they all are F2P but you have to pay for some additional items "extra character slots and whatnot" but you can completly play the game from start to finish with no restriction on content
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maybe i'm biased and privileged because i bought Rift, the expansion and am a subscriber but Rift actually has an amazing F2P system. you have access to everything and only 3 bags slots are restricted and 4 souls from the expansion. that's sounds pretty damn good to me, some F2P MMO's out there won't let you sprint for 15 levels if you don't pay :)
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Well, since it's really hard to get big bags when you start a new character, the restricted bag slots are a real pain in the ***. But it is true that Rift has fewer restrictions, compared to most of the others F2P games. (Allods and its real-money only mounts... >_<' )
I'm still wondering wether buying slot bags in RIFT will unlock it for the current character, or for all characters on the acccount.
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Aion - I played it while it still had a subscription fee and I liked the flying and the massive PvP and PvE battles.
Rift has recently gone F2P, you might check that out (if you're lucky you can still get a raptr "upgrade" for Rift).
Anyway, I always enjoyed MMORPGs better with friends, so you should consider their opinion, too.
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Everquest and Everquest 2 are both a lot of fun, tho EQ2 is honestly a lot more approachable for a lone new player. Neverwinter Online is new, and I haven't seen enough to have a comprehensive opinion but it seems fun in a more action-y sort of way.
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TERA, Maybe Star Wars The Old Republic but with friends, it's boring without them, and well, Neverwinter too.
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As a past player of Haven and Hearth, I can say that I would rather play in a pile of vomit than touch this game again. The hardware that this game runs on constantly crashes and the server must be rerolled. Everyone is out to get you and you can spend days if not weeks working on your plot to get raided by bandits and lose it all. I played with the best city on world 5 and have been asked many times to come back. No thanks :(
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If you're looking to not pay a dime, you can earn all your content playing Lord of the Rings Online and never spend any money. Rift is good if you just buy the expac you're set after that. Planetside 2 is totally free, just not a normal mmo really. Vanguard is alright, but a bit older, only locked out of very high end gear.
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Which should tell you how bad they all are if it's considered good.
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If you don't mind blatant pay to win, sure.
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Yeah...not sure how you came to that conclusion.
Are you referring to the PVP? Because the main missions and user created content is tons of fun and I never had the urge to buy anything...haven't looked at the PVP but I heard its kinda pay to win, probably wont bother with it anyways, I cant see it being better then Guild Wars or the older Neverwinter nights pvp wise.
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Played a bunch of the top rated foundry quests, never found one that entertained me, then again I didn't really expect it to be that way since I can't remember a single MMO in which I had fun questing, but still.
With money you can literally buy any item in the game, which means you can access high gear score dungeons and clear them faster/easier. You get better companions and wards that guarantee your runes to level up, which provides further advantages. PvP is terrible, but not just because of the poor balance between classes. Matchmaking sucks, and the way PvP works (3 bases in the bg, you get points according to how many your team owns) just blows and makes it a back cap race rather than PvP.
Bottomline is that people who spend money get top tier items much faster than those who don't. You can even skip progression and avoid doing the low tier dungeons by just dropping a few bucks and getting your gear score to 11k.
I had fun with the game for 2 weeks maybe. Got 2 characters to level cap and got bored of doing the same 3 epic dungeons over and over. It's not a bad game for a f2p beta I guess, but if you are looking for something to play long term I wouldn't recommend it. End game consists of few dungeons, and while foundry is a nice idea, there's little content that users can create, since you have to work with mechanics that are already in the game so you won't see anything new in there.
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"With money you can literally buy any item in the game"
Hasn't effected me at all, nor anyone I play with with questing, think this is more of a pay to win in PVP.
"Bottomline is that people who spend money get top tier items much faster than those who don't. You can even skip progression and avoid doing the low tier dungeons by just dropping a few bucks and getting your gear score to 11k."
So they get a less full and shorter game, sounds like I am not missing much...O_o.
"if you are looking for something to play long term I wouldn't recommend it."
Its still new, have you played other new MMO's? I mean most are bare at first, I am sure stuff will be added.
"there's little content that users can create, since you have to work with mechanics that are already in the game so you won't see anything new in there."
I disagree, If anything the foundry quests have been more fun for me then the story ones...some are rather nicely done.
Still for the TC its worth a go, I still see it as a better Tera gameplay wise...
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Hello, i searching a good mmorpg f2p game, What do you recommend??
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