their being homo as a shield for playing the victim (with all the benefits that it enatils) or as a mean of attack, based on which turn the discussion takes. actually the only decent homo i had the chance to know and still have the pleasure of calling friends, i've met in (for how ironic it might sound to some) in a fascist club. they are nice, educated, capable of having a discussion about any kind of argument. and they hate fags too. like, a lot. they bring shame to the whole category, they said. but yes apart from that. this libertinism doesn't really suits me, i see no freedom in degeneracy. don't see why should i be forced to like it for good.
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The media love's super mega hyper homo's because normal is seen as 'boring', this is the same for any other demographic as well
Thats why reality t.v. shows full of human trash are so common and popular on t.v. while the normal working average joe's such as you as me will never be shown on t.v.
edit: i actually have a good personal example of this,
i know about roughly 10 or 11 gay people excluding myself all but one of the gays i know are normal workers (teachers, accountants etc) and one i know is super effeminate , blast's and dances to lady gaga in the streets and all of his FB posts are attention seeking rant's about how horribly offensive everyone is... guess which of us has been on T.V.
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I won't be on T.V.... unless they find that body i buried...
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that could be true but it might apply to every other group out there. i mean a bunch of right-wing thugs decides to beat a black, and then it is right to define the whole right-wing as xenophobic bullies. pedophiles priests abusing children, and from that moment is right to associate pedophilia to the church, although the cases of pedophilia involving priests are an infinitesimal part compared to the pedophile abuses that happens worldwide, not even the %1 if i remember well. a few rotten apples are enough to define rotten the whole tree, appearently.
speaking about homos, assuming that degenerates are a minority (i have my legit and reasonable doubt), i don't see normal homos taking distances from that counterproductive minority. but in fact, the whole movement can only have a gain by isolating certain damaging elements, it would be in its own interest to do so.
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'i mean a bunch of right-wing thugs decides to beat a black, and then it is right to define the whole right-wing as xenophobic bullies'
'pedophiles priests abusing children, and from that moment is right to associate pedophilia to the church,'
neither of these are right to do
'speaking about homos, assuming that degenerates are a minority (i have my legit and reasonable doubt)'
I have the feeling that you might have a bias in this however
' i don't see normal homos taking distances from that counterproductive minority'
thats because you flat out do not see normal homos represented ever.
if a right wing thug beats a black person then you have a heap of politicians to call them out, if you have a preist that touches kids you have a whole society of preists or the pope to condemn this, however if a homo is being a degenerate there is no comittee of average homos to jump in and condemn it because there is no real community get together of average homo's. most homos are not a part of any LGBT group or club or anything like that ever because they are just living their average lives like anyone else. If an average homo wanted to get on the news to express their disdain they would be shooed away because they aren't famous or interesting, just like if a right wing thug beats someone, i wouldn't expect a conservative/republican voter to have to step in and condemn it because they are not involved/famous.
i hope this helps
edit: also to note, i am a conservative with a christian background
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didn't say they are. acting like a degenerate publicly isn't right either.
i do. and i didn't got it outta nowhere while waking up during a summer day. it comes from rf experiences.
but that would be that same lgbt movement (before it became a subculture making of sexuality a cult, perhaps. gotta make the lgbt movement great again)
there are also politicians who support the lgbt movement, someone even gay declared. and im prutty sure there must be some ideologist as there are in any other politic or social movement. they could call them out. even all the lgbt supporters could do so, which are mainly etheros... it is true that the single individual can't achieve much if we are talking about an average man, but the whole base of a movement could. the public events that accour during the pride month might be a test field. you show yourself to the cortege dressed only with a loincloth and a dildo shaped hat? you are a total degenerate, and your behavior will be used against us by our opposers. gtfo. done.
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i'm guessing by the 'gtfo. done.' you don't wish to continue this , in which case i can only apologise and wish you the best
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it wasn't for you ยฐ-ยฐ
i was describing a possible scenario of a weirdo showing up at an lgbt event and how it should be treated by the orginazers, or the other participants.
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My apologies, the full stops made me think it was seperate from the rest of the paragraph.
