


Remember to spread tolerance and treat lgbt individuals like humans, they deserve to be happy and feel safe no matter their sex/gender!

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nellyneko - 🌈🌈🌈


β€œWhen you hear of Gay Pride, remember, it was not born out of a need to celebrate being gay.
It evolved out of our need as human beings to break free of oppression and to exist without being criminalized, pathologized or persecuted.
Depending on a number of factors, particularly religion, freeing ourselves from gay shame and coming to self-love and acceptance, can not only be an agonising journey, it can take years.
Tragically some don't make it.
Instead of wondering why there isn't a straight pride be grateful you have never needed one.
Celebrate with us.”
― Anthony Venn-Brown, A Life of Unlearning - a journey to find the truth

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Mandatory counterpart with Tristan from the season 5. Damn, they forgot the lumberjack scene.

7 years ago

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Ah that's why I saw a lot of lgbt stuff around the city...

7 years ago

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Happy pride month!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 years ago

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People should grow the f*ck up and let other behave the way they want, especially in "freedom" and "civil right" country.

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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that's how it should be!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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the problem with tolerating intolerance is it will hurt you in the long run.
when a group of people say "homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt children!" it means gay people will lose rights when these idiots vote against them. that shouldn't happen since their lives won't be affected at all, it's a personal choice that will only improve the quality of life of both the parents and kids but it's seen as an aberration by conservatives. πŸ˜‘

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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ah i said conservatives to describe such kind of people, not their political views.
i think reactionary and/or retrograde are more fitting?

and yes, generalizing big groups is always a bad idea.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Edit: Thx for all Cake wishes :D I just don't feel like spamming "thx" under very post D:

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7 years ago*

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Happy Cake-Day :)

7 years ago

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Happy Cakeday! :3

7 years ago

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Happy cake day

7 years ago

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Happy cake day!!

7 years ago

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Happy cakeday!
have some fabulous cakes

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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happy cakey!

7 years ago

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szczΔ™Ε›liwego ciastko-dnia! o! ;p

7 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

7 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! :-)

7 years ago

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i don't have any problem whit gays everyone do what they want whit his/her life but........

they say aren't diferent from the rest of people (i'm agree whit that) buy have an special days/week/partys just for them.... so..... where's the logic xDDD

i'm not homofobic this it's just something i wanted to say xD

7 years ago

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But we are different, everyone is. What that means is we're not aliens or a different species and want to be equal in regard to law and civil rights as well as "socially accepted", something that has started happening slowly in certain parts of the world. Pride at its core is a very political movement, starting with the Stonewall Riots, even if it seems to have mostly forgotten that. Plus the "regular" part of the Pride events is quite boring for the media so there's a lot of misconceptions about what that march actually looks like. E.g. :

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7 years ago*

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Well about socially accepted i can understand but some things i don't feel any homosexual (gay) should can do.
for example adopt

not because they are going to grow bad him/her but because it's not "normal" mmmm idk how to explain in english sry if i sound a bit rude.
but a kid need both for grow (mother and father).

for me it's not "normal" the "gay" thing. But eh everyone do whatever he want and we need to respect them while don't affect the life of others.

if gays want to marry it's perfect i don't have anything whit that. But whit adopt no, sry but no, this can affect to the "sexuality orientation" of the boy/girl.

if the girl/boy have 16+ years then yes i accept the adopt because they lived the life and are more matura mentally.

i can't explain how i want due the english lenguage and probably you can understand bad what i wanted to say, don't feel bad about my words isn't my intention.

7 years ago

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Oh don't worry you explained just fine, there's no misunderstandings here. Just your bullshit misconceptions.

7 years ago

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whoaa nice respect boy. don't cry later when you aren't getting respected

7 years ago

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I'm respecting you just as much as you did, only I don't bother to hide it behind a facade of politeness. You really don't even understand how insulting you were, do you?

Let me explain. You say we need to respect others as long as that doesn't affect anyone's life right? Yet your opinion on the adoption issue affects my life by not giving me that right. So this argument only works when it doesn't affect your own life?

Then you say that somehow "they'll pass the gay on" which is a completely unfounded opinion like it's some kind of sickness. That would imply sexual orientation to be a choice, which is not. With that train of thought shouldn't wee also be "passing on the straight"? Yet we don't. Oh, I know! That must be failing in broken homes, cases of abuse and such. Sorry to inform, many of us come from perfectly loving homes and have had very happy childhoods. Yet we "caught" the gay somehow. How dreadful!
And let's entertain the notion that it is possible to "pass on the gay"(which is not, but just for the sake of argument). You just said you were fine with LGBTQs yet if a child comes out "like me" it's wrong? So you're not actually fine with it. And just for the record I wouldn't wish my kid to be gay, I'd wish for it to be happy and couldn't care less about that.

So yeah, if you consider that respect you can keep it.

