Do not mark it as received if you didn't actually receive the game. I'm afraid you will have to mark it as "not received" and move on.
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not recived, u still havent recived the right game
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Value does not matter. The rules clearly state that if you have not received the game advertized, you should not mark as received. As unfortunate as it s, the winner could be banned f he does otherwise.
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Mark as not received if you don't get the game in the GA. Otherwise, you yourself could be banned for not activating keys. He can create a support ticket to change the GA to one of the keys you received however.
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Or he can contact support to delete the giveaway with your consent.
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The creator should create a support ticket to change the game n the GA after the fact. The winner should not feel obligated to buy the game, nor should he have to risk breaking the rules. A single ticket should fix that. We all make mistakes, but we should all be prepared to accept our mistakes as well.
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Be an asshole by not paying for the game?
Dude... Our rules are very clear. If someone can't provide the key or kind find it all of a sudden, he shouldn't had created a giveaway in the first place.
I mean, yes. He could be super awesome, buy the game and mark it as received.
But if he won't, he isn't an asshole.
You don't even know what games he received. 2 free games from Indie Gala? 2 bundled games which the winner has no interest in playing? It's a shitty situation for both of them. Especially for the GA creator. But he might be able to solve this issue with the support.
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Why do people enter giveaways they won't play? I don't get it... It's a pretty rude thing in itself.
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I see, I don't know how I understood that so wrong, lol. Sorry.
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I've read your post. And I've just read it again but it still does not make sense to me. I guess you feel that he is an "asshole" because he took 2 games from him? But he coudln't know that both keys which he received, weren't the game he was supposed to receive. Even the GA creator didn't knew that he had the wrong keys.
Somebody fucked up a giveaway and a user should pay for a mistake? It does not make any sense to me. either
If he got the money and doesn't cares to buy the game then he is a super awesome guy. Because he prevents any trouble the GA creator might get.
But expecting him to buy the game or get suspended because he accidentally got twice the wrong game? That's just wrong. And the term "be an "asshole"" is just plainly offensive.
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I did not ignore it. I didn't understand. Maybe it's me... but I still can't find how I should had get that you were sarcastic. The comma placement also doen't give me any clue about sarcasm. Well whatever... Sorry for missunderstanding your post.
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or just delete/change the giveaway. why the winner should buy the game they won? it doesn't even make any sense.
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"Be an asshole and mark as not received"...Yeah,rules are for some people only...
"Be a good guy,mark received" and you will be suspended for this...
You should contact steamgift support and try to solve this with them but dont mark as received because rules arent only here for "good guy" lol
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Its because of these stupid GMG giveaways for 10 games for 50 cents, where people just sell it all, the keys are randomly in order so they give u the wrong one.
Tell them to give you the correct key or say that you cannot mark it as correct.
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There is a detailed list in the email with the games and the corresponding key.
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I will vouch for the keys being listed in the email. I once bought a (dumb) GMG bundle and lost the receipt email. I contacted GMG and they kindly resent the email with the keys.
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Ouch... Well, happened to me with Force Unleashed GA I won. Got a key to different game, that I thankfully owned already. Contacted the GA creator right away and got it sorted out. To make it even funnier - the key I got was for another giveaway by that person, and if I didn't own it, other winner would end up having nothing :(
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You could mark it as not-received (in which case he looses a gibs slot and has a permanent mark on his record),
or continue testing the keys he sends until you find the right one and only then mark the game as received (you get the game and he gets the CV),
or you could allow the creator of the gibs to ask that the giveaway be deleted by support (you don't get the right game and he doesn't get the CV but he doesn't have a "stain" on his profile).
Choose from one of these 3 options, depending on what you want and what you can agree on with the creator.
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I can tell you what I do if there's a problem with the key to one of my giveaways.
I prefer to follow through on my promises.
If you don't get the correct key/game, just mark "not received" This is the "good guy" thing to do. Also, return the mistaken keys to the giveaway creator, if you can. (If you end up redeeming them by accident, no worries.) Remember: it is the giveaway creator's responsibility to deliver what he promised, not yours. There should be no penalty for entering a giveaway.
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There are rules. The creator of the giveaway must either provide the promised game or bear the "not received" mark.
In my opinion, any attempt to pressure an user into breaking the rules should be strongly punished. Keep your terrible advice to yourself, thank you.
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Nah keep it up. Maybe he will give you more free keys then to a point he give you the correct game. I bet he will give you 20 games until he give you the correct one. (Joke)
But if not marked it as not received.
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as the title says, I won a game, the creator gave me a key to activate and it was the wrong game, so he gave me another key and it was to another game.
So now I got 2 games offered from that giveaway creator but not the game on the giveaway.
He says that has so many keys and can't remind wich one is related to what game.
What am I supose to do, mark as received as he gave me 2 games or mark it as not received because I didn't get the game related to the giveaway ?
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