Of course it's not. Their replies only caused me to check if they had done the same, and voilà...
if you feel that replying to me is sufficient cause to add them to your own blacklist...
Having a basic knowledge of firearms doesn't make me (or anyone else, for that matter) a gun loving hick, or a vile despicable person. That's a crass assumption on your part.
You're obviously incredibly insecure. Perhaps you should go and caress your artillery.
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For everyday lightweight carry, I would recommend a Ruger LCP (I - $199, II - $299, or Custom - $250). The LCP Custom is my favorite of the options but it will take some searching to find one due to limited production and high demand. I have an older Beretta 92S, love it, but I only open carry it on my thigh. I'm a gunsmith/restoration specialist who works on everything from cheap little Saturday Night specials to Class III weapons.
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have you actually had training of some sort? I'm not talking about going to a shooting range and firing a few rounds, I'm talking about responding under pressure, such as military or police. If you haven't, then this is a really bad idea. Whipping out a gun at the first sign of trouble and waiving it around like some moron there's a good chance of an accidental discharge, or of the assailants taking the gun away from you.
I'm all for responsible gun ownership, but a bunch of yahoos packing with no training is also why I'm all for gun control.
especially when they describe the need for a gun in racist terms
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I always found it odd, people think that a good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun. But honestly, unless you're in a police uniform, which means that you've had at least the bare minimum amount of training in situations like this. If some random guy pulls out a gun and shoots another guy with a gun in front of me. My thought isn't oh god I'm saved. It's holy shit more criminals. I mean I can't imagine what it would belike for police to have to figure out what's what in situations like that.
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Yes, let's all have concealed guns cause it'll be so much safer when everyone has a gun to shoot other people. /sarcasm
But honestly: I believe you might be in the wrong place for these kind of questions unless you just want to get a rise out of people.
Try a gun-forum. There's plenty and they can offer you the advice you might want to hear.
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I would recommend you Black Salt Gun (also yellow version if black looks too real) It's an amazing self defense gun/Home defense, It has a lot of advantages as it doesn't kill anyone for first (most of the times) And allows you to shoot first knowing you're only disarming the opponent instead of killing them so you don't hesitate on it. Here is a video of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rihEeryzbyM if you're interested in more information :)
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Man this thread is amazing for sociology and culture.
Pro-tip for anyone trying to "sway" opinions: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie is amazing for teaching how to have actual tact and intelligent discussion, rather than follow blind belief and act belligerent.
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Yes, it is. There is a reason why it's considered fundamental for social interaction and influencing business decisions (promotions and the like).
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it's also the second book that came up when i googled 'how to manipulate people' i might have to give it a look >=)
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Reportedly, cult leaders generally use the advice in this book to be capable of... well, being a cult leader. A notable reference is Charles Manson.
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Greetings from Poland!
In our wonderful country we are not allowed to perform any kind of self defence xD (running away is still acceptable though). Not even mentioning carrying (or even own) gun xD
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Reason why most of europe has low murder rates is because pretty much no one has a gun nor anything like knives or whatever, unless the y into shady things but even in that case that is very uncommon. Only reason america is unsafe is because people have guns and that makes you want to have a gun too because you can't defend yourself normally against a gun so you technically with a stupid logic want a gun. So everyone will just kill themselves since guns are so common. it's just pure stupidity honestly.. Every self defense coach will tell you to run rather than getting into any kind of fight.
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Not really. Or really not. Gun ownership rates in Germany is pretty damn high: there are over 25 million firearms among German civilians; enough to start a war or two, even by modern standards (in comparison, Poland has like half million; a roughly 1.3 guns/100 people compared to Germany's over 30). Yet their murder rates are even lower than in Poland. It is not about the amount of the weapons but the general mentality and maturity of the public.
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Those numbers for Germany are somewhat misleading as those include an estimated 20 million illegal firearms. Now that number sounds crazy but most of those are older than 1972 when gun laws were made stricter and every unregistered gun was declared illegal(in compare to gun reg being non-mandatory before 1972). Those 40 year+ old firearms make up 14-17 million out of the 25 million you mentioned. Or in other words a lot of German households have grandfather's/great-grandfathers WW1+2 guns rotting away in our basements.