7 years ago*

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a kid do what he learn and a kid learn what he saw and what society teach him.

for me gay isn't normal it's not natural but i respect them (thing that you in particular don't respect my opinion that say a lot about you)
if a kid see that's "natural" it's more probably he will choice the same way (or both ways who knows)

in our world all species have a "girl" and a "boy" and for "survive" we need both, so sry be gay isn't "natural".

you are gay?? nice for you i don't care it's your life i'm not going to punch you or kill you for that.

and no, i don't believe in god too so please don't start some stupids arguments about i'm following god and i'm a close mind etc... etc....

7 years ago

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if a kid see that's "natural" it's more probably he will choice the same way (or both ways who knows)

Even if being gay was a choice (which it isn't), what would be the problem with their kids also being gay? Essentially you're saying you' don't have a problem with gay people... but you do? What you're saying doesn't make sense.

7 years ago

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for answer you, just read my previous post and the new posts i made.

how i told in all of them it's not natural but read them all not just this post or you are going to get a worng point of view from my part.

7 years ago

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Regardless of what you believe, science says that homosexuality is entirely natural. Homosexuality occurs in nature in multiple animal species, not just humans.

Of course, you can choose not to believe in science and facts, but that's a different philosophical discussion. ;)

7 years ago

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There is no ideal parent, with all the unwanted children in the world, I really don't think any child cares one way or another. The people that care are the people like you who think far to much about it. Would you rather that child be alone? Because quite a few children do not get adopted. The foster system is rife with abuses, but the idea that two people who want to love a child is wrong because they apparently have the same genitalia is ridiculous. Especially given the fact that there is no evidence that being raised in a gay family has negative influences except what other people (ie people) like you think about it. Is the child happy, is the child learning, is the child loved? Yes. Yes. Yes.

People are raised in all sorts of homes, maybe the father dies. Maybe the mother dies, maybe both parents die and they are raised by grandparents or relatives. So the question is unless you and your wife or husband plan to adopt every single child in the world, love them, feed them, shower them with attention and affection. Why should your ideas deny a child the right to a loving home? Why should your beliefs deny them that right? Because you think you know best?

7 years ago

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i say to you the same than the above message going to copy and paste here

a kid do what he learn and a kid learn what he saw and what society teach him.

for me gay isn't normal it's not natural but i respect them (thing that you in particular don't respect my opinion that say a lot about you)
if a kid see that's "natural" it's more probably he will choice the same way (or both ways who knows)

in our world all species have a "girl" and a "boy" and for "survive" we need both, so sry be gay isn't "natural".

you are gay?? nice for you i don't care it's your life i'm not going to punch you or kill you for that.

and no, i don't believe in god too so please don't start some stupids arguments about i'm following god and i'm a close mind etc... etc....

7 years ago

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You're assuming sexuality is a choice.
Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.

7 years ago

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a personal question.

what do you feel watching a boy + a girl kissing or doing some weird things? (indiferent?? disgusting??? bad????)

7 years ago

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It's a healthy show of affection.

That you included "weird things" speaks volumes, though.

7 years ago

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now ask to any boy "no gay" (heterosexual it's called in english too??) what they feel watching 2 boy kissing maybe you will get surprised

and yes i don't say girls because boys feel atracted by girls.

i can't talk abou girls eyes because i'm not a girl that's why i don't mention them.

7 years ago

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now ask to any boy "no gay" (heterosexual it's called in english too??) what they feel watching 2 boy kissing maybe you will get surprised

That sounds like a sexual hangup on their end. I have no such hangups. Their hangups, their problem.
Personally speaking, I see no difference between a guy kissing a girl, a guy kissing a guy, or a girl kissing a girl.

They're all doing the same thing - expressing healthy affection for one another.

7 years ago

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not "natural"

7 years ago

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You're on the internet. Use it to increase your knowledge.

7 years ago

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I hope you will only be using old, natural herbal treatments to cure whatever diseases ever ail you. Chemoterapy, antibiotics, etc... they're not 'natural'. Just let bacteria, viruses, diabetes, allergies, cancer and so on run their course. This way you will be able to live and die the 'natural' way.

7 years ago*

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i think you both lose the way of what we was talking or you both only move the conversation to another way because can't use any argument to defend your position?

7 years ago

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I think you're projecting your own lack of understanding of other's people arguments. You're the one who brought up the 'natural' subject, which doesn't even hold up to the lightest of scrutinies since there's plenty of empyrical evidence that homosexuality is natural (only one click away from you, if you had ever cared to look! Which you clearly haven't). You're also probably not exactly living a 'natural' life yourself, so maybe do a little research on the subject and think about what you're saying before saying it.

7 years ago

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There, I did the clicking for you, but you'll actually have to do the reading to educate yourself. I can only do so much for you.

Edit: I'll be expecting your apology to all these nice people you've called "unnatural" when you've finished your reading.

