No, but my understanding about this...
When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others. that the thread's creator isn't respecting the privace person in the picture
(sorry some English mistake (isn't my 1st language))
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You have your point, but in my opinion, privace and rights includes real or virtual stuff. But it's me off course hahaha
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Yeah, potentially calling out as u said. But I still keep my opinion about privace and rights. If I posted or did a GA, is 'cause I have rights to do this, and have my right about keek it privace.
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Well, that phrasing basically always means 'personal privacy and human/legal rights', and that's likely how the staff means it in this case, as well. :P
tl;dr version, don't post someone's home address or images of them, or anything like that.
You could extend that rule to just about any meaning, as vaguely as it's phrased, past that above meaning, but I haven't personally yet seen it applied that casually.
Certainly can't imagine it applying to this topic, it's not revealing any non-public information, so there's no privacy being broken.
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Well, I have to agree with you about not revealing any non-public information, but wasn't necessary to expose him/her (but I just think this way 'cause if was me, I won't like if someone else created a desnecessary topic about what I'm doing (without breaking rules))
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About calling out..
All depends what staff wants to treat it as. They seem to have been really lenient toward even actual rule-breaking calling out of late.
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Yeah, I'm an introvert person too... anyway, yes, is this funny
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I don't get it .... How is this important enough to warrant cg to change how the site works? It is not that much of an irritant is it?
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Yep, I am reported for inappropriate behaviour for spamming too many giveaways of the same game in a small time frame. (Well, actually they started in a 15-hour spread, but apparently the site puts GAs in the order of creation, not start time.)
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Great idea! I wouldn't block entry, but just mark that the game was given by me in the past. In 99% of cases it would be a good indication that I don't want to enter this giveaway. I did give Toren and Roundabout when both were on my wishlist and I was trying to win them, so there are exceptions
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That is better.
Because I sometimes gave away games I wanted, but had others in library I wanted more and wouldn't have time to play that game soon. Also, I knew that the game is often on sales and bundles so I didn't bothered about waiting for getting myself a copy. And plus, most important, I knew that there were people that would enjoy it more at the time.
I don't think that giving away a game before you won it indicates that you don't want the game.
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I'll give you a simple ecample that did happen to me. In my example GA will have 2 copies and 3 entries (group GA), but you can relate it to any multicopy GA if only equivalent number of users have it.
zelghadis create 2copies GA for game XYZ
3 users, A, B and C enter his GA
user A and B end up winning
user B informs zelghadis he already has the game and asks for reroll
after reroll user C informs that in the meantime he already won XYZ and asks for reroll as well
there is no additional user to reroll into and it causes problem
in normal circumstances low level support member would simply delete GA that cannot be rerolled. But in this case it would mean also deleting GA that got delivered to user A. As it is a group GA it's not really a solution - for once the finished GA adds to my SG delivered numbers, another thing is that in ratio based group I lose ratio over nothing. Only solution is to modify GA from 2 Copies into 1 Copy. Only person capable of doing that is cg. It means waiting over a month for cg to have time to modify a GA. If I made 2 1 copy GAs instead A would win GA1, B would win GA2, as GA2 cannot be rerolled (all entrants have game already) it would be deleted. Whole process would take 1 support ticket and would be finished in few hours. Because I made 2 copies GA I had to wait for over a month to get things sorted out, because while GA can be deleted by any support member, GA data can be modified by cg only.
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The second argument doesn't really make sense though. All he does is make it more costly for those who actually want the game because they have to spend their points multiple times for the same chance to win as if they had been in one giveaway (minus the people that have been deterred, but they in turn save their points). So they are forced to pay maybe 5x the points for let's say 10% better win chance, or spend the original amount of points for almost 5x less chance to win compared to 5 copies in one GA.
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Actually it does. talgaby created over 50 giveaways with a single copy each for this game, and it looks like they had around 500 entries on average.
Had he made a single giveaway for this game, there would probably have been something like 10-15 000 entries, because most users just enter anything with a lot of copies, regardless of what game it is.
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Well okay, I guess there are noticeable effects once you reach huge numbers of copies.