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consider this: 318.9 million (2014) US
Population 59.83 million (2013) Italy
Obviously there are more complex reasons for that number, which is also entirely dependent on people's honesty, rigorousness of questioning/data collection, and bias.
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Especially If you count murder with gun xD (and don't take into consideration "vanishing people" - cases of people missing is quite big - so I would say it's rather not the lowest murder rate on planet but underfunded police with not enough people to actually investigate).
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Still my favorite Hamlet performance on film
Because of "Get thee to a nunnery!" of course:P
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I visited for the 2012 UEFA football championship. I had a nice time. Me and my friends got murdered by far-right militias far less than then the media suggested we would be. The same as I got murdered less then I was led to expect in South Africa for the 2010 world cup. And so on and so forth. Still not going anywhere near Russia in 2018 though...
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The food and drink are decent but avoid the borscht - that is just plain wrong. People were mostly very friendly and prices were low. There are indeed plenty of pretty ladies over there.
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Eh, it's unfortunately known for a lot of very right-wing, conservative viewpoints these days. Didn't think you swung that way.
(Not to paint an entire culture with a broad brush, after all, much of my heritage is Polish and all very tolerant and left-leaning and I love bringing up King Casimir III "the Great" because of his open tolerance of Jews when most of Europe were literally murdering or exiling them.)
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I've got 2 things to say to you. Show me a paragraph in the Polish law that confirms what you just said. From what i know it's 100% legal to kill someone in self-defense unless that was something that could be avoided (for example seeing some shady dudes following you and picking a fight them) Also as Talgaby already said we have very low intentional homicade rate. You should be proud.
Edit : I decided to do it myself to prove it to that idiot and all the other people who might believe him. (I don't feel like translating it all for you guys but Google Translate is almost perfect in this case so feel free to use that)
Art. 25. § 1. Nie popełnia przestępstwa, kto w obronie koniecznej odpiera bezpośredni, bezprawny zamach na jakiekolwiek dobro chronione prawem.
§ 2. W razie przekroczenia granic obrony koniecznej, w szczególności gdy sprawca zastosował sposób obrony niewspółmierny do niebezpieczeństwa zamachu, sąd może zastosować nadzwyczajne złagodzenie kary, a nawet odstąpić od jej wymierzenia.
§ 3. Sąd odstępuje od wymierzenia kary, jeżeli przekroczenie granic obrony koniecznej było wynikiem strachu lub wzburzenia usprawiedliwionych okolicznościami zamachu.
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100% legal to kill someone in self-defense
If you use stick to fight huge badass - you will be sentenced for causing "harm you could avided". So you can fight with bare hands only - except you have some documented "self defence/fighting lessons" then you will be sentenced just like you were using gun. And please - how can you defend yourself when you have to remember that you cannot hurt you opponent? Only option is to run away.
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I edited my first comment so feel free to change your response. Those things that you mentioned are just a typical idiocy of law. Those kinds of things happen in every court. If law was always right then there would be no criminals.
Anyway no need to lie about our WRITTEN LAW just because there are some cases where the court is unjust.
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This are not lies xD Law is not precise about what is "acceptable response" to dangerous behaviour. It's always up to court to decide. Polish law is steaming pile of shit - you can do anything if you have good lawyer xD And if you have none you will be punished for self defence.
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§ 2. W razie przekroczenia granic obrony koniecznej, w szczególności gdy sprawca zastosował sposób obrony niewspółmierny do niebezpieczeństwa zamachu, sąd może zastosować nadzwyczajne złagodzenie kary, a nawet odstąpić od jej wymierzenia.
§ 3. Sąd odstępuje od wymierzenia kary, jeżeli przekroczenie granic obrony koniecznej było wynikiem strachu lub wzburzenia usprawiedliwionych okolicznościami zamachu.
To jeszcze znajdź mi jakiś wyrok, w którym sąd by uwzględnił powyższe przepisy xD
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Synek zacytować ciebie? Piszesz kłamstwa i nie umiesz ich potwierdzić (albo raczej nie możesz ponieważ są kłamstwami) żadnym kodeksem prawnym tylko wyjątkami które zdarzają się w każdym kraju. Prawo nie jest nieomylne, może jak dorośniesz to to zrozumiesz. Jeśli zapytasz się skąd wiem, że jesteś dzieciakiem to mogę to prosto wytłumaczyć. Bawisz się durnymi emotikonami w poważnej rozmowie i nie umiesz niczego udowodnić. Wróć tutaj gdy zaradzisz tym dwóm problemom.
