got a few games from them in the mail YEARS AGO!!!
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Subscribers have the option of playing five different games on the app, including “Stranger Things: 1984,” “Stranger Things 3: The Game,” “Shooting Hoops,” “Card Blast” and “Teeter Up.”
I mean, not the greatest games yet but seems like a good thing. Every subscriber gets it at no added cost, and you can download the games and play offline (those that don't require internet connection). At the moment, I don't mind this.
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They just start,i bet soon 2-4 years they will have\give more games than xbox game pass or epic free games
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Worth mentioning that these are mobile-only games, so I don't see the point in comparing them to Epic or Xbox.
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Xbox\Xboxlive start with indie games too at launch,same psnow,and Indie games has been give away a lot aalso in Epic without to talk abou HumbleChoice too.
They netflix just start put the feet in the videogames industry,must invest,make profit then invest,it's only a matter of time that we see top pc\consoles\playstation|xbox studios games on it.
When Xbox has start atLAUNCH , Playstation\Nintendo fans attack it by say they have no games...
Today XboxGamePass at 1€ new account give more games than nintendo o playstation to play included some top expensive priced as octopathtraveller etc ¯_(ツ)_/¯
same could happen for netflix,amazon luna,etc.
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I understand full well how it works, but comparing a platform that sells mobile games with platforms or storefronts, if you will, that sell PC games is like comparing Google Play with Steam.
Yes, they might dip their feet in PC gaming, but until they do, I don't believe speculations are going to do anything.
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People also say same this in the past about 1500€ 3 consoles itineraations or 800\1200€ PC gaming for play is needed and "cloud gaming" is a fail..
Then today wee see people play 59€ games as octopath traveler via streaming cloud at 1€ with xboxboxgame pass via xbox cloud gaming without need a powerful PC,
or play death stranding with raytracing via geforcenow for 10€ atmonth without need buy a 350€ rtx gpu and recently nvidia add the 99€ rtx3080 plan too
Also people that buy Bluray\Dvd movies man years ago saay netflix it's a fail,and today is one of the most top service for streaming and not need buy 59€ dvd...
i Don't understimate netflix,then if they success or not,and if they add more games or not,and pc games or not,time will tell,but understimate them or think that pc games will never com to netflix it's wrong in my opinion,we can't know what future they create.
it's a business,if they make profit,take more subscriptons,then can invest in more games too and probabily it become same xboxgame pass,psnow etc.,if vice versa NOT probabily they will"Remove" the "gaming" side..,only time will tell
One thing is sure,if a big company same netlix open a gaming side,it's for sure not for give only "4 mobile games" more will be added (we see already this whit the start of xboxlive then xboxgamepass,playstaationnetwork then psnow,amazon luna,stadia,bundles on stores as humble\fanatical and many otherrs)
And yes they can't be compared,it's different things and blablabla say all you want but the reeason is always the same,it's busines for mke profit money,give a service\bundle\subscripton for earn profit
So you star with a little catalogue,then add many,and expand,start with mobile,then maybe finish in PC\CLOUD ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Again, I know, but you are still basing all of this on speculations.
Cloud gaming is still on the same platform you have been using for your PC gaming, or through it (you gotta own the game to be able to play it on GFNow). This is not.
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i don't base on Speculations,i base in my Experience that is 30 years of player gamer.
Playstation and Xbox was not PC Gaming too when they start,today they are Playstation games is selled on Steam,PC owners can play PSNOW on PC
Same can be said for Xbox game pass and Xbox games has finishto be exclusiives xboxone consolees and come to PC.
So my experience tell me that this is something caan be done.
And Both Playstation Network and Xboxlive has star many years ago with a bunch of indie games.
Without to talk about Playstation buy Gaikai serverrs
There is NOTHiNG that can stop Netflix to start a Partnership orbuy others big companies hardware for offer a PCservice gaming cloud too
Time will tell,they just start today
maybe in future netflix also create netflixstudios that create and publish wonderful tripleaaa games for pc,all is possible,need wait some years and see what happen,xbox do it in 15 years not in 1 day,give time to netflix too ,then we will see
as a gamer\customer i don't exclude nothing,all is welcome,where cheaper and better deal i play,netflix,amazon,xbox,humble,epic and all others.
maybe also one day playstation or xbox or Nintendo games not onky pc will be on netflix,all is possible time\money will tell,these companies only care profit,they not care fanboysm or who own hw pc/consoles etc.
in more stores your game is and more you earn,this is future,the time of exclusives is finish
People until 5years ago say playstation games will never come to pc,today god of war,uncharted4 come on steam
people say tekken,pes,acecomat,finalfantasy will never go xbox or pc,today they is on pc and xbox
things change,nintendo/playstation gaming stores duopoly is finish
google,amazon,amd,nvidia,netflix,xbox,intel etc all can give stores,services,cloud in future,things change.
people in the past say sega is finish,fail today people play sega games on ps5,xboxseriesx,pc,stadia,cloud etc
i not exclude or understimate netflix,only because now the service looks like crap is not mean cant become same psnow,xgp,amazonluna,stadia etc
people say valve will never make a portable console today we have more than it,a portable pc steamdeck,things change.
"things change" a new serie on netflix 🤣
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when the majority of subscribers don't have any interest in mobile games - they will lose interest and this will be dead soon
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not true at all, mobile gaming is becoming its own seperate entity, not taking over anything.
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maybe but i doubt most people who sub to netflix are interested in a few odd games - i mean their are plenty of games for tablet for free already
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while they are only doing mobile games, there won't really be any crossover from xbox game pass or epic
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Sorry for the necro, but with Hades coming to Netflix iOS in 2024, I decided to post a little update on the current game list and some highlights:
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Who's phone here will be able to handle Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition though, haha.
I'm excited to download it and see how badly my phone runs it, and then delete it afterwards, but that's the extent of that experience haha.
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Can't imagine it's that hard, my phone emulates the Dreamcast well.
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Remember you get good remasters/remakes, and then you get bad ones.
With 4K AI generated textures, and a lighting mod thrown onto it. So I doubt the "Definitive Edition" was at all optimized, they prob just did those two things and released it.
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Weren’t they advertising that the iPhone 15 could handle a recent Assassins Creed or RE8 or something else fairly modern? If the phone can handle something like that, the GTA Trilogy shouldn’t be any challenge. I can only assume the same for any comparable Android
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Wow, that's a good selection, shame it's mobile only though, no way my phone is running any of these games.
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I wasnt aware of this, so valuable resurrection of a thread IMO.
Oxenfree 2 being available is noteworthy to me. That seems like an easy decision to play on Android.
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[Subscription] Netflix Games Announced
for now there is nothing interest me,5 mobile "games"
Card Blast
Stranger Things: 1984
Stranger Things 3: The Game
Shooting Hoops
Teeter Up
what will happen in future we will see,i dont exclude in future this can become same xboxgamepass,amazonluna,psnow etc or also can evolve to be cloud pc gaming too ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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