7 years ago*

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i can't apology for my opinion. also my opinion about this will never change no matter how many people say it's "natural"

i also can write a lot of things and say some numbers and that don't mean it's real.

thi isn't like talking about if apple or bananas are better than eat stones.

i mean if we eat stones everyday will be one day that all of us will say ohh this is just "natural" we all eat stones.

but talking about species and about "survive" methods be gay isn't natural and we aren't made for that.

why you are atracted by boys and not girls?? probably we will never know it like sentiments they can't be "counted" "mesurable".
maybe we have it in our ADN or maybe we learn it. what it's sure isn't natural.

humans are intelligent etc... but all we do it's for survive and continue the future of our ADN , Cells , etc..... all it's done to procreate and continue surviving. being gay it's like a suicide of your ADN , Cells information etc...... all your experience and evolution it's going to die whit you and that's not "natural" in all of the life forms.

all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "trasspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

i don't see where i need to apoligize for my opinion when i just made well arguments. You just limited to copy and paste an opinion of Aaron Jackson as if that was the only correct opinion just because it's the same as your.

until now you don't said or show any argument for defend that it's "natural" being gay.

7 years ago

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i don't see where i need to apoligize for my opinion

I didn't say that. I said you should apologize for calling them "unnatural", when facts show otherwise. You know facts, right? Facts culled by scientists and doctors and researchers, and not just "some numbers and saying it's real."

At any rate, I've put all the effort I wish into this discussion. If you wish to remain uninformed, it's on you now. I've handed you the key, the internet is the door. It's your choice whether or not to open it and broaden your mind.

7 years ago

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and i said very well explained why i say being gay it's "unnatural" but you only read that word as an insult and forget anything i wrote.

however o readed in that article that 1500 species have homosexual or bisexual things that sound like there's a lot true???
but ehh there's more than 1.9 millions of species in the world and this it's just an stimate number because we don't saw the sea species and a lot more of undiscovered species. Now that 1500 seems like just a Grain of earth in the whole world but not only that because gay humans do it because they are atracted to the same genre but animals??? we still not know why they do that, so sorry maybe they do a lot of study but whitout know why they do that all this study it's pretty useless.
also i don't know you, but i never saw a girl + girl in animals and i never readed about that. boy + boy yes but girl + girl no. that's another sing of "unnatural" thing.
But again i don't use "natural" word as if we say it's natural to breath because if we don't do it we will die. I explained very well what i wanted to mean in my last post so read again.

and it's not open the mind or not, how i told in this post you don't readed what i wrote just readed the word "unnatural" and you started searching something in internet that say "natural" and whit that you tough it's enough.

7 years ago

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I linked you one article. That should get you started. Like I said, you can do some research of your own. It's not my job to educate you.

If you won't believe the research of scientists and doctors, there's probably no helping you. Don't fall off the edge of the earth on vacation this year, though.

Have a pleasant day.

7 years ago

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and again you don't readed my message more than "unnatural" word so better to finish that conversation here it's stupid continue talking whit you when you absolutely ignore what i'm saying and you just keep copy and paste the first article you found in internet.

so cya and if you want do a real conversation start reading my messages, if not please don't lose more my time trying to troll or whatever you trying to do.

7 years ago

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you can do some research of your own

In that case it's a waste of time. I did research like that couple of years ago and found out only one thing. People shouldn't trust to researches if there is no way of validating them by practical use.

There are two types of "scientist" that examine if homosexuality is natural: those who are hired by LGBT related groups and those hired by anti-LGBT groups xD First group would prove that it's natural and second one will prove that it's unnatural aberration and/or satan himself.

And yeah - I wrote scientists using quotation marks with a reason.

7 years ago

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In that case it's a waste of time.

It sure makes more sense than outright stating it's "unnatural" with nothing but opinion to back it up. There's never any reason to not educate yourself about something. Remaining ignorant when provided the resources to enlighten oneself, however, is silly.

7 years ago

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For any kind of self education you need to be open-minded. If not - you will just stick to any arguments that confirm your point of view.
Just look how thelaughinman and Akzeriuth are arguing below.
Replace "homosexualism" with albinism (or having red hairs) and you will see how stupid this is xD They are both right and wrong in the same time.
And it's: DNA not ADN goddamit!

7 years ago

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I wouldn't be myself without pointing out that not all antibacterial drugs are "not natural". Antibiotics are natural xD Yeah - they are produced on mass scale in factories but they all have natural origins (for example they are produced by fungus). Chemotherapeutics though didn't exist in environment before human created them (like sulphonamides).

7 years ago

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I never said ALL antibiotics are unnatural. Sulphonamides are also antibiotics... :)

7 years ago

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No. Sulphonamides are synthetic.
There are 2 groups of antibacterial drugs: natural (antibiotics) and synthetic (chemotherapeutics).
But I haven't seen anybody using different term that antibiotics in everyday situation anyway xD

7 years ago

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I know they're synthetic, lol. Ok, let's call them antibacterials so the problem's solved (despite them being also commonly referred to nowadays as synthetic antibiotics). v__v

7 years ago

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  1. My parents are straight, I am gay. I grew up in the church and learned that being me was a sin. I didn't even know that being gay was a thing till I was fourteen. So by your silly beliefs which are not based on actual facts but your opinion, which is factually incorrect, clearly doesn't prove your point. So, you may want to rethink what you believe, or know to be true. An opinion isn't fact. Because opinions aren't facts, I don't have to respect them. I mean there are gay people found in every culture on earth, the only thing that changes is the attitudes and the culture surrounding it.

