Notice: From now on, making multiple join request posts will (temporarily) cause your request to be denied, as they slow down my ability to process requests and can lead to errors in processing.
If you can access my giveaways (and thus aren't blacklisted) and I've left a response to the requests following yours, but skipped yours, then you may freely make a new join request.
Otherwise, please be patient, I'll get to requests as soon as I'm capable of doing so!

Positive Thoughts

This group is really just a way for me to avoid having to toss keys out into the general public (which constantly disappoints me) or having to make elaborate private giveaways [which I'm totally still going to do anyway, though :P].

As such, the only time you'll receive announcements is when a giveaway is posted;
There'll be no other obligations or spam or anything of the sort, other than members of the group needing to adhere to basic respectfulness toward others.

Requirements to join are as follows

  • Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.
    Contribution level 2+ and at least a 2:1 sent-won ratio.

  • No history of regifting

  • No SteamRep issues

  • Respectful attitude

  • You must be known for dancing on rainbows
    Don't know how to start? See here! and here!


Free time is always hard to come by- I'll get to your applications in the order they're posted: Stay patient! :)

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8 years ago*

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Sad for me then

8 years ago

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Just a bit more to go :)

8 years ago

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a different approach...

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8 years ago

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If the rainbows dance round you, while you dance on them, that's just all the more fun!

8 years ago

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Last time i danced on rainbows i forgot to take a pic.

8 years ago

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That's a shame :(

8 years ago

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I can dance on rainbows

8 years ago

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Good! We need more rainbow-dancing pteranodons!

8 years ago

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Jumping around counts as dancing right?

8 years ago

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Some have certainly suggested that that is the case..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I found this :-P would of been perfect if it was charitable losers lite :-P

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hey that's a good idea, was thinking about a way to get some games to more deserving people, and also to those who actually read descriptions (which from my tests only about 10% do).

Ah, and I ride rainbows only with karts ;-)

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8 years ago

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I love that series :)

Well, I guess so long as you're dancing INSIDE the kart, you're still doing it fine. :)

8 years ago

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Thx for the quick invite. Are there any guidelines for making group GAs? Like min length or should I consult you first?

8 years ago

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Do what you feel comfortable with :)

8 years ago

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Rainbow... pfff... I only do funny things when I can see two rainbows!

I took this photo few months ago :)

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8 years ago

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Start doing funny things at one, and just keep adding rainbows.

Until there's nothing but funny things and rainbows, everywhere.

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8 years ago*

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Damn , I'm a Charitable Winner .

8 years ago

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Oh, my.
But yes, you don't meet the requirements in either cont value or # :( But feel free to post if that changes! :)

8 years ago

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You're so nice it make me throw up ..
Not going to dance on that though :D

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8 years ago

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Apparently SG didn't post my comment last night- probably due to my internet problems.
Sorry 'bout that.
Good to see the invite went through fine, though :)

8 years ago

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No problem for that :) Thanks for the invite!

8 years ago

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Fortunately I'm a former rainbow dancer. :D You might have heard of my Gig in vancouver .
Would be glad about an invite.

8 years ago

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Sorry :X
It's 2:1 ratio if your Steamgifts level is below 4.
Let me know if your ratio or level increase, though! :D

8 years ago

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Hey - Check my avatars way of smiling - no doubt Im a crazy rainbow swinger

8 years ago

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Smile, indeed- I managed to get your data checked before SteamRep died on me again :P
Welcome ;)

8 years ago

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I like to robot rainbow dance!
Domo arigato! :3

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8 years ago*

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Very stylish :)

8 years ago

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I'm somewhere in the middle =)

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8 years ago

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Omigosh, that's adorable.
Looks so familiar, but I can't place the anime.. :(

8 years ago

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Gettin my dance on...

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8 years ago

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Dawn of Discovery isn't showing as activated on SGTools, nor is it showing in your library, but you've got it marked as received. It's not EA/pre-order, either, so not sure why it'd not be showing. :/

8 years ago

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He does have Anno 1404, which is the same game link.

8 years ago

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How the heck did I forget that, it only comes up regularly :P
And yeah, he's not in NA, and it'd explain why SGT isn't finding it.
Thanks, evort :)

8 years ago

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Ah yes, I was just about to reply but evort beat me to it. Cheers.

Damn, that's kind of annoying though, that SGT now has that for me.

EDIT.. Guess I gotta follow the instructions to report it to them.

8 years ago

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Not sure if I'm allowed to post the GA link now, but I'll write anyway what the GA creator wrote in the description:
"Apparently Anno 1404 goes under this title in the US, just in case Europeans were confused (just as I was)."

8 years ago

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Yeah, no, I even entered that one- as well as others before, where it came up several times.
I'm just a ditz, and forgot. :P
In my defense, it's currently 6 AM for me (and my comment was 2 hours ago) :)

Sorry :D

I'll clear your join request in just a bit, doing breakfast and whatnot :)

8 years ago

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You're forgiven! :p Seriously though, don't rush or anything. I'm sure I'll live in the meantime! :D

8 years ago

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Okay, don't you even dare die in the next few hours just to spite me. -.-

8 years ago

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Small chance I might be one of these by tomorrow:

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8 years ago

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Think I'm doing alright in the other criteria, but I have yet to dance on rainbows.

This is the closest I've seen to success.

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8 years ago

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Ride the rainbow, and never let go, and eventually the dancing'll come naturally :)

8 years ago

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When I dance it looks like this.
Hope I meet the requirements. ;)

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8 years ago

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Well.. I guess eating acid-trip-inducing chicken is one way to taste the rainbow :P

8 years ago

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initially i thought that since i am somehow in your whitelist, i do not need to join this group but after coming across this page again while searching for the answer for question 6 of calling out puzzle, i think that i should join since i am hardly in any private group and i barely made the necessary requirements, real cv 126:125. I can also help contribute to some giveaway when i feel like it. (planning to buy the humble jumbo bundle 5 - 4xcontagion)

8 years ago

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Hey, sorry about the wait :X
Been a rough month :|

Make sure to check the most recent announcement for info on our winter event :)

8 years ago

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I can dance on rainbows :D

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8 years ago

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Are you Batman?

8 years ago

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I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be.

8 years ago

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Hypnotic batman is hypnotic =O

8 years ago

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I like dancing on rainbows. It helped me to use a treadmill. Also I would like to join.

8 years ago*

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Treadmills are definitely a lot more interesting with rainbows involved :)

8 years ago

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So I decided to take you up on your suggestion. :)

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Great. Now I want a rainbow projector :(

8 years ago

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Sounds like a great group.

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8 years ago

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Looks like you may have tasted the rainbow a bit much, there :)

8 years ago

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I am 4+ but my ratio has suffered a bit in the past. I am an active community member and a frequent gifter, let me know if its possible, I would like to join the group.

8 years ago

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So I leave comment and you want to give me stuff and hope I might get into the grooves and rainbows and drop a pot or two?
Damn that's cool!

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8 years ago*

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Sure, that's it!
Just.. be careful how you drop those pots. :X

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Sooth.