I do and I don't lol. I just don't want to spend TOO much just for a monitor you know? What would you suggest in place of the ASUS one if I don't go with that? Because If there's nothing THAT much better, then that's what I'm probably going to go with.
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Well tbh. I would not go for a 27" yet, (I am fairly happy with my full 3d able 23" and its cheaper than and better than all reasonable 27")
But if you want a 27" I would go for the Asus you show or one of the Samsung ones with proper stats. (I don't use your site normaly, but a national one, it got alot of different choices as far as I could see)
Keep in mind that it also depends what you want to use your monitor for, is it solo for games ?? is it for watching movies aswell ? (tv) ?
If you play games, then what type of games (it actually matters believe me)
I have heard alot of bad things about Hanns-G, but I don't have any personal expierence, so can't say if its true. what I can tell you is. I never had any trouble with any Asus or Samsung monitor in my lifespand :D
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The higher contrast ratio the better, I'm pretty sure(not 100% sure though). ASUS is looking better to me.
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Should've figured that..ASUS still looking better haha. Most likely due to my bias of having an ASUS monitor.
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I have 2 dead 22" Asus here due to basic electronic error design.
they wired the ground of svga+dvi togheter, over time image died !
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true, and if I know about their building mistake it is because some user explained it
not only that but he explained how to open and posted workaround to fix problem, I was at least able to work with them (1 with dvi dead, 1 with vga dead) for a few more weeks
sadly it was too late for me, not long after that they both died on me
ASUS used to be good, all my mobos were Asus, etc. nowadays... not really no :\
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The contrast isn´t really that important. It´s similar to Hz on TVs. Sure, there are TVs with up to 600 Hz but it´s absolutly no use in having so much at all. It´s purely trying to impress people that don´t know much about technics and still think "bigger numbers are better".
Go with the ASUS. It´s a solid brand and not known for producing crap, that´s for sure. Don´t know about Hanns G (never heared that brand before!) so can´t tell anything about it.
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it's really easy no magic voodoo involved, did they at least give you some clues on how to do it ?
1-blink your eyes fast
2-if you are able to, not everybody can, make a really very low frequency sound with your voice
you will then see images cut, if monitor is really fast you wont be able, on a 60Hz it's really easy
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Iirc 60Hz means it can't show more than 60 frames per second. As 60Hz is the frequency of frames it can show per second. Hence the 120Hz you need for 3D so you can deliver 60 frames per second to each eye. Meaning no matter if you have 60 fps or 300, you still have the feeling of it being 60fps. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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that is correct for flat panels yes
on a crt the Hz will automatically go up and indeed you get more visible fps (at least an old Nokia 447 Xpro I have go up like crazy)
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Dynamic contrast ratio is irrelevant certainly, and that's all you ever see on spec sheets rendering the whole thing pointless but actual real world static contrast ratio is certainly meaningful. At least in that respect dynamic contrast ratio is equitable to "600Hz" TV's... which is to say their not measuring what they claim to be measuring.
If contrast ratio were truly irrelevant then AMVA/PVA panels would have become extinct long ago as that's largely the only area they hold any relevancy anymore. Yet you still see them selling very well for some niches.
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oh... I bought a dell IPS from amazon uk free shipping and it was not that expensive, prices went down I believe, because of 3D monitors
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Thought that too but okay, i guess he had a 27'' before and wants one like that again. Personally i think a 24'' is too big already and went back to 22''.
Especially in shooters & MMOs with many things indicated on the HUD i don´t like it, you have to turn your head too much.
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LOL you have to turn your head? How close are you to your monitor... I have my comp plugged into my 32" tv and i don't have to turn my head. The quality on that is just crap though and it has a delay that I can't stand. Barely noticeable but just enough for me to need a new monitor instead of the tv
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I would suggest,you grab the Monitor that Displays the new Payday Wolf Pack DLC at the highest resolution,coming out at the 7th this month on steam :trollface:
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i have a very similar asus monitor the only real difference being its 24" and i love it, its great!
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This one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254093
Or this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236103
I think I'm liking the ASUS monitor as it has better refresh rates, but I don't know much about how to tll which contrast is better. So you help me decide please :). And the speakers in the ASUS monitor seem to be better, but I still don't know. So yeah help me out ^^ thanks guys
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