Tazers and pepper spray are bad self defense tools against fire arms.
The tazers makes muscles spasm which might discharge the firearms and hit a bystander or yourself, and pepper spray might induce panic in the armed assailant who will then try to fire back at you in blind stressed confusion.
I in no way condone having a weapon with the intent to kill but, I really can't think of a way to protect yourself from a shooter except having your own fire arm or running away. If you can give me an example, i'd be happy to hear you out.
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That is actually a great idea.
Also, rubber bullets.
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If you want effective self-defense, try a shotgun. That's for home defense, however. Concealed carry requires something more compact.
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I found the perfect product for you Khalaq. It's concealed, and you can carry it around. Or, you can look at these fine products
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+1 pepper spray and the like have a place in defense when lethal force is unnecessary and thats about it,more times then not they will just escalate a situation,a firearm on the other hand can and should only be pulled and used in the defense of one or another life when there is not other choice.
personally, we have a 45 minute response time for police in my state and if the offender is not there when the police arrive they actually charge and fine us for calling them,im not about to leave my or my family's life in the hands of another,in this day and age every person in my household trains and carry's a firearm 24/7.
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I might not agree with many of the points - especially some of the alternative facts posted by the op about crime in europe escalating and the huge muslim immigration problem we apparently have ! - but I will always try to be polite if I can (and silent if I think I can't :)
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Indeed - as for the gun thing - as long as it remains legal to carry a gun, then people have the right to do so - I might not agree, but then I conclude it doesn't concern me - not my circus so to speak :) - so I try to stay away from bashing my head against that wall :) - though just commenting here has gotton me a few blacklists sadly :(
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haha yea im sure i made more then a few blacklists in this thread but the truth of the matter is if they cant handle a difference of opinion without taking it as a personal attack or insult i dont want any games from them anyways,personally i respect everyone's opinion its there life to live the way they want to with the beliefs they have, i dont mind debating with rational people and i dont take offense to there beliefs,the only thing i take offense to is someone who thinks they know whats best for everyone in every country city and state on the planet and cant tolerate others opinions lol.
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I also agree. Also, people who carry pepper spray have to get training on how to use it. Someone was about to get mugged, she pulled out the pepper spray and kept on shouting to stay back, but didn't flee or do anything else. The assailant just walked up to her, grabbed it out of her hands, and sprayed and mugged her.
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yea defiantly,the stuff does stink to high heaven and does burn your eyes but in no way will stop someone who is determined to do you harm people give it to much credit, to most men it is nothing more then a minor irritant and if anything only buys you a few seconds to flee.
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But why does every thug have a gun? Maybe because it's so easy to get one? If guns weren't allowed, not that many thugs would have guns. But nevermind that. Do you think that all people are able to hold a gun and use it only when it's necessary? What if someone thinks that if someone says something bad to him, he should kill him? And can everyone handle the psychological effects after shooting or even killing someone? Why there are so many mass shootings in USA? You'll obviously say that, if every student had a gun, they would have stopped the murderer, right? But if guns weren't allowed, the murderer wouldn't have acquired the gun so easily. And at what age are people allowed to carry guns anyway? I'm just thinking that only experts should carry guns, because they are the ones supposed to know when to use their gun and how to use it (sadly, even experts can do shit, but nevermind).
Happy cake day, by the way.
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You make only one valid point, and that is the one about training being required if you're going to own a gun. I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in the U.S., there are many hoops and requirements to legally purchase a firearm, including training. You make it sound as though people can just walk into a store, drop some cash on the counter, and walk out with a gun. That may be true if it's an illegal purchase (something thugs are known to do), but that's not how law-abiding citizens do it.
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Your comment is not reflective of all 50 states. The federal statute does not require any type of training at all and the individual states uphold their own individual training requirements.
When congress and the president talk about common sense gun reform - they talk about banning assault riffles and extra capacity magazines. Where is the common sense in that? The common sense is to properly train an individual in gun ownership, and gun safety and making it a federal requirement that the individual states are required to comply with.
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Your comment is not reflective of all 50 states.
Go back and look at what I actually typed. I made a very general statement, to wit, that law-abiding citizens don't just walk in, hand over the cash, and walk out with a gun. Do you know of any qualified gun retailers who don't at least do a background check? I know of none.
While it is true I am not familiar with the gun laws in all 50 states, every single American with whom I have discussed owning a handgun has been staunchly in favor of training before purchasing a firearm. In fact, most people I have talked to (with the exception of criminals) are reluctant to even pick up a gun unless there is someone there to teach them how to use it.
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I have been to numerous firing ranges where people bring their wives and girlfriends to fire a few rounds without any proper training. They think its funny for some reason. And then the gun often times ends up pointed towards other shooters and not down range.
I have also purchased some firearms at gun shows without any checks... obviously as a person to person sale and not that of a business sale, but from my experience at gun shows, the person to person sale is often from a gun store owner to a customer where the owner purchased the gun from his own business for the sole purpose of circumventing background checks and waiting periods.
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Private sales are a problem, yes. Then there's the whole "my mom gave me her gun as a gift" thing.
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10 of 50 states require background checks for private sales. You can read all about this huge situation here:
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On the first point, it seems I have been fortunate enough not to mingle with dangerous morons. On the second, those don't sound like law-abiding citizens to me.
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It is technically 'legal'. I provided a link above which sums up the brady bill loophole. So you can 'legally' walk into a gun show in Arizona (for example - but essentially 40 states) throw some cash on a table, and walk out with a semi-auto assault riffle, clips, and ammo.