  2. For me being straight isn't normal, it's not normal for me personally because I am not straight. I do not know how it feels to like a member of another gender. Normal is relative. Kids who grow up in gay homes, are not more likely to be gay, they are more likely to be straight. Just like you know the rest of the population. That's generally how it works.

  3. There are gay penguins, there are gay lions, there are gay swans, in the natural world there are gay animals or at the very least animals that prefer to couple with the member of the same gender. Scientists speculate at least some of it suggest it's natural phenomena to control population growth, I don't fucking know but the idea that it's unnatural is stupid. Cars are unnatural. We have cars. Computers are unnatural, yet you're on the computer. I mean if natural is what is noticed in nature, then by definition being gay is natural because it is found in many mammalian species. Thus natural.

  4. The problem isn't that you're going to kill me or want to do me harm, my problem with you is that you think that I'm unnatural and despite everything that I have written, you make no attempts to understand. To elevate your thinking on the matter. You are perfectly happy to have your silly opinions about gay people. Other people do wish to do me harm, and the reason is that they think like you. So the solution to me is simple, change your mind. My problem with you is that you don't see me as human, you put me in an other category. I see you as human with a silly opinion on my life and other people's lives. What's worse is that people legislate based on their opinions without getting to know reality.

7 years ago

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Took the words right out of my mouth. Excellent reply, thank you!
Although admittedly more levelheaded than me, this is the one argument that brings out the "Hulk Smash!" for me

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7 years ago

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Well said, and more people need to read your comment IMHO.
I applaud you, sir.

I wish we could sticky this right under the OP.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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point 1---> i never said that you need to grow in a gay family to be a gay, i just said that if you are in a gay family the chances to be gay are highter and that's bad because isn't natural.

2--->you can't know that be in a family gay they have more chances to be non gay but we know that kids learn what they see and what they are teached. Tell me one thing if you can adopt you are going to say to your son be gay it's "unnatural" or humans are made for be gays etc.....???? or you are going to teach him that be gay it's better than non gay???? how you can explain to him why it's better be gay when all arround the world others are going to say to him be gay it's bad etc....???? (i don't think be gay it's bad but it's unnatural and they shouldn't can adopt how i said in my previous posts)

3---> i don't care about animals that aren't intelligent enough to understand what they are doing. maybe it's just because they want sex and can't find a "girl" until we have a 100% answer why some animals do that we can't use this arguments to defend why gays can adopt. hypotesis don't have any value until proved.

4-->people that want to kill you or do some damage too you they have any problem in their brain and ABSOLUTELY they don't think like me, i don't respect that people because they don't respect others.

and yes you are "unnatural" you should have anything bad in your body like some people are scared by snakes and another loves them. OH AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING i also don't think it's a disease be gay or shits like that how the stupid people say.

humans and any other living creature (except some basic living forms like protozous etc...) in this world it's made to have the necesity of boy + girl. or you can make a child??? boy + boy can make a child??? or girl + girl???

gays can't do nothing for "survive" the specie <----this phrase sound very rude but whit my knowledge of english i can't explain in the way i want to say.

once again i should have thesame rights to kill people and don't go to prison because militar people can do it????? not because we are the same we all have the same rights to do the same things.

7 years ago

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holy shit.

7 years ago

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First time I've actually seen such ignorance in a place as amazing and accepting as this website. Holy shit indeed.

7 years ago

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  1. Except that's literally not true. Like at all. The rates of gay children does not rise in same sex couples. If the rate of gay people is 5% across the world then if we look at the population of same-sex couples. The number should be comparable. That's how it works. 95% of kids will be straight for those kids raised in a same sex household. Sexuality isn't a choice. Attraction isn't a choice. It just is. I can't force an attraction to a member of the opposite sex. Trust me been there done that. I can like them just fine just don't find them physically attractive. So once again your opinion is based on false information. So once again, I do not have to respect it.

  2. Except I literally can. There have been studies on this shit. I live in Canada. I can legally adopt a child. Also since my sexual organs work I can have children. You seem to think that I'll tell my kid what to do about who they should be attracted to. When I don't actually care. That's the thing. If my kid is gay then my kid is gay. If my kid is straight then my kid is straight. Nothing is better than the other because it really is just what you're attracted to. Some people are attracted to fat people, some people are attracted to skinny people. This is literally what being gay is. just an attraction.

  3. Except once again, homosexuality has been found in multiple species. So ignoring that, because humans somehow have higher reasoning doesn't actually mean dick. If it is found in nature, it is natural. You dismissing animals, gay animals who do raise children together, is that you're pretending that their actions mean nothing because you don't understand it.The only difference between humans and animals is that we overthink everything because of culture because we seem to, as a society, hate sex.

