I saw later that your question is more along the line of the topic title rather than the description, so I'll throw in some more RTS titles:
Ground Control 1 (best RTS of all time in my book)
World in Conflict (spiritual successor of GC1)
Earth trilogy (2140, 2150, 2160).
Total Annihilation, preferably with the Escalation mod.
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Με τα παρακάτω μεγάλωσα:
Age of Empires
Age of Mythology
The Settlers
Υπάρχουν πολλά καλά strategy games, αλλά εγώ αυτά σου προτείνω. Και το καθένα έχει πολλά games, δηλαδή, π.χ. Civilization III, Civilization IV, Civilization V, και πάει λέγοντας, οπότε διάλεξε και πάρε. :P Να τονίσω κιόλας ότι στο Age of Mythology, ακούς τους "χωρικούς" (ξέρεις, τους workers ή όπως λέγονται) να μιλάνε Ελληνικά όταν έχεις διαλέξει τους Έλληνες. ;)
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+1000 από μένα! Δεν έχω να προσθέσω τίποτα παρά Ceasar III, τα είπες όλα!
Αν μπορούσα να μετρήσω τις ώρες για τα Age of Empires και τα Civilization θα ήταν σίγουρα χιλιάδες! Κάποιες μέρες από το πρωί μέχρι το βράδυ! Το απόλυτο κάψιμο!
Βούλομαι! Προς εσέ!
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Χαχα, θυμάσαι και τι λέγανε; xD Γαμάτο φαίνεται και το Caesar III. Και εγώ καιγόμουν άσχημα στο Age of Mythology και Age of Empires. Τώρα πια παίζω Civilization V. Μήπως θυμάσαι ένα game, στην Ρώμη πιθανότατα ήσουν (όχι σίγουρα), που απλά επεκτεινόσουν και θυμάμαι σίγουρα ότι είχε διάφορες επιλογές για τους κατασκόπους των αντιπάλων σου: να βράσεις τον κατάσκοπο :P , να τον κλειδώσεις σε ένα κελί και να εξαφανιστεί για πάντα, να τον διώξεις από την πόλη σου, κλπ. Το είχα βρει σε demo από ένα περιοδικό πριν αρκετά χρόνια. Ξέρεις ποιο είναι; :P
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"να βράσεις τον κατάσκοπο";!;!;! Χαχαχαχαχα!!! Δεν μου έρχεται κάτι αλλά δεν αποκλείεται και να το έχω δει κάπου. Λογικά θα είναι είτε στη λίστα με τα turn based strategy (γιατί ακούγεται τέτοιο) ή στα real time strategy.
Αυτά τα demos από περιοδικά παλιά τα λιώναμε περισσότερο από κανονικά παιχνίδια τώρα!
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Και μιας και ανέφερες settlers τσέκαρε κι αυτό:
Δεν το έχω παίξει αλλά είναι wishlisted!
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Daedalic = εγγύηση. Το'χω και εγώ ακουστά το Valhalla Hills. Ναι, είχε να βράσεις τον κατάσκοπο. Γι'αυτό το θυμάμαι ακόμα, επειδή ήταν αστείο. xD
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Υπάρχει και το Grand Ages: Medieval, που φαίνεται αρκετά ωραίο, το Anno, που είναι σταθερή αξία, και το Tropico, που είναι φοβερό, αρκεί να σου αρέσει να είσαι δικτάτορας. xD Μιας και ρώτησα και τον άλλο, μήπως θυμάσαι ένα game, στην Ρώμη πιθανότατα ήσουν (όχι σίγουρα), που απλά επεκτεινόσουν και θυμάμαι σίγουρα ότι είχε διάφορες επιλογές για τους κατασκόπους των αντιπάλων σου: να βράσεις τον κατάσκοπο :P , να τον κλειδώσεις σε ένα κελί και να εξαφανιστεί για πάντα, να τον διώξεις από την πόλη σου, κλπ. Το είχα βρει σε demo από ένα περιοδικό πριν αρκετά χρόνια. Ξέρεις ποιο είναι; :P
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I've never heard of Knights of Honor, although it looks very similar to Age of Empires series. You should definitely try that.