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I have been to numerous firing ranges where people bring their wives and girlfriends to fire a few rounds without any proper training.
If that is the case, those particular Range Safety Officers need to be fired. That is completely unacceptable and the participants would be thrown off my range if the behavior continued.
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Why is he a doosh? because he would rather be the one who lives then becoming the one who is the victim?
There are over 300 million guns privately owned in America and less people die from them in a year then food poisoning i personally think every reasonable responsible law abiding american should have one, crime levels would drop across the board,just look at any state in the usa that allows you to carry a gun without a license and you will see a state with much less crime then the rest of the country per person.Arizona for example allows conceal carry with no license and has 3 of the 10 top safest city's in america.
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Gun with no license? We're not talking about Wild West, but about USA. The majority of the population isn't fit to carry a gun. Hell, even I, when I was in the navy (I'm Greek though, not American), I was carrying a gun, but still, I was obviously not fit to carry a gun. I don't have a good accuracy and I don't even support violence.
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oh i agree the majority of people probably should not carry a gun but that does not mean they should now own one if they are responsible,currently one out of every three americans own a gun and i rarely hear about accidental shootings and trust me with todays media we would all hear about them lol.but yea most states dont require a license to own a firearm only three do and they have more crime then the rest of the country combined almost.the states that allow constitutional carry alternatively have less shootings and crime then the states that have strict gun laws.what you have to keep in mind here is criminals dont obey laws so these gun laws only effect the people who should actually be allowed to own and carry guns.
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But if you were in the navy, then you were SUPPOSED to be trained on how to properly use the weapon and weapon safety before ever receiving it. That would mean you were fit to carry that weapon.
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because he would rather be the one who lives then becoming the one who is the victim?
A gun won't stop an incoming bullet, if you're actually being shot at. (Unless you're extremely lucky.) A bulletproof vest would be much more helpful.
I guess I just can't comprehend the mentality of more guns being the solution to gun violence.
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Zomby2D - police carry guns. Can you comprehend the mentality of more police being the solution to gun violence? Police presence is a deterrence to crime. Logically then if everyone in the country carried a gun, there would be less gun violence because the deterrence is the possibility that anyone in your vicinity can retaliate - not just police. Of course that is a theoretical and not an actual.
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Police officers are (supposedly) trained to use their firearm in dangerous situations. Individuals without the proper training are more likely to hit bystanders.
The way I see it, having more guns around mostly increases the risk of gun-related accidents. Especially aince, (and correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not 100% sure about US laws) there isn't any formal training or test required to own a gun. I have nothing against weapons per se, as they have their use for hunting or as a port in a proper firing range, but knowing that people can carry weapons around scares me a lot more than the possibility of an hypothetical shooter.
If having more guns around was such a deterrent, gun violence wouldn't be so much higer in the US than in other countries were access to weapons is more limited. Living in Québec (Canada) were owning a handgun requires you to maintain a membership to a shooting club and being strictly prohibited to have your gun with you anywhere else that your home, the shooting range or going from one of those place to the other (without making any stop along the way) I guess I just live with a completely different mindset.
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unfortunately our high gun crimes almost all happen in places with strict gun laws restricting gun access to lawful people and criminals caring guns unchecked with no fear of someone shooting back at them,check this page gun crime in usa and play around with the sorting options,states like illinois,california,new york have some of the toughest gunlaws in the usa and have the highest gun crime while states like new hampshire,vermont,the dakota's with good gun laws all have the lowest gun crime rates in the country.
Canada has a higher homicide rate then the usa even with your strict gun laws and thats even when considering your population of your entire country is lower then just the state of california in the usa. link to homicide rates per country
if people want to kill they are going to kill it does not matter if guns are legal or not personally i would rather get shot then stabbed,chocked or poisoned.
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Canada has a higher homicide rate then the usa
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. The link you provided shows the homicide rate in the US to be more than twice that of Canada.
Now, if you account for all gun-related deaths (including suicides and accidents) it's 5 times higner in the US than in Canada.
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you were looking only at gun related homicides were as i was looking at all homicides,my point being that taking away guns wont stop anyone from killing someone if thats there intention,i myself would rather be shot then gutted with a knife. but ofc gun related homicides are higher in the usa when you consider Canada's gun policy's.
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This link that you provided earlier shows total homicide rate, not just gun related.
Country | Homicides rate (by 100,000) | Gun related homicide rate |
United States | 3.9 | 3.43 |
Canada | 1.5 | 0.38 |
As I said, more than twice as high in the US than in Canada. If looking only at gun related homicides (stats taken from here), it's 9 times higher in the US than in Canada.
One thing we can agree on, is that someone who want to commit murder will probably find a way to do so. But when some nutjob blows a gasket, he will do a lot less damage if he tries to go on a killing spree with a knife than with a gun. And you don't hear about people accidentally killing their kids or neighbors by cleaning their knives.
