I took it from one of my discussions, so it will look a little bit strange.
I know I will get a bad reputation (or how to say that) in this community for that, but well... someone have to say that. ;)

I know. It's just because it's from Microsoft, you know? They are just retarded children. They didn't even try IE much, and they don't know how to even work with it. Is IE slow? No. Is IE un-safe? Yeah, maybe if you click on every website etc... IE used to be slow. IE6 was slow, horrible. IE9 and higher is fast and good browser. I think IE8 was good too. Theres nothing bad about it anymore. But hey, it's Microsoft after all, it's popular and "IN" to hate Microsoft and especially Internet Explorer. They didn't even try IE much, like I said. Everyone hates IE, so they must too, even they don't know anything about it, they just need to be "IN" too. It's the same with Windows Vista, Windows 7 is like a upgraded version of Windows Vista, Windows Vista is just a little bit different, and it's slower, but if you have at least 3GB of RAM and some decent processor etc (which now almost everybody has), then you have no problem. Just install all Service Packs and updates. If someone still has a problem with Vista, so he's just a retard and he's installing every crap into it and he's probably full of viruses or I don't know. Like I said, most of people even didn't try Windows Vista, but they insults it anyway, because everyone does. They are just stupid sheeps, they have no their own brain. Gladly, I'm using my own brain. You know, children want to be "IN" so they must hate and like what other kids does. It's "IN" to hate on Microsoft (IE) and EA nowadays. Most of them really even didn't try Windows Vista, they just hate on it because others do. The same with IE. + because it's from Microsoft. They have no brain, they are just following the others. That's just the truth, this is no about opinions. Can't wait for kids to insult me for the truth again. If you never really tried new IE versions, and you don't know how to work with it, or you just follow the others, then shut the f.ck up kids and use your own brains, or learn to work with IE and Windows Vista. But I know, I know... Everyone says it's bad, so you must do the same right? You must be cool and "IN" too, right? You must be very proud of yourself...

Sorry for the english, but I'm sure you can understand me.
I'm expecting a lot of negative responses, but what else to expect from the idiots... ;)
Truth is truth, this is not about the opinions.
And the truth is, you are just stupid brainwashed sheeps with no own brains (I doubt you have any).

12 years ago*

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Didn't read. Checkmate.

12 years ago

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No hidden giveaway. Move on, people.

12 years ago

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[citation needed]

ok, I'll be slightly less cliche: please provide side-by-side comparison stats of the browsers and/or operating systems you are defending. Your opinion means nothing to me without evidence to back it up.

12 years ago

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Having options is good.

12 years ago

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TL;DR, IE and vista are the best you can get.

12 years ago

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I tried Vista. It was bad. Windows 7 is what Vista should have been. As for IE9/10 its not bad at all, its just that Firefox and Chrome are so much better.

12 years ago

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Oh I see. So I'm better off with a Corsair K90 than a Logitech G150. Thanks a lot!!

12 years ago

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tl;dr if you don't like IE and Vista you're an idiot

12 years ago

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IE is way more usable then the poorly optimized shit vista is. Though IE also sucks

12 years ago

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XP Pro and Chrome is the best

12 years ago

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Windows 7 owns Vista like Imelda Marcos owns shoes...

12 years ago

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I like how the kid is calling people kids. I will just point out a few of your retarded statements because I don't want to waste too much time on you.

"It's "IN" to hate on Microsoft (IE) and EA nowadays."(No idea why you brought up EA, as it is pretty irrelevant from your stupid main topic.) EA is hated on for a reason, for all the bullshit they have pulled and keep pulling. They are a shitty company. The CEO even said he dreamed of being able to sell ammo to people in future games to make it more real or some dumb shit.(They are selling item parts in Dead Space 3, so pretty similar.) Also LOL at origin support.

"The same with IE. + because it's from Microsoft." So why does everyone love Win7? It's also from Microsoft.

You know what the truth is? That you are a retard. Now uninstall steam and go play on origin on your shitty vista.

12 years ago

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English lesson is over. gg.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by SalisMan.