Also a few other examples of great strategy games:
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Rise of Nations, cheap on sales (5 Euros) and fun. http://store.steampowered.com/app/287450/
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Not sure if it's really similar to Knights of Honor, but Endless Legend is great!
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It looks a lot like Lords of the Realm.
LotR II is the one I played a lot (it has 97% positive ratings on Steam and it's cheap, $3 or so), but it might look outdated. LotR III has a bit more modern looks (more alike to Knights of Honor), but it doesn't have much feedback so I'm not sure how it plays.
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Funny thing is, I opened one RTS game on steam store and among "More like this" there was Dota 2 :F
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Well in DOTA's case it might be because it's Valve's title and they surely will useevery opportunity to put it under noses of those who might not yet have seen it and might be potential spenders on virtual crap (skins or whatever is used in Dota, I don't really know).
But yeah, nobody verifies tags. However, that's a minor problem compared to absence of quality control of what get's onto steam store.
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I used to be a sucker for Masters of Orion 1 & 2. Think GoG sells those, they're not on Steam though. Still haven't found a proper replacement, although I should install & try GalCiv 2 one of these days...
Still have my hopes up that the upcoming remake will be good.
Dawn of War 2 is good, but that's much more small-scale tactics than larger-scale strategy.
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MoO3 wasn't bad either. People didn't like it (and it was released in bad shape), but there are some fan-made patches that keep it good.
It shifted a lot from tactical-combat oriented game (ship battles are not half as good as in MoO2) to empire-building (where it shines, most things are automated from scratch, so there is little forced micromanaging), so it mostly depends on what do you like most.
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Take a look at this: http://store.steampowered.com/app/298050/
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huh. didn't know the remake was going to go Early Access. Think that makes it the 3rd time I'd actually be interested in supporting an Early Access project. Thanks for pointing that out :)
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Realy? Including Red Alert 3, Red Alert 3 Uprising, the entire Tiberium universe, Dune, Dune 2 The Building of a Dynasty, Dune: The Battle for Arrakis, Dune 2000, Dune: Battle for Emperor? Then theres also Ground Control games, Krush Kill N Destroy Xtreme with expansion and Krush Kill N Destroy Crossfire? Then theres also State of War, a good old rts. The Warcraft games, Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness and the Beyond the Dark Portal expansion., Warcraft 3 Reigns of Chaos and the Frozen Throne expansion? All blizzard games have great multiplayer possibilities even till this day if you get them running. Theres also OpenRA and CNCNet if you wanna play command and conquer games online, can download from the command and conquer communications centre which also has other great games i highly suggest such as Twisted Insurrection. Theres also the Commandos franchise, its great. Theres also various Starcraft 2 fan made expansions that you might not have played, made offical by blizzard themselves like Starcraft Insurrection being among them. Then theres also Act of War and Act of Aggresion, great strategy games set in modern days. (Sorry if their not in medieval times like Knights of Honor), theres also the Spellforce strategy game franchise, might be great to look into, seem like good games, most of them atleast. Theres that newly 1 man created great strategy game called Warshift, could be worth a look. Company of Heroes games are always there and their somewhat neat but hard. Supreme Commander games, Total Annihilation. Theres also the Earth games such as Earth 2140, Earth 2150, Earth 2160. Lastly if you run out of strategy games to play, i highly suggest for you to try the Anomaly games, they may be tower assault (mostly) and tower defense games but their exciting and demand alot of strategic thinking. Anyway, if you crave for strategy games, all of these ive mentioned ought to be great to try out if you can and havent yet.