That still doesn't change the fact though that for each of these people that are willing to spend 50 times their points to enter all 50 giveaways in this case (and in this example gain roughly 10x the chance to win) each user that would normally have entered one giveaway for 50 copies at standard odds (50/15000 ~ 1/200) have just had their chances of winning reduced by 50 times at the same point cost, efficiently locking them all out of the giveaways (unless they belonged to the group of really-wanted-the-game in the first place).
So in other words I see your point if you're favouring those that extremely want the game and want to keep the majority away from the game, it has its merits. :)
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doesn't matter. It's his GAs, he bought them (or got them in any other way) and it's his choice how he wish to give them away. You don't like the way he's giving them away - noone is forcing you to enter. But you have no right to tell another user how he can and cannot dispense his own games aka his own money.
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I have managed to 100% accuretely identify at least five people who use auto-entry scripts. Not one-click, actual "enter anything" scripts. It was a secondary intention, but was a nice one.
by the way, there were two double-wins, both rerolled before I reached the end of the list.
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21 thanks messages issued within 60 seconds on giveaways that were created and started right after each other, in perfect sequence of creation. People who manually click usually do the reversed order, not to mention that Easy Steamgifts doesn't enter in exact intervals, it can sometimes lag a little on a few.
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Ah. I've never used any of these scripts. So I'm not too familiar with them. It doesn't help that I'm a noob at most computer related stuff.
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I started using it because it had a filter feature before SGv2 implemented it, and also a wishlist filter (again, when the site didn't have it). Kept it around for the one-click entry. Sometimes I check GAs for descriptions, but rarely if ever finding anything meaningful. (Although I also have to add that I enter like 2-4 GAs a day on average…)
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Amusingly enough, it is the same for me. For some reason I really don't like to see 300P and I always try to spend them and the next day I return to find it back up to 300P. It is worse when new bundles come out because then it refills every couple of hours and I have no idea where to spend them ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Heh, as for me, I can hardly remember the last time I was under 200 points. When there is a bundle game I don't buy the bundle of but wouldn't mind getting, it may happen (last one was the Dreamatorium of… somethingsomething… a hidden object game, essentially), but that is rare. I usually just buy the bundle and give away the rest. Simpler.
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I've bought the bundles and stacked up all the keys to giveaway ( all the way back from September ) but I keep forgetting or lazy to crate those giveaways.
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Oh, I know about the group, and yes, this is the script I am assuming was at work. Still, checked them and they at least activated all stuff, so I cannot make any call on support, unless there is somewhere in the ToS that auto-entry scripts break site rules.
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Those were just minor side reasons. The actual reason is just very mundane: not real reason apart from that I felt like it.
The secondary ones were trying to fish for auto entry scripts (partly to show that they are a lot more rare than many people around here think), partly because the last time I made a 50+ one-pack GA, it ended up as a ten-day nightmare of winner chase arounds and half a dozen support tickets, where a few were forced received requests over winners who almost surely ran away with the key.
But the main reason was that just simple I was bored and thought why the hell not. Took less than an hour to make 100-ish GAs so it wasn't a biggie anyway.
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In this case I wanted to start them at different times, but end the same. This way I could drain a few auto-entry scripts (which I managed to do). What I didn't expect though was to see the site not ordering GAs based on start date but on creation date.
Although seeing that 1.5 page long massive block was interesting, to say the least.
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If you don't want to see them, then put the game on your ignore list. If you do care, then enter.
I mean sure, I personally don't want it, nor do I want to have to spend points on each entry individually. But it's up to the person giving it away how they do it. Not gonna complain about how they want to offer me a chance at something for Free :p
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No ..... I don't like them in my cookies. Cakes, muffins, breads etc with raisins are okay but not cookies.
(I just don't like anything chewy in my cookies)
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But did you check the awesome picture of bread with raisins that I posted above? :B I generally don't eat cookies, cakes, and muffins, so yeah, I'm not an expert about what fits where. :B
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some people like to make multiple giveaways of the same game at different CV levels
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And then, being able to make an "I was blacklisted for no reason [but actually yes, for one]!" thread as well- Win/Win? =O
Though, I've had people refuse to blacklist me before [though I think Talgaby is swell enough that they'd do it if asked politely].
I wouldn't mind a 'hide this specific giveaway' option [on sg++ or something], though as far as this specific matter goes, Ryoken put it best.