If i'm honest i don't actually know many gay politicians myself, the only politics i really follow is trump in america and may/corbyn in Britain.
it's difficult in that in a movement (if that what it counts as) it is hard to have control over every individual and some are more radical than others, i've never been to a parade but i'm told that for the most part a lot of people are fully dressed and acting responsible , and then you get the flamers and people wielding saint's row level of dildo bats and obviously i cannot comprehend their reasoning about how that could be acceptable, and i cringe whenever i see something like that.
If martin Luther campaigned peacefully for equality while elsewhere a black man shoot people and yelled for black supremecy ,would it make martin's message invalid?
i have attached an image from an article of an example of Gay people condemning degeneracy (which would never be reported elsewhere because newspapers are too afraid of seeming homophobic)
edit: if i had the time, i might also be able to find one from me personally comdemning gay people who wielded 'trump has a small penis' banners and statues, but i'm not sure if it would disappear after i deleted my disqus account
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i believe hillary clinton supports lgbt? if i remember well we had a talk a while back about who would you vote if you had a gun pointed at you, and you said hillary, because of her support to it. she could. ofc not gonna happen because muh omophobia, so the problem remains and degeneracy runs rampant.
about mlk, theorically it would not. in practice its' a bit more complicate. that man's believe aside, be it a mlk supporter who misunderstood his message or a black supremacy and was sending a clear message to the mlk movement, the fact would have hit mlk image regardless. at this point it would be up to him to condemn it, or it will be probably seen as a stain on him and his ideas by the public opinion. of course there are a multitude of variables involved in it.
ah, that's very good. the soon we realized that worthless humans do exists, the sooner that tendency will spread and weirdos gets resized and isolated along with their torments.
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By your words, you said that you lived in a rural area. Which means that you haven't actually met a huge diverse group of gay people. So we're back at the problem, the media focuses on the outrageous because that drives ratings. Also it's quite possible since you're not looking for the normal people that you notice the outrageous and completely miss or honestly have no clue that the regular people are gay. Which is generally where most people fill in.
Look, I'm gay. I don't like dealing with crowds or in your face people who think everything is outrageous. Jon seems to be the same, two gay people who don't fit into the whole lets wave dildos around.
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wait a sec. i thought "rural person" was a some sort of light insult, kinda like calling someone "little farmer" around here (it's a slang, not traslatable). as i said, i' ve had plenty of chances to socialize with homos (mostly men, women are more discreet), and with hindsight, more than i ever wanted to have. based on what i've seen i could say that you two are exceptions that confirm the rule. though man has definitly a valid point there. one can only deduce for what one is able to see, and luckily we humans did not evolve for having our sexual orientation stamped in our fronts. looking forward to the day i won't be able to deduce anything at all, although it seems pretty far away from here, expecially if people like you two don't raise your voice a bit.
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Rural people on average don't meet as many people as someone who comes from the city, they don't grow up meeting people from other cultures for the most part, and as such they generally run a bit more conservative. That's not an insult, and I certainly don't mean anything bad by it. People like to remain in their own bubble. Which is why there is generally a huge divide between city and rural people.
Also once again, you've proved my point. The people that you've met and dealt with are the people who are out and loud. There's a difference between that and someone who is out and just living their lives. Chances are you've met gay men who don't fit the stereotype in your head, and you've only thought of them as straight. Also I'm guessing some of those people that you've met have found you offensive, and have reacted in a very annoying way to piss you off.
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well then that would not be me. i live in a town with an average population. bigger cities are at about 15-30 minute of traveling and that is where i usually met my friends. furthermore are all turistic destinations and during summer half of the people you see around are tourists, so can't really say that there isn't the chance to see some diversity all along.
but isn't that what i said? you have repeated what i said before. of course i can't know if people are homo if they act like civilized persons, that's how it should be and i would be ok with it. and again, those who don't, gets all the highlights for themselves and put normal people such as you under a bad light. it is true that the media have their interests in showing them, but basically what they do is to give those people the attention they seek. and media aside it's physiological for them to have it as the mind tends to focus on what looks extraordinary rather then the ordinary. join this with the fact that people (fortunatelly) still believe in dignity, decency and public order and you get why that minority has a negative impact on you or jon up there. hope it's clear enough with my shit-level english.
