I had that problem once too, but is there really any damage if there is a "not received" for a few hours or days?
Edit: I think it should be fixed, but also should have a rather low priority.
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I'm the first to admit it's low priority. But if there is a list I would at least like it on the bottom.
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I had always assumed that this was the case. Is it not? In the long run however, a temporary mark of "not received" shouldn't really hurt you in any way, as long as they mark it when they do get the game, however rude it may be to do so aside.
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No, it seems that the button activates a week after the giveaway ended, not after a winner was chosen. Normally, it is not an issue, unless the new winner checks once and never again. Then you can start hunting winners down, which is a tedious business.
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Very true, for me it never took longer than two days for anyone to respond. I'd say situations like this right here are in the minority anyway and probably only occurred because of the holidays.
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I'd assumed that was the case also - because logic. But you live and you learn. In most cases it should be a non-issue, and it should certainly be low priority. But like I said; this is steamgifts.
The kind of people here that aren't going to care about the minor detail that they suddenly have a win from a week old giveaway probably also aren't going to be paying attention when a key is added. They'll think they already tried it and it didn't work which is why they marked it not received or some such.
And low level winners can sometimes be very hard to get in touch with if they need prompting. They may well not have any old public giveaways to post in, they may well refuse friend requests on Steam, or they just might not speak English.
In this case I'm basically just tetchy anyway and took it as being a bit rude. But it's the kind of thing that could easily turn into an issue, and it seems like an avoidable one. There are good reasons for the procedures regarding marking wins 'not received' - if possible I think the same should also apply to rerolled wins.
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Yeah, I stay away from public giveaways lower than level 4, for the most part. You're going to get those sorts of accounts all too often at the lower levels for public gibs. After all, autojoining multi-accounters can't be bothered to put in effort to followthrough on "just another win", y'know?
What's really irksome is when they've got over a dozen non-acts/multi-wins, and staff tells you to send the game regardless. :X
But sure, it should presumably be simple to change the setup to use a GiveawayEndTime variable and a GiveawayActualEndTime variable, with the first one simply updating any time a reroll request is processed, both bumping the giveaway up on the wins list and preventing it from being marked NR.
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One would think that with the maturity of the Internet, there'd be an increase in etiquette too, but it's the inverse.
I don't understand why simple logic, common sense, or just sheer politeness can't be at the forefront of decision-making when it comes to SG, especially if you've won a GA and waiting for the key, etc.
I know I shouldn't really be surprised, but it surprises me at every turn how much issues arise here simply because some or other means of just being polite on SG.
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I always just assumed the 7 days applied to rerolls as well. I mean it makes perfect sense to me. :/
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Appalled is a bit strong, as that word indicates you've been overcome in your shock and revulsion to the topic.
eg, Merriam-Webster's example sentences: "The thought of war appalls me." "It appalls me to think of the way those children have been treated."
Just a bit overdramatic to apply to giveaway feedback that doesn't actually affect anything in the system, at least by my considerations. :P
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I agree that the 7 day rule should reset when you get a new winner but I also don't think it's THAT much of a big deal. That being said I wish there was a way for the new winner to know when they won the game and be aware of if it's been, say, two days since they won or two hours.
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Someone who win a reroll might not notice it is a rerolled win, too.
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Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.
The guidelines as they are right now state that the end date is cutaway point. The reroll activating a new 7 day period probably wasnt considered by Cg, because (I assume) that he thought that a reroll ticket would be answered within 7 days. With more support staff soon, hopefully that will not be a problem we have to encounter again.
I have had reroll tickets that took more than 7 days. 2 out of 3 marked as not received... one was banned at the time. Once my tickets were answered (one reroll granted and that user also marked "not received), I kindly posted in their public giveaways notifying them that I had now sent the keys with a minor explanation why it took so long.
If they had not changed feedback and activated my wins (both had public profiles), well there is always a "request received feedback" ticket.
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I am waiting for a reroll for a game (delete one entry so it takes months I guess) I had two copies and only got two entries. I had given the same game away the day before and the robot I mean person had won a copy from that giveaway too and was one of the two winners from the new giveaway. So, no person to reroll and they can't just delete the giveaway since one person did get a copy. While waiting for the reroll as soon as possible the person set the game as not received. I should add the guy won three games from me before.