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LOL - okay not gonna mess with the second part - but let's just take a bit of a look at the first part to tear it apart a bit:
North Dakota - Population 2016 - 757,915
South Dakota - Population 2016 - 865,454
Vermont - Population 2016 - 624,594
New Hampsire - Population - 1,334,795
You state - 'with good gun laws all have the lowest gun crime rates'
Now lets look at the other places you mentioned:
California - Population 2016 - 39,250,017
New York - Population 2016 - 19,745,289
illinois - Population 2016 - 12,801,539
You state - 'have some of the toughest gunlaws in the usa and have the highest gun crime'
Wow - talk about a really statistically biased look at guns in areas to me - I put it to you that the reasons for the higher gun crimes in those second three areas is because they have significantly more people living there - when compared with the first three places you stated :P
ROFLMAO - where's talgaby when you need them to explain numbers more precisely - they could rip this apart much better than me - and I have no problem with whatever guns you want to own personally - but please don't use statistics in such a way it just makes more alternative facts for people to spout :P
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I have no idea what this particular conversation thread is all about, to be honest. But if it is about gun-related death rates, then the US is the highest one among developed countries, only taken over by war zones and half of South America (although the other half of SA is way behind). Granted, most of them are suicides. For some reason Americans are the most prone to shoot themselves in the head. (And not just figuratively every four years.)
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giggle - yeah it was just the fact that someone was trying to say that the first four areas 'with good gun laws all have the lowest gun crime rates - whereas the latter three all 'have some of the toughest gunlaws in the usa and have the highest gun crime' - which made me just jaw drop with laughter - when you consider that the entire first four have populations that, when combined, do not even exceed the lowest (illinois) of the latter areas
I mean really ? In this instance the gun laws can probably be disregarded - the numbers of people being the main factor in the increased gun crimes I would think :) As for gun requests made by the op - I really don't care, but I felt using numbers like that was wrong :)
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indeed - that was why it was such an oddity - I mean it was not like the Dakota's, irrespective of gun laws, was ever going to be comparable to New York - other than perhaps on weather patterns maybe :P - although I would gladly visit either one of them :) - always on the lookout for a new giant ketchup bottle or trees of mystery place to visit
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indeed - the numbers of people alone do not reflect what someone might do with a gun - statistics can always be skewed - versus other things - what is it they say "lies, damn lies, and statistics" - all things can be bent to reflect views of anyone :) (even been guilty of it myself when I was much younger).
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From available data, gun ownership seems to actually act as a deterrence to crime. The reason you don't necessarily see that when looking at the USA is that while many Americans own guns, many more do not. And a good chunk of gun owners neither have a concealed carry license or live in an open carry state. The US essentially has 90 guns per 100 citizens but when you factor into how many citizens have multiple fire arms, it is probably somewhere closer to 35-40% of americans actually own guns - and those include shotguns, hunting riffles, not exactly something you can keep tucked in your saggy pants ready to 'bust a cap'. Here is some quick info:
You can google the above cities crime rates at the FBI website.
Of course there are other factors at play here as well. It could easily be said that 3rd world nations are more likely to have crime due to less opportunity to climb the wealth ladder through legal means - which realistically puts a large effect on those nations gun violence figures.
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while a gun cant stop an incoming bullet it can stop them from shooting you or others with further bullets and wearing bullet proof vests is not going to save anyone if you cant return fire all thats going to happen is the guy will see you were wearing one then shot you in the head.
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Would you really use it that often that it would justify the cost?
Two things on that.
Given the possibility that, given the right conditions, there is a chance to save an innocent life, the cost is absolutely justified to myself personally. I understand that most likely, there would be nothing I could do safely to help someone, even if I had the opportunity, but there is a chance.
Do you currently buy insurance at all? Car insurance, home insurance etc.? How many times does your house need to burn down before it's "worth it"? In all likelihood, you will never need your home insurance, and you will be putting money "down the drain", however, should you need it, you really need it.
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If let's say someone tries to rob you, the chances of him hurting you is minimal to none (as he is after your belongings and he would rather be prosecuted for a robbery rather than a homicide). The second you pull out a gun you make yourself a target, as he will try to protect himself the same way you do. So in the end, you now have 2 people exchanging fire instead of a robbery. I have to problem with anyone carrying around a gun (as long as it's concealed carry), I just can't find a reason to do so and so do most people in the rest of the world. It's an ongoing issue for USA, yet most of you are refusing to admit that. The first step into fixing something, is admitting it is broken in the first place.
I have no home insurance and the only reason I've got car insurance is because I am forced by law to own one. Had I had the option to not have one, I'd choose that.
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Permits exist for a reason. I'm actually not too far from him, since he's in PA, and I can say that at least in my area, some form of self-defense is necessary. I never leave home without at least a knife on my person. It's not out of the ordinary for someone to attempt to attack or mug you. Police brutality is also a major issue, and having a permit is like having any other kind of license, it gives you "authority" over something, and that'll show up if you get pulled over, or anything of that nature. If anything, having the permit and never having to use it is respect-worthy.
Also, I find it rude that you've blacklisted me for simply answering his questions. I'm even on your friends list. :| I personally feel most people in this thread are being closed-minded due to how he presented the question. Try to be a little more open. I'm sure he means well.
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Cool script. Btw... for anyone else who had trouble with the link...
apparently it got renamed and broke the link. hopefully author fixes shortly but in the meantime...
EDIT: Was trying to set this up on a different pc and found my old post. Updating since the info I had is now wrong (looks like author moved from github to gitlab), you should use thread Miyuu linked to or see https://gitlab.com/rafaelgssa/esgst
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If anything, having the permit and never having to use it is respect-worthy.
Exactly why? o.O Not having it and not using it is just the same result-wise. There is nothing respectable about having a permit, but generally not resulting to violence
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Result-wise, it is the same, yes. But some people do live in quite dangerous areas, where self-defense and police activity is incredibly necessary. Having it available for self-defense, but never using it, shows capability of resolving situations, and of a persons true nature. They have such power at their disposal, but not once have used it.