Also I'm guessing some of those people that you've met have found you offensive, and have reacted in a very annoying way to piss you off.
is there really something this people don't find offensive? i suppose even a tendering question is? but i find that unlickely. those people were degenerates all along, that is why i've noticed them, you said that too. as i said i don't show what i think of them or homo rights in general, it will probably end up in a massive muh hitler homophobe. i just being curious and nothing more.
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You are offensive, even if it's not your intention to be. Calling someone a degenerate is an insult, saying that they should take that with a smile on their face and be polite back is quite silly and unrealistic. So you find them offensive for whatever reason, call them degenerates they get annoyed and decide to up the ante. So let's just say that they aren't the majority, and let's call it a day. They are what you notice because quite frankly you're looking for something to justify calling them degenerates. Look, you want to have a conversation about the sexualisation of pride, I'll have that conversation with you and we can agree. But there are ways to speak while still being respectful. Calling them degenerates and caling them homos in a tone that suggests aggression and disapproval is quite frankly escalating the situation rather than deescalating.
I hate it when people say think of the children. Children don't actually give a fuck. They give a fuck when parents and adults start freaking out and making things into a bigger deal then they are. So when other parents don't give a fuck, which is why they took them to pride to begin with you say think of those children who are there. You're not their parents. So your point is inconsequential, on how they are raised.
Also I do not think of anyone as degenerates. I think the problem is with you, not everyone else.Which is where my problem lies. I have a problem with gross sexualization because I don't think it's helpful for the message if you want to reach the religious, or the rural people with different sensitivities (ie you). I don't go to pride because I don't like crowds. I do not think these people are degenerates. So my solution is to can the sexualisation, because it doesn't help. Of course the argument is why should they have to cater to people like you? I'm beginning to think that they're right.
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1 - you look pretty over paranoid and houghty. to be clear, even though that is what i think, i have never called anyone degenerate animal in their own face. furthermore if i engage someone with that attitude with the intention of starting a discussion to make up my mind about whatever matter it's obvious that i would fail before even starting. jeez. apart from that, if i call a guy a degenerate is because he is acting like one, so actually you would be the one that is selfdefining as such. i'm just describing you. i mean, at least be smart enough to keep it private. as i said, freedom in private, obligation in public. this is a good compromise for anyone.
2 - if you go to a pride it means that you care (i care too, although under a different perspective). if it's true (and it is) that children don't give a fuck then why force them to be there against their own will (which mean that their parents are actually freaking out)? why put them in front of a reality they give a fuck about and are crearly not ready to face yet (which is why they give a fuck)? what idea they will make about the society they are living into by seeing the degenerates that will surely be there playing with giant dildos in front of a church? i say think of the children because they are sacred, because i do really, really care. but clearly under a different perspective than you and those freaked out parents.
3 - >So my solution is to can the degeneracy, because it doesn't help.
i would like it more this way but meh, lets just say we can partially agree on that. it's on how we define certain things that we have an issue.
degeneracy apart, you seems to be too hopeful and optimistic about what is going here. let me say that tbh i am already reached by the lgbt propaganda, more than i would like. because who the fuck isn't? just look around you. what you kindly define as "message" in real therms involves the lgbt propaganda to be pushed down our throats, invading every single aspect of our life, even the most unsignificant. there are fucking rainbows everywhere. big companies makes their logo rainbowed. politicians pledging their allegiance to the almighty magic rainbow. in some italian cities even the fucking road signs are tolerant and gay friendly. wtf. in primary schools (yes, primary schools, because children don't give a fuck, and appearently that's not good) there are study books fulls with references of the gender theory. what you fail to see is that is not about getting reached by that message. we simply don't like it. there are people that's simply can't leave with that. gayland, that magic place where everyone is equal but at the same time special and unique, where you can be everything you even wanted to be, where everything is a product with a price stamped on it, includind children, where the same natural low is bend and crippled by relativism and postmodernis... can't be liked by everyone. face it. to turn over the whole thing to you in the same way you put it, i think that the problem is actually you, and that we are right because well we say so. i think that everyone who support the lgbt, every cosmopolitan citizen of the world, every atheist and antitheist out there needs to be reached by our message. and that message would talk about natural law, about traditionalism and traditional family, pragmatism, about cultural homogeneity, religion, about why babys are NOT a right, about how egalitarianism is equal only in it's theoretical aspect for when it comes to apply it it is arbitrarily unequal. all to find out that you can't live with that either. because surprise-surprise, you can't. because noone needs to be reached by anything here, and nobody wants to.