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Not Received really only matters on staff's end, as they only take action in regards to such if you've suspicious circumstances related to the feedback.
So I'm confused as to why the NR bothers you, and as such, I imagine cg similarly never felt any compulsion to change the setup to move the timestamp of the giveaway end forward each reroll.
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Well if it doesn't matter let's just mark all the giveaways 'not received'. I always thought CV was a load of bollocks anyway...
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If they mark NR (presumably to get rid of the little red prompt at the top of their screen), it doesn't hurt you in any way, assuming you actually eventually send them the key, as staff isn't going to punish you unless they think you intentionally tried to screw the system (and noone other than staff really typically takes notice on your NRs, much less makes assumptions off a single one). On the other hand, if the winner doesn't change the feedback after receiving their game, then they're the one facing suspension.
I'm not seeing any issue to complain over in the current system.
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I've posted my concerns elsewhere in the topic. We could all do whatever is easiest to get rid of red things but it doesn't necessarily make it the right thing. I'm not complaining - I'm just making a suggestion for rerolled wins to be treated with parity.
If you think the idea is fundamentally ridiculous then go and campaign for the 7 days grace to be removed from all giveaways or something - you don't have to agree with my suggestion at all, but I'm not in the mood for an argument.
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You're definitely in the mood for an argument, seeing as you're creating one where I'm only respectfully asking for you to clarify your perspective. If your mood is that antagonistic, it might be time to draw a hot bath, grab a bottle of wine and a good book, and put on some relaxing music. Or grab some beers and watch an action movie, whichever does it for you. :P
Complaints or arguments aside, I'm still not sure what your premise for bringing up the topic is. It'd help a lot if you attempted to clarify that in the OP, I think.
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It's a suggestion for the site and I posted it in Bugs / Suggestions. That's the fucking premise. My perspective is that I have put forward my case and the appropriate people should adopt or not adopt said suggestion on the basis of its merits and feasibility.
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I apologize, I didn't realize how antagonistic my own phrasing could be interpreted at the time of the previous conversation. I really did mean the comments as anything but respectful, and, to the purpose of discerning what merits (as far as site functioning goes) you felt the change would produce. You and I were never at odds on feeling that parity would be appropriate for the matter- rather, as my initial comment in this nesting noted, I was simply trying to clarify that the lack of any functional imbalance of the current arrangement (regardless of how rude certain winners may be without restrictions being added to limit such) was likely why cg wouldn't put priority on the matter [and hence why I was trying to ask if there was a functional imbalance I was simply overlooking].
As I noted near the top of the thread, it shouldn't even be that hard of a coding effort to implement, if cg deems it worth the effort.
(That is, however, true for quite a lot of potential site improvements, hence why value emphasis may help encourage such a change.)
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Sorry about the late reply, it's the first time I've been here in some months.
At the time I'd had a dispute with somebody that had clearly led to significant bad feelings between us. On their part they were a relatively new user and it seemed they didn't fully understand what had happened. On my part I was frankly irritable - I had a trapped nerve in my shoulder that was causing me significant pain and sleeplessness and I was working for an Amazon contractor during their busiest period and had no respite. The whole incident seemed easily avoidable and I felt I posted in the appropriate pace on that basis.
I felt my suggestion was simply for parity between wins and rerolled wins. I felt a discussion about the value of 'not received' wins in general was something completely else. Furthermore it is something I simply don't actually give a shit about - I have no concerns about my own status as I don't even enter giveaways for months at a time.
Between my mentioned medical issues and me completely failing to see the relevance of your comment I didn't react especially well. The suggestion that I should drink wine when on painkillers that prevented that probably didn't help. I have no other issue with yourself - you remained on my whitelist as a 'good user' and are welcome to games that you won. I felt having posting a suggestion it was entirely up to CG to implement on their site as they saw fit rather than argue about something I felt was a different issue.
Your apology is accepted but unnecessary - I feel it was simply a difference of opinion and likely also a misunderstanding.
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I knew it didn't apply to re-rolls (though it should) but it hasn't really been necessary until recently for a change like that to be made.
I do agree, it would make things much easier all around to restart the "end time" from the time the re-roll is granted.