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Realy? But that guy asked you if you played all of the Westwood games and you said you did :o they also made the Dune games, they dont own the franchise, they just made games for it, it belongs to some writter who wrote the original books i believe. You should try and play the other C&C games not made by Westwood incase you havent (most of them atleast) oh yeah and if you love the C&C universe alot, be sure to give a try for Renegade X, a fan made remaster of Command and Conquer Renegade. You wishlisted both Krush Kill N Destroy games? THats good to hear, i promise you wont regret that as i played only the Xtreme one and it features great fiting music, a good amount of diverse units for two distinctively different factions in a world with a good story and funny cutscenes for both campaigns, base building, units ranking up stronger, various missions with different goals, even multiplayer, its a good game and people like Crossfire too. Now, as for the Dune games... i dont know where to find the first original one (which you should play if youre interested in the story i guess, if not, might aswell skip it i suppose if you want that RTS gameplay..?) Dune 2 shouldnt be hard to find, Dune: The Battle for Arrakis should be findable and perfectly playable here where it works great http://game-oldies.com/play-online/dune-the-battle-for-arrakis-sega-genesis or here if at game oldies doesnt work out http://www.letsplaysega.com/play-dune-ii-the-battle-for-arrakis-online/ try to learn the controls and you should have a good time, i personaly enjoyed the game very, very much as i played it in my childhood on my Sega Genesis :) hope you enjoy it too, its realy good, or was back in the day, warning, controls might be a bit...tedious i think, as they say... Dune 2000... im not sure if the cutscenes work flawlessly, i hope they do, but a great working version of it can be downloaded from here https://gruntmods.com/dune_2000_gruntmods_edition/ oh no, i dont understand, the website isnt working anymore :( i dont know what has happened but i randomly found this gruntsmod version of it, downloaded it and installed without cutscenes (cause this is a bad pc im using), and it worked flawlessly! Im sorry, maybe a different download will have to be found... and as for Dune: Battle for Emperor? I have no idea, never managed to get to playing it so i dont know where to get it from best but i do want to get it and play it myself, its the last Dune game that i know of...sorry...
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Dune 2000 was mostly forgotten, along with Emperor. Frankly, with good reasons. Dune2k was nothing more than a reskinned Red Alert 1 with uninteresting levels, some even worse than the RA1 expansions.
Emperor was fun until you realised that the spice amount in the game was global and when you eventually had to revisit a territory to defend it, the game removed 90% of your units and left you with no money and a barebone base against an enemy with huge cash amount and a full invasion force.
If they wouldn't tried so much to go for this pseudo grand strategy format and stuck to level by level progression, it may have been somewhat enjoyable, despite the usual problem of 3D RTS games of that time, making everything huge to reduce poly count and not let the player build more than a simple outpost to never run out of memory.
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Dont listen to him about the bad stuff, the games are still great, they belong to their franchises and nothing is a reskin, they are their own games and are vastly different and all good to play, their fun, theres good gameplay to have and im glad you still want to try it out, it should be worth it :) if you never played it when it first released, it would be wise to do it if youre a RTS lover, theres not that many of those to play, so it makes it more worth it to get into them, no? Yes, it is deppresing, Starcraft 2 is so far the only RTS survivor out there, nothing else is coming.... so wish for a RA4.... glad you will have the time for them, hope you manage to get them all working and have fun :) try and play with all the campaigns, except for the first introductionary missions, they are all different and you will have mission choices so save often and save carefull and definetly dont play on hard, its impossible...normal should be more than fine.
