With this amount of salt I thought this was the CS:GO community. Oh no someone has a different opinion than me, better personally attack them! It's like watching grade school all over again. Asking a question about self defense in the light of undeniably increased violence around the world does not mean he is trying to start a political debate. And just because someone buys insurance doesn't mean that they are hoping to use it. They are getting it in the hopes that they WON'T need to use it. A conceal carry is absolutely no different.
And for those saying OP is racist and whatever, OP said it best in a comment:
"I said BLM, you assumed I meant blacks, since when was being black a requirement for supporting BLM or carrying out there crazy attacks? Illegals, you assumed I meant hispanic, illegals can come from anywhere. Islam is not a race, it is a religion."
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Dont post anything which goes against the mindset of the majority they'll bl you
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Fortunately it remains in the US that they are in fact NOT the majority: as we still have conceal carry.
That would be their choice, I only BL for blatant excessive personal attacks and excessive rule breakers, not opinions I disagree with. One of the reasons I've only BL 5 people in my year here, one of which called for the death of all Muslims... but I guess that doesn't matter v_v'
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i got bl 26 times because of a previous comment here, speechless
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Yeah I saw that comment, was absolutely nothing wrong with it. I guess some find the idea of showing respect to differing non-harmful opinions an offensive subject... Kinda ironic given what your comment said ^^'
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But you don't know if that was really the reason do you? The comments you've made were certainly the source of attention you got yet that doesn't mean that is exactly the reason why people blacklist you. For example, many people tend to blacklist users who don't make public giveaways yet they are frequently entering them. Also, if you will continue to constantly mention blacklisting (which is majority of your posts in this thread) people will blacklist you just for the fun of it, because they know you care about that stuff and they want to f*ck with you :)
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I'm sorry I fail to understand your points, if you're referring to my ratio being the reason for me to get blacklisted I don't really understand what's wrong with it?
My giveaways are equally distributed depending on different events I've been part of or groups I'm a part of. I live in India and our store doesn't have ROW gifts, I make giveaways for games which I believe are fun, and will be enjoyed, the recent giveaways I made, all of them are from the genre I like to play, were public, I fail to understand what's wrong here. I complain about the black listing because I find it hilarious how narrow a mindset people have here. The OP did touch sensitive issues but that doesn't mean we completely ignore the fact that the opinions posted are someone's personal opinions, judging people on how they perceive the world is like judging someone on how they decide to spend their money. The only problem I have is why would someone on such a small thing deem someone as a threat to society. He's paranoid about his safety, why is everyone cribbing about it. No one cared that the op is actually a concerned guy who loves his family and friends and not a maniac who plans to shoot people up, instead of crying out stuff like the op is what is wrong with America try rationalizing on his PoV provide a constructive argument to prove him wrong. Thanks.
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ah well that's true :) i could think of only two reasons so i clarified my stand on both of them . The real problem lies in the fact that on the net people perceive each other as 2D images and this miss out on a dimension ,who knows maybe their goodness lies in the one we missed :)
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True, but it's alright , little sunshine like the sg community (leaving out a minority of a few odd ones) makes it worth coming back online and interacting with people :)
no matter what the argument we can always learn a few things from it if we keep an open mind
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Don't worry ,people do things that don't make sense all the time.
i nearly got fired for being homophobic despite being a homo myself
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i was working in retail at the time (a few years ago), a group of girls + a gay guy were talking about going to the upcoming pride parade. they asked me as a joke if i wanted to go (ironically none of them knew i was gay because i don't really tell people in real), i said something along the lines of ' nah, i don't really like how dang queer it is'. things escalated , i got called into the managers office, she went on about how bigotry is unacceptable in this business, after a while i had to tell her i was gay to get out of it. she told me that she thoguht i was making it up to get out of it because i don't seem gay at all, i said 'what do you want me to do, prove it?'.
luckily it was left there with a verbal warning. :P
edit: to be fair to them i may have made also made a joke about some pride people dressing up as pink dildo's but come on, some of the things they wear are insane, and i didnt say anything maliciously :P
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Oh I totally agree, they're insane parades, but if I say anything about how inappropriate they are I'm labeled homophobic. I wouldn't want people dry humping each other in public in their underwear or worse regardless of genders. If straight people would do it people would scream bloody murder.