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Dominos? GOOD?! Those words do not belong in the same sentence. I miss my local Papa Johns. Building was under foreclosure so they had to close. :(
Dominos is SOOOOOOOOOOO disgusting.
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Dominos is like Subway, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, TGI Fridays, Applebees and their ilk. The lowest quality and worst, well, I'd call it food but then I'd be insulting food.
There are at least 5 Dominos near me and I will not got o ANY of them. getting sick from their food 20 years ago is enough to keep me away permanently. I'll stick with frozen pizza instead. Or a REAL pizza place. Not some mass market fast food pizza place that uses wafer style bread.
But if you like it then go ahead. I'm not one to stop you from enjoying it.
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I'd imagine at this point, it just shows how shit my area is. Places like TGI Fridays and Applebees are basically "fancy" in my neck of the woods. :c I prefer to cook at home. I can't stand eating out much. Like I said, though, that one Dominos down the street from me is unique, it's actually privately owned with a different recipe from the main branch.
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Technically, ALL Dominos are privately owned. Hence the term 'Franchise'. I don't eat out anymore either. Can't afford to. Not while TRYING to live where I do.
here's an example how much I HATE places like those. One time, a group of friends and I got together for one of their birthdays. An ex of mine too, if you will.. She wanted to go to Fridays. So I went but I sat there and refused to order from their menu as everything on it disgusted me. Angus 'meat' (quotes because I don't consider angus to be meat as it's completely inedible), fish which I don't eat and crap on their pre-made at their warehouse chicken that disgusted me. That and they put enough salt on everything to kill every elephant in Africa. I did put in towards the bill because of the birthday though.
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I've personally never been into a Fridays. A similar place I've been into, though, Ruby Tuesdays. The only edible thing on their entire menu, in my opinion, was mozzarella sticks. But those are fatty enough to give a rhinoceros a heart attack to begin with, I knew what I was getting myself into. xD
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Lucky. :c
I've only got a couple places I can order from, really. While there is a couple good places in my city (Tat's Pizzeria, Adornetto's), I'm not a personal fan of them. The best pizza I can get is if I go a couple cities away to a place called Wally's, and it's delicious. All their stuff is bought fresh and processed right there in store.
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So we have to keep on repeating it and eventually a super mod will die?
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Are you even FROM the US? I am and I haven't been proud to call myself an American since Bush Jr screwed us over REAL good. Just waiting for the current brainless to get us ALL killed.
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Nah. Every country has their issues. The US is still one of the leading countries and one of the prime immigration targets even from more developed countries for a reason. The 19th century idealistic American Dream may be deader than the brain cells of a Breitbart News addict, but show me a country anywhere where you cannot throw a stone blindly and still hit a random moron with it.
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It's reality, not racism. The world is becoming increasingly dangerous and these groups mentioned are quickly rising to become among the biggest offenders in the US. We have a right to defend ourselves. Owning a firearm is a big responsibility and one would hope to never have to use it. However, in the occurrence where your life is being threatened, it may save your life.
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Not all blacks are BLM thugs, not all hispanics are illegals, and not all Muslims are radical Islamic terrorists.
You're the one who said you need a gun to protect yourself from black people in BLM, illegal aliens and Islamics.
EDIT: by the way, most of you are "illegal aliens" to my people. Good thing I don't feel the way you do. :)
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Lies. I said BLM, you assumed I meant blacks, since when was being black a requirement for supporting BLM or carrying out there crazy attacks? Illegals, you assumed I meant hispanic, illegals can come from anywhere. Islam is not a race, it is a religion.
Epic fail. Next time don't be so quick to pull the "muh racism" card, you won't look like such an idiot next time.
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Fake news! Fake news! Come on! It's just alternative facts!
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Don't forget that if you put something in quotation marks, it can also be a lie, you just presented it in a different light.
(But to Trump's defence, tabloids have been doing this for way over a century now: if you want to present a lie in a way that you are still covered, put it in the largest font on the front page and attach a question mark at the end.)
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Mixing personal attacks with humor seems to be a surprisingly effective way of digging oneself out of a hole, or at least shifting the focus. I will need to look more into this. :P
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Amend: "make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date."... I could agree with that.
There were a few small changes, most noted in the paragraph at the end, as I think OP tried to clarify his point and reason for the thread... though I admit it could have been done better (however his original post DID say BLM and illegals, never specifying blacks or mexicans or race. You did read too far between the lines there). I really think OP wanted honest advice to his question. His reasons for wanting a concealed carry simply stemmed from fear of others who have shown to be extremely aggressive towards himself and those he cares about, or in the very least a fear of a very active and vocal portion of those groups. And the reaction of (most of) those against conceal carry? Personal attacks and aggression? Any single person here who thinks that those are effective in convincing a person to change is a moron. If he had any doubts about it to begin with I imagine he definitely won't be having them now.
I do agree with you that he probably should have just said "people" instead of specifying, but lets be frank, the trait I WLed you for. Even if he said "to try and protect myself and my friends/family from aggressive groups" or just "people" as you suggest, the reasons would still be obvious simply from news the last several years up to present day. And those against conceal carry would still have been barking up a shitstorm here. It's perfectly fine to disagree with him, hell it's probably more than fine to disagree with me, but all of this sure as hell ain't the right way to do it.
Edit: Excuse the delete, double-post.
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wanting a concealed carry simply stemmed from fear of others who have shown to be extremely aggressive towards himself and those he cares about
He never stated he's had any experience with any of those groups mentioned; he only mentioned the 'potential' for it.
