Notice: From now on, making multiple join request posts will (temporarily) cause your request to be denied, as they slow down my ability to process requests and can lead to errors in processing.
If you can access my giveaways (and thus aren't blacklisted) and I've left a response to the requests following yours, but skipped yours, then you may freely make a new join request.
Otherwise, please be patient, I'll get to requests as soon as I'm capable of doing so!

Positive Thoughts

This group is really just a way for me to avoid having to toss keys out into the general public (which constantly disappoints me) or having to make elaborate private giveaways [which I'm totally still going to do anyway, though :P].

As such, the only time you'll receive announcements is when a giveaway is posted;
There'll be no other obligations or spam or anything of the sort, other than members of the group needing to adhere to basic respectfulness toward others.

Requirements to join are as follows

  • Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.
    Contribution level 2+ and at least a 2:1 sent-won ratio.

  • No history of regifting

  • No SteamRep issues

  • Respectful attitude

  • You must be known for dancing on rainbows
    Don't know how to start? See here! and here!


Free time is always hard to come by- I'll get to your applications in the order they're posted: Stay patient! :)

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8 years ago*

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yay!! rainbows and unicorns lol

8 years ago

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Yay! :)

8 years ago

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I can has invite?

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8 years ago

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Prince Adam: Celebrating Rainbows from the start.

8 years ago

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Well I have needed an excuse to enjoy more rainbows. So I would like to apply, if nothing else to get me back in the groove. Reading, dancing, karting, it's all good fun.

8 years ago

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Can't ever have too many rainbows :)

8 years ago

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I am not a good dancer so i brought Rainbows with me;

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8 years ago

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You're so full of color!

And now, so is the room o.o

8 years ago

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Now you can dance everywhere on the room!

8 years ago

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yes! Dancing Dancing!! :D

8 years ago

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Dancing the night away!
[Because rainbows are hard to see in the dark :(
So away with you night, AWAY!]

8 years ago

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Going to bed :X
I'll add more people and giveaways tomorrow! =O
Thanks for all the interest! :D

8 years ago

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May I join? I like rainbows...and chicken

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8 years ago

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Ah yes, the classic 'LSD-battered Hot Wings'.
Good times, good times.

8 years ago

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Does real losers can enter too

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ah from my very early times on SG when I didn't know the rules. I think I am doing well since then but anyways it is still history :)

8 years ago

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:( That sucks.
As long as you have the game in your library at some point, it doesn't count against you. [And if it' over a year old, I'd probably make an exception, as well.] But until then, it wouldn't really be fair to everyone else in the group to add you, especially given how strongly some of them feel about the topic. :(

You're certainly doing well though, no doubt! :)

8 years ago

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I got the game though, don't wanna black spot in my history :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Can I bring a Lego-Rainbow?

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8 years ago

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It might hurt to try and dance on that.. >_<

8 years ago

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But at least you definitely WILL dance (in some sort of way...)

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8 years ago

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me ? :c
I can dance like an otter as well

edit: Uhm just to be clear, my gift won value is bugged atm

8 years ago*

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Yes, but can you build a rainbow dam?

'cause that would be awesome.

You're safe for now- If it gets to 150%- by glitch or not- of the sent value, it MIGHT mean a temporary break from the group, however. :X

8 years ago

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Sure !

I'll try to increase my gifted value, I'm pissed every time that happens :c

8 years ago

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Nice group, keep up the good work, and count me out. I have no plan to be known for dancing on rainbows. (And I don't enter giveaways and ignore group invites anyway, so there's that.)

8 years ago

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Ohhhh, the classic reverse psychology trick.
Well I won't fall for i- really, why don't you want to join my group?
Is it not good enough for you?

Also, dancing on rainbows is awesome, and you know it.:P

8 years ago

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I love dancing, I just don't care to be known for this particular aspect of it. :)

If you don't mind staying on my unaccepted list, you're welcome to invite me. Your invite will be in good company, there are some very nice groups there (like Charitable Losers). I don't accept them, don't reject them, they just sit there like badges of honour. It's like all the game keys I never activate. I'm just strange. :) (But really, I won't participate so there's not much point in joining.)

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I'm not sure what to say to that :X

8 years ago

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You can see the rainbow in the video :3
And its me dancing :3

8 years ago

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I have a fake unconfirmed report on SR, so I guess I'm out? >.<

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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(Though they're showing as 'unconfirmed report', and not 'no special reputation', your reply is a solid one :D)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Suppose so! Though those aren't the pages I'm looking at :D

8 years ago

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Everything is case-by-case.
In this case, they left negative feedback on SG, and the whole circumstances there make it pretty easy to dismiss the matter without even worrying about assessing the SteamRep status :P
Though with out any other (legitimate) negative marks to be found against you, an unconfirmed report wouldn't disqualify you in any case :)

8 years ago

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I dance in my mind, I haven't seen real rainbow in ages :(

8 years ago

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The mind can show you some beautiful rainbows to dance to, however..

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8 years ago

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true, but sometimes I'd like to get real deal too :D

8 years ago

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I would like to apply (if there's still a spot)

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8 years ago

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Rainbows have stripes, not spots, silly! =O

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8 years ago

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This is an artistic representation of me

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8 years ago

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there are two characters there - which one are you?

8 years ago

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I'm the blond guy, it's one of my signature traits.

8 years ago

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More pressingly, does that second star on the right lead to Neverland? =O

8 years ago

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Yeah, but sadly Michael is no longer there :(

8 years ago

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I dance on rainbows' graves, because my negativistic thinking makes them shrivel and die. Does that count? :-|

8 years ago

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Rainbows never die- if they disappear, it's simply a trick of the light, a passing darkness, or lies told to dishearten you.
But so long as you hold faith, the rainbow shall rise again!

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8 years ago

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Can I join?

8 years ago

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Really hard to dance on rainbows nowadays, since it hasn't rain enough for a while... :s

would be glad if you considered me to join your ranks :)

8 years ago

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We make our own rainbows where we must;
And keep careful watch for the rainbows the world sneaks by us, so we don't miss them :)

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8 years ago

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Gonna take that into account ...

thx for invite :)

8 years ago

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Share the rainbow, taste the rainbow!
I hope get inv :)

8 years ago

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And here I thought getting rainbows in your hair could only be awesome.. :X

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8 years ago

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Please note, you need to maintain a less-than-110% won:sent ratio. With your current 110 games sent, that'd mean 120 games won or less. You're a few games over, at the moment ;)
You've three days to bring the ratio back within that range, or you'll be temporarily ejected from the group :X

8 years ago

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Thanks for informations, I will change it soon :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Plenty of room over here!
Come on over, the color is fine!

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8 years ago*

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I believe I qualify. May I have an invite?

8 years ago

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I'm sorry, I'm going to need to see some qualifications for you being qualified to qualify yourself as being qualified, before I can qualify your statement =O

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8 years ago*

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I dont dance on rainbows i run circles around them=>

8 years ago

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Nothing wrong with that...

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Pff- well played. :)

8 years ago

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Winter is coming, can I dance in snow? :D

8 years ago

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If you believe hard enough, rainbows will come to you.

And even if they don't..

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Sooth.