Hi, I was watching The flash(TV show) and there are some cool time-travel scenes, It had some epic season finale that kept me in shock.
well in the finale he travels back in time and stops his mother from dying, that thing bugged me for the last couple of days.
because I am kind of wondering if it's possible. Do you think it's possible?

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8 years ago

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How would I know?!


8 years ago

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Haha yeah :3

8 years ago

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You mean House of F. :)

8 years ago

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I've seen that I'd agreed with a person saying " forward? yes backwards? no" in that thread. I just want to point out that I don't thiink the forward one is time travel anymore, it's just relativity.

8 years ago

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I time travel forward all the time. It comes naturally to me. I just sit around and do nothing, and the next thing I know, it's later than it was before.

8 years ago

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this! ^^ Forward is always possible

8 years ago

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I am kind of hoping it is possible, I want to see someone from the future to tell us how humanity has developed until the time he came from.
but I might be nerdying over here :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think exactly the opposite. If a government gains control over a time machine, I'm 99% sure that they would use it to gain power.

8 years ago

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Most likely. I think it's for the best if it never gets invented. With the hunger for power that people have, it can only lead to bad things...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Even if our current understanding of physics is flawed enough to allow for time travel, it is very unlikey to allow for the transport of molecules without tearing them apart in the process.

8 years ago

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Maybe. But what about data? Imagine being able to receive data from the future.

8 years ago

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Possibly, but the same forces that would destroy matter would also be likely to make the signal undecipherable. It may be possible to build a receiver and transmitter to overcome this but you would then be limited to sending data back to a point in time after the invention of time travel.

8 years ago

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Better not tell you now

Thanks a lot magic eight ball, useless yet again :p

8 years ago

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Reposting what I posted in the above linked topic.

Interesting topic, a few of my own opinions with a few additional "theories" added.

Do I believe time travel is possible? No.
Will it ever be possible? No.

Why do I think this? Simply put, where are they? If time travel exists, why is there no credited provable account of it ever happening. We have around 2,500+ years of recorded history and possible millions of future years to come, in that entire time not one person has been able to travel to any point in the past. In my opinion this leads to one conclusion, time travel never gets invented in the entire history of the human race.

However, a few theories have been posited that can refute my belief, I'd be remiss to not mention them. One being that time travel is only possible to and from the point in which it gets invented. So for example, if time travel gets invented tomorrow, forever people will be able to travel freely from that point onwards however never before. So if it does get invented tomorrow, no one will ever be able to visit "today" as the means of a point to travel to never existed.

Then there is the ever present "Grandfather Paradox", time travel can not exist due to the paradoxical nature of effecting points in time. If you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather, he could never have your father, who would never have you, meaning you could never go back in time to kill your grandfather. Arguments against this state that no matter what you did, time would prevent you from killing him. Say you went back to kill him, you held a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, the gun would jam. Say you poisoned him, he would accidentally be sick and throw up the poison and so on.

Additional to that is the alternate dimension/string theory hypothesis. Where time travel does exist but every time you "leap" as it where to another time frame you cross into an alternate dimension. So say you went back in time and killed your Grandfather, you would kill your Grandfather, meaning your father never got born, meaning that THIS dimensions version of you was never born, however your version of you from an alternate timeline would still exist as your Grandfather was never killed by a visiting time traveller.

The tenth level of String Theory is an infinite number or infinite possibilities in an infinite number of worlds in an infinite number of universes. So if you are a subscriber to string theory I suppose in some ways time travel HAS to exist in some way shape or form, just like there is a universe called Rand McNally where people where shoes on their head and Hamburgers eat people.

TL;DR: I'm a nerd and made an obscure Simpsons reference during a discussion about time travel.

8 years ago

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About the third theory, if you leap into a different dimension would it you'll be alive? I mean you belong to the previous dimension and you lea[ into a new dimension would it mean you'll be alive and stuck in that dimension?

8 years ago

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Nothing unusual would happen to you as you haven't changed anything about you in your current dimension. In this theory paradoxes can not happen as you are constantly on a timeline different to your own without paradox.

8 years ago

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I'm not sure if the many-worlds theory is what he's talking about, but according to many-worlds, you're not 'leaping' into another dimension, but rather it's an interpretation based in quantum mechanics, where there is no definite state of being. In quantum mechanics everything can be described as waves as well as particles. We don't really know where particles are, just that they're somewhere within this wave. By measuring something like an electron, we're collapsing that wave into a point that we can see. However, that point is just one of the many possible places where it could have been, so why is it that it appeared at that location instead of any other ones? Many-worlds theory attempts to answer this by saying that it in fact, does, but in another universe. Extrapolating from this and the fact that all particles are subject to the laws of quantum mechanics, we can say that every minute change in the universe will result in the universe branching off into another possible outcome.

