Have you ever recieved a death threat?
Make a YouTube video that's ever so slightly similar to one a more popular YouTuber creates and you'll get them... or in this case, drink a soda... A FUCKING DEATH THREAT OVER A SODA! ONE FROM A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH AVOIDING U.S. PROSECUTION IN MEXICO!!!~~~
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If you feel it's a serious threat, call the police.
But of course keep in mind that on the internet a lot of people like to act like lunatics just for attention.
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Not the internet, direct text, this person knows this property and my exact location, this person is already avoiding US prosecution in Mexico. NOTHING TO DO! :D
On a side note: I'm a lunatic on the internet, this man is most likely an actual murderer. :DDDDDDD
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Oh in that case then yes, definitely get the police involved. The US has extradition treaties with most large countries including Mexico so he's not safe from prosecution just because of being there.
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I play league of legends. Thankfully all of the treats are from people that don't know anything about me.
I hope you will be fine :)
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I'm sure I will be... I'm pretty paranoid as it is so I'd be amazed if a rock moved around here and I wasn't aware. I had to quit League a while back due to the toxicity. I love the game, mechanics, design, charm, but I can't play a 1v9 every time... the turn from ally to enemy is just too much to want to put myself through for a game.
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ARAM is so much more tolerable - I dropped Rift normal/ranked almost entirely, like 10-20 games a season max. But the stress, the frustration, to being locked in a game at mercy of your teammates you can always just decide to turn AFK... promise of the teamplay is great, but it's usually "half-wit sinks the shared shup" situation
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I liked the event, I got quite some stuff out of just playing my favourite mode, finally :P And the RNG based missions were also pretty generous - just play a game, with a champion of group X being on either team. But I can go on for a while without the next similar event :)
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Ah, right. Tbh I'M not sure I ever had a proper ARAM before having a map of it's own. People just cheated to left and right... maybe there were communities where people could recruit "normal" people to fill up both teams, but then I missed that out.
And on a sidenote - I loved Catch the Teemo on Dominion, could get 2-3 dozen games ouf of that ^^
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I'm almost inclined to post his number here and or on 4chan and let them have a field day with it. I personally don't have his number saved on my phone as a contact so "I didn't know who it was, it could have been a mistext to a wrong number!" but I'm unsure if I'd be held legally responsible for anything negative to come from it.
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As far as I know, there is no actual legal penalty for Doxing, as long as you don't specifically ask for something to be done. If you simply post the story and the number, I'm pretty sure nothing can happen to you (I'm not a lawyer tho). What would be illegal is to ask someone to do something to him (e.g. Kill him, beat him up, etc.).
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My thoughts exactly. My buddy stated "nb4 'anon is not your personal army'" which is silly, I wasn't going to ask anyone to do anything. I would simply start my story from the beginning, about how he moved up here on the property, did some work that was asked of him and didn't do some that was also asked and paid. How he knowingly consorted and or still consorts with less than favorable folks that lead to folks finding our location and thefts within months of him "leaving." How he also knowingly purchased stolen goods and stored them on our property in such excess that it warranted a SWAT team to not only disturb us in more ways than one, but to collect said stolen property. (Among things sold to us by him, icing on the shit cake.) And how he's currently avoiding U.S. prosecution by hiding across the border in Mexico. Which leads us to now, where his old lady is still in the states, here, and heaven-for-fucking-bid I drank a God damned Dr. Pepper in our fridge.
Fu-king puh-lease.
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Hopefully you have notified the police and FBI over these serious death threats. Good luck. Get a big nasty dog to start with.
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I'm still unsure how I want to go about this. When he was here last, there was an entire SWAT team dispatched to the property and I, as a by-standard but occupant, had to sit in handcuffs for over an hour while they tore up the place looking for his shit, which didn't exist as his shit was further down the property.
Oh, also my 75 year old grandfather snuck out the back door while the SWAT team had the house "surrounded" which is partly why we had to sit for so long... THEY LET A 75 YEAR OLD MAN THAT'S BEEN RUN OVER BY MACHINES, TRAMPLED BY HORSES, THEY LET HIM SLIP PASSED THEM IN HIS FUCKING UNDERWEAR!
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wait what?
This sounds like a damn thriller flick straight out of hollywood
PS. now that I remember, I had one enormous incredibly stupid dude in my dorm when I was in vocational school.
He took my roommate by a neck, threatened him to open door. Then he came in and with his goons were walking around our room. One of the psychos jumped on my roommate and threatened to beat him up
And the big guy was fondling knifes in his hand.. Fuck ,I was scared that night.. Wanted to jam a knife in his neck..