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może jak dorośniesz
Jeśli zapytasz się skąd wiem, że jesteś dzieciakiem to mogę to prosto wytłumaczyć. Bawisz się durnymi emotikonami w poważnej rozmowie i nie umiesz niczego udowodnić.
Zabrakło argumentów i już używasz osobistych ataków xD Arystoteles byłby dumny. O prawie będę pisać bo od 10 lat pracy zawodowej mam z prawem do czynienia na codzień. I widzę naprawdę RÓŻNE rzeczy xD
A od emotikonek się odpierdol xD Bedę pisać jak mi się podoba :)
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Nie będę się grzebał w orzecznictwie rzeby cokolwiek Ci udowadniać - zwyczajnie nie chce mi się :) Z resztą nie ma to najmniejszego sensu - Ty i tak wiesz swoje. Jeszcze tylko drobny szczegół. To, że sąd kogoś uniewinnił z w/w artykułów nie oznacza, że ten ktoś nie przeszedł gehenny przez ciągnący się latami proces.
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But he's not a little anime girl , he's '6'0 185 lbs muscular', so you need to find an even bigger one for him
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Don't worry , if i was 6 foot and muscular i would be putting that at the start of every post :P sadly i'm a couple inches off
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Heh, he's a psychopath from Dead Rising 3. He's depicting the sin of lust. I'm not sure about the flamethrower you're talking about. From the game, I presume?
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Jokes( or in this case, gifs) aside, do you really have to get opinions about concealed guns - which is frowned upon by almost the whole world, except US - on a site about games and giveaways? :\ I'm sure you could find specific forums, sites about guns and get proper answers without the flak.
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Well I still can't find the link to the Train in this topic...
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Aww that's the sweetest thing I've read today... "to protect those I love and cherish" so romantic ❤️ But, how will you protect your GF and your loved ones from your own stupidity though? 🤔
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But.. .but...
a wise man once told me to Dare to be stupid
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And what's wrong with being a Trump voter? Bunching all of them together into one giant hate-pile is the equivalent of being an ignorant hater etc. People have forgotten the circumstances leading up to the elections and all the claims (which turned out to be false afterwards conveniently). You cannot hate someone for following a logical course of action at the time which turned out to be wrong or bad just because you have your 20:20 hindsight "I told you so" glasses on right now. Hating on everyone who voted for Trump is dumb.
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And what's wrong with being a Trump voter?
Absolutely everything :)
Hating on everyone who voted for Trump is dumb
I'm so happy that you are so 'smart' .
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I totally understand how it seems, on a purely logical level, that there definitely must be something seriously wrong with all Trump voters - but really, reality isn't quite so accommodating as that. Assuming that all Trump voters must be idiots because that's an idea you find effortless to understand isn't really any different from assuming all immigrants are dangerous criminals.
I used to work with a couple of Americans who both supported Trump; one of them was a bit of a tool, the other was a really nice guy. Because, yanno, they're people. Some of them suck, and some of them don't. Making assumptions about huge groups of people based on one unifying factor is always a terrible idea.
Or to put it another way - why on earth would anyone care what objections you have to their prejudices if you're making it abundantly clear you're perfectly happy to keep hold of your own?
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Making assumptions about huge groups of people based on one unifying factor is always a terrible idea.
So much this. I wish more people felt as you do.
(I do think Silly was just being a smartass, though.)
You know, you don't seem like much of a Psycho or an ApeMan? ;)
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Yeah, the name is basically just a leftover from my teenage years :D
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Well I have very long arms, and instinctively pop my right arm out of joint when I'm stretching out, so I have an enormous reach - very ape-like. And Psycho firstly because I always thought it was just a cool word, and secondly because... Well, I was a bit of a psycho back then :D Still a little crazy to be honest, but I've got it under control now. More or less...
Actually, for a few months before acquiring this name I was "PsychoticMonkeyMan" which does have a nice ring to it, but was far too long for many sites :D
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I don't hate all Trump voters(mainly because 90% of the people I know preferred him to Hillary? Though I am not from the US so don't know any 'voters'), but it is simply untrue that it is the same as being a racist or homophobe. Racism and Homophobia are wrong because you are hating people for something:
-Which they have no control over
-Which will not affect your life negatively in any way
But Trump voters definitely have control over their actions, and it can easily be argued that those actions will affect your life negatively.