  4. Except you are doing me damage. Well not you but people who think like you. When they vote if I should have kids or not. Or if I should adopt. I live in Canada so this isn't an issue. But you're affecting my life, and it's none of your business.

  5. People seem to believe that if you put a bunch of gay men and gay women on an island together they would die out in a generation. Problem is our secondary sex characteristics work, so lesbian women can still get pregnant. Gay men can still impregnate women. You can have sex without being attracted to someone. Like what makes someone gay is the attraction, not the action. Because I can have sex with a member of the opposite sex, I may not be attracted to them but I can definitely have sex with them.

7 years ago

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1---> you can't compare this whit just making a comparison making an average because for an absolute study you need do whit the same number of people not 1000000000 no gays whit 10000 gays. you just can't get a fiable number.

2--->nope you can't make a son if you fuck another boy, boys can't have a child.

3--->just again my last answer. in that case why we don't eat our son shit like animals do????

4--->because i think you affect the whole specie that it's more important than a single person. however i don't try to make you damage it's just my opinion and i just saying my arguments.

5-->so you can have sex whit a girl whitout any problem, so this night you can go out and find one girl and just make the love whit she whit any problem????? (and i don't ask if you have a good dick to penetrate the girl i mean more mental way)

probably don't will die in 1 generation but probably in a lot of generations this people will need start making sex whit oposite sex just for make babys and not because they feel atracted.
we are humans but also we are animals too and like all animals whit the time all do the same and that's because whit the time we learned that.

not long ago humans was make assessinate/ murders / and a lot of bad things just for get some food for live. now people die of hungry when they have a big supermarket full of food in everyway you look. (hope you can understand what i wanted to say here and compare whit "gay" adopt thing that is what we are we talking here)

7 years ago

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  1. I don't think you understand how science works or statistics work. If that is the case then I can't help you. Like me being gay has nothing to do with it. You take 1000 straight people look at the lvls of homosexuality that occur. You take 1000 gay couples that occur and interview the children. This isn't rocket science by any stretch of the imagination.

  2. Once again my sexual organs work. I can have sex with a member of the opposite gender and produce a child. This isn't rocket science. In case you missed the memo there have been hundreds of thousands of gay men who have fathered children. Hundreds of thousands of lesbians who have mothered children, like once again. Homosexuality vs heterosexuality is based on attraction, it is not actually based on what you do with your genitals.

  3. I think you're not thinking that thought through or you are completely unaware that cannibalism has been apart of humanity since we could record it. Sometimes it was due to religious reasons, other times it was due to harsh times. We have archeological evidence of this. It's easier to kill a baby then it is to kill a full grown man/woman. Also when we look at child abuse, including sexual and the physical kind, it's more likely to occur in situations where they are not the biological children of those people. So stepfather abusing his stepkids and step moms abusing their children. So this idea that we're above it is silly. We're not. I'm sure in some remote places of the world this shit still probably goes on. Humans are animals, albeit with a high cognitive ability but that doesn't mean we're not animals or we're better than animals. We see wars in nature just not on the scale of what humans can do. We see parents rejecting their young, just not in the ways animals do.

  4. Having sex isn't the problem, I'm not attracted to them. If I was given some moral imperative to save the human race then perhaps we can revisit what I'm willing to do and what I'm not willing to do. So yes, I can have sex with a member of the other gender. I don't want to. If I absolutely had to, I'd close my eyes think of what I like and get it done. Problem solved. Surprise!

  5. No you don't understand, a gay persons dick works as in they can get erect and penetrate a female and ejaculate and have a baby. A lesbians ovaries and uterus works as in they can grow a baby inside of them. There is no world in which the human existence would be wiped out because gay people and an attraction to the same gender. Because gay people still want children. So even without modern science it would still happen. And guess what, children would always be planned for. Surprise!

7 years ago

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Let's finish this conversation because you keep saying all time the same and don't see my point of view

well going to just copy and paste another answer i made to another guy where i explained very well

thsi isn't like talking about if apple or bananas are better than eat stones.

i mean if we eat stones everyday will be one day that all of us will say ohh this is just "natural" we all eat stones.

but talking about species and about "survive" methods be gay isn't natural and we aren't made for that.

why you are atracted by boys and not girls?? probably we will never know it like sentiments they can't be "counted" "mesurable".
maybe we have it in our ADN or maybe we learn it. what it's sure isn't natural.

humans are intelligent etc... but all we do it's for survive and continue the future of our ADN , Cells , etc..... all it's done to procreate and continue surviving. being gay it's like a suicide of your ADN , Cells information etc...... all your experience and evolution it's going to die whit you and that's not "natural" in all of the life forms.

all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "trasspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

i don't see where i need to apoligize for my opinion when i just made well arguments. You just limited to copy and paste an opinion of Aaron Jackson as if that was the only correct opinion just because it's the same as your.

until now you don't said or show any argument for defend that it's "natural" being gay.

Copy & Paste finish here.

now you understand??

7 years ago

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Once again, since homosexual behavior is found in hundreds of other species, it's been theorized that the job was to take care of the unwanted children thus it is a natural occurring phenomena.

