I have a group with my friend Bloodlust80, in which we gather all the players of Section 8 Prejudice that we can find, and we're trying to make a "clan", or a "community" you could say.

We will make some regular "game nights" in which we will play Section 8 online (Beacause there aren't many people online now), and we will gather more players and help the newbies.

Please invite your friends to the group, we'll be all playing Section 8 happilly ever after.

TL;DR Join the group if you want to have some fun in Section 8 Prejudice.



13 years ago*

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Well, not me xd.

13 years ago

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Sorry, I clicked the OK button by a mistake. Fixed.

13 years ago

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I'm not entirely sold on Section 8 Prejudice yet. I am in the market for a new shooter, but I don't know if Section 8 could be it. The videos I've seen haven't really given a whole lot of information. I guess the easy way to ask about this game is to list the type of game I'm looking for. I doesn't have to have all these points, but have most of them would be good:

-Team Based, really don't like games that support lone-wolfing and such
-Things to do besides killing the enemy(objectives), prefer multiple objectives to avoid players clustering together too much
-Gunplay, I don't like CoD-style, also don't like every weapon to be laser accurate(unless it's an actual laser). I prefer tight spreads though that are most controllable and I like bullet-drop being implemented realistically.

Favorite shooters: Halo 3, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.

So based on that information, is Section 8 Prejudice a game I can truly enjoy?

13 years ago

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This game is alot like halo. You should pick it up for the 3$ it is today.

13 years ago

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I got this during the Fall sale. I've played through the first mission, and I thought it's alright so far. Will play some more before deciding to join your group.

13 years ago

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Impressive, I joined this group because I loved the singleplayer campaign and wish there were people playing the game, now I think we should get more members and schedule a day :D

13 years ago

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it's not avaible in my country :(

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by rupek1995.