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Ah, but if he was to make "I was blacklisted for no reason" thread after that, would he really need a real reason for it? ...
Never tried that tbh. Those I wish BL me, I have no wish to talk to
The OP has a problem with multiple GAs, not with a single game. Unless you mean last sentences, then I can't agree more
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Well, more a thing of 'if you want the games, enter them each and every time, and if you're not willing to do that, you really don't actually want them and you ought ignore-add them anyway'.
Not sure there's a valid exception to that concept. :X
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I don't get that distinction. You mean, one you're still deciding on how much you actually want it?
Dunno, seems like 'hey, 50 gibs of it!' would be a great time to decide if you want a game or not. :'P
Well, if you say there's a valid reason, that's good enough for me :)
I just haven't had any problems with flooding myself-
Except, of course, when people post not-yet-free-list-added games or free-games-as-other-games. That's.. a bit of an annoyance. :P
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I have 4 mental categories for giveaways:
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+1 I also have done same games with different CV levels.
I also have done the same games with different SGTools requirements.
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Cant call it really a discussion if everyone disagrees with OP.
Technically there are two sides OP vs the rest so it would be a discussion.
But here it is more something like OP rant vs Rational answers of the rest. No discussion in my eyes ^^
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I'm going to tl;dr the replies:
1: Yo, OP, what yo smokin', mon?
2: The ignore list is your friend.
3: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth- or in this case, harass them with a thread.
3: Leave Talgaby alone, they roxxor our soxxor, and we're cool with them having fun as they please.
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At least a cooldown would be a nice idea so you can avoid unwanted double GA-Creation.
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About the thread though: people can do giveaways however they want.
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It refers to anything the OP is trying to characterize as negative, as well.
It's more of a 'don't discuss negative-toned topics outside of the thread they were brought up in' and a 'don't accuse people of things they haven't brought up themselves' rule.
For example, harassment/insults are generally NOT against the rules, but calling someone out on it in another thread might be.. well, calling out. :P
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No real reason to not strike the name in the image other than to be a jerk about it, anyway, not like there's a constructive reason for it otherwise. :X
Though being negative toward a well-respected user like that is.. well, that backfired on the OP rather splendidly, even without the rather curious topic of annoyance.
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Then add it to your ignore list and you won't see it anymore.
Why complain about something that doesn't affect you anyway?
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Oh no!
That user (who is awesome and is my friend) is giving away a SICK amount of giveaway for same title name and MOREOVER - thousands of games in total.
We should ban him! Yea!
Just don't enter those giveaways / skip the page if you don't like it.
Rerolls? It is his problem, not yours
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Ok. I bet if people start spamming SG with 100+ of copies of each of thrash games, which you can imagine in single giveaways would you be ok with that?
If "Users manage their own giveaways, choose when they start, when they end, and who is able to enter." from FAQ covers spamming the website then my suggestion expires.
By the way I gave suggestion with which you dont have to agree. What did I posted in previous threads doesnt matter.
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Yes, I would. As he said, whatever I'm not interested in I just hide anyway.
I would simply hide whatever's not already on the list.
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Well ... yes ... The moment I see a game I have no interest in, I hide them. Doesn't matter how many copies by how many users are being givenaway.
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Well then I suppose I'll just have to create a script to add all those games to my hide list. Problem solved.
Now I just need to figure out how to write a bloody script ಠ_ಠ
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I know right? Sometimes the folks here really end up making me feel like an idiot and I'm left wondering if I was living under some rock (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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I'd be ok because I can hide the game. Just hide it and stop complaining that people are giving away games.
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There's already a giveaway limit in place for this. Users can create up to 300 giveaways in a 24 hour period.
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Alright. I see some of you made constructive arguments behind this topic. I kinda overreacted. Sorry about that. The best way is just ignore community things and I'll do it. Thanks for your feeback.
Keep ignoring community things and you won't have any problem with multiple giveaways of same game.
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Instead spamming giveaways with single copies of the same game, user will have a cooldown before creating a new giveaway or will not be able post giveaway of the same type until previous giveaway finishes.
Some people just think it's cool to spam giveaway with single copies while it can be done in giveaway with multiple copies.
My issue has been resolved. I got a response from Support.
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