I would, but they're all in my library, sadly. :P I still kick myself for accidentally putting Driver: SF into my library, since I got it as a gift in the x-mas thing. I'm not much for driving games, aside from Mario Kart. But maybe its pretty good, I dunno
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Line Breaks: I usually just click enter or use ----------- if that's the case...
I'd be interested to see
Cave Story +
Space Pirates and Zombies
Orcs Must Die!
Legend of Grimrock
Order doesn't matter though :X, thanks for the giveaways too!
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I've played about 5 minutes of each of them (obvious attention span disorder), but they all seem pretty fun! Oh, any time! I just felt that I should give back, since I don't really have bills or anything to pay. And nothing's better for the soul than the smile of a pc gamer when they win a free game.
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I think I wanna play Half Life to prepare for Half Life 3 xD But serious, I played some Bastion and liked it a lot, so I think that'll be one of the first I play, thanks!
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Yeah, I'll start playing 1 in 2030, then finish 2.2 in 2045, then 3 will just start production (maybe) :D
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Huh, I learned that there's a library of faces for a video game online. That is quite interesting. But I wanna make my guy into Bruce Willis, and that would not work well as a female...
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Haha well do that then!
I like the female voice-acting better, but Mark Meer ain't half-bad either.
If you've got trouble connecting though, try a female! You can always go for the blue babies option, and not knowing what I mean with that just means you gotta go play it =P
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Took me a while, but I got it. And I'll wait and see who I start a relationship with in there, I wanna see who's better. But from the demo of 2 I've played, I'm thinking the female human (dunno her name, works with Illusive Man), is gonna be the one for me :D
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I'm thinking Bastion is gonna be one of the first, since I really liked playing it wayyy back in the winter.
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I've tried multiple times, but I've given up multiple times. I tried it with my girlfriend, but gave up and played some L4D2 instead.
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wait, you dont play Half-Life yet?... what the fuck are you doing here then!?... GO PLAY THAT GAME NOW...
also Magicka and Really Big Sky are pure Fun, RBS is that thing that you need win just have a couple of minutes to play
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I'm fairly new to pc gaming, but I got all of them except for 1 as a gift during wintersale2011.. And Borderlands I got all trophies on the main game and zombie island dlc on the ps3, but haven't started it on the pc yet, I'm sorry! D:
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Is there an HD texture redo mod available on the internet for 1, and if so, should I use it? Cause it does look kinda old from the 20 minutes I played it for...
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I started Asylum on the ps3, but stopped after the scarecrow part, cause I think that's around the time I got back into Skyrim
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Psychonauts I bought for nostalgia, I rented it loads of times for the ps2 and loved it, even though after playing the first hour, I realized there's a bit of humor I never really got back then. Jeez, lots of Bastion is popping up, I'm gonna go for that'n
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Whenever I approach a backlog of games (I'll admit I never had a backlog this large though) I start with games that have low replayability, otherwise I might get stuck on one game (for example I could just keep playing Rome:Total War or SPAZ on and on with new campaigns, and never get to the rest of the backlog). These tend to be story-driven or puzzle games (since once you hear the story or solve the puzzle there is no need to redo them). Then among these low-replayability games I usually start with the shorter ones to keep me motivated to finish.
Using my two parameters listed above I would recommend you start with Bastion, Trine, and maybe Amnesia and then work your way towards KOTOR, Deus Ex, and Psychonauts.
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Amnesia I'm gonna wait for, don't really want to run out of pants at this point in time. Trine I tried but didn't 100% get into, but I only played the first 30 or so minutes
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My friends had it wayy back when it first came out, we were in like 7th grade and they always talked about how fun it was.
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Psychonauts, Knights of the Old Republic, Trine/Bastion would be my top 3(/4).
KotOR was better on the Xbox, if for no other reason than a better control scheme, and speaking of the XBox, but not related to your list... Jade Empire was awesome.
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Whats Jade Empire? And I ordered an xbox controller and the dongle thing on Saturday, so would I be able to configure the controls for that?
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I'm not sure if you could configure the KotOR controls to be Xbox like... I think the Xbox version had some combined buttons (it's been years since I played the PC version btw, so don't take my word for it). But even with the keyboard, the game was perfectly fine to play.
Jade Empire is another Bioware single-player RPG, but with a mystic/eastern theme to it. The story isn't too bad, and depending on your opinion the combat could be good or bad. At times it seems a bit too easy (bumping the difficulty might have helped), but the combat is very satisfying in the "beat 'em up" aspect and it's fluidity/feel.
Haven't played it on PC at all, so I can't really offer an opinion on the Steam/PC version.
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I dunno, if it goes on sale in the future, I might give it away o:
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Deus Ex series. Play 1 and 3, and you can pretend there was just a big gap between the games.
Bastion is good, but it's not the orgasmic game everyone is touting it as. Cave Story +, the Batman series, Half Life, KotOR, and the Mass Effect series are also good choices to start off with. You should probably break up your AAA titles with some of the indie bundle games, so you don't exhaust your list of longer titles immediately.
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Was Invisible War really that bad? I heard some stuff about it being pooey, but never really actually looked at reviews. I'll probably start with Bastion, then play one more smaller game, then I dunno which AAA I should go at..
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Wowwww. That is pretty awesome, I'm amazed it took 19 comments for that to happen, if it looks like that.
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You should link up the actual link to the post, not the direct link. That'd be super duper :D
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Isn't there a link that shows just the image, then the link that shows the post onto imgur?
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You haven't played Legend of Grimrock?!?!? Why do I not have the money that you do :(
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I've played about 5 hours of it, gotten to the fourth or so floor. And I work for minimum wage at Kmart, so its not the amount of money at all. I'm just a high school student that has nothing better to buy.
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I only really complain because i'm too lazy to get a job :P
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Alan Wake has a really engrossing story, and Batman AA, and AC are really fun to play
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent
time to die being scared
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155 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Daepal
I'm what some call an impulse buyer. If a game is on sale and if there's a slight chance I'll like it, I'll get it. I've accumulated a large backlog of games, and I dunno which to start with. Please pick for me :D I've got Alan Wake
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Batman Arkham Asylum/City
Cave Story +
Dead Space 1 & 2
Demolition Inc.
Deus Ex Series
Driver: San Fransisco
E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy
TES V: Skyrim (only about 3 hours logged on the pc, 20 or so on the ps3 but im not bringing that to college)
Fallout 1 & 2 & Tactics
Gratuitous Space Battles
Half Life Series (1, 2, 2.1, 2.2)
Hard Reset
L.A. Noire
Legend of Grimrock
Mass Effect 1 & 2
The Maw
Orcs Must Die!
Puzzle Agent 1 & 2
Really Big Sky
Rock of Ages
Rome: Total War
Runespell: Overture
Serious Sam Series
Solar 2
Space Pirates and Zombies
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Swords and Soldiers: HD
Titan Quest (and expansion)
A lot of these games are from indie bundles or the winter sale, and I haven't touched them, since I only just recently got a good gaming laptop. So yeah, I'd love if people could pick the top few they'd recommend to start with!
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