You're not 'leaping' into another world, you're simply caught in the current of time, and whichever branch of reality you end up in is the one you're aware of, and there could be billions of you in billions of other universes all experiencing different things. Unfortunately you're stuck in this one, where you have to endure the nonsense that goes on in this forum.

8 years ago

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If time travel exists, why is there no credited provable account of it ever happening

Because it wasnt invented not even in the future...but that doesnt mean its impossible...
To think our civilization will last millions of years seems very unlikely given the track record of earths history...but thats just my opinion
interesting read though

8 years ago

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Just my opinion, not scientifically proveable in the slightest.

If you follow string theory then yes, its undeniably possible, however as a scientist I'd be remiss if I concluded something exists without any evidence! :)

8 years ago

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I once read a nice thesis that time travels might possible, but only into the future (not just from the point of invention, it would always remain a one way ticket). That would answer your "Why didn't anyone visit us yet?" issue. ;)

8 years ago

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I've read similar theories, time travel is an extensive subject and something I'm interested in. I can't really speculate too much as I'm not someone with enough authority other than being self taught to make assumptions. However I can't shake the lack of evidence discrediting any time travel theories.

8 years ago

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Yes time travel into the future is definitely, 100% possible, but yes so far traveling backwards has not been proven to be an option (unless we can somehow break the light-speed barrier, since anything that travels faster than the speed of light will go back in time, look up tachyons, a theoretical particle that does just that).

There are 2 ways to go forward in time:

  1. increase your speed - if you hop on a super-fast spacecraft and circle the solar system and back again, the time on Earth will have moved faster relative to you. Maybe a month have passed on Earth when only 1 day has passed for you! (I did not do the math, so probably an exaggeration).

  2. Find a source of immense gravity - gravity can distort spacetime. For example, the closer you go to a black hole, the faster the rest of the world will seem to look relative to you, and relative to the rest of the world, your movements will slow down to a crawl.

It's not likely we'll be able to take advantage of these 2 options any time soon though.

8 years ago

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increase your speed - if you hop on a super-fast spacecraft and circle the solar system and back again, the time on Earth will have moved faster relative to you. Maybe a month have passed on Earth when only 1 day has passed for you! (I did not do the math, so probably an exaggeration).

They did that on Star Trek TOS a few times.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Very well explained.

Unless the string theory is possible, I don't think time travelling is a thing.

If time travelling was real, that means our future is already written, if I was like "if time travel exists, come to this exact date and time" and me from the future really came, it shows that my future version was already living.

8 years ago

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I don't believe in faith, I believe in choices.

8 years ago

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So do I, but he has a point. If your future self can come to you, it means you must have survived. You won't know what all happened, but you know you survived. And if you were not to survive, your future self wouldn't have been able to come to you.

8 years ago

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Thank you! I enjoy the subject but I'm not very well up on it, it can be a very confusing subject!

8 years ago

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It's quite a tricky subject really. If we're going by the many-worlds theory then time travel may not mean the future is set - the branching of possible outcomes might mean you could still end up in a future that is different.

I've also thought about what would happen if we built a machine that can take into account every single particle in the universe as well as calculate their interactions with each other. Would such a machine be able to calculate future events? On the one hand, there seems to be a very probabilistic nature to quantum mechanics - that is to say, when it comes down to small particles that make up the world, everything seems to be random with no set patterns, and with particles coming in and out of existence at will. This would seem that it may not be possible to calculate future events... however, what if these 'random' events are simply a result of us not understanding the rules? Maybe such a machine would be possible if we knew more about quantum mechanics? What would that imply for us though, knowing that everything is pre-determined?

8 years ago

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There was a time traveler once, John Titor!



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8 years ago*

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The thing about theories is that none of them are provable, hence why they're called theories. I also question whether or not we'd even be aware whether or not someone has traveled back in time, since any changes made to the timeline wouldn't appear as changes to us, since they already happened and are part of our past.

The fact that we cannot even really conceive of the "4th dimension" (ostensibly time itself) means that we're still light years(pardon the expression) away from being able to understand time travel.

8 years ago

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I'll let you know when I travel back in time from the future-- or have I already done that? It's all so confusing now....

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No, it's not possible. Even though I believe that black holes are able to "teleport" you in different dimensions, so maybe even in the past, still nobody would be able to survive the trip. ;P Time travel isn't possible and maybe that's actually a good thing. :/

8 years ago

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Why do you think it's a good thing that time travel isn't possible? I think time travel can give some good things for example: travel to the future and find out how to cure cancer.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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But you would already have gotten it in the past? From the past future, right?

