An infinite roguelike builder with waves of enemies and upgrades, and an excellent intense chiptune/chipstep soundtrack and a really good story.
Preferably in the first person.
EDIT: I'm thinking this is pretty much impossible, but damn it would be great.
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First-person roguelike builder?
So you basically want a turn-based Minecraft with permadeath?
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Only not turnbased, and NO MINECRAFT.
Like Terraria, only enemies come in waves and you have to build to stay alive, and it's first person.
It can be like Minecraft, but I just really don't like Minecraft in general
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You weren't joking, that's literally exactly what I'm saying. I like it.
Too bad I'm broke!
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Necklace of the Eye or NotEye (same thing)
"Also simpler configurations are provided for Brogue, Crawl, DoomRL, Frozen Depths, Drakefire Chasm, Top Dog, Rogue, NetHack, NLarn (see the website for details). These include most ground and wall tiles, other things are shown with ASCII. You are invited to provide more complete tilesets for these or other roguelikes! "
"Hydra Slayer is included to show the capabilities of NotEye (there is a complete tileset, you can see the game using square or hePDCursesx tile graphics, first person perspective, and plain ASCII, you can move and switch weapons using mouse). The upcoming tile versions of ADOM and PRIME will be using NotEye too. "
TL;DR Bascially there is a skinner/front end for a few solid roguelikes that has FPP (First person perspective)
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I'm not going to lie, that made absolutely no sense until the TL;DR.
EDIT: If only they had one for games I'm actually interested in.
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My dream game would be Recettear 2.0: better cash shop management, an auto-sell option and a better in-depth crafting/dungeon system would be great.
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A Pokémon mmorpg, not like those crap fan-made ones but a real persistent world mmo like WoW with the ability to catch any monster you want.
Another game I would love to see is something like Frequency or Amplitude but with the ability to upload any song you want and have the game build the flat streets according to the fingerprints of the song (no not guitar hero crap with dlc).
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A zombie survival game, where you can do ANYTHING! Anything like search for items, houses, lockpick any lock, sit anywhere, use anything, live anywhere, barricade a house for example, if you want to hide, and etc..... MEOW! <3
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A free roam sandbox rpgmmo set in the medieval era where you can adventure and build your own houses,castles,kingdoms togethor. the controls/ ui would be similar to mount and blade. you can craft various amounts of items from natural resources such as trees,farmland animals,mines and stuff dropped from monsters. a huge game world. :D (kinda like mortal online in a way but mortal online is avg)
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I suppose something like a impossible hybrid of something along the lines of Skyrim/Mass Effect/Assassins Creed/Dishonored/Bioshock/Fallout/The Binding of Isaac.
Freeroaming RPG, smart AI, evolving AI that is not scripted to react always the same way (like that if you bother a NPC, her/his friends/family or bystanders get involved, or the NPC runs away, starts crying, stalks you, etc. Maybe more personalities and less AI).
Your actions have real consequences on several levels (not just that a character dies and never comes back and that the plot remains linear). Like that looting someones home is only possible without getting in trouble if noone sees you break in (that you actually have to break in, unless a window or door is open) or steal.
And a rogue like element and good enough graphics and worldbuilding that you do get the feeling you are in another world. And a good OST ;)
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It would be great, in a twisted way.
Imagine you're a simple NPC, living in Whiterun. Then some jerk who shouts all the time strolls in, tries to kill your children, chickens, or loots your home when you're asleep. Maybe even tries to drain you from all your blood.
Wouldn't it be great if you would stalk that Dovahkiin guy and when he goes to sleep, rob all your stuff back and extra as compensation? Or maybe something snaps in you and unless the main man can see in the dark, you become a menacing force that watches him, cuts his hair in his sleep, destroys his equipment, leaves messed up poems, etc.. Maybe you will end up hiring mercenaries or becoming one.
Or maybe if you flirt or sleep with characters that it has multiple outcomes. Maybe gain a stalker, who "loves" you. Or maybe a angry boyfriend after you. Maybe that you end up in surprise parenthood, pressured into marriage and hunted down by the family ;)
It would be so much more interesting if NPC's would behave more "human/weird" and don't just have the option of "attack" or "pretend like nothing happened".