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i think being gay should make me immune to being homophobic :P, (even though i don't think i was being in this case).
everything is just too PC, to clarify i don't think a straight person should have been put in that situation either.
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Shockingly that might not be true, and this behaviour has been found to occur in most marginalised groups of people. I see it myself every day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The world is messed up.
But yeah I was just curious what you would have done in your manager's place and it seems it's more of a language/wording issue but I hope you take solace in the fact that she thought she was doing the right thing without assuming or being prejudiced by your sexuality.
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To add to your comment about other groups of people: self-hating jews
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i see where you are coming from , but i think there is a difference in self hating and recognising that a group that you suposedly belong to is not infallible.
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I try not to, but it becomes more difficult when people can't treat others with any level of decency... It really isn't that hard to be at least decent to even those you disagree with, and it makes them more likely to listen to you if they are rational. Absolutely baffles me that so many think that insulting others is an effective way of influencing and communicating with people.
That would be almost comical if it wasn't for how messed up that was. This world needs serious help, hope the situation didn't get any worse.
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A friend of mine actually did get fired for doing an Apu-from-simpsons-esque stereotypical Indian accent...
Only thing being, he is Indian. He was doing an impression of his uncle.
As much as the "PC-gone-mad" gets ridiculously blown out of proportion, it is occasionally genuinely ridiculous.
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Only that's not the mindset of the majority. It's the mindset of the loud minority.
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Well they're really really loud. but that's their way of putting up opinions , and all we can do is leave them to it considering discussions on the internet usually snowball into arguments.
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Well he might as well go and ask the same question on the CS:GO forums. Asking here instead of going to some forum about guns or doing some research on specialized websites was the first mistake. The second mistake was sharing the reason of why is he looking for weapon with best concealment. If he just asked about the weapon he's looking for and not mentioning religion, ethnicity and immigration this thread would have a totally different look. If he was "NOT trying to start political debate" as you said, he did certainly a bad job by mentioning those. It doesn't take much to know that these are touchy subjects especially these days. I'm not saying he shouldn't ask here or have an opinion but he shouldn't be surprised when the shitstorm comes. As well as anyone else. We're, after all, on the internet.
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1) The general age of those who use this site is much higher than that of people who play CS:GO, and because this is a non-specialized forum there is more likely a chance to find better answers from the general populous than a smaller sect which in their much more sided gun stance would give him more sound advice for something more than what he needs.
2) As I already said "And for anyone thinking that being cautious around ILLEGAL immigrants, current refugees from countries with heavy terrorist influence, and from groups which are known to be violent towards people like you is controversial and wrong... Do me a favor and do some research on how well an open border and anti-conceal carry laws is working out for Sweden." I agree that giving the reason was probably a bad overall move as people ARE extremely touchy, however the majority of comments aren't addressing that.
3) Black Lives 'Matter' isn't an ethnicity, it's a group which has violent tendencies of assaulting people. Illegal aliens and immigrants are NOT the same thing, one of these has a high crime rate through stealing and attacking people and the other doesn't. A better question is why are you grouping people with no respect for the law with those who do? And my original comment already addressed the situation with the 'migrants' in terms of what it has done to countries like Sweden, and I can assume you've looked it up as I suggested in order to better your argument. If someone is attacking me I couldn't give less of a shit what race or religion they are.
4) "I'm not saying he shouldn't ask here or have an opinion but he shouldn't be surprised when the shitstorm comes." follows the same logic and consistency as the argument "I'm not saying she shouldn't dress like that or choose what she wears, but she shouldn't be surprised when the consequences come." Just because someone does not stand perfectly in what a 'touchy' and vocal group thinks is right does not mean that they deserve or should be attacked. ESPECIALLY when said stance does not harm anyone.
5) You did nothing to counter my arguments in the first paragraph besides a word choice, which was the main topic on my comment. Come on man...
Also, you did say 'he shouldn't ask here,' it was your opening sentences, remember? "Well he might as well go and ask the same question on the CS:GO forums. Asking here instead of going to some forum about guns or doing some research on specialized websites was the first mistake."
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Is saving the environment a good thing? Sure. Were there eco-terrorists? Yes. That doesn't make the people who stand for saving the environment all criminals. Not all of them are terrorists.
