the problem isn't that they have their own logic, the problem is that they have 2 contradicting logics, one for what they buy and one for what they sell. The example in the main comment shows that perfectly.
I do see from time to time people saying they don't care about bundle price, they only look at store price when trading but they are at least consistent in price with the value of what they offer and what they demand in exchange.
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You're trading with a trader and complaining that the trader is trying to barter with you. That's what trading is. if you can't agree on a price go and find another one.
It annoys me when traders say "No low balls". That's what I'm here to do, I'm going to try my hardest to lowball you, because if I wanted a retail experience, I'd of bought it from a retail store.
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So others aren't allowed to be annoyed by people who make a tier 1 bundle offer from the current bundle for the latest AAA game that came out yesterday and still didn't get any sale?
trades are not based on current retail prices but on lowest historical or even bundle price so of course you are there to try to get the cheapest price or even slightly under that trading market value but there is a point where the offer becomes ridiculous and I've never seen anyone ever accepting offers with huge disproportionate value difference.
That's actually why traders started to write "No low balls". Just too many of those offers.
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Trades are based on whatever the traders want them to be. there is no "normal" price because an item or a game is only worth what people will pay for it. Just because you aren't willing to pay that price, it doesn't mean others won't.
What is the point in getting annoyed? Do you think pawn shop owners get mad that people come in expecting much more than their items are worth? If people aren't interested in bartering, they should just stop trading. People aren't doing it to be disrespectful to you.
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you are the one getting annoyed by the no low balls messages, I was just saying as much as you have the right to get annoyed by it, they also have the right to be annoyed by low balls offers. It's part of the trading environment.
What you just wrote also applies to you.
When a trader write no low balls at least you know what to expect and can move on to looking for someone that would accept it.
That's why I generally put a price next to the games. They know what I value the game at, I might accept at a slightly lower price but if anyone is just expecting me to accept at only 1% of that price then they are just wasting both our times.
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Only for a noob. Real traders use a very complex equation based on the amount of rep, the time they were accumulated over, and standard deviation of the mean time. So all the elite traders know its a function of mass, length AND girth.
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Usually, this comes from someone who never traded before
This can be very true tho. When I first started trading I used to make some really strange and weird math to justify some offers, mostly because I was trying very hard to be fair but at the same time I was afraid of gettig lowballed. So I used to talk shit like "But your game was bundled 3 months ago, and mine 8 months ago, and even tho yours has normal full value of $25 and mine of $10, in G2A yours is $5 and mine is $6,50, and when on discount according to the last sale your game usually gets bigger discounts, so lets say you add a game bundled last month that has a full value of $5-$10 so we can make a deal".
Not exactly that but very close, my logic was really absurd. :P
Pretty cringy stuff to remember!
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Not really the most ridiculous thing. Supply and demand are the basic forces driving exchange (even though there are many other factors layered on top). A game bundled once 8 months ago almost certainly is going to be in lower supply than one bundled much more recently, especially if the latter game also is more prone to getting better discounts as well.
Meanwhile, by appealing to the values on G2A you're (perhaps unconsciously) trying to reference an unbiased appraisal of what the market has decided these two games' relative popularity (demand) is, and what price the market will bear for each.
Sounds like you were more reasonable than many traders.
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Actually, looking at sites like G2A is a good indicator. As ceildric said, the prices there are the prices that are determined by the market. If you follow a game for a while, you'll notice that it will be very cheap if it's in a bundle, but slowly rise in price again over the months after. So your logic is not weird at all.
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It is, I was referring more to the exaggeration on my behalf, like G2A was far from being the only indicator I used. :P
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Or trading card "services" who demand 2:1 for a card of the same set.
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I once had two people make me the same offer. I took the first guys offer and the second guy got up in arms like "WHY TAKE HIS OFFER AND NOT MINE?" ... I'm just like... "because he asked first?"
So many traders get insulted over the tiniest things.
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That's freaking stupid. I got out of trading a bit ago and thankfully never ran into anyone like that, but I always kept the same standard for buying and selling where if I was getting a game and someone wants a monthly for a tier 1 game I tell them no, but if someone offers me a monthly for one of my tier 1 games I would be excited, but I wouldn't be able to trade with the person without feeling guilty about it.
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It's similar to the people that buy, for example, the X game for 1 key and sell it for 2 keys.
There are even worse traders than this one though. The ones that say "I want to buy this game for 2 keys" and, when you add them, they tell you "Hmmm, I'm not so interested in it, so I'll give you 1 key" and I'm like "Put it up your ***hole".
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How is it not similar? The "superfacko" trader said that he wants to buy a game of a cheap bundle for cheap, but when he was asked to sell a game of a cheap bundle, he said he want to sell it for a good price. So, it's exactly the same as my example.
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Certain games are more popular than others , just because it was in the same tier doesn't mean its equal value
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Takes always two, to bake an idiot cake. Don't add anyone and ignore random invites,
unless there's an agreement. Also why not name the darn games else the rant is pointless ...
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Again IT IS AN EXAMPLE! It has nothing to do with the value or certain games....
AGAIN: Take it as granted that you have two games which are EXACTLY of the SAME:
It is just to show what I encountered with such Honks :)
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Forget it BigTxT... You won't understand...
Alter.... Ich fass mir an den Kopf... Boing Boing
And now would you be so kind and do not argue with me again. THX!
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obviously you dont udnerstand the point im trying to tell you. but yeah go on capslocking :thumbsup:
let me make now an example:
You: Hi, I see you have FAllout 4 of Humble Bundle "Even Cheaper than Cheap" Tier 1
SuperFacko: Yes. 3 Keys.
You: Hmmm.... But that is a little too much, it was in a bundle on Tier 1, so it is worth less than one ToD
SuperFacko: Yes, it WAS. Now it is only available at normal price which is €20. So 3 Keys is cheap.