Most fucking beautiful thing ? He didnt get caught, he had everyone so scared that no one dared to tell on this psycho, because you sure as hell would end up in coma..
This MF went to rugby, for sole purpose to break someones bones "legally" .. He was like 2 m high, over weigh 100 kg ..
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added a little story from myself if you missed it,
Well, world is full of sick psychos.. I dont really feel safe when walking around alone..
My friend once was approached by one mentally ill idgit, and he asked "where you going ? To your gf ? I know where she lives" and he told the address..
That wasnt even his gf, it was a friend who we hang around with..
And such morons walk around this world
George Carling said something along the lines - Imagine how stupid is the average person, and realize half of them are stupider.
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That guy sounds like he needed to have his ass kicked about 7 different ways to learn some fucking empathy. :D
Also, that feeling of wanting to "do unto others as they would do unto you" is definitely shared and also the main reason I'm upset. No one should have the ability to make me lose myself so much that I want to retaliate in physical harm. A threat on my life is probably the easiest way to lose yours. That should go without saying for literally every person in existence.
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His sheer size and anger issues was probably why no one ever would do anything to him..
And thats when ego grows for these crazies
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This is also to be considered. Thankfully I do have firearm experience due to living in the middle of nowhere for so long with enough property to dabble safely. I just really, really dislike the fact that he does know the layout of the land from having lived here for a period himself. Strategy can only go so far if the ground remains the same. I'm thinking of setting an IR relay with notifications on my tablet, but we'll see.
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it was a joke xD. I don't think you can legally buy them. They're pretty easy to make, but that's also illegal. Your above ideas are pretty good tho. IR cameras could come in handy. The problem is that they're generally really expensive. Same thing with a lot of night visions cameras.
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Was thinking more like a series of small IR sensors in a relay that would trigger a notification sent through bluetooth to a phone or tablet. You can get the sensors for cheap, smaller 9V solar panels/battery banks for power, but you'd have to write your own notification code which is just a YouTube tutorial away. And yeah, if I was going to make any guerilla explosives, they'd be flash bombs made with bacon grease to blind the fuck out of them and proceed forward with whatever arsenal I'd have at the time. I'd really like to see some hood rat thugs be prepared for "flashbangs."
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Yeah, that should work. Sounds like you've thought this out pretty well :)
Also, have you looked at trail cams? They're generally used for hunting, but they're IR, and generally not prohibitively expensive
that would be a beautiful sight xD
P.s. Are you still alive?
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I get your point of view, but I cant fully get behind it
What the gun does is escalate the situation out of bounds.. If I pull a gun on someone like that, this person will feel threatened and if they are that dangerous they could attack me trying to save themselves .. and what am I to take someones life ?
Its a tree with two branches.. Many truths.. No absolute one..
US has come to a point you cant just take away guns, when every criminal has one.. I hope EU doesnt let that get as far as that..
As a side note - My initial plan was to go into military so I can operate with guns and I find them awesome.. but only in shooting ranges or on a hunt.. So Im not against guns, but im neither for them.. at least for civilians..
also in Jordanlol situation - I am in favor of gun. Police cant react that fast and if someone actually threatens you... well, protect yourself
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Yeah, pulling a gun is a bad idea, but if he is threatening you with harm, you can use a gun. Otherwise, it is murder. I'm NOT suggesting starting anything. I'm only saying that being big and aggressive will make them a bigger target for someone with a gun IF IT GETS TO THAT POINT.
That's awesome m8! What branch are you planning on joining? Also, Officer or enlisted?
Yeah, in Jordanlol's situation (Especially with the living in the middle of nowhere), a personal firearm is probably a good idea.
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Yes, of course. If it comes to such a situation, I agree
Eventually I didnt enlist due to health reasons, sadly.. I planned on joining special task unit. Counter terrorism, special missions, stuff like that. They were especially hard on health regulations, so that plan went down the drain and eventually I went into engineering..
Of course the possibility is still there and as long as Im not over the age limit I might enlist. But as Im just getting out of Uni if my carrer as engineer works out Im just going to stick with that
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Well, I donยดt know If youยดre telling the truth, particularly with the Dr. Pepper. Now donยดt get me wrong, I love Dr. Pepper, Itยดs one of those "hard to find" sodas here.
Maybe heยดll meet somebody worst than himself in Mรฉxico (100% chance) so youยดll be able to sleep tight again.
Best of luck.