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A strategy game set in medieval time where you can lead a country or even a duchy and maybe one day become king or emperor.
It could be set in the real world and cover some historic event.
You'd have to find a wife, create a dinasty and when you die you play as your heir.
That would be a great game !
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Crusader Kings 2 is amazing. If you like Medieval Total War 2, and can handle incredible micromanagement, you'll love CK2.
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Free roaming action game set in a cyberpunk world with a badass female protagonist. Kind of Watch_Dogs, but that game's still far away from my vision.
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I want to something that comes in the very awkward grounds between Dead Rising 2, and Digimon world. Dead Rising 2 is governed by a time based survival system that drives the plot as time moves forward, pair this with the idea of the original digimon world game. The original digimon world game thing I talk about in particular (not the monster taming at all lol) is the idea that you are playing to improve the settlement you start out on, you gather other digimon that come to your settlement and make it better. They will add things like arenas, resteraunts, clinics, etc (though the idea here would be that you rescue other survivors and gather spare parts to make your settlement better). Pair that with some hardcore survival elements, Dead Rising's great 3rd person gameplay, and maybe a co-operative mode.
also you would fight more than just zombies, maybe demons and monster animals and stuff.
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A RPG in a open world/sandbox, without any real main storyline, set in the medieval time. You set out as an adventurer, and create your own destiny. You can become the king of the northern kingdom in one playthrough, and destroy it as the great evil wizard in another. It could have a skill-tree ala Skyrim, but with combat skills and crafting skills/combat xp and crafting xp devided. Basically, how future games from Bethesda might look
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by saying steamworks do you mean steam achievements? if so, I wouldnt mind.
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A first person universe simulator. So basically a fairly realistic simulation of life, but with no consequences and the ability to change settings to remove real world limitations like fatigue, strength and anything else you can think of. I'm sure it would be both pretty much impossible to do properly due to the amount and complexity of the content, and also controversial because you could basically use it to rehearse criminal activity, but it seems like fun to me.
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Lol..I just remembered Dead Island loading screen...It's good that you see it just 1-2 times while playing.
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an rpg where you navigate the different areas of your drug addled mind with your hormonal system anthropromorphised where the end result is you fighting your inner demons to conquer your addiction, multiple endings and some real time controllable battles, uematsu does the score
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A combination between: GTA, Saint's Row, Dead Island, Just Cause, Fallout, Gran Turismo, Skyrim, FORTIX!!, Toral War, Far Cry, CitiesXL, Simcity, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Prototype, Batman Arkham City/Asylum, Pure, The Sims, etc.That would be fuckin' epic game.
This or Minesweeper.
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free roam rpg FPS in a futuristic world (but there is no laser guns, never laser guns, laser guns are banned and illegal) in a world like borderlands with lots of enviroments, like deserts, snow mountains, jungles etc. with being able to costumize guns like in army of two 40th days, like you can remove certain parts of some guns then put them on others, or simply buy special parts like fire bullets attacher or hybrid scope and other attachments, the guns and the pieces like in fallout waste the more you use them, you can also drive vehicles from cars to jets, you can also get a crew the more you advance in the questline with unique personalities, and lots of variety in missions, like taking part in a revolucion to take a city, fighting on a floating city like bioshock infinite except you can destroy certains parts of it like floor and ziplines so that enemies can fall, but the enemy can do that too :), with territories where you either take them back by force or you ally with them, with lots of ways to play, like stealth, or using machines to help you, or just brute force, with farcry 3 graphics, that would be the best game somebody has ever done. (yes, i have been thinking about this game for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time)
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a simulator where you live in the game and you can do whatever you want even immoral things... basically a gta with all the interactions there are in life
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This is something like the dream game I'd want. Though I'd want mine to be interactive to a stupid degree, such as everything would have physics and destructibility, unlike most games where tress and walls are unbreakable.
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Free-Roam Game with Various Big maps, Maps big as DayZ. A Wasteland and a City. Customizable Weapons. Zombies + Human Players. PvE and PvP. Scavenging based gameplay. AI-scripted Villages which you can rob, or take missions from. A few respawning villages and a crapload of mission based villages or towns.
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This has probably been done to death all over the interwebz, but what's your idea for a video game?
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