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That makes sense, but I meant more of the 'bunching any group of people and then hating them on the basis of a prejudice' being similar to it.
Even for Trump voters, I'm sure there has to be a few who panic-voted for Trump after the CIA announced an investigation into Hillary a day before (? I think) the election. So in a way there were external forces acting that forced them to behave in a certain way which they would not have acted in otherwise due to mass hysteria and effectively they weren't in control.
I don't think they deserve to be hated for 1 action they committed without knowing the whole background behind it. Maybe the comparison wasn't perfect but I think it fits to some degree \o/
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I guess in a way it does, and again I don't disagree with your point, but I just see people throw around the "this is the same as racism/sexism/homophobia" line around in many situations where it just doesn't apply, so just wanted to talk about that :)
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I carry a S&W Bodyguard the semi-auto (not the revolver version) everyday,small light and compact and very accurate for its size also includes a built in laser and is reasonably affordable,my wife carries a Ruger LC9 she loves it other then the occasional complaint about its weight in her pocketbook,i myself dont like it because the slides on all of them feel loose and sloppy to me but are still fairly accurate as well.
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I dont own a gun but i hold this magical rock everyday, so far ive never been attacked or even witnessed a crime...would you like to buy it? Its 100% effective
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I can understand why US have the highest number of school shootings.
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Don't listen to everyone's bullshit. Just because you want a gun to protect yourself from the things you stated, doesn't make you racist. The points people are trying to make just simply don't belong on here. They need to go join a debate team, because that's as far as their going with their opinionated mentality toward politics and the world as a whole.
Anyway, I have around 15 guns. My personal favorite is the Glock 22. Highly recommend.
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(or a magical notebook that gives people heart attacks)
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I would love to see these things allowed in my country. REALLY.
I really don't understand why people don't fight for that...
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why are u asking this in a forum where most of the people never had a gung in their hand which they didn't controll with the mouse?
sure there's a lot of experience here, all main shooters are covered...
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Last time this discussion happened
Why get a gun when you can tape a sausage to the inside leg of tight pants?
More serious note:
guns better suited for new users would be appreciated, I've been out to the range with a friend of mine about 4-5 times and he let me shoot a bunch of different guns
You're kind of going about this backwards (but that's expected since you're green). Ye, M&P Shield is commonly recommended, but what features do you care about? Aftermarket support? Price? Slim profile? Asking what other people recommend isn't going to help you because they're going to favor some models over others for reasons that may be completely contrary to your needs. How many guns do you want to carry?
IMO figure out your own needs, go to the range and try the guns that you think you'll like. Also figure out what holster and belt works for you + how well it will conceal BEFORE buying the gun. It's expensive, but this isn't the place to be cheap.
Also, of course take classes (beyond the government required class, it's a joke), read up on the laws, and think about lawyers.
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Nope, I don't own any (actually would be illegal for me to concealed carry), but I did a lot of research to come up with my views. Growing up I was very anti-gun, now I'm moderate. There's pros and cons and a lot of misconceptions on both sides. I am concerned about some of OP's views though.
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2,606 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Gilgamash
Hey all, was wondering what you think the best choice for concealed carry would be. I currently own a Beretta 92FS but it's just not comfortable for concealed carry for me personally. I am 6'0 185 lbs muscular.
I was thinking of the M&P Shield or LC9s, I've been hearing good things about it. I am still new to the world of firearms and self-defense, so guns better suited for new users would be appreciated, I've been out to the range with a friend of mine about 4-5 times and he let me shoot a bunch of different guns, since the rise of Black Lives Matter and the huge influx of illegal aliens and Islamic migrants into the US in recent years, just don't feel safe anymore, especially if I am out with my girlfriend and some of her gfs, I don't feel confident enough to protect everyone without a firearm, especially if there are armed / multiple assailants.
Please only responses from US citizens who own/carry, or armed forces/law enforcement (basically people who know what's up)* I know there is much fearful anti-gun sentiment out there today, just please respect my decision to not allow myself to be a helpless victim and to protect those I love and cherish. Thank you.
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