Even if he said "to try and protect myself and my friends/family from aggressive ... people" as you suggest, the reasons would still be obvious simply from news the last several years up to present day.
I would have assumed he was referring to criminals. This is why the police have handguns, no? Not to protect themselves from members of BLM, illegal immigrants, or Islamics. To protect themselves (and others) from criminals.
My concern stems from his blanket statement that doesn't discriminate between the law-breakers in those particular groups and those particular groups themselves (or lawbreakers of any other group, or even simply law-breakers in general!). On their own, those groups aren't to be feared, and like any group with differing ideals or personal values, there will be extremists.
As far as I can tell, the OP is already a "helpless victim" of his own fear. And no, that's not meant to be "offensive" or a "personal attack." Like my original comment, it's just an observation. I have nothing against conceal & carry. What I am opposed to are people with particular mentalities being allowed to C & C. IMHO, they're just another form of extremist.
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"Islam is not a race, it is a religion. "
Racism nowadays isn't only used as a description of commonplaces/prejudices against a "race" (that term is also very questionable), but for other possible differences, too (e.g. religious views). In the end you are stating that all Islamics were a threat for you. And just like all other commonplaces/prejudices it can't be correct. Every human being behaves in different ways.
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You don't say? :o
I honestly thought you thought Tzaar was an alien.
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Well no. There are plenty of Canadian illegals in your country. No one is talking about deporting a bunch of old Canadians who retire to Florida. Let alone talking about the vast numbers of asian illegals in your country, or really any other group apart from the Latinos. So let's ignore the real problem the people who overstay their visa and focus on the poor Latinos. You want to not be considered a prick, you might just say like everyone else does. I want to protect my family from criminals. Using BLM, Illegals is really just code for other things especially in this climate. You could be completely unaware of this, so I'm hard pressed to call anyone racist for using the terms.
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Unless you're illiterate - you might wanna check crime statics that clearly suggest otherwise ...
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Ever read something you didn't understand? Who hasn't - its not the illiteracy known to
be unable to read/write stuff ... but the one that doesn't comprehend the meaning.
google would provide you with plenty of sources ... easiest to filter would be "crime xy-someplace by ethnicity"
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Not being able to comprehend a meaning of something is not an illiteracy. By being illiterate you may refer to a person who lacks an ability to read and write completely or a person who lacks a major knowledge in certain field. Given the context of your first reply "unless you're illiterate - you might wanna check this and that" you we're obviously insinuating that I might be able to read the statistics because I'm an illiterate and therefore can't read. Which is absurd since I have to be able to both read and write to be a part of this conversation in the first place.
In regards to the link you provided - the groups in question were supporters of BLM, illegal aliens and Islamic immigrants, not the racial groups presented in the . It's ironic that you're implying I might be illiterate yet it seems to me you're the one having trouble reading.
And lastly - yes, I'm aware that I can find many data sources with Google (Gee golly, I'm able to both read and search the web! How is that even possible right? It's uncanny!) yet I choose not because life is too short to make a research every time some random guy refers to some alleged statistic in order to make a point yet he's unable to support the claim with any reliable data source, especially when is the claim so ridiculous as this one was.
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You're right, I take that back. OP's not racist, only xenophobic.
There are dangerous people, not dangerous races. So yes, he's being racist.
"groups mentioned are quickly rising to become among the biggest offenders in the US"
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on all of that.
Seeing how you shitposted out of the blue, hence i assumed ... you're some kind of illiterate.
"Written and verbal communication is crucial to make sense of things, and to change them.
If you cannot express yourself properly, you are vastly disadvantaged, an illiterate." - The New Illiteracy
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...says joint-committee representing the entirety of science, statistics, and logic, This shocking revelation today is the latest example in a long line of reissued confirmations, dating all the way back to for-fucking-ever.
The committee reissued the statement earlier this morning when local imbecile, DominusFerrus, attempted to validate his own racist beliefs by conflating the two notions. Ironically, he later went on to assert his own intelligence while making this moronic mistake, shattering his self-proclaimed 'literacy' comprehending data.
In a somewhat related matter DominusFerrus additionally decried the literacy of others while generating the following text: "its not the illiteracy known to be unable to read/write stuff ... but the one that doesn't comprehend the meaning." Our experts have positively identified this text an the attempted construction of a sentence via the English language, albeit one they call "incredibly mangled" and which "verges on the incomprehensible."
His additional statements have yet to be countered with an official response from the joint-committee of science, statistics, and logic; however his words have received noticeable attention from 'Sosighty of Stewped' (sic) scouts, always hunting for new talent. They are currently casting a number of new "reality shows" as a means of grooming the next generation of presidential candidates.
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"Correlation STILL NOT Causation..."
This one > http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations ? Yeah i agree ...
Here is how this works bub, first you have to point out which correlation isn't causation of what in your opinion?
Not to mention the matter itself isn't rocket science and given the vast statistics its as clear as it could be.
Now, either make your case or bugger off into the void without argument.
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On the subject of logical mistakes...
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Personally I prefer the reliability of revolvers over anything else. I'd recommend a Taurus Judge/Public Defender or Taurus Raging Judge 513. Having the versatility of being able to load multiple munition types is nice, and being able to load a variety of non-lethal rounds should you so desire is even better; I prefer rubber rounds for human defense, and carry home load rock salt rounds for animals, and rarely carry with lethal load.
