If Dota 2 doesn't count, and I think it shouldn't, then it's Pokemon Crystal for me. I don't really remember how many time, but I played it as a kid, the Japanese version. Yeah I don't know how the **** I completed it that time(complete as in beat Red the final boss, not collect all the pokemon), well I didn't know English either, so language doesn't really matter. And then as I grew older a bit, learned English and replayed Crystal and other Pokemon games, but I must say Crystal is the best version, huge maps, huge content,... Every once in a while, I would pick it up, beat the whole game, rinse and repeat.
I never have a chance to touch a real GBA though, the emulator on PC run very fast so it doesn't take that much time. If I played on a real GBA then I don't think I could play that much.
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I liked fire red too. I really liked the first gens, don't know why but I think 2D is better, the DS games' pokemon doesn't look as beautiful for me, maybe because of the style. I liked Yellow the best, because of Pikachu xD, thus my current username, hoped for a remake like fire red and leaf green :D
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I rarely play again a game I've finished. The few I can recall are Mafia I (which I consider as the best game I've ever played), COD Modern Warfare, Prince of Persia The Two Thrones and NFS Most Wanted (the original one).
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Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 3
Mass Effect
Half Life
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassin's Creed 1, 2, Brotherhood
Splinter Cell 1,2,3
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
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deus ex: hr - 4 times
dishonored - 4 times
half-life 2 - 4 times
hitman absolution - 3 times
borderlands 2 - 3 times
batman: ac - 2 times
portal 2 - 2 times
mirror's edge - 2 times
that's all I can remember right now, these are of course not right after I finish, mostly I repeated them after couple of months, since they are all masterpieces for me, I'd like to play them occasionally..
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+1 for mirror's edge
The game has high replay value. If only the game was not so short though.
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Nowdays i dont replay games too much, back then i was hooked with C&C Generals, Zeus Master of Olympus and UT2004, somehow these games was the perfect games to pass my time with joy.
Games i completed atleast twice i remember:
Half-Life 2
Bioshock Infinite
Batman Arkham City
Borderlands 2
Call of Duty 4
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Portal 1, 2
Tomb Raider 2013
The Stanley Parable :P
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Day of the Tentacle
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
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Devil May Cry 3 and Resident Evil 4 surely take the place for me.
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Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. I had to have played that through at least 5-6 times.
Torchlight 2 I played to NG+++ on 3 different heroes.
Most other games I will usually play through once then maybe dust it off a good while later if I get bored.
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Baldur's Gate 2: my estimate is about 2000 hours in it, so at least 20 times I guess. maybe more, maybe less. I have a lot of stopped characters near the Friendly Arm in part (usually playing Trilogy mod).
Deus Ex: Easily more than 30. I think I have reached the point where I actually know the location of all NPCs, hidden items, and routes by heart now. All I lack is the speedrun strats/glitches, for some reason I was never interested in it, even though I love watching speedruns.
Super Mario Bros 3: 100 times? More? Never was actually good at it, it was just my only game with UMK3 on my SNES for 4 years.
If skirmish play would count, I would also say Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge (strangely vanilla, not modded) and Age of Empires 2. I have sinked more than a thousand hours into both.
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What video games have you played the MOST? As in, what games have you played through (So obviously not a sandbox game, something with a completable storyline.), finished, and then replayed more than any other game you've ever played? I have a few.
Geneforge Series- I lost track after the 30th time I played through this series but I have played it an extensive amount of times after that. Honestly its been too much to count.
Dragon Age Origins- 19 times.
I also remember as a young kid I had some math-teaching game where you ran an arcade, I did that story at least 15 times, maybe/probably more.
Oh and Oblivion. I played through that 11 or 12 times.
Then lastly Prototype with about 5 or 6 playthroughs.
I wanna add Battlefront 2 into here too. I played that through a number of times, about 5. Not sure how many though so i'll just leave it at the bottom of this list.
And obviously there's more but that's enough I do think for my list =P
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