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It was??? Well.....maybe since that asshole Irwe3 who is obsessed with C&C, completly ignores it....maybe youre right, it was forgoten, but...how...? Dune is... its a huge franchise, the second game revolutionized everything as they said in that one industry icon award video. This doesnt sound like it, but... i guess it might be true... good reasons!? What?? Nothing more than a reskinned Red Alert 1?! How dare you insult Dune 2K like that D: !? Its not a reskin! It has all the dune iconic units and NONE of the other C&C game units that would behave similiarly, why, you could say Red Alert 1 is a reskin of C&C Tiberian Dawn but it isnt and neither is Dune 2000! The levels WERE interesting, christ, its Arrakis! What else do you expect??? Alright, fine, some, MIGHT be worse than RA1 expansions, missions from there were pretty awesome like the one where you can use Volkov and his cybernetic dog, thats a cool one or the crazy nuke truck capturing allied missions...gosh...you dont have to insult this great game though :{ .... its its own thing, why compare??? Harsh man.... Never played Emperor so i cant speak for it or know what you mean, i kind of disliked the short footage i saw but i still wanna play it, ive seen people talking about enjoying it, pluss it continues the story from Dune 2000. Wait, what? Global? Isnt that a good thing? Removed 90% of units!? What?!?? What are you talking about :o !? Left with no money...?? Huge cash, enemy invasions..? I.. dont understand...level by level progression?? 3D...oh....uh....yeah....okay...as you say....
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Emperor gameplay:
You select a territory to attack. Level starts. You gather spice, build base, attack, win, everything happy.
Next turn. Enemy decides to attack the same territory.
Level starts. You find that the base you built previously was removed and replaced with one of the few stock pre-built base configurations with a few tier 1 units on defense. You also find out that the spice doesn't reset so all you have for money is the starting amount and any spice you forgot to harvest. No, spice doesn't regenerate, or more precisely it only regenerates itself on a few levels. And the enemy has an entire army and a huge amount of money. So, have fun. Oh, and losing a territory is game over, start from beginning. Thanks, Westwood.
And if, by some miracle, you win the defense mission? Congrats, the computer will continuously attack the exact same territory over and over and over again until you win the entire game or take over all territories it can launch its attack from.
Sounds fun? Yes, it isn't.
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Oh my gosh... sounds like a nightmare.... i dont understand how could it be, the others seem to have had fun, i have no idea how they have tolerated these...flaws... geez... now im actualy kind of scared to try, not that i can anyway but..still...damn...i wish you hadnt told me about all this... blast....
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You can win the game even with these conditions, you just a) have to know the order of territories to attack to know beforehand the exact response and b) win really, really, really fast so there will be spice left. Also, as you progress, the starting defender base gets somewhat better and since the AI is worse than in C&C1 (not even exaggerating, the AI is Dune 2 levels of one single script per level), eventually you can just bumrush its starting base with the initial units and win. Honestly, after a while I lost more units to the worms than the enemies, because the AI rarely if ever uses the optional side house units (you can have 2 selectable side factios, each with their specialised commando or super units, and using their gimmicks can hurt, a lot– for example, a squad of the emperor's soldiers can wreck almost any mid-range infantry or tank with little to no damage taken).
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..... wow... you sure seem to know very well about the game :o you can win!? The order? Attack too fast, save up spice, ugh...that might be a problem...geez.... sounds quite the fixed way of playing the game....damn....why did this happen :( ''thanks'' Westwood indeed....wish they could patch up the game and take care of those problems, its not like their retired....but cant touch the game anymore im guessing...ugh.... AI is worse than in the very first C&C? It is? Huh....single script? Hm...bumrush with the initial starting units?! Owh, that doesnt sound like a fun challenging gameplay then :( ... i would have never expected any of this realy, damn.... lost more units to the worms than enemies!? Thats crazy :o ............. rarely uses...side house units?? Thats new to me... commando or super units..hm...i see..... emperors soldiers wreck any other infrantry or tanks with little damage taken?! Wow, sounds crazy strong :o Saudukars, right? They were pretty good but expensive in Dune 2000. Well...alright then, guess im spoiled then.... well.....thanks for the....warning i guess..... damn....and there i was having high expactations.....or....something.....i dont know.....