When SC took down the confederate flag, there were people who peacefully protested it and then there were people who went out of there way to attack black people, and threaten them. I don't go all people who protested for the confederate flag are racist, even though you're already standing on murky ground. I certainly do not all think that all of them are violent because the actions of a few.
Illegal aliens, include Canadians, include Chinese people, include people who overstay their visa. They are not violent criminals and shouldn't be treated as such. Unless you're going to go down to Florida and wage war against the Canadian snowbird community then well go ahead. Go deport a bunch of old people. There are criminals, of every race, creed, and country. Saying that one group is more violent than others is patently false. Do some illegal aliens commit crimes? Yes. Are some criminals. Yes. Are the vast majority not criminals and are hardworking? Yes.
Also I want to point that the problem that sweden and any european country has when it comes to the migrant crisis is how they're going about it. You can't cordon off people into sections and stuff them all in the same area and hope and pray that they assimilate. It won't work, it's a failure on a grand scale. The practical thing to do is to seperate them and spread them throughout the country. The moment you start creating ghettos, or areas where the 'other' live all while keeping them poor and not giving them upward mobility on a socio-economic scale, you're going to get crime. You're going to get resentment, and in a generation you're going to have more "terrorism." It becomes an us vs them thing. Like none of this is complicated. So instead of painting with a broad brush you start being more nuanced in your answer. Just saying.
It's like we're losing that ability to be nuanced, and critical thinking. Nothing is black and white in this world and instead of thinking like that you start looking at the crime statistics and then looking at the median income for those families. What you're going to see is that most of these people are poor.
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What just happened?
1) Well, I really don't believe you have any data that would support that claim regarding age of those two user groups (feel free to share if you do, I wouldn't mind having look at that). But be that as it may, I was being sarcastic. So it really doesn't matter.
2) See? Why are you talking about illegal immigrants, refugees and terrorism if this is simply a thread about gun advice? You're making a political debate which just proves my point of OPs mistake of adding his personal opinions and beliefs into the topic which resulted in political debates all over the thread. Is it really that shocking?
3) Again, I really wasn't trying to discuss any of those topics as I was merely pointing out why this shitstorm happened.
4) B-but... I'm not... I really don't care about his or yours stance. And yes, this shouldn't be surprising. OP was talking about guns, saying that he's afraid of his safety because of minorities. OF COURSE people are start to argue about politics. That shouldn't be surprising. And that was my whole point.
5) I really wasn't trying to counter anything. This wasn't an argument. I didn't agree or disagree to anything you've wrote.
I'm also adding this (very funny) picture of a cat in hopes that it might help you realize that I'm not trying to argue with you, or attack you in any way. I was simply sharing my two cents on why this thread exploded as it did.
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Be robbed by gang members just for that nice gun.
There's a reason why it's called "concealed" carry
Don't report the stealing, because you fear a punishment for yourself.
What? I don't even...
Can't tell if troll...
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"Feeling safe" is introverted? Unfortunately there are enough who like to show off. And I'd expect from an experienced criminal to consider the scenario and watch out for it.
I've read reports about people losing weapons and not reporting it due to expected punishments. Even if they were stolen, you have to report it in time.
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I have the M&P Shield myself and it's a great gun but it's smaller than your Beretta so it will have more recoil, if that matters to you. I'd recommend going to a gun range that lets you rent guns or try some of your friends guns if they have them. You shouldn't have come here to ask for gun advice though, I wouldn't trust the advice these people would provide on ANYTHING and most of them are a-holes.
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go on. considering blacklist purpose, I think everyone else on steamgifts is safe.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0aHnFo5CI8 Probably this
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I assume you watched/know hickok45 on YouTube? Cool grandpa talking about guns. He has very good reviews of many handguns, M&P Shield is among them. In fact he has the .45 ACP version of it reviewed, as well as the regular. I think about a month ago he did review of the new M&P Shield 9mm. Might help you get your opinion on the gun itself.
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I don't really get why an average civilian living on a stable country would need a gun, if you get mugged just give them your wallet and anything else they ask for, it's not worth risking your life for the random crap you carry on your pockets.