Also attraction is attraction. It's like if you're attracted to women with large hips vs women with skinny hips. This is simply based on physical attraction. Since gay people have secondary sex characteristics and can have children they are natural people. Some people are only attracted to members of their own race and that's okay, and some people are attracted to members of the other ace and once again that's okay. It's literally the same concept. Exact same concept. That doesn't mean that you won't have sex with a skinny person, or a thick person, or even fall in love with them, it just means that physically you don't necessarily find them appealing. The end. like this isn't a hard concept.

Let me try this. What's your most hated food, like the one food you won't touch because you have other food to eat. Yeah, now pretend that was the only food on the planet for you. Would you starve to death or would you suck it up and eat it? It is literally the same thing.

7 years ago

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once again i say the same

well going to just copy and paste another answer i made to another guy where i explained very well

thsi isn't like talking about if apple or bananas are better than eat stones.

i mean if we eat stones everyday will be one day that all of us will say ohh this is just "natural" we all eat stones.

but talking about species and about "survive" methods be gay isn't natural and we aren't made for that.

why you are atracted by boys and not girls?? probably we will never know it like sentiments they can't be "counted" "mesurable".
maybe we have it in our ADN or maybe we learn it. what it's sure isn't natural.

humans are intelligent etc... but all we do it's for survive and continue the future of our ADN , Cells , etc..... all it's done to procreate and continue surviving. being gay it's like a suicide of your ADN , Cells information etc...... all your experience and evolution it's going to die whit you and that's not "natural" in all of the life forms.

all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "trasspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

i don't see where i need to apoligize for my opinion when i just made well arguments. You just limited to copy and paste an opinion of Aaron Jackson as if that was the only correct opinion just because it's the same as your.

until now you don't said or show any argument for defend that it's "natural" being gay.

Copy & Paste finish here.

now you understand??

7 years ago

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I'm just going to say this because you seem so sure that you're right. Lets see if we can agree on some basic human history. Being gay was illegal in spain until what 1979? It was illegal in a lot of places until relatively recently. Within in the later half of the twentieth century. In most Western worlds. So you would be imprisoned, shamed thought to be a pedophile, etc if you were gay, some people were murdered. I am not saying this is what you believe. I am saying that this is literally history. So what did these gay people do? Try to lead normal lives. They fathered children, they gave birth to children. Especially given the time when once again it was until recently that women were considered more than property, or had the right to work or vote. They might have had feelings for other women but that didn't matter because they were pushed into marriages with men. This is human history.

What we have now is men and women coming out later in life, especially the older generation and stating that they are gay or lesbian. You want to know some famous people who did it? Billie King, Wanda Sykes, Elton John, Oscar Wilde, Alan Cumming, Little Richard the list goes on. You mean to tell me that all those men and women who lived their lives in hiding, and btw had children weren't gay or they were bisexual? The fact is because of the way you think and how you treat others, homosexuality in teens leads to increased risks of teenage pregnancy and well depression, and suicide. But that's okay they're unnatural. People so desperately want to be normal that they force the issue, or they pretend. So like literally nothing you have said is based on any fact, it really is just what you believe and I suggest that you do some actual research in your actual language and maybe actually talk to some intelligent spanish gay people or go to a library and discuss your believes with someone or you know take any human sexuality course in any university.

7 years ago

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please read again my post copied and paste because you taking the word "unntatural" "natural" literally like say it's natural to breath because 100% of humans do it and you missing my explanation on what i want to say.

this isn't like talking about if apple or bananas are better than eat stones.

i mean if we eat stones everyday will be one day that all of us will say ohh this is just "natural" we all eat stones.

but talking about species and about "survive" methods be gay isn't natural and we aren't made for that.

humans are intelligent etc... but all we do it's for survive and continue the future of our ADN , Cells , evolution, etc..... all it's done to procreate and continue surviving. being gay it's like a suicide of your ADN , Cells information etc...... all your experience and evolution it's going to die whit you and that's not "natural" in all of the life forms.

all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "traspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

so that's why being gay isn't natural.

please read very slowly this post one or two times before answer me again.

7 years ago

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I'm going to assume that you've never had a fantastic night of hot passionate sex with someone you love or even care about. And that the only reason that you have sex period is to reproduce which means you do it what? Maybe two to three times a month when a woman is ovulating?

If that's not the case then your entire argument falls apart because sex isn't only to reproduce or it wouldn't be such a thing in this society. Condoms, birth control, and these things have been around for ages would have never existed. I mean people used to put sheep intestine on their dick so they wouldn't get a woman pregnant. That is not the sole reason that humans have sex. Children were needed back in the day not because it was some genetic imperative, it was because of fucking child labor, you needed that help on the farm. Plus given then infant mortality rate, people had a shit ton of kids because if one died you had another one to maybe live into adulthood.