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This reminds me the "foot massage" deal from Pulp Fiction for some reason but at a completely higher level of crazyness. I read your other answers. It sucks you end up knowing this piece of trash.
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Would you mind explaining your situation in a little more detail? Even after reading the comments I'm a little confused. I hope you call the police. The worst they can do is nothing, but they might be able to help you. Just keep the text as evidence.
Keep us updated that you're okay!
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I don't assume anything will come of it, but I'm also paranoid so yes I'm taking precautions for sure. I wasn't posting to cause alarm, just posting to vent more than anything as it's vigorously frustrating me to the core. I try to be a peaceful and content person in my day-to-day life but I'm an angry, fairly spiteful human being at my core and despise being so. For someone to draw out that hatred that brews within me makes me more upset than the possible attempt on my life.
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while i havent received death threats people ive lived with have and thats 1 from my aunt threatening to burn down the place even knowing there was a 3 year old in the house. what made it worse was at 1 point some how the fire alarm switch got turned off. its not easy to flip either so someone purposely did it
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As a practicing Muslim, people who threaten me with death are usually unnerved by my response. No one has actually had the nerve to kill me, yet, although a few have come close. Even so, I remain hopeful.
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The guy pointing a gun at you is trying to inspire fear and/or submission, not excitement and elation. For a practicing Muslim, being murdered is better than the entire world and what is in it.
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I am not sure I see a connection between my comment and your response. Perhaps that is because my wording was vague?
Practicing Muslims believe that the good of the next life is immeasurably better than anything this one has to offer. We would choose the "greater" over the "lesser," and are, in fact, eager to leave behind the "lesser" at the earliest opportunity. It is not allowed to pray for death (or we surely would), and suicide is a one-way ticket to Hell/Jahannam, so we are imprisoned in this life until death releases us. Practicing Muslims love death more than non-Muslims love sex.
The "catch," however, is that we believe there is no guarantee of entering Heaven/Jannah outside of God's mercy. That being so, any opportunity to "stack the cards in one's favor" is a big deal, and being murdered is one of the best. (We believe the murderer takes all of his victim's sins upon himself.) That is why the imminent prospect of being shot in the face makes me ecstatic.
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got it on your first "try", but yeah, was a tad hermetic for such concepts... :)
we are imprisoned in this life until death releases us ...
is truly fascinating, always been. just last thing (maybe):
opportunity to "stack the cards in one's favor"
this shouldn't be against what you've just said (like suicide)?
edit: ok, crystal clear now. "catch" is the word :)
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[Stacking the deck in one's favor(?)] shouldn't be against what you've just said (like suicide)?
Well, I was using a metaphor to express a concept. God has described the characteristics of "the people of Jannah," so we Muslims try to adopt those characteristics in the hope that we may be counted among them. To use a sports analogy, if you want to be considered a "true fan" of your football team, and "true fans" wear a team jersey to the game, you would wear a team jersey when you attend games because "that is what true fans do."
(I'm not sure I explained that well. P)
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I have no fears, and this will sound egotistical, because I've always felt that there was something I needed to do and I'm not sure what it is even now, a quarter century old, but I know it's not been done and I know my time will come soon after it is so I take solace in life knowing I still have much to do.
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Instead of being scared, train yourself to become the most dangerous thing within reach of those who seek to harm you. Humanity will never change in this regard. We only wear a thin veil of civilised restraint, while underneath there's still a beast stirring and clawing its way out regardless of the consequences. It's circumstancial, but don't become a victim without putting up a fight.
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Look at it this way: In my state I'm legally allowed to own night vision goggles, bullet resistant clothing, as well as firearms. My current residence is near the top of a hilly area with 2-3miles from the actual road.
If anyone is dumb enough to tell me they're coming, they won't be arriving at the house.
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I haven't had any death threats worth mentioning since the 90s. Now that I think about it I don't know if that makes me feel a bit unappreciated.
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Over a common mistake, I was threatened with the potential of a group of men being dispatched to my location, burning my house to the ground, and not leaving until I stopped breathing... FUN STUFF!!! It's extra nice when I know this person is actually aware of my rather obscured location!!! :DDDDD
No, I didn't intend for anything like this to happen. Yes, I am actually "shook" currently. Yes, I am being serious, this person is already avoiding US prosecution in Mexico.
Edit: I'm realizing now that this looks click-baity... also unintentional. I literally have a text message from a heavily armed gentlemen who is already hiding in Mexico to avoid lock-up in the U.S. for having many illegal possessions, again including firearms, who knows the entire piece of property with which I reside, threatening to send a hit squad to murder me.
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