knowing that this is the truth (and i assure you that it is, regardless of the perspective you look at it) and knowing that both sides won't grant anything to one another and that eventually we will one day reach the breaking point with disastrous consequences for both, do you have any idea about how we might (or even might not) one day come to co exist together? you seems very eloquent, would very like to know what you think.
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That is the key to life, I can get annoyed and lash out but honestly the key to world piece is that we all need to remember we're all fucking human. People aren't even all that fucking different. Even a bigot (not calling you one just saying in general) has a family that they care about. Everyone bleeds, everyone dies, everyone believes in their own truth.
You want people to start being nice, to start treating each other better? That's what they need to do. I mean humanity as a whole. Honestly kindness is something that people need to focus on. That person who shouts nasty things about you or religion or waves around a dildo, be nice to them it's disarming and have a conversation with them. In the end I think we could solve most of our shit with communication.
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checked, checked and checked.
appreciate the answer although i not fully share it. appearantly we are on total different sides and our almonds vibrates at a different rhythm (which is ok, i suppose?). so long.
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I treat humans like humans.
But I don't get that "pride" thing. Why should anybody be proud of what they put where?
I know one gay and one lesbian and none of them go to "LGBT pride parades". Their argument? "The fact that I'm homo doesn't mean that I'm exhibitionist as well".
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Well, because people had to hide it (well, nowadays i think people still kinda hide it, https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/05/26/russia-anti-gay-purge-chechnya) and it shouldn't be that way, you have to be proud of what you are/feel...
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That's true. But many parades change into something that they are not supposed to be. A lot of people don't want to be part of that.
Some people just would like to say: "hey! we are the same as you!". And it's hard to say something like that if somebody that walks next to you has no clothes or is dressed up as a giant colorful dick.
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I would say, it might be even more of a reason to go if you feel this way, so it showcases every type of person.
I don't think there's anything shameful about walking besides someone dressed up as a colorful dick while wearing regular clothes.
Nor do I think anyone should feel pressured to present a certain way when going to a pride event.
I don't even think anyone should be pressured to go at all if they don't want to.
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Technically even twins differs from each other. So who cares.
I might use wrong word.
My idea was that they want to be treated fair and equally. In the same time if I would try to say loud that I'm hetero and I'm proud of it - I would be called homophobe xD It really looks like they want some special treatment not equal.
And really - pls. Get out from our streets. I have stuff to do and places to go. I'm unable to sympathise with anybody that is trying to ruin my day.
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But I don't get that "pride" thing. Why should anybody be proud of what they put where?
In a perfect world of tolerance and kindness, I suppose that this pride and/or the term "pride" would be dispensable indeed. But we definitely don't live in such a perfect world.
This is mostly a parade to show to the world that LGBT have existed, exist and will exist, despite all the bashing they have to endure sometimes/often/every single second of their lives, despite all the hate and lack of understanding of many, despite violence, murders, purges, imprisonments because of their sexual orientation. And it goes on.
To have the right to say "I exist, I'm here, I'm proud of what I am" to the face of all those prize idiots who say "You shouldn't live, you shouldn't be here, you should be ashamed" is something essential. Even if it's unbelievable to have to do this in 2017.
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it's unbelievable to have to do this in 2017
That will be unbelievable only if human race would vanish from the surface of the earth.