Once again they are found in nature, because you're doing this thing where you're using a word incorrectly and trying to force me to use it the way you use it which is incorrectly, which I refuse to do (you don't get to make up the definition to words to suit your point) Not every male/female pairing in the animal kingdom has offspring. In fact not every female in the animal kingdom gets pregnant, and not every male in the animal kingdom impregnates a female the whole natural selection thing. Or there is other shit going on that I can't even begin to delve into the difference species of animals. Naked Mole Rats basically disprove your point. I mean ants basically disprove your point, so I can't really have this conversation if you're not going to base your opinions on facts.

7 years ago

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all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "traspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

so that's why being gay isn't natural.

I try to keep it simple:
They're born this way. They weren't created by Dr. Frankenstein, but nature. They still find ways to reproduce. And if not, it would be nature's fault.

7 years ago

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so simple so concise, thank you.

7 years ago

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i still don't know if by "unnatural" you mean "uncommon" or "rare", which would be the correct definition for it.

7 years ago

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nope i don't mean it's rare or uncommon

it's like we can't drink sulfur it's not "natural" in our existence

7 years ago

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just reading quick, i feel like this agruement has gone in a circle a couple times

I don't see why any of you are bothering, any of you could have the most water-tight arguement in the world but it wouldn't matter because you can't change someones opinion on the internet

7 years ago

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just reading quick, i feel like this agruement has gone in a circle a couple times

Agreed. I'm hoping those involved have decided to drop it.

7 years ago

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amazing explanation Couldn't have worded better myself

7 years ago

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couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing and for doing it in polite, assertive and civilised way. I am sure that me myself would not be able to keep my calm so even more kudos to you.

7 years ago

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but a kid need both for grow (mother and father).

I keep seeing this argument. And it's such a stupid argument. First off, you only believe it influences sexuality because you believe it's a choice. Fine, have your weird belief. But secondly, disregarding that whole conversation about beliefs - what about single parents? And what about gay couples with biological children (previous relationships etc.)? Should they all just give up their kids and hope a nice straight couple adopts them? Because there are so many perfect straight couples adopting kids?

7 years ago

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please don't compare what you say whit a kid who see every day affection between 2 person of the same sex.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Okay, I think I've parsed what you're saying now ... you think it's worse for a kid to see their parents express their love for each other than having no parents at all?

7 years ago

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it's just not natural for what the i don't think it's worse and if you readed all i wrote you will see i said that gays and no gays will love and grow up the kids the same way than no gays.

so please read all first and if you don't understand something i will try to explain in other way but don't say things i don't said.

i just said that kids have more chances to be gays if they are grow up by a gay family. and be gay isn't "natural" for what i explained before in other of my post

7 years ago

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You do realize that "not natural" actually means/comes across as "not normal, not good". You say you don't think it's worse, but then say you think it's not natural, meaning not good, meaning worse.
Which is just based on your personal feelings, I'm guessing without much experience with kids from various backgrounds.
"[The] children of same-sex parents are academically and emotionally indistinguishable from those of heterosexual parents." source

7 years ago

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read my other messages that i was talking whit the other users in this same page and you will understand why i say "unnatural"

7 years ago

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No thanks, not re-reading that. I'll never understand it.

7 years ago

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well going to just copy and paste another answer i made to another guy where i explained very well

thsi isn't like talking about if apple or bananas are better than eat stones.

i mean if we eat stones everyday will be one day that all of us will say ohh this is just "natural" we all eat stones.

but talking about species and about "survive" methods be gay isn't natural and we aren't made for that.

why you are atracted by boys and not girls?? probably we will never know it like sentiments they can't be "counted" "mesurable".
maybe we have it in our ADN or maybe we learn it. what it's sure isn't natural.

humans are intelligent etc... but all we do it's for survive and continue the future of our ADN , Cells , etc..... all it's done to procreate and continue surviving. being gay it's like a suicide of your ADN , Cells information etc...... all your experience and evolution it's going to die whit you and that's not "natural" in all of the life forms.

all life forms want to life eternal time and when you can't survive eternal time you "trasspass" that info and your evolution to your son and gays can't have a son if they fuck whit another boy. (yes you can have a son if you fuck a girl but if you are a real gay and not bisexual probably you never going to fuck whit a girl as same i will never fuck whit a boy because i'm not gay or bisexual)

i don't see where i need to apoligize for my opinion when i just made well arguments. You just limited to copy and paste an opinion of Aaron Jackson as if that was the only correct opinion just because it's the same as your.

until now you don't said or show any argument for defend that it's "natural" being gay.

Copy & Paste finish here.

now you understand??

7 years ago

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And again I say, what?

7 years ago

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not going to participe in your trolling try, i got enough of lose my time whit you. cya and good luck in your life.

7 years ago

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(says the person copy&pasting a wall of text to me after I said I'm not reading any more of their posts)

btw it was a rhetorical "what", I was hoping for you to let it go 2 replies ago. Thanks for finally doing so :)

7 years ago

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nice person you are then. it's better for all the kids that you can't adopt them.

7 years ago

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More hilarious assumptions from you, (almost) none of this is about me. I'm straight (normal according to you) and don't actually want to adopt any children - I can just grow my own if I want to :P

Edit: Oooh, and thanks for the blacklist, I guess?