You: Hmppfff.. ?. Okay, I have Chip of Humble Bundle "Cheaper than Cheap" Tier 1. You wrote you are looking for it.
SuperFacko: Yes.
You: Ok, then let's trade 1:1
SuperFacko: Ehhh, noooo.... because your game was in a bundle on Tier 1it is not worth much. If I buy it, I would only pay some Refs for it.
SuperFacko: But I am nice guy and I would trade with you when you give me 2 Keys
You: Hrrrrrrmmmmpppfffffff?????? Wooooooot? But it WAS cheap! Now it is at normal price, €20, again...
You: Some seconds before YOU said...
SuperFacko went offline....
see? how some simple changes makes you the fool there?
theres probably a reason why u didnt even name the games. recognized yourself that they wherent the same league.
your thread is pointless.
edit: dont bother answering, that you dont even cant difference between reality and made up shit to fit like u want shows already that its not worth to waste any more time.
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Thx for insulting me and naming a fool :D
AGAIN it was an overall experience I made and therefor it is not necessary to name any game. And I am not so dumb that I am not able to determine the value of a game. Got that? THX for understanding!
I already traded games way back in the 90s semi-professionally, e.g. SNES/Super Famicom, MD, PC Engine, NES, Master System, Neo Geo, Jaguar etc... Just to name a few.
I had and still have rare games here and you want to tell ME that I am not able to determine the value of a game?
Get lost kiddo.
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Next time you want to express an "overall experience" you might want to name "more than one very specific example", with what appears to be a copy pasted chat, WHICH SHOULD CONTAIN THE GOD DAMN NAMES OF THE GAMES - so someone reading it, might reply based on facts and not upon assumptions to your "overall experience" containing 1 specific example and suggestive thread-title.
^ How is that hard to understand? There have been plenty of these distinct types of threads and
ones that ramble in general about trades ... also, if you were to ask in those you'd simply get a reply.
"back in the 90s semi-professionally"
Doesn't mean anything bub ... time and reach wrecks all. No one's perfectly informed, nor has
access to all sources - else there would be no trades, not on sgt, nor real life economics.
Information Asymmetry
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I read this thread and it looks like you guys haven't been on a market. People haggle. Of course they'll try to dazzle you by making you think their product is the best. It's not "faulty logic", it's just a semi-sleazy way to earn as much profit as possible.
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You want something from him.
He doesn't need to sell to you.
Haggle, agree or disagree, move on.
There are enough sellers out there.
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This is what happens when kids get access to their parents' money.
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It depends on the game, some games once bundled their value plummets and never goes back up. Some of them even in a current bundle will hold their value.
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Not illogical. Economical thinking.
If the game he was looking for wasn't a "I want it for myself right now" (and that should really be an exception for a trader, because he aims bucks and not games) why should he pay much for it? And if he's only going to use it for future trades he would even more try to get it as cheap as possible to increase his margin. He doesn't loose anything by refusing a trade.
Regarding selling on the other hand he would like to have buyers who aren't stupid enough to buy full price on Steam, yet they want it that urgently that they would pay 3 keys for it. You didn't -> no trade.
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It makes sense, but hes doing it in the wrong community tho. Its like trying to flip a vintage car for profit in an annual convention for vintage car collectors.
He certainly has some logic, but he will probably never find a deal here (assuming this conversation went on Steam Trades). There is way more supply and at a different mindset than the kind of demand he is expecting. :P
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Or the typical can you trade your <Insert high tier game here> for cards? :s
Even tho I look at his inventory and see 25 cards total
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I always love it when their demands are more than the current cost, such as asking for a key for a game currently available in the $1 tier on humblebundle.
I've made some bad trades, but on terms I found acceptable, and I've made some really good trades, on terms the other party found acceptable. But most trades are reasonably fair to both sides. Having said that, some people are off their rockers with their demands.
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And this is the reason why I don't trade, people think they got game comparable to Billy Mays but in reality they act like they're on some Kenny Powers meets the three socks guy from shark tank trip, ending up being some sort of A Stan - and not THE Stan. For me, it's much easier to spend my time on a real job, earning some money in the process to spend it on useless stuff like Steam afterwards without haggling with someone making ludicrous arguments online, but I guess I'm simply just not made for it ;o.
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My impression has been that 80% of the traders in a given market are inexperienced and uninformed. The truly professional trader doesn't have time for shenanigans and won't risk his reputation on a bad trade.
On a topic only somewhat related to this one, the past couple of weeks has found me deluged with invitations to CSGO skin-trading groups. (I have never joined one.) Did I end up on a mailing list? Or are all of these groups run by the same guy with his multi-accounts?
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Here the typical discussion you get when dealing with so called "traders": :D
You: Hi, I see you have Game X of Humble Bundle "Even Cheaper than Cheap" Tier 1
SuperFacko: Yes. 3 Keys.
You: Hmmm.... But that is a little too much, it was in a bundle on Tier 1, so it is worth less than one ToD
SuperFacko: Yes, it WAS. Now it is only available at normal price which is €20. So 3 Keys is cheap.
You: Hmppfff.. ?. Okay, I have Game Y of Humble Bundle "Cheaper than Cheap" Tier 1. You wrote you are looking for it.
SuperFacko: Yes.
You: Ok, then let's trade 1:1
SuperFacko: Ehhh, noooo.... because your game was in a bundle on Tier 1it is not worth much. If I buy it, I would only pay some Refs for it.
SuperFacko: But I am nice guy and I would trade with you when you give me 2 Keys
You: Hrrrrrrmmmmpppfffffff?????? Wooooooot? But it WAS cheap! Now it is at normal price, €20, again...
You: Some seconds before YOU said...
SuperFacko went offline....
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