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Maybe he has a lot of Pokemon cards to protect in those pockets!... I personally keep mine at home and only transport them when needed. Saves me from spending money on a gun. More Pokemon cards for me! I mean wait im big and muscular, I dont play Pokemon.
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Some people are paranoid.
Seriously, though, some people firmly believe that a gun will protect them. I remember the old quote "we don't have locks, we have shotguns"
If they've had police or military experience I can't disagree, and if you live on a farm three hours from civilization, I get it even if I disagree
For the other 90% who believe this shit, I chalk it up to penis envy
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Yeah, there's always those that don't stop to think that a gun by itself can't protect in most cases, if you had proper training (police, military, security, etc) then sure, but for the average civilian is a bigger risk than not having one. Many criminals aren't in a very lucid state when they go out to mug people, and if they see your gun they're gonna fill you bullets before you get the chance to react. Why bother, just give them what they want and keep your life safe.
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I am former military and own weapons for both hunting and personal protection. Of course my main residence is out in the country as it were and police response times in the area are well over 10 minutes. I don't believe I will ever need to use my weapons for personal protection, but as the old saying goes - I would rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it - that is also why I pack extra socks and underwear in my suitcase when I travel ;).
I believe that everyone wanting to own a gun should be properly trained in its safe use. Most people buy a gun and never learn about gun safety or learn how to fire it properly which is insane to me. No one should be purchasing firearms with the intent to harm other people - they should be used as a last resort in a life or death situation or not at all (unless you are using a single bolt action rifle for hunting).
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yeah, we're pretty much on the same page.
I'll just add to that that there's training on how to fire a gun, and training on using a gun under stressful conditions. Most people don't think of the latter. of course, just about anyone in the military has had that
thank you for your service
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I don't know that a private citizen would need training on use in stressful conditions though. I don't have any factual statistics but I the private citizen pulling out their gun in such a condition has got to be 1 in 5,000,000 easily. Most gun owners will never use their gun, won't ever fire it for hunting, or at a range for fun or learning how to properly handle it - in fact I would probably suggest that most gun owners who purchase for 'home protection' against that 'random burglar' would be better off with blanks... since the sound alone discourages robbery as now the police are definitely on their way after a gun fire report.
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I won't get into your business. Gun ownership is a huge right for Americans - foreigners don't truly understand it. I assume you are doing this legally and will have a concealed carry permit or non applicable state laws.
That said, as a former member of the US Military who has a family and frequent visits from younger children (nephews, friends of my son, etc) I own an XDS-9. Being trained on how to properly use a firearm means that the trigger safety and grip safety do not ever get in my way during use. People who make the 'but I hate grip safety' arguments are realistically not properly trained on how to use a firearm to begin with.
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As a former US Military veteran, were you informed/educated on why you are being taught how to handle a firearm both physically and psychologically and the importance of why you are being taught how to handle a gun/safety? How many gun-related accidental injuries have you heard of compared to active-duty injuries? Lastly, would you say the OP sounds like someone who is going to be a responsible gun-owner of sound mind or someone not fulfilling those tenets and instead someone seeing phantom 'assailants' in heavily populated areas and therefore being a major risk to people around him, including himself? In your opinion of course.
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Based on the posting of his reasons for gun ownership, he does not sound like someone who would be a responsible owner - maybe due to the detailed reasons on his need for safety which were vaguely racist with implied xenophobic tones. That said, his gun ownership is not within my capacity to curtail and as such I would go out of my way to recommend one of (if not the) safest guns available on the market today (in terms of accidental firings). That recommendation, if followed, would make his overall community more safe than say his purchase of a glock... of course not as safe as a non purchase.... but people seeking recommendations for brand/type are obviously in the market to buy and not consider ownership.
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Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry to single you out, but I thought you were being helpful even though we share completely differing opinions on gun ownership (and hunting 😿) and wanted an opinion from someone sane on the other side of the fence so to speak.
Most people here are just projecting their own concerns and validating their own life choices through the OP but to me it looks like a troubled person who is a safety hazard to people around him. Maybe even needing professional counselling to ensure they don't take any drastic action. I think it's too easy for unqualified and irresponsible people to own guns especially in the US. Just because you have the legal right to own guns doesn't mean that you should or are qualified to do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But, wait that's me starting up about my opinions again so I shall shush now 😶
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I understand your concerns and as a gun owner myself firmly believe that the regulations behind ownership need to be restricted legislatively. Passing a criminal background check and having a waiting period for new owners just is not sufficient. Of course the problem, which is not exclusive to gun ownership, is the strangling of rights through legislation which often times either goes too far or not far enough.