7 years ago*

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As can any other gay person. Like this isn't exactly rocket science and he's completely ignoring modern medicine. Fertility clinics, sperm banks, IVF treatment. Turkey basters. Like gay people can't have children at all.

7 years ago

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It was just meant as a tongue-in-cheek "I'm female", since Akzeriuth seemed to assume I'm a gay man, and I'm neither. Of course nowadays (and even before) anyone can have kids if and often times when they want to.

7 years ago

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Why exactly would you absolutely need to have children of your own to pass information to other people and further human evolution? Does it mean that a gay scientist who never has any children but teaches science to 50 students is worse at helping humanity evolve than some regular heterosexual guy who has two sons who become regular heterosexual guys themselves?

(Also I'll assume that you somehow mistranslated "children" into "son" and you didn't actually mean that daughters aren't worth being given birth or taught.)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Edit: Definition of natural: existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
Double edit: Your argument is stupid. Your beliefs are false. The next sentence doesn't even make any sense.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Actually it's natural, since in the nature, some species have homosexual couples who raise children (not all of them, only a few) of heterosexual couples.
If you have 8 minutes, here is a video of a French comedian (subtitled in English and Spanish). He's into popularization of science, and destroys myths and common preconceptions.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Well right now they're still mostly civil rights protests
And the logic is to celebrate who you are, even though many are against it. Straight people don't really have to deal with that.

7 years ago

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I haven't been to a pride parade before, but I'm hoping to go to one soon with my girlfriend c:

7 years ago

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You should - and report afterwards, since I can't with sooooooo many ppl all around ;)

7 years ago

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A little courtesy bump, I remember you liking them so much ;P. Kinda sad this is still such a precarious topic in so many places around the world.

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Free love bump! throws some rainbow confetti around

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Happy Pride!

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Why do you need a β€œparade” to advertise your sexual preferences?

I am trying to understand the whole point of these parades but at the end it seems that is something to advertise your sexual preferences than an actual parade. I dont have any problem with your sexual preferences but I will have a problem if you insult me or my family with your behavior.
I dislike a lot people that are doing things(sex, kissing ,licking each other etc) in public in front of children. Keep your sexual hormones at your house! (that goes for straight people as well).

As a European citizen I can't find any limitations if you are gay or not, I mean you can vote , get a job, get a driving license, get married and so on.
So far on every CV I checked , employers don't ask β€œTell me your sexual preferences and if you are gay I Am not gonna hire you!!!?”

Well Muslim countries are something else and I think you are pushing it too far against their religion and their society strict rules.

So what's the point of the parade?
You want to be able to hold hands each other, kissing and licking each other in public? well this is the message I am getting from all these parades which at the end is a bit of disgusting.

Anyway at the end we are all humans and sexual preferences shouldn't be a thing to talk about or do any parades about it. I mean it should be normal and a bit of a private matter.

7 years ago

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Why do you need a β€œparade” to advertise your sexual preferences?

The answer to your question is in the very first sentence of the link the OP posted.

Anyway at the end we are all humans and sexual preferences shouldn't be a thing to talk about or do any parades about it.

I disagree. Perhaps if they were talked about more, people would be less closed-minded and we could end the violence and discrimination. Education is the first step.

7 years ago

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The disconnect for people like him, is the sexual nature found in some parades. Again I've said this for years, you have doctors, teachers marching, you have parents and allies marching, and no one has a problem, if they're all decked out in rainbow gear. The problem comes with the more risque floats, and that's what people focus on. Sex sells, we for the most part enjoy sex, we as a society are insanely puritanical about it though. I personally think that those type of things need to be separated.

7 years ago

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we as a society are insanely puritanical about it though.

That's the problem. The result is the rest of what you've said.

7 years ago

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Yes but I don't think that you need to link it with gay community, cause let's be real. Straight people have kinky sex as well.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I dislike a lot people that are doing things(sex, kissing ,licking each other etc) in public in front of children. Keep your sexual hormones at your house! (that goes for straight people as well).

If you mean doing things intentionally or carelessly in front of children, I understand this reaction. Except kissing. And I hope you don't have in mind to firstly let them know the facts of life at an age of 18 ..

So far on every CV I checked , employers don't ask β€œTell me your sexual preferences and if you are gay I Am not gonna hire you!!!?”

Of course they don't ask, because luckily it's prohibited by law nowadays (referring to Europe).

Well Muslim countries are something else and I think you are pushing it too far against their religion and their society strict rules.

I won't go there and tell them how to live. However, most of them are members of the UN. And there's the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So hopefully this will evolve.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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the only thing you should feel proud is to be treated as any other person, that's the point of these parades. ❀️️

7 years ago

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"they deserve to be happy and feel safe no matter their sex/gender!"

Except the ones that decided Jewish gays don't deserve the same treatment in the pride marches.

7 years ago

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Screw mental illness!

7 years ago

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Bump. Thanks for the giveaways, Mully.

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Mully.