I'm not sure how practical it would be, but I was thinking that if the site syncs your games, is it possible the site could sync everyone registered member's wishlist? The idea behind it is that maybe if a user wants to gift a game, he can look at a compiled list and see that X amount of users want game/dlc Y, then make a decision not only based on how much he/she wants to spend, but also get new ideas for obscure titles he/she may not of otherwise known was worth gifting.

1 decade ago*

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Nice idea!

Everyone loves statistics anyway (:

1 decade ago

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i was thinking the same thing earlier :D awesome idea

1 decade ago

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Deus Ex: HR, Witcher 2, Portal 2 and Black Ops will lead that list for sure...

(btw my top wish right now is GUN... wink wink)

1 decade ago

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Missed Saint's Row 3.

Yeah, the top of the list would be all upcoming AAA Titles, but near the middle of the list is where it would get interesting when you get people who included older/obscure titles.

1 decade ago

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YOU FOOLS! Do you not see what this minion is doing? Clearly he works for the treacherous CG. This person is slowly turning the you all into sheep. Collecting such important information. Wishlists are dreams to our gamer hearts. It cannot be used in mere statistics. That is an insult to all gamers everything. Do not let them collect more information. Think of what they will do with it. What chaos they will create. Do not fear my friends I am here for you. I am GlaPOS (I wish I had something better to do).

1 decade ago

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I wouldn't wish that for all the games in your collection that I don't have already.

1 decade ago

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I think that this is an excellent idea.

1 decade ago

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This is an excellent idea I must agree, and perhaps an feature to make suggestions of what games to submit within your price range that you're looking to spend? $1-$5, $5-$10, $10-$20, $20-$30, $30+ or something like that.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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good idea. maybe SG could highlight giveaways for games in your wishlist

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by InspectorJones.