So as you can see in my profile, I have given a bunch of games away. The problem is that my value is stuck at 30$ and it has not increased for half a year. The rules say that even though the games are bundle games, you get the normal value until 25$ and after that you get 20% of the game's price added to your value. I should have a lot more value than I currently have. After I gave away some games from the 2K bundle my value increased to 110$ and that seemed like a reasonable value based on what I have given away and the rules. Now it decreased to 30$ again. Can someone tell me what is happening and why aren't I getting any value at all? It's really frustrating.

1 decade ago*

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bundle games won't go above 30$

1 decade ago

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You're giving just free/bundle games. The bonus only applies on non-bundle games.

1 decade ago

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Games which have been in bundles or otherwise made widely available at little or no cost are added to the bundle list. Games in this list will not add more than 20% (1/5) of your non-bundle contributions, disregarding the first $25. For more detailed information, see this thread.

You misunderstand how the formula works. It's not that you get 20% for each game. It's that only 20% of your TOTAL contributor value can be bundle games.

In order to receive any additional value from your current bundle gifts, partial or otherwise, you will need to contribute more in non-bundle games.

1 decade ago

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Oh, so that's how it works. So after I give away some non-bundle games the site adds the game's price in to my value AND some of the value from my previous giveaways that are bundle games?

1 decade ago

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Yep! You basically get 120% value from non-bundle gifts until you've received 100% of the value of your bundle games.

1 decade ago

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Okay, thanks. :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If you want to increase your CV you are going to have give NON - Bundled games. Simple as that.

1 decade ago

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Because you have just gave away bundle games, your CV is stuck at 30$. It has been at 110$ because 2K bundle games haven't been add to the bundle list before today.
And no, free 70$ CV isn't reasonable because you have probably just paid 1$ for it.

But you wasn't aware of the rules. :P

1 decade ago

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You gave away games which you spent 1 dollar each and expect full value??? GET OUTTA HERE!

1 decade ago

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NO, read my post please. I said that I expected 20% of the game's value!!

1 decade ago

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I know, I was just wondering what's going on. :)

1 decade ago

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Okay I get it now. Thanks for the answers guys.

1 decade ago

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still, thanks for giving away games =D <3

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Zemroid.