That's part of human nature. The fact that we just barely stepped down from the tree.
We attack what we fear. And we fear what we do not understand.
Sorry to say that but what we see mostly when we talk about pride parades has nothing to do with "normal". Half naked / weirdly dressed up people when in every day situation you cannot see difference between homo/hetero person. We ARE THE SAME goddamit. And those parades tries to prove the opposite.
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Oh I definitely agree with you on this point.
As a mostly gay, I don't see myself as a Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. I also think that the LGBT Pride is way too much "fabulouuus" (even if I have the feeling that nowadays, it's a little bit more understated than it used to be. I may be wrong though).
Of course there are effeminate gays, of course there are masculine lesbians, of course there are people who dress-up in rainbow with pink hair all along the year. And of course they have the right to show up like this at the pride, that's the deal.
I've never been to a pride, and I probably never will for this reason. I also think it doesn't really help the cause to show to the world all those stereotypes, which can reinforce the haters in their opinion. LGBT "come the way you are" Pride is good. LGBT "Pink party yaaass" Pride is not quite as good. But that's only my opinion.
Still, a Pride like this is infinitely better than "no Pride at all because it's illegal". Which is still the case for a lot of countries.
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Seems that we agree :)
But why had you to remind me about that movie?
I tried to watch it couple of years ago when streaming wasn't a thing yet. Downloaded it in 2 parts from torrents and when CD1 was actual movie - CD2 was gay porn... Tried to download second part / whole movie again couple of times but each time I unpacked it after downloading... well it was something different each time xD Finally I gave up and even forgot about this untill now xD
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I might have a weird view on the topic, but to me it's a "how it should be" view.
I don't see myself as tolerant because I don't see anything to be tolerant of. To me everybody are just people.
I think labeling people isn't good to begin with because a label doesn't describe anybodies personality.
The gay pride parade and gay marriage etc is very normal where I am from (The Netherlands). I do get why some people participate in a parade, because there are still many many people and countries out there with their head in the stone age (even though "gay" was just as common back then) And in their way they want to "stick it to them" I guess. But at the same time they don't seem to realize that they put a label on themselves and they show it off in a stereotype half naked pink suit. I know for a fact that most LGBT people don't like this at all, they don't want special attention.
Recently quite a few cities here have made a rainbow zebra crossing to show "Hey look at us! We are tolerant! (Vote for us next time)" To me that's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. What they actually say is "We are okay that you are different".
To me they aren't different, they are just people. But I guess only in a perfect world everybody shares this opinion.
And as you said, pride is way better than it being illegal. But it's a damn shame it has to be like this. That people are narrow minded jerks.
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I don't have problem with flamboyant people :) Although some people cross the line. For example - if you would see some half naked person, doing some highly suggestive gestures in a park - you would call the police. Those people on parades catch a lot of attention - and this is how false stereotypes are borned.
I can't see how it can be good for anybody.
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Well people should be happy with who they are despite others being against it. And it's still mostly a march for civil rights.
I don't really see what exhibitionism has to do with anything.
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Have you ever been to one? They're not at all like that.
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That's what is shown in TV :)
Even if 99% of parades looks different - that 1% will be shown as general image. That is how media works - that solds better. And it creates false image of that group. and it causes even more hatred
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I'm aware. I don't see how that means people shouldn't go to pride.
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Hey - it's their free time. But I would like to drive through my capitol city without detours.
Plus I don't see a reason for such parades in country where majority doesn't have problem with LGBT. They are not fighting for anything in that case. It's more like: "look at me everybody! I need more attention!".
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What country would that be? And I can't really speak on that since that's not how it is here
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I thought that in USA just some minor groups have problem with lgbt - but can't really tell as I don't live there.
Situation in my country is.. well.. "complicated".
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Minor being the political party that has control of the government and lower half of the country.
Also transgender rights are being taken away more and more right now, and probabaly will for at least the next 4 years.
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Fear of the Trump... isn't it? Is it really that bad and different than before? From my perspective people in USA who didn't vote for him are panicking and overreacting. But I'm in wrong place to actually judge it - I live on a different continent after all.