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This is a good post I found from here
"Conclusions from Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, a Department of Justice report by the FBI Firearms Training Unit
Physiologically, no caliber or bullet is certain to incapacitate any individual unless the brain is hit. Psychologically, some individuals can be incapacitated by minor or small caliber wounds. Those individuals who are stimulated by fear, adrenaline, drugs, alcohol, and/or sheer will and survival determination may not be incapacitated even if mortally wounded.
The will to survive and to fight despite horrific damage to the body is commonplace on the battlefield, and on the street. Barring a hit to the brain, the only way to force incapacitation is to cause sufficient blood loss that the subject can no longer function, and that takes time. Even if the heart is instantly destroyed, there is sufficient oxygen in the brain to support full and complete voluntary action for 10-15 seconds.
Kinetic energy does not wound. Temporary cavity does not wound. The much discussed "shock" of bullet impact is a fable and "knock down" power is a myth. The critical element is penetration. The bullet must pass through the large, blood bearing organs and be of sufficient diameter to promote rapid bleeding. Penetration less than 12 inches is too little, and, in the words of two of the participants in the 1987 Wound Ballistics Workshop, "too little penetration will get you killed." Given desirable and reliable penetration, the only way to increase bullet effectiveness is to increase the severity of the wound by increasing the size of hole made by the bullet. Any bullet which will not penetrate through vital organs from less than optimal angles is not acceptable. Of those that will penetrate, the edge is always with the bigger bullet."
Standing there in a winter coat, anxious about the incoming shot is not the same thing.
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If all your going for is wound and kill, I'm sorry I even gave a suggestion. That report, much like all government and military reports, was created with the mindset of increasing funding for their respective department, not with umbrella efficacy in intent. If the FBI did not believe in the effectiveness of non-lethal ammunition, they would not be using it today (protip: they arm with it in many situations).
I don't even know why I'm posting anymore. Just going over your OP again, and your responses, you'll never be approved for a concealed carry permit in any jurisdiction.
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FBI and law enforcement have different goals from an average citizen. LEO uses rubber bullets to bring the perpetrator to justice (court, etc). There's specific guidelines on the distance and circumstances to use rubber bullets. The citizen does not want justice, they want to survive the deadly threat, and so must counter with deadly force.
OP does have problems about the reasons they want CCW
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I see. That must have been very cool to see all of the tools they can use.
Also, as for rubber bullets. I'm not sold on using them for personal defence. You have to be in serious fear for your life to draw your firearm=deadly force. Why would you draw a lethal weapon, but use non-lethal rounds? Just go with pepper spray or taser in that case. LEO uses rubber bullets to bring the perp to justice. Non LEO should be to stop the threat and survive.
Also, if your attacker has a gun with real bullets, and you have rubber bullets, that's worse than bringing a knife to a gun fight.
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Keep in mind other factors. Like killing someone on the street and calling it self-defence will still earn you a night in jail until the forensics clear it up. Manslaughter even in self-defence is a lot more paperwork than simply knocking someone out with a rubber bullet and running the hell away. Not to mention that if you kill someone instead of just getting away from them, you also face the possibility that he may have had buddies who can take offence in it.
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Better to spend a night in jail and fill out paperwork than having a higher chance of your death, I'd say.
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Maybe in the US, yes. Around these parts, people go to jail even for self-defence, even in their own property.
Then again, most homicides are domestic violence here. An actual murder is big enough to be in the national news for days, if not weeks (or, in the case of a particular one with eight dead people, nearly two years).
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Common phrase in ccw communities, "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6."
Manslaughter even in self-defence is a lot more paperwork than simply knocking someone out with a rubber bullet and running the hell away.
Not necessarily true. The US legal system is notoriously convoluted. If you fire a "warning shot" and it scares the attacker away, you can still be charged with attempted felonious assault, improper discharge of a firearm, brandishing, etc (and yes, this does happen). Even when you shoot at the attacker's leg, instead of center mass, you could still be liable. Similarly, if you shoot at someone with a rubber bullet, and it injures them...You honestly have to say "I feared for my life" to use your gun, and if you feared for your life, why are you using rubber bullets? If a bull was charging at you, would you pick the gun with rubber bullets or real ammo?
Not to mention that if you kill someone instead of just getting away from them, you also face the possibility that he may have had buddies who can take offence in it.
I sincerely hope the cops would be there, and that the buddies aren't stupid enough to pick a fight with an armed perso.
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Thankfully people are much smaller than bulls (I hope). And yes, even in confrontational situations, it is much. much better to avoid/deescalate the situation. But say you couldn't find solid cover, wouldn't it be better to have a gun with real bullets?
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Honestly, I don't know. I love how some guns look and the engineering behind them (I love the Beretta 92FS), but I am getting as worried and anxious holding one even at a firing range, unloaded, as in a hairy situation. There would be a larger chance for me to panic and shoot wildly than to think of something to avoid the cattle.
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Hopefully OP gets training classes on what to do in hairy situations. It is a shame that OP doesn't feel safe in his neighborhood and feels the need for a firearm (whose "fault" that is, I don't want to get into...).
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unless you hit that bull square between the eyes, which given the fact that there is a bull coming at you adrenaline is likley to be causing you some issues, the real bullet is as likely to just really piss off that bull - they have more fat and muscle mass than we do :) - seriously though, if a bull were coming at me I would already be running for cover - screw trying to shoot at it :P (run is always best - having seen a cow (even less muscle mass than a bull) get shot I can say that it took the moron 4 bullets to put it down and one of those just glanced off the skull - they were promptly arrested for animal cruelty)
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The one thing you should REALLY get before you get a gin, which to me is weapon of the coward, is a concealed weapons permit. Otherwise you WILL have it taken away next time you have dealings with the police.