I am ok with semi-automatic and assault rifle ownership in general (having used them extensively in the military but not owning one personally) but common sense gun reform needs to start with a FEDERAL (and not individual state) gun safety course for all gun owners / purchasers, and maybe even an unbiased psychological exam (of course unbiased may be an implicit impossibility). When people are required to take a drivers test in order to obtain a license to drive - they should also have to take and pass a test to obtain a firearm. And I say that as someone who generally ends up on the republican side of things - though am a libertarian.
I personally know many gun owners who realistically have no business owning a gun and their common safety dismissal can make firing at a public range extremely dangerous. Especially (and I don't mean to suggest that women in general are poor gun owners because that is not the case) when these guys bring out their wives and/or girlfriends to shoot a few rounds for a laugh and then you have guns pointing at people with no muzzle awareness. It really makes my blood boil. I didn't fight in Iraq and Afghanistan to be accidentally shot and killed at a gun range in the states.
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the OP but to me it looks like a troubled person who is a safety hazard to people around him. Maybe even needing professional counselling to ensure they don't take any drastic action.
That's honestly one of the things that I think should be a requirement to own a gun:Make the person get psychoanalyzed. Sure, it won't be perfect, but just maybe it will prevent some horrible murders in the future.Along with that, anyone with a history of alcohol abuse should be banned from owning any sort of firearm,imho.
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Oh 'murrica~
Remembered some old statistical articles about European countries where only few people per year are shot by police vs USA, where numbers are: few hundreds killed by police per year (400~1000 according to different sources).
For instance in Finland in 2013 police made only 6 shots. Well, this statistics does not include number of how many people policemen and policewomen killed with axes (It is common to save bullets).
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+1. Finnish Axe Cop sounds totally bad-ass. Someone make this into a movie. Preferably with multiple sequels optioned!
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Seriously why is a thread like this still open?
We are a community with all kind of ethnic groups from different countries and with different beliefs.
A sentence like this "since the rise of Black Lives Matter and the huge influx of illegal aliens and Islamic migrants into the US in recent years" shouldn't be tolerated and if i am not mistaken it's also violating the TOS.
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I don't know. I don't like censoring people that I disagree with. It's a "First they came for the x and I did not speak up" situation. So far I seem to have mostly pc opinions, so mostly it's people I disagree with getting censored. But I would absolutely hate for people to shut me up without arguments simply because my opinion was in the minority. I'm usually really against banning/closing these kind of discussions... With one exception. If the creator is not looking to have an actual discussion, but is rather looking to troll and annoy people. I cannot know what the op is. They've certainly worded their opening post in a very provocative way, though. This all could have been said in such a more friendly manner, instead of going a way that just reminds me of Columbia propaganda posters in Bioshock: Infinite =)
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He's just stating his (unpopular) opinion that they make him feel unsafe. He's not making an attack on any group, so the thread should remain open. Controversial topics, as long as they are civil, can be good learning opportunities for both sides.
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+1. Lots of good comments from gun owners that also stress the importance of safety. Plus, as you'll see above, we learn interesting facts like Finnish cops used to use axes to save on bullets.
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I can't help but find this post humorous for some reason.
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I really don't like the idea of Black Lists Matter... to me, the whole concept just seems full of anger and hate from another direction. Why can't ALL Lists Matter?