8 years ago

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Well, it's not a good thing, like back to the future showed, you would take the results of the games next year, bet on it, make huge ammounts of money, and that could be bad in some people's hand, I'd love to do it, but not every1 would be responsible lol.

Plus if you would go back with the tecnology we have today, you could cure millions of people, but people die for a reason, disasters are bad but the earth is overpopulated, we cannot save everyone, if we did, sooner or later would be a disaster.

8 years ago

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If someone close to you died, and you had the chance to travel back in time and change the events causing her/his death. wouldn't you do that?

8 years ago

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If every1 had that chance the world would be a chaos cuz no1 would die.

8 years ago

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But people would abuse that power and kill anyone that they would want. ;P

8 years ago

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I got your point :P

8 years ago

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It would be bad if anyone could use it. Some people would use it to gain power, while others might just want to study history with it. The only time it wouldn't be bad, is if you were not able to interact with anything and the people couldn't see you (so kind of like being a ghost or something).

8 years ago

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I guess the way I see it is whatever device you need to time travel you would need at both ends.

Hence you could only travel back in time to a time where the machine or device already existed (if that sorta makes sense)

8 years ago

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You can always travel forward in time, but not back as I see it. (yeah I double posted, watcha gonna do about it?)

8 years ago

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Don't really know :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it is, if you go faster than the speed of light @ 299792458 m/s

8 years ago

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I'm playing Life is Strange, so yes.

8 years ago

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I am on episode 3. It's fantastic apart from a few emo scenes.

8 years ago

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I finished episode 1 earlier. I'm struggling to remain interested, honestly. I'll wait for episode 2 before I draw any conclusions.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Obligatory long "waitbutwhy" post about cryonics that I read a few days ago and that made me much more interested in the concept than I was before: http://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html

(waitbutwhy is a blog by a guy who chooses a topic, then reads A LOAD of books about the subject, searches the internet, and then posts his opinion and explanation about the concept)

EDIT: Also, the post explains the difference between cryonics and cryogenics, and why the second term can't be used in this context.

8 years ago

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It actually is possible! But it works in very specific conditions: you can only travel to the future with constant speed of 60 seconds per minute.

8 years ago

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Um, I'm pretty sure it's 3,600 seconds per hour, actually.
Don't hate me, I'm trying to make a funny.

8 years ago

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Paradoxes! Paradoxes everywhere!

8 years ago

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Umm, duh, I'm traveling through time as I'm typing this. (Second by second, lol)
But I don't think you can make it to the past/future, since it would be the present once you got there...

8 years ago

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That's deep... But you're right :p

8 years ago

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Even if it's possible, is it worth the risk of causing who knows what consecuence in the future?
I mean, is funny to theorize about time travel but actually doing it is most likelly impossible, at least on a safe (not universe shattering) way.

8 years ago

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In one movie it just creates a separate branch of the timeline, and the one you leave continues on. (Or something like that)

8 years ago*

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Kinda pointless then :P

8 years ago

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Yeah, especially if you consider the multiple universe theory (Or whatever that one is called), since whatever you would change would happen anyways, lol.

8 years ago

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Not really. It would be pretty cool if you could go to a specific time and place to study important events in history. I would love to be able to go back in time (even if nothing changes at all) and witness some of the great moments of history.

8 years ago

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Sure, I have a TARDIS

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yeah, no one has any proof that time is linear, right?

8 years ago

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Yes, right now I'm in a certain time, few minutes later, I'm on another time. I can access the times passed with memory, I can't edit them because I don't have the permission.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Maybe we...I-I mean they just don't announce themselves. Maybe they have certain laws they must abide by. Not just the 'if you tell anybody you'll be punished' sort of laws but more of a 'if you change anything your existence could be erased, so be careful' sort of laws.

Maybe the timelines where they make themselves known get erased as soon as they do, due to natural laws of time that we simply aren't aware of yet in our current timeline.

Just sayin'...possibilities.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sorry for shaking that confidence, my friend. Here are some apology cookies.

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8 years ago

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Yeah, or maybe they have found a way to only send your conscience, but not your body, so you can't interact with anything and only witness stuff that happened.

8 years ago

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This is also an interesting possibility. Maybe we're all being watched by unseen time travelers as we speak, and simply have no way of knowing.

Although to be fair, some might call that 'time viewing' rather than time travel.

Perhaps Bran Stark can tell us more. ;-P

8 years ago

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Let them invent an animus (Assassin's Creed) kind of machine and I'm happy (as long as you can witness whatever you want as whoever you want).

8 years ago

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I saw an image from steam, and there was "Last played - yesterday" on a game xD so I guess, yeah, maybe.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No .

8 years ago

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