That having been said, this is the wrong place to ask for gun advice.
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That having been said, this is the wrong place to ask for gun advice.
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It's sad that we even have to worry about this stuff, you used to be able to leave your doors unlocked, know everyone in your neighborhood, feel safe going out after dark, not anymore, times have changed, cultural makeups are shifting very quickly (especially in Europe they are having a huge Islamic immigration mess right now, their crime rates have skyrocketed), social cohesion is going down the drain etc. I will check those out, thanks, stay safe brother.
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Yeah its crazy how these Americans think that Europe has been overrun by Muslims. Kind of funny but worrying as well.
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Uh that is complete and utter bullshit. While there are problems in Europe there are far more attacks happening on immigrants than perpetrated by immigrants currently.
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I call shenanigans on that kind of bullshit talk about ' in europe they are having a huge islamic immigration mess' - happy for you to carry what gun you like, as long as it is legal it is your right, but please don't continue to help spread the lies that Fox News spews - it isn't correct and isn't helpful - and as for the crime rates rocketing - what utter utter tripe !
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Crimes did increase?
Let me name a few i saw: Gun shoots by teens in a Toyota car resulting in 2 deaths. Bank car with around 5M dollars (Dollars!) got robbed by few armed guys, rich person gotten killed and 15M worth of money (Dollars again) was robbed (later recovered by police), some people set the mayor house (where i live) on fire, several farms were set on fire several times in a different locations. this all happened within 5 months.
Just because it doesn't happen where you live doesn't mean it doesn't happen in a different place... So just appreciate the fact that you don't have to worry about that shit every day...
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we are talking about the lies spread by news agencies stating that crime in europe has skyrocketed - which, based upon current statistics, is a falsehood - so not sure why you are mentioning dollars and shootings (they don't use that currency in Europe) - let alone the falsehood spewed about islamic imigration mess - for the love of god stop believing the news you may be watching :) (oh and just mentioning a few crimes to show that crime in europe is increasing is spurious at best - those crimes could happen and crime still not be increasing - as crimes still happen everywhere :P ) - and the ones you mention are the ones news agencies love to report, which is why you know about them - crime not skyrocketing does not make for a good news story, so they don't tend to mention it - LOL
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Not news, i actually seen some of those happen.
The amount of money was not "leaked" in euro since people who know the exact amount could get in trouble obviously, so dollars instead.
And the migration mess existed but it cooled down after a while.
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and just because you saw some of those thing happening that means that crime in europe is skyrocketing ? - please, just because you see a crime, even hear about a crime, it doesn't mean that crime is increasing.
As for the second point - now you are calling it a migration mess - which is a lot less contentious than that noted by the user above - yes there was a bunch of people trying to exit war torn countries in larger numbers - that happens when wars happen in those area - but the argument noted by VEF215 was that 'in Europe they are having a huge Islamic immigration mess' - this is false and it is obtuse of people to continue to repeat it because news agencies like Fox use it to create their headlines - the religious backgrounds of the immigrants is largely irrelevant - and indeed some of those trying to get out of countries were found to be Christian, or other religions, fleeing the hard lined style of the muslim faith being forced upon those countries by ISIS (which has nothing to do with the muslim faith as a whole - all religions have their zealots). As such, the picture is far more complicated and knee jerk reactions brought about by false news (or news with alternative facts) should be countered as much as possible - hence my comments.
These comments were in no way a slight against you and the potential crimes you have witnessed, merely me attemptiing to shine a light on the fact that the comments above were based upon falsehoods; which if left unchallanged just get re-spouted ad nauseum - hope you understand and do not take offense :)
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i feel like that is cheating, he may as well have an infinite rocket launcher.
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If your life does not flash before your eyes then it's not big enough
(i'm joking in case people don't get that :P )
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I was suspended for two days for a link to a product page on Amazon. I pity the mod who did it. Poor world.
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OP Random question,how many blacklists did you receive for having a personal opinion on people which doesn't confine to society's views?
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Hi, I'm wondering, what would be the best tools for dismemberment and evisceration ? I know the public opinion is strongly against those things, but please respect my choice, it's just in case.
(sorry for the obvious trolling, won't do it again. I just couldn't refrain :( )
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I prefer to use a wooden olive fork for those moments. Delicate, I know, but it makes their suffering more delicious for me. And it takes a good long time.
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You thinking of owning one? Thanks for the support man. My gf is tiny compared to me... I can pick her up and throw her over my shoulder easily lol. I want that confidence that only a firearm can provide, hope I never have to use it. Better safe than sorry amen
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If you really want it just for self-defence, why not buy an actual self-defence gun? A simple Phoenix HP22 or a Luger LCR or a Taurus 22 are small enough, and a .22 caliber round can incapacitate any attacker at short ranges. I don't understand this American obsession of having at least 9 mm or .45 rounds for simple self-defence purposes; those are meant to kill someone, not to defend yourself. Good thing you are not asking where to get compact magazines for an IMI Uzi or an Intratec Tec-9 for "self-defence". You are not living in Honduras, for fuck's sake.
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You can't make that crap up ... https://www.amren.com/archives/reports/the-color-of-crime-2016-revised-edition/
There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
If i lived in a country/state, where basically every asshole would be allowed to carry a firearm,
you can bet, I'd be among the first to get one - "just in case" ... that shit is simply irreversible.