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I'm not the OP which you originally replied. I enjoyed all westwood games i played. I played a demo of dune 2 i think but never found the game on sale in my country. I'll probably look around ebay or a similar site.
The krush series is on GOG so once it has a sale i'll buy it; the only reason i don't buy them now is because i bought act of war a few weeks ago to replay the campaigns, the endless week started yesterday so i'll also be played endless games to unlock new features and i'll probably buy xcom 2 to play in feb.
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Oh, i didnt notice, pardon me, havent slept a night, eheh, eh........ im sure you did, everyone enjoyed all of Westwood games :] all the ones they knew about anyway... they made more than just RTS'es. A demo of Dune 2? Should play the full one. Never on sale? Ah thats a shame... ebay or so? Well.. there are other means of aquiering it but well, do what you think is right... yes, luckily the KKnD series are no GOG but unfortunatly they are not free on that website.... you will buy it? Realy? Cool! Hey, if you havent seen one of its trailers atleast yet, watch it :) sound effects in this game are cool =] hm? You bought Act of War?? Oh, thats nice, altough i wonder if its as expensive as Act of Aggresion is, which is insanely overpriced, but i understand, its a good thing you wait for sales, they cost far too much.... wait, replay the campaigns?! Youve already beaten the game :o ??? Huh...well...alright then. Uhm... endless week = ??? Endless games?? New features...?? Xcom 2? Uhm...yeah, sure, go for it i guess :) oh and one last thing, Warhammer 40K Dawn of War games are one more RTS'ses that are great a try, mostly the first Dawn of War ones, their better than the Dawn of War 2 games id say...
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I'm a relatively "old" gamer ( i have played games for around 17 years), gaming is my hobby and i was lucky to be born in a good family, as such the amount of games i have played is really high. I have pirated games before especially when i played on console and games were really expensive for me, now with digital distribution and bundles there's no need for me to pirate game since i can afford "everything" now.
I bought act of war + expansion on nuuvem for a few euros so i don't think they are overpriced if you know where to look for them.
Endless week gives you a chance to get a few new heroes/quests lines for the endless games (endless space, endless legend and dungeon of the endless).
I played and finished all dawn of war games.
Feel free to take a look at my steam library if you have the time;here you can see what i have played and/or finished.
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An old gamer? Huh...older than me probably...if you say so. Been playing games for about 17 years!? Oh wow thats incredible :o ! Very long time that is, great that its your hobby, it was mine too before i lost my pc...games were the only most entertaining thing for me and for the past years without getting to play any properly, ive...burned out, doesnt feel like a hobby anymore, its awfull, couldnt feed my addiction...but luckily a relative has recently bought me a new computer! Now to somehow get it over here and set it up despite my devil of a grandpa forbiding it.... I myself started playing games when i was a kid, dont remember my age when i started with the Sega Genesis, Half Life, GTA III, etc. but that was so long ago, maybe around 99, i dunno, i was born at 1992, thats all i realy remember, and ive had games to play ONLY because of my uncle, he's the one that probably introduced me to games, the Sega Genesis i was lucky to have and its thanks to my mommy who bought additional games but i realy didnt know much of anything, was just a kid back then so i didnt exactly go game buying or whatever.... you were lucky to be born in a good family? That is good, well, good for you then :) the amount of games you played was realy high? Huh...probably higher amount than i had... well okay then. Pirated before? I aswell did so, constantly, didnt earn money to buy anything at all back then, wasnt exactly well versed with the proccess anyway.... but eithery way, i torrented alot of games too, on pc and psp, ive had good times from good picks. Played on console, games were expensive? Eh, i hear that... well, good for you that you can afford all them bundles and what not :) nuuvem?? Few euros for Act of War? Guess that isnt that overpriced then, good, good catch. Uhm, endless week?? New heroes, quests?? Uhm...what...?Endless games?? Oh, Dungeon of the Endless? I played that game as much as i could when it got free to play weekend, i realy enjoyed it, got paired up with some good friendly players, i had a great good time with the game, hate it that i couldnt finish the dungeon with them, we got like, half trough or something...so much deciding, choosing, strategy, managing goes into that game, its super good. So, theres a rotation of heroes going on there or something? Hmmm, interesting.. played and finished ALL the Dawn of War games? Even the Squad Command one on PSP? Thats wicked, good to hear :) Hm? Take a look at your library? Uhm... dont realy have the time for it, not sure if should though... steam also doesnt have all the games that a person might have played....but...thanks for the offer...i guess...?.