//end smartassery
That said, I can understand OP's concern from the perspective of "Angry people have been gathering in large groups". Since I currently live in The South, am very pro-gun, and OP used the magic words "to protect", here is my advice:
//EDIT: Speaking of lists... after that firearm info dump, I'm probably on one lol
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Well, no one is marginalizing and attacking white lists. When you add someone to your whitelist, it is a "happy occasion" and you get thanks and the community loves you for it. You will never be publicly called out for whitelisting someone and no one will pressure you to remove anyone from your whitelist. Therefore, White Lists already obviously matter, and All Lists Will Matter when Black Lists Matter. :)
Disclaimer: The analogy is actually horrible in many ways so you should not take this post as an actual argument for or against BLM, I just liked the joke and ran with it
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PC game though I think it's system could be applicable for tabletop easy, just the crafting, materialfinding aspect would be hard to implement, and I don't know if the stamina loss / round of fight how would work :)
Anyways, game has a tech / magic aptitude slider, that generally helps you do *that* and hinders the other. High tech makes magical enchantments be less potent on your items as you can not tune to them, both friendly and foe magic will bounce off from you (this won't stop your magical healer to pour everything into tryint to heal you xD) and at high magic slider you can't use the train normally (There's dialogue why you can only go to the last cart) and after that you can not use it at all. Blacksmith will chase you away because you aura makes tech go haywire. Tech weapons backfire in your hand, and I think it help some against enemy bullets as they also tend to avoid you :D
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Blades? Personally, I always thought the Razor Razor SwordBelt looked pretty badas but never got one... because sword/knife laws are dumb.
//Edit: Unless you meant a Buffy... then yeah.
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Okay, even I have to admit, that was pretty damn cool how he pulled it out so fast :D
And do you mean there are prohibitive knife/sword laws? I know nothing about the subject but even as someone that's in favor of gun control I think that would be dumb, it's so ridiculously hard to go on a rampage with those, pretty much anyone who attempts that in Europe is shot dead before he can kill anyone, but it would be useful for personal defence, I think.
And hah, no not exactly, I was referring to Faith's knife. My favorite weapon from the series. Almost spent 400$ to get a replica(for display, not use, obviously) but then, still being a student I don't think that's a particularly financially sound decision :p
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I'm far from a legal expert.. I do think I recall there being some prohibitive knife/sword laws (local ordinances if nothing else)... and honestly, I would half-expect that the cops would give me a stern talking to...if not take me for a ride were I to walk downtown carrying a broadsword on my back.
But what I actually meant was that when I was reading up/considering getting a belt sword, some folks had mentioned that (in the event you ever had to legitimately use a weapon to defend yourself), U.S. laws can make the aftermath of a 'self defense knifing' more difficult to defend against than a 'self defense shooting'. Not sure if it's actually true or not, but IIRC the argument was something about knife/sword wounds/lacerations would indicate intent beyond self defense or something like that. The U.S... I like it here but our laws can be kinda fucking retarded sometimes.
//Edit whoops... doubled posted somehow.
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There's only two real options unless you're an idiot:*
Starfleet Tactical Type Two Phaser
Blastech DL-44 Blaster Pistol aka "The Han Solo gun"
*I don't know that it needs to be said but these are fictional weapons because I object to the idea that more guns on the street is a good thing.
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Well OP mentioned firearms specifically ;)
I can remember when, during my freshman year of college, my roommate got one of the very first lightsaber replicas that was for display and dueling. It cost him something like $250 (back in '01) and was Luke/Anakin Skywalker's blue-bladed one. Had the sturdy design, sound, light of course, the whole bit. I remember when our Star Wars Fan Club chapter (we were president and vice president respectively, haha) all went to see Attack of the groans Clones he drew quite the crowd dressed as young Obi-Wan Kenobi with the 'saber of course in full effect. Good times.MTFBWY
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Hey all, was wondering what you think the best choice for concealed carry would be. I currently own a Beretta 92FS but it's just not comfortable for concealed carry for me personally. I am 6'0 185 lbs muscular.
I was thinking of the M&P Shield or LC9s, I've been hearing good things about it. I am still new to the world of firearms and self-defense, so guns better suited for new users would be appreciated, I've been out to the range with a friend of mine about 4-5 times and he let me shoot a bunch of different guns, since the rise of Black Lives Matter and the huge influx of illegal aliens and Islamic migrants into the US in recent years, just don't feel safe anymore, especially if I am out with my girlfriend and some of her gfs, I don't feel confident enough to protect everyone without a firearm, especially if there are armed / multiple assailants.
Please only responses from US citizens who own/carry, or armed forces/law enforcement (basically people who know what's up)* I know there is much fearful anti-gun sentiment out there today, just please respect my decision to not allow myself to be a helpless victim and to protect those I love and cherish. Thank you.
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