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I too always thought it was that way already. I support this idea.
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This happened to me last week. I got a DLC re-rolled and before I even knew it had been granted, the new winner marked it as not received.
I left him a message saying I was going to ask for re-roll again seeing he already owned the DLC and congratulated him on marking as not received even before I had the chance to send the key. He wrote back saying he did it because the GA ended over a week ago.
He unmarked it before support granted the re-roll again, but sometimes I think some people just like to play dumb and do this things on purpose. Not saying this is what my winner did, but even if the GA ended a week ago, the win notification just popped up for the new winner, so i'ts not like he won it a week ago and didn't receive it after all this time.
I agree the 7 day period should reset every time a re-roll is granted. Even a 3 day period for re-roll [if a week has already passed since ga has ended] would be great.
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Hi, how is the reroll work? and how long does it takes for the support ticket to be answered?
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My reroll was approved and then the key was used by the guy who asked for a reroll. So, the new winner instantly marks my giveaway as not received. This site really needs a solution to this. Never had a duplicate key from bundle stars and this guy waited three weeks to ask for a reroll and changed it from received to not received. Wtf
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Wow, Mully! great moves, keep it up, Proud of you! Sorry I was late to the party.
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As you know, a winner must mark his gift as received or not received within 7 days as well.
I wonder, whether this counter starts from the giveaway end or from the gift sending time? May a new winner be suspended for not leaving a reply if he or she not marks the gift as not received shortly after the reroll?
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As far as staff has indicated to me, the 7 day timer for winners only begins once the game is actually sent out. The locking of the "Not Received" for 7 days is just there to lock out the bare minimum time slot. That is to say, the winner should hit NR as soon as they can (at least, on non-reroll wins), but the GA creator will still have to wait 7 days before they can get a reroll processed (based on non-communication alone).
Similarly, as far as I'm aware, winners can't be suspended for their feedback (unless they've claimed the game), so long as the feedback was correct at the time they provided it.
Generally, the best course of action when in doubt with a giveaway has been indicated to be leaving a comment in the giveaway itself (as that's the first place staff looks to check the status of communication), so if there are concerns over a giveaway a comment (and hopefully one not involving a sentiment along the lines of "where is my key already") in the giveaway may be the way to go.. Certainly, it'll likely come across as less rude than marking the feedback (as a reroll winner) right away.
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Some people might suspect I have all kinds of suggestions for steamgifts - and I do, but this one at least seems reasonable and straightforward enough to actually type out.
I popped in to check on some pending rerolls. It turned out that one was granted (and also a repeat rule breaker permanbanned, but that's another story). And it also turned out that the new winner had marked the game 'not received'. Within a few hours of the reroll, while I was offline and without me having any opportunity to deliver the game. And also without any attempt at communication. This was presumably possible because the original giveaway was over a week ago - that being about how long support tickets seem to be taking nowadays.
I know some people get very impatient when waiting for their games, especially when they are convinced giveaways are fake, but I've always thought it was quite sensible that winners can't mark games as 'not received' for one week. People have real lives and with the best intentions things don't always go to plan.
It seems only fair that the same seven days grace should also apply to wins from rerolls - as in from when the reroll is granted. You might think this unnecessary as users should be able to use their common sense , but this is steamgifts...
Edit - For the purposes of clarity this is a suggestion for the site that is posted in Bugs / Suggestions. The suggestion is that regular wins and wins from rerolls should be treated equally.
Some people agree and that is fine. Some people think the suggestion should be low priority as it will rarely make a difference and I would agree. Some people think that support are simply busy at this time and that is true - but I don't think the hope that reroll times will get back to what they used to be invalidates the suggestion.
Somebody thinks it doesn't matter if games are marked as not received - I find the idea intriguing but I feel the implications regarding CV, etc are not only far outside the remit of this suggestion but are also irrelevant when considering if it is fair that wins are handled differently when they come from rerolls.
A few people have mentioned the possibility of confusion for users when they win a reroll and speculated on their intentions in marking stuff not received. Again, I think that is a distraction from the suggestion - if users can't mark stuff as 'not received' until gifters have had a chance to deliver then they can't screw it up, either accidentally or maliciously.
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