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Have you tried Europa Universalis series? (from Paradox) http://store.steampowered.com/search/?snr=1_5_9__12&term=Europa+Universalis
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I think you have played many famous strategy games already, especially ones similar to Knights of honor.
So I will list some not so famous and not so similar but good games...
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in my opinion Wargame is one of the best strategies (for multiplayer, Al is too weak... but you wont figure it until you try multiplayer)
It is hard to take serious other RTSs (without recon, land-shaft differences, etc) after wargame and it's highly addictive since you begin to understanding it. Big learning curve tho... like Eu4 for example, another great strategy. Those are my two favorites.
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Armello is pretty casual and random board game, nothing to talk about.... it's cute, would keep you busy for 10 hours or so until you realize its shallowness.
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Folk Tale http://store.steampowered.com/app/224440/
Early Access atm, but devs are doing really great job with it. Game is growing fast and going on right direction.
Its like Warcraft, Stronghold, The Settlers, The Guild, Banished all together in one game =)
I highly recommend you to check it out.
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knights of honor is a perfect example of grand strategy type. after playing nearly all medieval themed strategy games, crusader kings is the one i become addicted.
koh was the first grand strategy for me. :)
total war series is good. (rome 1 and medieval 2 i meant)
for rts: c&c series (mostly red alert)
but i will go with the ck2 and europa universalis 4
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Knights of Honor is really tough to top imo.
I'll second the persone above me by saying Paradox games might give you some of that vibe, minus the RTS army management, but in all honesty I don't think you'll get the magic mixture of that game anywhere else.
Rise of Nations got some sort of a strategy layer on top of the wonderful RTS game in its campaign mode - but the version available on Steam can have some issues running properly, unless they fixed those.
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Knights of Honor is nice, too bad Paradox doesn't plan on releasing a second one probably because it would draw away players from Crusader Kings II which I recommend you play its hard to learn but fun when you understand the mechanics of the game.
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Age of Empires/Mythology
C&C (Except "tiberium twilight"-damn thing was so bad it killed the main branch of the series)
First StarCraft
Rise of Nations/Legends (Both are awesome and I found Legends to be quite charming.)
Stronghold (Except S3)
Warhammer 40k:DoW games
Those are just the ones on top of my head.Any others I played are probably mentioned already.
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The precise way would be saying each episode is about the same length. Which is rather normal for an RTS. And they are also very cinematic and quite often… not really RTS-y, more like isometric action game-y. But very cinematic. Blizzard is really good at that.
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Me too, but SC2 had a little too much running around with the actual "hero" unit on corridor type maps and not too much base building and classic strategy sections. And even those tended to have waaaaaaaaaaay too much on-level cut-scenes and talking and story and everything. Really cinematic, but not exactly letting the gameplay take over.
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What I found to be extremely dissapointing was the absence of the atmosphere of the old games.
Remember Brood War's intro and ending (best examples)?That sort of thing.
W.o.L just didn't have it.Hell,the storyline overall felt rather rushed despite all the years in dev.I mean have you seen the last game's "ending"?A short-ass slideshow?And the whole "infinite cycle" that eerily reminds me of Mass Effect?What the fuck?
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219 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by ErhanT
hello as there are alot of players around
just wanted to know any strategy game you recomend simular to Knights of honor;
don't recomend me total war series :P
thank you
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