Do you get angry when you see someone doesn't play your GA game?
I'm glad to see those answers :3
I have school, job, hobby and girlfriend (which is counted 3 times :P )
Also - I'm a collector and I want to play all games in my life :)
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Nope :v
She's just taking 3 times of my time compared to other mentioned :D
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Well, if you want to give each game the respect it deserves...then don't play Uriel's Chasm
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I feel you... no more college but 8h job, then going out with my gf 3-4 times a week, a hobby that takes me 3-5h and then my other hobby is gaming and I just don't have enough time for it!
I wish I could have enough time to lock myself up and play for 3 months straight and still get payed... lol
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Yeah... in the mean time we content ourselves with just collecting the games I guess, lol
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Know that feel. Won Mass Effect 2 few days ago and have´nt touched it yet (i will definately enjoy the heck out of it later!!!).
It´s not only a problem of backlog, but in my case also one of "HD space".
Trying to pursue a "first in first out" playlist to get that under control, but it´s shuffles all the time :-/
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I try and throw at least a small amount of time into within a week, excluding developer Ga's, even if it's a half hour. From there, they may or may not sit n my backlog for a while.
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It doesn't bother me, I don't check.
On the other side of things I did recently start to feel guilty about not playing wins or games that have been gifted to me. Made a category in my library with all my wins/gifts in and have been trying to focus on playing those more. Launched Plague:Inc Evolved for the first time last night after being given it in a secret santa at Christmas time for example - had fun with it too!
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I don't care. I never checked if the winners play the games I give away. I like to assume they entered my GAs because they actually want to play the games, but if they don't I can live with that.
When I win a giveaway, instead, I try to play the game as soon as I can, because I don't enter in a giveaway if I'm not interested in the game. I have some of my recent wins in my backlog, but I will get to them eventually. For example: just yesterday I finished a game I won a month ago, so now I can play the next one.
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it's in SteamGift rules, that we MUST activate that game in our library
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report them!! There are option for it and it's easy to check it!
They are not contributing and raising they levels here and then - winning more often!
We must stop it! D:
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SG rules in a angry potato universe
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I would be to scared to enter any GA then xD
(point 3 and 4)
((Especially 4 with Teletubbies :P ))
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Once again I bring up my cause. I won Spec Ops here, and couldn't get around to play it for half a year. But when I got to it, I played it in less than a week, and was so emotional that I contacted GA creator and thanked him again for the feels his gift gave me. He was so touched that he decided to contact other people who gifted him games and thank them, and I think the movement went on further and further.
My point is, people have lives, and most of us can't get around to play the game they won right away. But it is really nice to hear from you GA's winner after some time, especially if he(she) has something nice to say to you =)
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If people are checking to see if you play a game you won, they need help. Yea, check if it's activated...but who cares if they are playing it right away? They'll get around to it. I haven't even played half the games I preordered. It sucks, but having a life interferes with my gaming time.
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I don't really check but I do find it a bit sad when I see that someone hasn't played a game they won from me, especially if it's been a long time. But, on the flipside, I don't always get a chance to play my wins right away either so I can hardly blame anyone else for the same thing.
Most of us have a backlog, school or work, family, so even with the best of intentions, it's not always possible to play everything in a timely manner. When you give a game away, you can only hope that it will go to someone who will enjoy it.
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Aye but in some cases it is quite obvious that the winner will never play the game he/she won. Each have their reasons for entering but it is discouraging to see a gift left to gather dust.
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What I like about giveaways is, that you sometimes get to win games that you normally wouldn't play/pay for. So you end up having a whole new expierence.
I've just finished playing my last won game and even collected all achievements, as it was some kind of fun to play.
I'd have never bought that game myself though.
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A lot of the time, I'm building up my backlog for the future. I'm still trying to finish off my PS3/360 generation of games, and then I'll play through my PC backlog while I wait for the PS4 generation to iron out the kinks, come down in price, and develop a library (same as every generation).
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Yeah, i don't really play new games too much yet. Once I am able to make Youtube videos, one of my playlists is going to be me playing every single game i own on Steam. So I'll get there eventually, and that is a playlist that is going to take a long, long time.
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I need a new headset and a mouse, and all of that is gonna cost me $200+, and I don't have the money for that, so I gotta wait until I get a job, which I'm having very bad luck with.
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You don't have one or your current sucks? (headset)
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My recent one broke, so right now I have a on-gaming headset that isn't the best on quality. This is what I will be getting. My friend has one and said it's the best he's ever had, and i trust his judgement, so I just have to save up for it. And as for my mouse, it's a $12 one, and my left mouse button has started to stick so I want to get a better one.
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Haha maybe. I don't really wanna advertise, but maybe I'll find a way :p
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I did a bit of voice recording a while ago when I practiced speaking English (I just don't do it enough, so I have a horrible Swedish accent, and I'm trying to get rid of it), and I found that Audacity actually has a pretty good tool for cleaning up bad sound. Audacity is, for the record, a free and very useful sound recording program. I was using a 15€ headset at the time. I'm currently using a 25€ headset, and according to the people I usually play games with, I sound quite close to what I do in real life. You don't need to spend a fortune on hardware to get a decent result.
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Really? Thank you so much, I'm gonna check it out. I'll take l the help I can get xD
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Alright, thank you! I'm downloading it right now and I'll mess with it to see if it's any use for me.
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If you want to make a "useful" audio-file, you need something that converts your audio to a format that another program can use. LAME is used for MP3 (you still use Audacity when converting your input, LAME just gives you the needed files to do the conversion).
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You reminded me of this.
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Let's roleplay; I'll be mudkip A, you be mudkip B.
Mudkiiii, mud, mudmudkip!
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I myself only enter give away's of games that I REALLY want to play right away.
And if everyone did that I'm sure SG would be a much better place.
(And damnit cause I wanted to win those GA's WAY more than those other plebs who only ''kinda'' want it)
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tl;dr below
Sometimes I heard something like:
"Oh noes! He won my GA and don't even play it! Oh noes! What a bad guy!"
And I'm kinda irritated about it.
Because many of us - including me - have over 100 games in their library and don't have so much time to play with.
So don't be angry :(
I play something around 5 hours / week and have something around 180 games to play with.
Some games would be played by me in next week maybe.
Some of them would be played in next few months... So..
Why do I participate here?
Because I like to have CHOICE :)
Love <3 :3
We like to have CHOICE! :3
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