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Is it really that bad and different than before?
The thing is, a lot of US citizens now feel validated in their racism/sexism/sexphobia and are aggressively brandishing it.
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OK - i can relate to that xD We had the same situation after PiS became ruling party. Luckily it was temporary - they all crawl back under the stone they came from xD
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No? Conservatism has always been pretty shitty, trump ain't nothing new.
But under trump we lost the temporary school bathrooms protections and anti lgbt discrimination bill for federal contractors.
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can't relate to bathrooms protection as I was In high school where bathrooms were shared (also we had no locker rooms)
about lgbt discrimination bill - for me it looked like "say that you are lgbt and fell free to bend rules because they can't fire you without really strong reason". So I suppose that there are cons but also pros of that decision.
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The right to use the bathroom unfortunately gets worse after leaving school, but removing that temporary protection for transgendered youth until we actually do have bathroom laws is awful.
about lgbt discrimination bill - for me it looked like "say that you are lgbt and fell free to bend rules because they can't fire you without really strong reason". So I suppose that there are cons but also pros of that decision.
It's really just a thing where you can't get fired or not hired for being lgbt, which isn't exactly a rare thing.
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Uh, yeah, they are. There's definitely a component of that to them.
Hell, just go to any Pride parade in California.
Source: I live in California and have gone to a Pride parade here.
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Now i don't like it even more xD That might be the reason why if majority is proud of something it's treated if it was something bad xD
Even if it's catchy - this creates some false image of LGBT people. They definitely should invest more in PR and cut off from people who behave like aliens :)
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:O I didn't even really say anything and got 3 WL and 1 BL since last night, though some of the WLs might be from another thread (and I thought the 2-way-BL shielded me from this, but if someone hates this so much that they're going through a thread blacklisting everyone, I guess I'm glad I don't have to give them games now)
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Seems like it, I checked after seeing your message and got one of each too. I guess somebody is just going and systematically blacklisting people who comment in the thread without any further reason. Oh well, like nelly said, if someone has that much hate, I might as well not have to give them games :)
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I mean, my blacklist graph shows when I said anything in a controversial thread.
Went from 2 to 8 when there was a homophobic game dev, 8 to 10 for defending game piracy (and 2 more later for that I guess, unless I said something else I don't remember), and now up by 2.
Not that I'm bothered too much by it, if these are the sorts of people who blacklist you for saying things like this then I'd feel kinda weird getting games from them knowing that anyway.
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No WL/BL so far. Guess it takes a while for the hate/love to come through :P
Just for the record, I don't personally BL/WL anyone because of their opinion, I would only BL someone who's obviously trying to be mean spirited in their comments.
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you can be proud to be straight if you want. i don't particulalry understand the pride either way.
i.e. You're proud of what you've done not what you are, so the word pride doesn't make sense in context
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Because it hasn't been socially acceptable to state their pride for the majority of recent history.
You have been able to say it all along without fear of repercussion.
Make sense?
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I don't understand how this affects you in any way. Let people do what they want, including parades, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others. It's not a difficult concept.
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While I do get your train of thought I think it's not so much about being proud of who you are (sure that's ok too but in my opinion it makes more sense to be proud about what you do than about who your are) but rather about facing oppression standing tall and not having to hide who you are.
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Read a little about how gay individuals were treated in places like the American South (gay conversion camps, involuntary psychiatric holding, lobotomies, electroshock therapy, etc) and you may understand why people who have been repressed and mistreated for so long may want to shout out to the world, without being ashamed, who they are and how proud they are to be who they are.
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I don't get the "Don't hate on [group of X people] and treat X like a human" because I think the homophobes already know that and it scares them that other humans aren't similar to them so they hate them like little kids hating on stuff that are frustrating for them to try and comprehend.
So, I think a more suitable thing to say is "grow up and think for yourself instead of waiting for input about issues from other people/family"
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to be fair i doubt anyone is solidly celebrating for a month.
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Remember to spread tolerance and treat lgbt individuals like humans, they deserve to be happy and feel safe no matter their sex/gender!
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