seen it's on Sky Atlantic which means possible 0.5% of Uk people will even have the chance to see it - premium TV is not very popular over here , mainly due to the amount of free channels we get and maybe people get netflix more than Sky (i have neither and never would)
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Exactly like that in Australia ... Netflix is like $8 a month but Foxtel is like $40 a month and you get X amount of CHANNELS (no not channel as in me :P), you don't get on demand stuff, that $40 is like Discovery Channel, History Channel, 5 sports channels, 2 kids channels and 1 movie channel.
Don't know how the Foxtel company and others like it around the world survive with !#$@ like that.
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one of the main problems with "normal TV" is they tell you what you can watch and when - rather than being your chose like on a TV service
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I'm in the EU and have HBO, HBO 2, HBO 3 and HBO GO from my cable/internet provider.
In my native language, sometimes even with dubbing.
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not that i'd waste my money on premium Tv if it's not on Youtube or Freeview or something i don't bother with it myself
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HBO Max is not yet in my country (Poland) but if they change HBO GO to Max, without additional cost - I'll keep it. If they'll ask for more than I'm already paying I'll just cancel the service.
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not if you sail the high seas,, yearghhh ^_^
or VPN if you want to reward the monoply
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in the sense that there is no legal way to acquire it locally, for whatever reason (they dont care or they are not allowed)
even VPN would be breaking some T&C
so yeah, monopoly (even if im using it wrong :p)
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Shh! We don't speak about this here, It's like devil worship.
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Wait, we don't talk about devil worship here? =O
Okay, somebody better tell those two or three people who support Activision that they're not allowed to make supportive comments for that company anymore, then. Y'know, since devil worship isn't allowed here. 🙄
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tell me i'm wrong (because i want to be) is it not just another "coming of age" drama about too much sex, too much drink, and too much drugs?
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You are not wrong, but this one is actually well made. Im far above the age of the characters, like in my teens there was a show called Skins and it wasnt that good as this one, because Euphoria cinematically conducts feelings right, so you actually believing in them. Also this show is extremely pleasant for eyes because most of it made on portrait lenses with apertures below or near f/1.8
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you must be somewhere lucky - here in the UK some night i find almost 0 i want to watch which hasn't been on at least 2or 3 times before
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teenage drama says the description.
I'll pass.
Killing my little spare time with the new Dexter season (after finishing the Witcher, s2 Wheel of Time s1, Kastanjemanden and Equinox).
more my cup of tea. Havent watched teenage drama since Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Guess I'm just too old.
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You would be surprised. I also avoided it when season 1 aired because of the teenage drama label. It's not what the label would have you believe. And Buffy it is not (at all)
It's a bit heavy though so have something light hearted to watch aside. It makes Dexter feel like a romcom.
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I'm not watching it but i laughed and liked how you said it here "What's not satisfying is that I have to wait a week now for a new episode" :D
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Yeah I got spoiled with Netflix and Prime releasing all episodes at once so going back to this "old fashioned" release schedule is a torture
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Yeah, i agree, that's why for these types of show i HOLD, wait for them to release the entire season or in some cases finish the entire stuff
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LoL: Arcane did a nice mix up of three weeks, 3 episodes per week, each week a smaller arc of the larger narrative. I'd like to see more releases done like this (provided it fits the narrative)
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I only have Netflix, Prime (and 2 sub-channels of Prime, Shudder and MGM), Disney+, and AppleTV (free trial for 6 months). Unless it comes to one of those channels, I won't be watching it.
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Yes, I love Euphoria, how could you tell? I am however waiting for all of the season to come out.
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You should at least watch the new episode now. I'll just say the last 2 minutes will make you happy
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Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to wait that much, I must say, that... was... worth it! Happy New Year!
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The funny thing is, I completely forgot about what might happen. I forgot that Nate was responsible for that raid on Fez in S1 and it was strange how Fez was constantly observing him throughout the episode, but I didn't think much of it. I also found it weird why was he at that party at all if he was just sitting and doing nothing. And then in those last 2 minutes, everything clicked haha
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I felt the tension building up with every moment that went by. Right before watching the episode, I started the new season of Gomorrah, and all I was thinking about and expecting was that Fez is waiting for midnight, for the fireworks to start so that a gunshot would just blend in and everyone would already be distracted. I have to say, I disappointed myself with that expectation, but the payoff was still amazing.
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I have HBO Max in Brazil, but that show doesn't interest me. Will most likely never watch it.
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You can make your own research and decide what you want to try or not. As for movies/tv shows checking IMDB, going quickly through some reviews (from critics and ordinary ppl) and reading synopsis is enough for me to make my mind. There is no time in life to do/eat/smell/hear/watch/play/something everything.
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Reviews are purely subjective. You can't base your opinion on what random people think all the time.
There certainly is no time to see everything but there is time to sample.
I have been so many time surprised by unexpected things that were reviewed negatively by the IMDB fanboy brigade, twitter, FB or even professional critics, I just don't give them any credence any more when it comes to what I will like or not.
I will definitely avoid certain shows I simply know are not made for me, like network crime dramas, court dramas, medical dramas, or reality tv but I do put a 15 mn try in new shows every time I see one available.
Even trailers are just unreliable nowadays.
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I can sum it up just like you - I don't give a damn about a drama series about some present day teens finding out what sex, drugs, life, etc. is. It's just not for me, like network, court, medical dramas are not for you. There are sometimes exceptions - for me the most obvious one are things recommended to me by particular persons. Oh, and every review is subjective, by definition but some elements of it should be pretty objective (of course that's not always a case). I don't consider saying that as far as I can see this show is not for me based on what I wrote earlier, as an opinion. I just feel that it isn't for me and not writing that it sucks because of something or recommending it for reasons, that would be my opinion, if I watched it. You see the slight difference?
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There's a difference. Network shows are meant to be formulaic. Knowing (and having tried) the formula, I know it's not for me.
You see "teenagers" and you assume it's for kids. That's a reductive assumption in this case.
I hope you don't mind me replying. I'm not trying to convince you to watch anything, just arguing my original post.
Have a good one :)
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Let me know when you finish the first episode of season 2. I'll just say that it's a huge payoff for most of the things that happen in S1 (regarding one character)
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just saw an ad about the new season when i went on hbo max to watch peacemaker. i remember hearing about it when season 1 aired and thought it looked good, but the 'teenage drama' bit just threw me off. might have to disregard that and watch it anyways, eh?
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right, i watched it too and was immediately hooked. the characters are teens but it's definitely not for them.
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Nope, I'm a masochistic and I want to see how bad "The Book of Boba Fett" gets every week.
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I checked out at EP1, you are stronger than I am. Such a boring-ass show
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Trailer for S2 to refresh your memory
So how about that S2E01 ending, huh? So satisfying
What's not satisfying is that I have to wait a week now for a new episode
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