Notice: From now on, making multiple join request posts will (temporarily) cause your request to be denied, as they slow down my ability to process requests and can lead to errors in processing.
If you can access my giveaways (and thus aren't blacklisted) and I've left a response to the requests following yours, but skipped yours, then you may freely make a new join request.
Otherwise, please be patient, I'll get to requests as soon as I'm capable of doing so!

Positive Thoughts

This group is really just a way for me to avoid having to toss keys out into the general public (which constantly disappoints me) or having to make elaborate private giveaways [which I'm totally still going to do anyway, though :P].

As such, the only time you'll receive announcements is when a giveaway is posted;
There'll be no other obligations or spam or anything of the sort, other than members of the group needing to adhere to basic respectfulness toward others.

Requirements to join are as follows

  • Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.
    Contribution level 2+ and at least a 2:1 sent-won ratio.

  • No history of regifting

  • No SteamRep issues

  • Respectful attitude

  • You must be known for dancing on rainbows
    Don't know how to start? See here! and here!


Free time is always hard to come by- I'll get to your applications in the order they're posted: Stay patient! :)

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8 years ago*

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I can't dance, much less on rainbows, unless I can ONLY dance on rainbows.

8 years ago

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Just don't let anyone stop you from trying :)

8 years ago

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Let's Dance~~~ :D

8 years ago

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Okay :)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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  • level: 4
  • ratio: 14:1
  • rainbows: sort of..
View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Naturally, we don't discriminate against the color-blind :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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"Turtle Bear Turtle Bear Turtle" is actually a surprisingly catchy ditty.

8 years ago

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I never danced with rainbows before.

8 years ago

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It adds color to your life :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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<confirmed deleted>

8 years ago

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Hi there.

10 hrs only

8 years ago

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I one watched this to the end..
I think 10 hours of Nyancat would drive most people into a nice padded room, though :P
Though I've managed a few hours of it, myself. What is wrong with me :'(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sure thing, poke me when you reach level 2, assuming you can clear up that Beyond Good & Evil non-activation :)

8 years ago

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is there free spot?

8 years ago

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I want to make a point of apologizing to anyone with outstanding join requests-
SteamRep AND SGInfo have both been mostly nonfunctional for me the past few days, at least in the time spans I've had free to process join requests.

I'll process your requests as soon as I'm able! =O

8 years ago

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Users above this point have been vetted on SGTools.

8 years ago

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Users above this point have been sent invites if they met entry requirements.

Replies to comments will come later, when I'm less under the weather, :X

8 years ago

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Wait... Did you blacklist me for linking Dio?

Honestly, if that's true, I'm pretty happy to be on your list.

8 years ago

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Am I supposed to have any idea what that means?

8 years ago

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Page 2 this thread...

8 years ago

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Thanks for the detail.
No, I did not.

8 years ago

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Ah, Good for you then, that would have been pretty sad, and so unmanly. :P

8 years ago

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I'm... not exactly concerned about being unmanly :P

8 years ago

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But Skeletor is!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I make my own when I dance

lvl 5
Given way more than I won, esp if you include the random key drops I have done in my year and half here, as well as occasional special gifting threads. Starting to slowly get back into SG.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Omigosh, that dino. I wanna ride it!

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Do you have a free spot left ? :)

8 years ago

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You have four non-activated games, none of which show up in your library.
Please resolve this before making another join request :)

8 years ago

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I guess I qualify and would appreciate joining the group.

PS: Writing this while walking on a rainbow

8 years ago

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Walking... or skipping? ;)

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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Dang, while I can dance on rainbows, I'm not known for it because I can only do it when nobody is watching, not even me.

8 years ago

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I know them feels :'(

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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Thanks, yo, feeling the positive thoughts already :D

8 years ago

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Hi, I'm the leprechaun on the end of that rainbow you are all dancing on, waiting for you with a pot of games.
I really wanna join the fun. Is there a spot left for little old me?

8 years ago

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A spot for a pot, then? :)

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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Game ratio is by number of gifts or by value? If it's the latter, I think I meet all requirements.
And as for rainbows, just this afternoon I got hit by one and we had to do a dance off to determine who would call their rainbow insurance.

8 years ago

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You have to be within 9 games or 10% of games sent, and your won CV can't exceed your sent CV by more than 50%.
You're a bit over on the first, sorry :(

More importantly: Didja win the danceoff? =O

8 years ago*

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I think it was me. He danced from behind so my swing was strong. Hope I don't have to go to dance court.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Too bad I don't have respectful attitude :(

8 years ago

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Did waiting improve your attitude any? ;P

Really sorry about the wait :X

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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I think I can barely manage...

I created giveaway for my "GOTY" for even group... I wonder if I even bought any other new games this year... ;D

8 years ago

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Oh, event. Took me a moment :D

Well, that's, uh, uhm.. some kind of GOTY you've got there :'P

Well, you'll have plenty of chances at new games to compete for the title of your GOTY this month- I'm doing my best to ensure that >:D

8 years ago

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Which ratio a lvl 3 almost 4 must have to join?

8 years ago

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2:1 sent:won until you reach 4, when it becomes 1:1. :X

8 years ago

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Hey whats up. I think you skipped me. I wanted to join the group.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would like to join if I may :)

Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.

No history of regifting

No SteamRep issues

Respectful attitude ✓

You must be known for dancing on rainbows
uh, well... sweats nervously

8 years ago*

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You must be known for dancing on rainbows
uh, well... sweats nervously

Hey, what happens on the rainbow, stays on the rainbow-
At least, until you're comfortable bringing vibrant color to all parts of your life :)

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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Thank you very much :)

8 years ago

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Do i qualify?

8 years ago

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Only you can determine if your love of rainbows is strong enough to qualify you :)

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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aw I wanna join xD

8 years ago

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Alright! =O
And ha, your steam name was nice and easy to find for an invite :)

Invite sent (sorry for the delay)!
Make sure to read the most recent announcement in the group for information on our holiday event :)

8 years ago

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haha thanks, I will check out the holiday event:)

8 years ago

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Can i dance on rainbows nao?

8 years ago

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You need to be level 4 or have a 2:1 sent:won ratio to join. Sorry :(
You currently qualify otherwise, though, so just poke me again when your SG stats change! :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Sooth.