That being said ... probably not the best place to ask unless for shits and giggles.
"enjoy": Black Lives Matter: The Rise of the "DINDU"
Ben Shapiro permanently debunks Black Lives Matter
Real Racism and "Bogus" Black Lives Matter
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Indeed its an uncomfortable, ugly truth - even though facts/statistics can't be universally applied to individual cases,
knowing the greater picture doesn't make anyone a racist, nor wanting people of color to be miserable ...
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The probability that a white victim of homicide is the victim of a black killer is still only 13.6%, while the probability that the killer is also white is 83.5%. So getting a gun to defend against black people is still racist.
the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 was *:
0.01% of Black or African American population (4,379/38,929,319)
0.0017% of White American and Hispanic American population (3,799/223,553,265)
0.0033% of American Indian or Alaska Native population (98/2,932,248)
0.0007% of Asian American population (101/14,674,252)
0.001% of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander population (6/540,013).
New York City, for example, does not participate in NIBRS but it records the races of arrested offenders, and consistently distinguishes between whites and Hispanics. In 2014, 374 people were arrested for murder. Their races were as follows:
White: 2.9 percent
Black: 61.8 percent
Hispanic: 31.8 percent
Asian: 2.7 percent
Other: 0.8 percent
Given a population (page B1 of report) that was 32.8 percent white, 22.6 percent black, 28.9 percent Hispanic, and 13.0 percent Asian, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely than a white, and an Asian was twice as likely. These multiples and those for other crimes appear as graphs on the next page. A “shooting” is discharge of a firearm in which a bullet strikes a person.
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Here you go ... even featured in some liberal smear piece:
Poor white kids are less likely to go to prison than rich black kids
“In criminal justice, though, you can’t just explain away the disproportionate rates at which black and Hispanic youths end up in prison by pointing out that many people of color did not grow up with the same economic advantages as their white peers.”
The real reason why so disproportionate to the entire population end up in jail
might be a shitty upbringing caused by good ol' helping hand "welfare state".
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I think his point is that most crimes are against members of their own race. So the vast majority of black murders are caused by black assailants. Not to mention that most likely a lot of them are gang-on-gang murders. So even if the arrest rate is much higher than one race or another, it doesn't mean that the chance of you becoming victim of such a crime is nearly that high.
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Has everything to do with how and where people flock together to live (by choice among their own and compulsion due to cost), they are obviously going to have much more friction among their own peers, as that is where their usually situated, that doesn't mean their crimes won't extend to non black peers - which again is disproportionately high to their total demographic ...
Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.
Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.
Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population–62.2 percent white, 17.1 percent Hispanic, 13.2 percent black–we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of each race attacking the other. A black is 27 times more likely to attack a white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.
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Hmmm, what best to arm yourself with to feel safe against the possibility of an islamic extremist attack...
How about a basic grasp of statistics?
A threadbare comprehension of reality?
In the US your chance of being killed by any form of terrorist attack is about 1 in 20,000,000.
That's almost exactly the same probability that you will die in a sofa-related incident.
But yeah, be sure to carry a gun with you at all times, because you never know when a sofa will strike...
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And that is not even taking in consideration that even in case of a terrorist attack you probably have not enough time to realize what is going on, pull your gun and defend yourself. The chances of preventing a terror attack are way lower.
And don't get me started on the chance of said gun more likely ending up accidentally injuring the gun owner, a loved one or some innocent by-stander.
But facts and logic are ignored by that type of person anyway....
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Yes, the statistics for accidental gun death in the US are horrific, especially given that a huge percentage entail the death of a child.
But of course, the right of a paranoid adult to feel safe supercedes the right of an innocent child to actually be safe.
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I heard that Obama left DOZENS of sofas in the white house just waiting for Trump to arrive. And yet the sheeple still doubt that he was a secret ISIS agent...
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I can't believe fox news isn't mentioning the looming threat of vending vengeance... The truth cannot be hidden! THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW!
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If this is the way you wish to live your life, that's 100% your business, but ask questions like this on a website that specialize in this subject. Don't come to a video game website and subject our children to this shit. What is wrong with you?
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Don't come to a video game website and subject our children to this shit.
Lots of grown up children around here including you, me and some of them.:
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There was a more recent thread with a proper poll for the ages but i cannot seem to find it by searching, it must have had an odd name.
edit couldn't find the newer one, but i found the older one:
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0 Comments - Created 3 hours ago by Lugum
Hey all, was wondering what you think the best choice for concealed carry would be. I currently own a Beretta 92FS but it's just not comfortable for concealed carry for me personally. I am 6'0 185 lbs muscular.
I was thinking of the M&P Shield or LC9s, I've been hearing good things about it. I am still new to the world of firearms and self-defense, so guns better suited for new users would be appreciated, I've been out to the range with a friend of mine about 4-5 times and he let me shoot a bunch of different guns, since the rise of Black Lives Matter and the huge influx of illegal aliens and Islamic migrants into the US in recent years, just don't feel safe anymore, especially if I am out with my girlfriend and some of her gfs, I don't feel confident enough to protect everyone without a firearm, especially if there are armed / multiple assailants.
Please only responses from US citizens who own/carry, or armed forces/law enforcement (basically people who know what's up)* I know there is much fearful anti-gun sentiment out there today, just please respect my decision to not allow myself to be a helpless victim and to protect those I love and cherish. Thank you.
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