Here's a quite cheap metroidvania style game that was actually pretty good one. Wasn't expecting much, so I was very pleasantly surprised.
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For metroidvanias I can suggest the following -
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, Haak, Lost Ruins, 8 Doors, Hollow Knight, Timespinners
As a bonus quite a few of these have pixel graphics too.
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+1 for hollow knight, maybe the best metroidvanias i've ever played
also liked dead cells on the switch
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You already have most of the metroidvanias I would have recommended (Salt & Sanctuary, Blasphemous, Chasm, Momodora)... but not Cathedral, which is a lesser-known one:
It's nothing special in itself, but I found it quite enjoyable and surprisingly vast, got a solid 37 hrs in it... until I miserably failed to beat the final boss too many times and just gave up. Still owrth a try if you can find it on sale!
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Oh I'm sure you'll manage fine haha, I just have terrible reflexes!
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One of my favorite =)
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for metroidvania's i'd recommend bloodstained: ritual of the night, it's my favourite of the genre! for a pixel/roguelike i'd also recommend streets of rogue.
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"Martial Law". It has pixel art. May you tried it. Is a free game and it's pretty short, but looks very nice and the story behind is interesting. :)
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LMAO. I try, although perhaps without success, to be someone neutral. I have friends who are communists or who support governments that I despise, I accept that it is their way of thinking and I try to avoid those types of discussions at all costs. I know that neither they nor I think alike, and that there will be no point of agreement. So, when someone brings it up, I simply tell them that I prefer not to talk about it. xD
Thanks for the blue heart! βwβ
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Chained Echoes
I won it on SG and I underestimated it before playing, cz i don't usually play pixel games. And had no proper idea about what 'turn based' games meant. Forced myself to play it as part of PAGYWOSG, and boy was i surprised.
Amazing(intelligent even) writing all around, really well designed 'turn based' fighting. I spent 61 hrs playing this game!! Which is Huge for me as I'm someone who skips on games if the HLTB is too much, especially for an indie game. You only live onceπ
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Here are some metroidvania games you'll like for sure: Hollow Knight, Blasphemous 1 and 2, Ori and the Blind Forest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, The Last Faith, and Grime :)
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If you're looking for good games with pixel graphics, I would definitely recommend CrossCode! It's an amazing RPG with great combat and puzzles, and it also has a pretty nice story and characters, which while not necessarily original, I'd say it's pretty well made. It has a bit of a slow start, but once it got going, I was really hooked!
So yeah, I think you should try it. :)
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Hello sir,
I don't have this but it's on my radar for some time, I think you'll like it as well
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I started roguelike journey recently but of course I would like to play as well. Let me add you but it'll be some time till I buy the game. It's been hard to buy games after the Turkey dollar change :( but I'll probably treat myself at new year with this
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Hollow Knight was already mentioned, so I'll suggest two other metroidvanias I played recently that I absolutely loved:
EDIT - Dang that was a lot of text haha
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If it has to be all 4 tags together, there aren't that many games.
Besides that, I really liked Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
Also Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.
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Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight may be perfect for you.
The Ori games are my favorites in the genre.
Celeste is a really good one if you also want a challenge.
And some that still fall under your tags but not perfectly, that I highly recommend are Limbo, Inside, Little Nightmares (both of them), and Unravel (also both of them).
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I played Ato this year and enjoyed it a lot. It's a fairly basic indie game, but I thought they did a really good job. Here is what I wrote in my review:
I was pleasantly surprised with how good this game was. I thought it was going to be more of an amateur indie project, but it turned out to be really enjoyable.
The fighting has a good amount of difficulty, but is well designed. Anytime I died, it didn't feel like a cheap death because of poorly designed mechanics, it was because I got lazy and button mashed instead of using my brain and making the right choices at the right time.
The metroidvania aspects of gaining new abilities and being able to travel to new areas to find new things was well done. There are a lot of hidden things to find which makes exploring really enjoyable.
There is a very basic story told with no dialogue. This isn't a bad thing because this type of story doesn't need dialogue and I feel like adding dialogue may actually hurt the game. I found the visuals and music to be enjoyable as well.
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It's hard to recommend anything, all the games that come to mind you already have or are on your wishlist haha
I could recommend Phoenotopia: Awakening :)
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for the pixel graphics, i really adore Omori! i heard great things about the freebird trilogy too (impostor factory, to the moon and finding paradise) theyre in my wishlist too, Lakeview Cabin and Fading Afternoon is also good pixel games and also platformers, i gΓΌn.. and i won moonscars here which looks like a good metroidvania but i havent played it yet. And lastltmy Minoria has a nice concept with witches but it might have nsfw content if i remember correctly
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Katana Zero is a fun game with a banger soundtrack (wait lol you have it in your wishlist.)
I recommend Yuppie Psycho, LISA, Inscryption, and Fear & Hunger then. They all have pixel graphics. (horror exploration) (rpg) (card battler) (roguelike dungeon crawler)
I also rec Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. (survival roguelike)
It's free in its own site and the experimental version gets updated everyday.
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Hi SG !!!
Happy holidays, I recently became active again and would be giving quality games in the near future ^^
Might stop with 50-100 members or whenever I feel like it.
Recommend me games that fall under this genre, (metroidvania, platformer, roguelike, pixel graphics) not necessarily all tags.
EDIT : keep em coming! Winter Sale is near, and I would like more to people to try these genre. Happy gaming ^^
EDIT: im so happy with the recommendations, discovered a lot and made some new friends ^^ thank you everyone, but I would be closing with 65 members.
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