Hi, I was watching The flash(TV show) and there are some cool time-travel scenes, It had some epic season finale that kept me in shock.
well in the finale he travels back in time and stops his mother from dying, that thing bugged me for the last couple of days.
because I am kind of wondering if it's possible. Do you think it's possible?

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8 years ago

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How would I know?!

Yes, there is a point in time where the universe is fucked & people go back to the stone age to civilize the earth. It always happens again & again, like a giant loop.

8 years ago

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I'll aslo c&p what I wrote last thread.
I think that it is, and ufo and aliens are just evolved future humans coming back in time to observe modern day us (And cows for some reason.)

8 years ago

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Perhaps cows are extinct in the future, but the craving for beef isn't.

8 years ago

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I love when such random topics come up in the most unrelated places.

Im most sure time travel isn't possible - because it assumes a linear 'state' of time that like a river could be swimmed either direction.

At least how i understand the subject nothing could be more wrong about time.

I fully believe (belief, im no specialist) theres still much misconception about time - or at least muddy confusion if not a semantic problem between practical time - how we perceive and remenber sequences of events - and what 'time', if we should even use that word actually is. I know its a problem that dates back to natural philosophy if not earlier but still unsolved - what science have on the subject are theories, some sound ones but nothing fully concrete.

Im far from a specialist but i know of the theories and its why's (including the hipothetical time-travel ones) - but to me those miss a important point about perspective: time-travel is hipothetically possible in our MATHEMATICAL MODELS - and only then.

I mean - They don't reflect reality as is; If they suceed in simulating and predicting a number of aplications doesn't mean that they apply to everything. The best example of this is how quantum mechanics is a field on its own since everyday physics don't work on that level.

And problem is that in the models things such as going above the speed of light would allow someone to reach the destination before it even left - but this only happens in the mathemathics of the model see? In the model such a speed would do that,but such model was created in our below light speed world to simulate said perceived world... its a huge leap in deduction assuming the model is so correct as to apply to such cases.

Point is (my view): time isn't a 'thing', it doesn't work like space.
Its a property of matter (how it changes in sequence) and space.

Better to try to see it as the 'speed' of the flow of things, the speed of time flow (to avoid misconceptions with our psychological view of time).
The relation between space and time affects said flow - but from everything perceived to this day slowing it more and more only makes something stoping from moving, its only on a sheet of paper it becomes negative numbers.

Its hard to trully put into perspective because we live immersed in a 'linear time' - our time, the concept we created of it.
Its simple:
PAST = memory. Theres no such a thing as past or future in the current of science, both are high abstract concepts of our tought: past the memory of how things were, future our rational understanding that things will change, and time the name we gave to both the correlational sequence of those concepts and the speed in wich things change.

In short, theres only now.
So no killing hitler or having a second chance to invest in google in its first years im afraid.

But sincerely thats for the best- i mean seriously, the world is too fucked up as is, no one wants to add even more fucked up paradoxes on top of that. The headlines would become even creepier - 'Man from florida bangs his mother and births his father. In other news ...'

8 years ago

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I'm reading this thread next year, but to everyone here it's now.

8 years ago

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Sure you can time travel ... to the future. (ie. If you travel fast enough, closer to the speed of light, faster the time will pass (1 year to you => 30 years on Earth for exemple, if you're faster than that 1 year = 40 years etc).
But you can't go back in time, thats much more complicated.

8 years ago

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I travel to the future every night. At some point i open my eyes the next day - once i travelled almost 2 days into the future

8 years ago

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Time that we know it is a construct that we as humans created, so no. Time as the universe stands is not the same. However still, there is no way to "time travel" no. Perhaps we could find a way to enter these alternate parallel dimensions but I doubt that would be possible either.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Time dilation is an interesting thing. Forwards is certainly possible, but backwards is not. And thank goodness, history does not need to be rewritten literally by whoever fancies.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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If it's possible, will someone please find my version from four years back and beat the crap out of it. Thanks.

8 years ago

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Well. we are time travelling right now from the present to the future :P The tricky one is to time travel into the past

8 years ago*

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yeah and its all timy wimy.

8 years ago

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Nope. For the same reasons that god entities do not exist. To my (albeit limited) knowledge, we have never observed phenomenon that reliably suggests time manipulation as being possible. Until there is compelling evidence (or a sustainable hypothesis), the past exists only as a record, and the future only exists as a projection. Time manipulation would either require an entity to be dislocated from it's current state and inserted into another (which would require the future or the past to continue to exist as anything but a shadow of the present), or it would require that the entire of existence be re-written around the traveller.

We have memories and the results of the past, but the past does not exist once it has moved from the present.
We have projections, predictions and plans, but the future does not exist. There is only the present, and it's perpetual metamorphosis.
Time travel exists only insomuch that we cannot halt our movement through time.

It's better this way. Humanity can barely handle the responsibility of being given the votekick feature, much less allow any individual or group the ability to manipulate a founding principal of our physical reality. ;P

However, the ability to warp a persons perception of time is very real. Either through excesses of velocity (and therefore distortions in senses, recording instruments and potentially even radiation decay), or through biological loopholes such as selective focus or chemical tampering. Now THAT'S a science worth looking into. The day someone finds a harmless pharmaceutical remedy for time dragging while at work, is the day we get the world's next most-rich celebrity. ;D

8 years ago*

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No its not possible. I told myself to travel back to this point in time and smack myself in the head.... But this old guy just showed up, dressed strangely and smacked me in the back of the head....

So no its not possible!

8 years ago

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I was gonna say "of course it's possible, have you not seen The Flash?"
But... I guess... you have :l

8 years ago

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The astrophysical answer:

Fast-forwarding / slow-motion is possible, rewinding is not. Re: Einstein's theory of special relativity, specifically time dilation.

The metaphysical answer:

Time machines already exist, we all have one, and we use it hundreds of times daily. We think, therefore we time travel. It's actually rather amazing how you can go back to your past and change your present simply by re-framing it from a different perspective.

Also, here's a neat little animated short film that relates to the topic quite nicely I think:

8 years ago*

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Also, you live in the past.

Because of how you see, hear, feel things that happened before because of the time it takes for the input to reach your eyes/ears/whatever, then for the electrical current to reach the brain and THEN for the brain to actually interpret it

8 years ago

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Of course it's possible. I'm traveling forward in time right now.

8 years ago

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One is always travelling through time, at a constant pace (for the most part) :P

8 years ago

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I use this car to travel

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8 years ago

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Traveling back in time? probably not. Forward, we always go forward at the time we are going, and as you approach light speed time dilation occurs and your personal time slows down while every one else's remains the same, creating an effect of forward time travel. The closer to the speed of light you're going, the faster forward in time you travel.

8 years ago

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Traveling to future - yes and it's pretty easy. We have people who already did that. Traveling back? Not so much , mainly because of entropy. Among other reasons.

8 years ago

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Stephen Hawking says no,


Read the article, his method for determining his opinion is great.

8 years ago

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Yeah, his experiment was awesome. But this was only for going back in time. Going forward is very possible. Every time you step on a plane you essentially travel forward in time a very small amount.

8 years ago

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Where's Doraemon when you need him? :(

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8 years ago

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Maybe we should ask Jean Reno?

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8 years ago

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I just time traveled, so I know it's possible.

I left China Monday at 9pm and arrived in America on the same Monday at 7pm.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We travel into the future all the time, one second at a time

8 years ago

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